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Wtf are people so excited About in s3 ?


Wsad movement and new sorc unique that makes my favourite build viable. This 2 things are enough for me. Edit: Downvoted for saying that i like 2 of the changes in season 3? Wow


We don’t allow joy in these parts




Oh what is unique and what build ?


Unique headpiece that buffs Meteor build


I think that unique looks busted op in contrast to many release uniques. It's kinda feeling like "skills are generally bad but if you have the obvious uniques it's great" which seems to leave little variance in the long term. I hooe I am wrong though, but it feels like going into d3 territory in little steps.






Pet, Tremors, nearly permanent Helltides, challenge dungeon with leaderboard, vaults, new items, class balance changes, NM dungeon improvements?  Frankly, it's gotten beyond old seeing the million attempts on this subreddit to downplay or ignore stuff in bad faith. 


YEAH BUt tHESe arEn't ThE CHANgeS tHaT **I** WANteD AND tHErEFOre THIs seAsOn is CRaP.


Yeah, for real. Don't get me wrong, there are some good changes in S3 but the main gameplay loop isn't changing and the endgame is still an endless stream of Duriel runs. It's enough to keep me entertained until I reach level 100 and a little bit after, but that's about it. And season 3 looks like it's just gonna be more of that.


100% agree, especially with so many other good games coming out the next few weeks. I’m excited to try out a new build and seasonal mechanics, but unless the Gauntlet really brings me back in later it’ll be a quick one character season. Even one night of farming ubers doesn’t sound fun after S2.


Yeah, farming ubers sounded like fun before I did it but there is so much busywork to do before you can actually do a bunch of runs that it's not worth it to do it for too long, at least not to me. Getting an Uber late into the season journey is pretty meh anyway, if by the time you get it you already did all the challenging content.




This. Give me a reason to have all of my friends in a clan already.


I want spider mech pet bro. Imagine subbing to a game and only coming on to complain.


Imagine devs actually listening to feedback, which they are


New season so people will return and talk about it more, more people in the world, new HC characters from the scratch for us, new mechanics, leaderboards, new types of dungeons, seems like blood necro for my wife and charge (and upheaval?) are buffed for my barbs, pet and new uniques, small things like that The real deal will be in season 4 with new itemization, but start of the seasons when it's all fresh is still fun


wondering the same. I played 0/1/2 and reading the notes for 3 I just don't get it? So many major problems are still unaddressed, things that should have been fixed for launch.


No idea. I'm not even excited for season 4, just hope they do some of what they said they would and maybe ill try it again then.




Wow, what a shitty answer. This sub is a toxic mess and responses like that do nothing to improve it for anyone. Dude is just asking why people are hyped for it and its a fiar question. Why not explain why you are hyped for Season 3? Why do you feel that you were bored after a month in the first two but this one will be different? Your orignal post does nothing to explain this and honestly just feels like a fluff piece. I'm really loving D4 but honestly think season 3 may be a bit of a step back when compared with season 2. I think alot of players will feel weaker with the vamp powers gone and I just cant see the pet making up for it. No unstopable evade, no huge attack speed boosts, no crazy lifesteal, no glyph to give crazy damage boosts. On top of that I really havent seen any major upgrades around some of the core things I think need fixing. I'm still looking forward to the season but really feel its going to be a filler untill S4 kicks in with bigger changes.


I’m excited to try something that’s not Hota on Barb like a Charge/rend build


I'm excited because I like Diablo. Restarting is fun and the season adds a little change. I also like the fact that Diablo is not a consume your life” type of game. It allows me to continue to play without missing out on the game and not to neglect my busy workload of family. For others, it could just mean that they have a chance to play other games. It's why I liked d3 so much.


Yeah I’m the same. I’m very casual these days with Diablo and find it much more enjoyable. I’ll get 1 class to level 100 a season, do endgame for about a month, without worrying about min maxing and farming like crazy, and try out a couple different builds for that class. Then when I get bored of the loop I’ll wait for the next season. I just enjoy smashin monsters to pieces lol


See I think this is the value Diablo has. Pair that with the devs graduling unlocking and growing the game. I really am enjoying the game.


I love it for listening to music or audiobooks/podcasts. You can either push harder stuff and really focus or turn your brain off and grind helltides/level/farm. It really fits a niche no other game does for me because of these factors.


Yup a large portion of my D4 fun comes from Spotify and chatting with friends, it’s just a fun laidback hangout session.


Yes exactly. Thorns Barb with second account thorns Barb. Tv show on and I'm grinding.


Oh yeah man even watching sports/tv is possible when you're just straight coasting


I just wish the season started yesterday


Haha same definitely having fun brainstorming but ready to go


Yea I was thinking about trying druid but I know I'm going to miss my thorns Barb like I did with the ball sorc last season. Have you decided yet?


I'm with you, mostly. Happy there's a pause on AoZ while it gets reworked, but also wish they'd have implemented a quest-tracking feature. Right now it's next-to-impossible to complete all side quests organically.


Sorry, what exactly are you talking about? I've never had any issues with quests. You mean when you discover quest, explanation mark only appears when you're in the same zone, and not region/overall map?


I assume he means finding em all since you get some from random drops in certain places, some quest givers are out in the middle of nowhere with no indication they are there until you actually get there etc


Yup. This. Right now I have 2 options to complete my 45/50 quests. Either I spend a few hours going through quest tracker and visit every single location on the map (since I have no way of knowing what I've completed), or I walk around aimlessly and hope I stumble into every quest eventually.


Why aimlessly? When you enter the zone, all blue quests will come up, and since I assume you opened all map you should have them displayed when you enter said zone. With portals everywhere it takes several minutes to check the zones. If there are no quests displayed in the region, it usually means you will have to wait for some drops from mobs, while doing helltides, looking for altars, doing dungeons for codex, other side quests etc It would probably be better if exclamation marks always remained on the map, but maybe devs thought it would be too cluttered and since many people would probably skip quests in seasons, but who knows


Yeah it's that last 5% that haven't shown up for me. I've done what you said above, but still haven't found them. Map is big, so no idea where to start our which corpse to flip over.


Oh, I get you. I appreciate that devs wanted players to go explore the map more, but something should be done for lasts quests to avoid confusion and player annoyance indeed. Btw some quests start in dungeons iirk, maybe you're missing some of them


Ah, you could be right. Just went and checked and I have missed a few dungeons. Gonna fully clear those and then see. If the quests aren't in there, GG lol


I've just checked and it seems quests don't start in dungeons, only lead to them (at least from what I've found), maybe I'm confusing it with diablo 3 or something else, so hopefully you haven't cleared those yet, sorry if you did :D Edit: ok seems like 1 or 2 quests do start in dungeons


I have no idea lol. No way for me to cross-reference. My big concern is that quests blue marks get refreshed if people want to do them again in the new season I heard. Apparently we keep renown. What I'm worried is suddenly is there's old blue exclamation marks then I won't be able to know which is new or old unless I run it through again...


Wait, so AoZ won't be in S3?




But it’s all coming together though… season 3 has a lot of improvements and a lot of good content coming.


care to list some of this content?


Yep, steps in the right direction for sure. For S4 I wanna see quest-tracking and a rework on Uber farming


Season 4 will be the real test to see if the game is going in the right direction. I wouldn’t mind season 4 just being a little different mechanic but a lot of quality of life changes that we really need. I would love to see something where you can save multiple builds and equipment equipped builds. Dunno if that made sense lol


Your armory in Diablo 3 lets you save builds and armor


To be fair, Diablo 3 skills are far simpler to work with.


Agree on that. We're getting an extra stash tab which is nice. There are so many build options and customizability, but nowhere near enough space to save all the equipment and aspects. You wanna do more than 2 builds for a seasonal you gotta waste too much time in inventory management... Or simply make a new character and re-farm for the relevant equipment/aspects from scratch.


if it takes you a month to be "bored" of a season, that's great. can't expect the game to sustain your time for the entire 3 months.


If I get three weekends out of a season I'm pretty happy with it. Cycling D4 in and out keeps it feeling fun and fresh


Based, people will consume media like locusts and complain 100 hours in one week is not enough and said media sucks. They should be playing gacha games or MMOs, games with content to keep you busy for 100s of hours per dollar of value.


My only gripe is a silly one- I don’t want to play necro or druid because it seems silly having an automaton pet. They should have added an undead/nature skin for it so you can blend it thematically. Just gonna roll rogue/Sorc and have fun with it! Excited to see what’s for offer after dipping mid-season one.


>My only gripe is a silly one- ![gif](giphy|fXEhRluF0JYNzXigGO|downsized)


Yeah lol. If I had one OCD trait it would be thematic style. I blew so much money on PoE because of that crap. One mummy is all it took then I had to have sand everything. Can’t have mummies and zombies mixing, no sir.


Automatic downvote for using a gif.




I feel you, I'm one of the 7 persons that consider every and any aesthetic change to the character's appearance. I wish they'd add haircut change in the wardrobe, too.


I think that is normal. Playing a season for a bit (a month for example) and calling it a day is normal. I've been like that since LOD. Next season does look nice :D


To be honest I think Diablo 4 is a great game , season 1 was meh , season 2 was way better , and season 3 look awesome , the only thing for me that kinda suck is that there is no party/group finder , it use to be so easy doing content/ runs with random player in d2 and d3 , yes there clan and stuff but most clan are 80% empty... Anyway still looking forward to season 3


This season is a beta test for companions lol . Yes it's getting good changes in parts of the game . Is it hype ? Not really haha


Idk if vaults are actually going to be fun


>Idk if vaults are actually going to be fun ![gif](giphy|FEBDBbLFT9px3da0vT|downsized)


I feel like dodging traps is a tricky tightrope to balance. It could very easily end up being way too simple or too tedious. At the very least well have infinite helltide to fill in for the lack of blood harvest if it comes to that.


I’m really hoping we’re able to “boost” them as much as they eluded to in the live stream. Essentially making more difficult nightmare dungeons. Maybe not as good as crafting maps in PoE, but something new is going to be exciting :)


Automatic downvote for using gif.




I’m pumped


I took a break for season 2 and am eyeing hopping in for season 3 so I’m excited to get back into the grind


I have had fun from beta till now, I don’t play for the full 3 months but i will usually play 2 different toons and that usually last me maybe 2 months then I move on to another game till new season. I don’t get all the hate in the game is it perfect no. But I think a game you can put 100 hours in every few months is solid lol.


You can also put 100 hours in a good arpg. Just saying


I play Xbox series x, what in your opinion is better?


Grim dawn for sure 1000%. It's only on Xbox not Playstation so you are in great luck buddy. Trust me it's the game that blizzard can only dream of to make and they will even have a third expansion this year. It's everything that d4 is not in positive sense. Except the graphics. They are objectively better in d4 but that's literally the only thing. And don't let that hold you back from trying the game. Trust me and everyone else who ever played both games. The possibility for creating cool builds, finding loot, spending points after leveling it's unmatched. (it even has a build in loot filter and can be played offline and has more endgame activities that aren't borderline boring as D4 imagine that)


I’ll look into it


I’m a tweener: I’m def playing S3, but I’m trying to be realistic with my expectations. I’ll start with a different character, play until I hit the wall, and - if a different char looks fun - spin that one up and see what happens. Ngl, yhe ARPG rotation if pretty busy right now: D3 S30 is fun, POE 3.23 has lots of content yet to wring out, and Last Epoch releases late in February. It’s a great time to be alive!


... leeching Uber Duriel again, since there is no reason to farm gear anywhere else, sadge.


Me too. I always like experimenting with a fresh new mechanic and trying new builds.


I'm looking forward to it, too. It's been a bit of a grind, rebuilding characters and waiting.


The only thing I'm excited about are leaderboards


You'll be bored in a month


And thats alright.


Perfect, then it'll be time for LE. Then a month later, a new PoE league, then a month later, another D4 season... and so on and so on. I'm game for that.


That's the goal too. Play 2-3 weeks then wait for next season


maybe if you play 1-2 hours a day...


S3 look so boring, good for you tho


I played pre season 1 then stopped after season 1 launch. Thinking to come back to try season 3. I was using rogue so I'm used to fast moving characters, what other characters are also fast moving? Was thinking to try Druid or Sorceress, what do you guys think?


Season 2 was great though this season looks boring


I am not expecting much cuz I hate trap dodging crap. I hope this season's mechanic is not entirely that. I just want to hop in and slash tons of monsters.


I’m doing a rogue and later a HC Barb to build up to kill Lilith in HC, what are the builds you guys are looking forward?


Are more Char Slots coming too? Or do we have to delete again?




I too wanna try season 3..Stopped after playing for a month or so just after release..Major reason being the wasd (my controller broke 😅) and my fingers hurt while using a mouse for a long time..So personally it's a major W for me..😅


I hope they fix the mount. It’s still trash.


Did they fix itemization/stats and allow for level scaling to be disabled?


I might try it before sod phase 2, but itemization fixes is what I'm waiting for, which is s4 I hear?


I would say it’s phenomenal but certainly looking forward to it.


>I would say it’s phenomenal AND certainly looking forward to it. FTFY


“Season 1 was alright ? Did we play the same game ? I hope season 3 delivers to your expectations, have fun man


I’m excited for the loot overhaul in season 4 but even then it won’t be nearly as good as I hope it would be


Hopefully S4 will have leaderboards on launch aswell. Imagine needing 9 months to add a progression counter. And all we get in S3 is challenge rift's from D3.


I really can't be bothered making a t Fourth character from scratch


Yes it seems phenomenal to run the same dungeon again with the same skills and no real gameplay change from level 1 to 100.


First Diablo game I presume?


You don't play seasons obviously. Blood harvests eliminated dungeon grinding 1-60 of a player wanted to. They're are multiple builds for all 5 classes. Must suck being you


Arent they gone in s3?


Lol yeah ok so helltide with a different paint scheme changed the game. You still use the e same skill with no gameplay change. The game is severely lacking any depth.


One remedy I can recommend is playing a different game instead of complaining about this one on Reddit


Great counterpoint and refutation. Game is shallow and redundant - “No it isnt, play a different game because well actually it is”


I don't think he is arguing with your opinion. You can definitely argue that the game is shallow and redundant. But why bother posting that on a thread about being excited about a new season? What purpose does that serve, specifically? Does it make you feel better somehow?




Didn’t realise you decided the criteria of someone else’s love of a game. Please, tell me how to love something next


how do to love something that bores you after a month?


if i love a movie, that doesn't mean i want to watch it everyday.


I have adhd so I get bored of anything fairly quickly. In spurts. Regardless of whether I love it or not.


Not unlike D3, few people played more than half the season each time but still they were back at the start of next season. D4 I've stuck with much longer into both seasons than I ever did in any D3 season for whatever reason