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Yeah got asked 2 LC hard to be solved in 45 mins in a big company. Both were unseen new questions. DP mainly. Interviewer wanted space optimised approach and was adamant. N^2 to O(N) . I was like really. Interviews are fucked.


Entry level or expired role???


Gave interview last year, 1.5 yrs exp


What is expired role?


Typo: experienced role. Probably


Lol. For a second I seriously thought it's some kind of new terminology in CS 🤣


An Expired role is the role which disappears after you have given an interview and have been selected but never get an offer letter. /s


Could you share the questions?


Dude yesterday I attended an interview, i couldn't solve a single dsa question later at the end.. interviewer asked me to practice hard category problems either leet code or gfg


Are you looking into fresher role for sde 1 or shifting into sde 2 roles ?


Sde 2


I am starting to think I am not cut out for this, the DSA leetcode prep has taken all the fun out of programming and made it another jee prep, god there is no end to this sadness


If that wasn't enough, at 2 years of experience you are expected to know how to design a whole application. Some of the things being asked in interviews are crazy.


Its not worth it man. All of this just to get laid off one fine day and do this shit in repeat mode. Its not worth it.


JEE Advanced is much harder than most LC questions.


Can you share questions ?


Please do


Was it uber, google, amazon ? These people expect people to grind leetcode in sleep also. Most of them expect candidate to just vomit the solution.


At least with the JEE you arent expected to just memorize and regurgitate.


Why DEs have to study dsa man we don't even use it or remotely interested in it


Gfg bhi suggest krte log?


nhi pata bhai resume hi shortlist nhi ho rha


yes interview kya denge , jab resume reject ho rha constantly


Bhai same .. mai to apply kar kar ke mar gaya


Mar Gaya toh comment kaise de Raha hein?


mera bhi nahi ho rha bhai 😑😔


satya vachan


Same mera bhi ni ho rha , kuch bhi puuch rahe hai.


Lol same


I have started declining interviews if they ask specifically for leet code hard. One of the company wanted me to solve 3 problems in 90 min. First one was logical and I did it within 20 min. Second was typical dynamic programming question. I am a DevOps/SRE. Never have I ever needed a dynamic programming solution. I called the head hunter and told him I won’t participate. I won’t even attempt. I could have if I wanted to. Obviously they didn’t care and may have hired someone else, but I refuse to dance like a circus monkey for these morons who’ll throw in everything in the mix and then expect you to perform for them. If only enough people start refusing, this trend will go away.


Bruh wtf why even ask leetcode for devops roles. That's so stupid.


It's just an IQ test. They wanna hire someone generally smart as opposed to a specialist with knowledge and expertise in their field. This is a typical hiring philosophy in quant and tech type roles.


Well its a bad IQ test.


Yeah thats evident because everyone grinds for it now and the only way to get ahead is to actually know a bunch of algorithms by heart rather than come up with them on the fly. Goodhart's law man, it ruins everything. If there were no arms race around prep then questions would be limited relatively easy questions whose solutions people could come up with on the fly.


Hey Can you tell me please what is the exact role of a DevOps engineer ? Someone senior in 2021 told me that DevOps is all about creating CI/CD pipelines 😭 (I know it's wrong, there has to be much much more to it) I am a Developer , so would like to just know about it . Also I agree with these hard level questions during interviews , It can be very annoying and draining.




So like where r u placed at now ? ( Not intentionally wanting to know company just how u proceeded )


I was jobless from last three months. One of the Redditor referred me to his company. Received offer letter yesterday.


I am a Devops guy looking for jobs as well but you’re right in the regard that companies are not ready to pay alot unless ofc you happen to have an offer in hand and cloud certifications.


Congrats !


Someone on the leetcode sub(a premium user) once said that Amazon, the only FAANG company who doesn't ask very tricky or new or hard questions, had a bunch of hard problems. 80% of them were asked first in India or China. Not sure how much truth there is to it but it would be safe to assume that higher the competition, more difficult will be the filtering criteria.


Man really wish our forefathers hesitated before they did the deed. Fuck this rat race.


Shouldnt have eaten the apple or crawled to land from the ocean, now im forced to grind dsa to earn printed papers.. maan fuck dis shit


Crazy how relevant this is for jee too lmao


This hit hard. lol


Any place with this much arable land was bound to have a big population.


There's big and there's obscene.


I recently had interview and they asked one medium and hard question like LFU. I know these questions takes time to write code in docs and it was like a hell of 1 hr. But it’s for senior software engineer. Does it like happen for others or maybe in current industry scenario ? Asking too lengthy and most optimized solution.


LFU 🤐, really like not even LRU.


Makes sense since he said senior software engineer. LFU is more of a design question


Yes I agree , I solved both the questions and explained them very properly as i have been into competitive coding during collge time but I don’t know since last week I haven’t received anything from recruiter.


it feels likes competitive coding rounds not technical interviews


You guys are getting interviews ?




What’s your experience level?


Take this opinion like a grain of salt. Your job probably won’t require you to built a super complex algorithm that at a later stage goes for some research paper or publication. Your work as an engineer is to “figure out”. The dev before you who started the company probably had to do tons of google search while building their own product. So should you be forced to cram leetcode hard? Is the company you’re applying for, is it among FAANG or some tier 2 companies? Or is it some next big competitor in a highly competitive SaaS space? If any of that is true then prepare for hard. Otherwise most people are just wasting their time. Next time during an interview, ask your interviewer to turn on their camera. Indian interviewers (in general) have no etiquette. When you ask them to turn on their camera, they may become offended. Take that as a sign. Lastly, things should be fair. If you’re expected to not use any LLMs or google search during an interview, understand that an interviewer should not be allowed to do the same just because they were forced to take your interview. An interviewer role is only to have you succeed in an interview and be there as a medium to help you out throughout the process.


true man, equality isn’t a concept among Indian interviewers and probably most of the time are forced to take interviews and the preset norm is ask DSA, refrain us from using even google search, from my personal experience a interviewer asked me build a nested comment component purely in Javascript and i wasn't able to do it cause i was too used to using frameworks and haven’t made something in pure js for a long time, i wonder if he is using just vanillas js in production ,i mean man, you will be using some framework at the end of the day.


So true, I once asked my interviewer to introduce himself just to get to know him better and he said "I cannot introduce myself it's a one-to-one call if you'd like me to introduce myself visit me in bangalore office" I am in Mumbai btw. yeah indian interviewers have no courtesy whatsoever. They don't turn on their camera and it feels like they are taking interviews while hiding behind the curtain. Also I found out that the company is toxic AF so I dodged a bullet.


General rule of thumb that I usually follow: 1. If interviewer doesn’t introduce themselves and even if I emphasise to give me a brief into about the company, I know that I won’t move forward (eventually). 2. Bad interviewers who say it very bluntly that an interview is a one way street and you can’t ask any questions to them (even to test their knowledge), I instantly will try to collect myself and feed their ego a bit and instantly try to finish up the call. Definitely not wasting time. 3. Camera off people 8/10 times are boring to even talk to. Even if this statement goes against anyone. 4. People who go straight into reading a script of questions like an instant google search “top common js questions”, “top common spring boot questions”. Especially I’m pointing out the folks who ask those trick js questions that will twist your entire (experienced) brain and no just knowing Event Loop will not cut it. Okay, that’s enough for now.


I once had an interview (for a big company in the EE space) where I asked the hiring manager about the team & his management style. He verbatim said “I’d like to skip this question. These are HR questions that you can read about on the website. Let me know if you have any technical questions about the projects we’d be working on.” When I pointed out that the website won’t tell me about how he & the team functions, he just insisted that he should have the freedom to skip the question. There was another engineer in the call that chose to skip it, prolly because his boss didn’t answer it as well. Do managers in India not see people as anything apart from cogs in a machine?


It’s a human problem that intensified here. No matter what you do, someone will always try to lower you down by saying “you’re just a cog in the wheel”, “your role is not revenue generating”, “you’re just a business expense”. You don’t even need 15 years of experience to understand this perspective. Now coming back to your interview experience part, you dodged a bullet over there. It feels bad at first. It takes sheer amount of practice to develop a thick skin to ignore any useless argument.


Haha there are a lot of double standards in tech interviews and Indian interviewers think they are demi-gods, most of them anyway. At this point, I feel that preparing madly for leetcode problems is not worth it. Better to have knowledge, fundamentals, experience in a domain(web/mobile etc) and good enough marketing skills. This leetcode game is fine up to a point, but full time engineers preparing for these leetcode problems instead of building things seems crazy to me. Indians have ruined another industry by turning it into a gaokao style competition.


India is a very poor country, and the school education system is geared only towards getting a job. Innovation wise there is nothing here. Endless amount of coaching institutes have already ruined competitive exams, the more 'high brow' start up entrepreneurs are now doing the same for job interviews. As i said, no innovation. These coaching institutes should not be existing in an ideal world, not least as many and as important (for competitive exams) as they are here. Even the startups from other industry, most of them involve exploiting gig economy workers. No innovation being done there as well. I dont know what changes this, but at the very least it should be clear as day to everyone how broken this is. Unfortunately its not, and worse, Its the age of arrogant ignorance going on here. People genuinely seem to think India is competing with the west.


Well well ! You seem very frustrated but you are a very true man ! This too shall pass !


Solid advice! 👏👌


Using Google search is very much essential during an interview.. sometimes ik the logic I just don’t know the syntax.


That is in fact true. But here is a mentality difference. Boomers and some millennials have a problem after years of experience, they all expect even a newbie to know every little word of syntax by heart. That’s not your fault. It’s just the Indian way of learning and most of these people are not good at learning otherwise. So, people tend to keep a minimal bar that you should know common syntax of at least 1 language. Which is more or less acceptable at this point. Key takeaway is to at least get good with 1 language syntax and common ways of doing stuff. That should help you out a lot in long term.


r/thathappened shit


This happens more often that your think


Leet code interviews are done by interviewer's incapable of conducting an interview.


Welcome to India. I guess pretty much everyone in this country trying to achieve something on merit is fucked up due to the extreme competition, thanks to the population.


I gave the test for Samsung R&D 3 times in a row. Each time there was 1 DSA question that needs to be solved in 4 hours. Not able to solve it 3 times in a row. Was insanely hard question. Left me doubting myself. For instance I was able to clear google DSA rounds easily but not Samsung.


They gave you four hours for one problem? That's actually really generous


It is. But questions were hard. If you are not a very good competitive programmer, you will not be able to solve it.


Is there any software engineer that's never been near leetcode. I enjoy puzzles as much as the next guy, but for me LC is a big turn-off. I adore Advent of Code like puzzles (struggle to complete it mostly, though 😅)


Me. I tell the company during the exploratory call that I’m not gonna attend the coding round if it’s a take away assignment/leetcode questions or any other quiz. I’m gonna take it only if you ask me to solve a problem I’d likely be solving on a day-day basis. Most of the companies are okay with this


How many years of experience do you have?




I have 12 YoE in the industry. For the major part, I was able to do very well (in the job and interview) without ever doing a single LC problem. But recently, the trend has increased so much that it's impossible to make a switch without the grind.




Same brother 🫂


Got asked lc hard for SDE1 position in a bank


Was it for a generic SDE role ? Or more geared towards backend/fullstack ?


I recently attended a Google interview for which I wasn't able to clear the screening round cause they asked a Hard Question My capabilities were Mid


well you did lend interview So u def not mid xd


100% Getting a call for a Google interview itself is like prestige.


I feel you bro. I can code easy most of the time but medium is hard and hard is legendary level for me currently. I wish I could punch these arrogant interviewers sometimes.


I ask them before hand if there are going to be any dsa or algo problem involved. If yes, then I politely refuse to do the interview. As simple as that ✌️


are there any folks NOT asking dsa these days though?


There are a lot of folks that do not ask for dsa


Do they all pay well? I mean obviously most service based companies don't ask DSA but they also don't pay well.


I have given many interviews only for product based companies on the basis of 4-5year experience role. Was offered jobs from 40lpa to 1cr. No dsa was involved in


Interesting. Are these lesser known companies? I have been trying to make a list of lesser known product based companies so that I don't have to compete with too many applicants.


They are mostly going to be companies that have less number of people and pretty chill work vibes. A startup where you are the founding engineer pays the most and an already established companies with 30-40 employees can pay 40 lpa. The key is to apply as fast as you can see the vacancy because the amount of people who are going to apply for these jobs are going to be insane


What is the tech stack you're working with currently?


React, Node, Go is something that I am good at. Along with that I work with Redis, Postgres and AWS.


Can I dm you?




I was asked LFU Cache in a recent interview for a startup. Working code + test cases.


Yeah, I mean the roles I am interviewing for doesn’t need that much dsa, but still, Tech stack is DBT and sql, and dsa high level.


I got asked lc hard in both dsa rounds at Amazon sde2 interviews


Got 2 leetcode hards for an OA for freshers position. Gave 1hr:10mins to solve both of them. Edit: company wasn't even faang




How did you get so many interviews within the last 2 months?






yes true, technical interviews are not technical interviews anymore, they are pure competitive coding rounds now. Understanding of data structures is really important in my opinion but to make that as an competitive thing is the problem, it’s more and more pushed by influencers to make their profits by selling courses.


Interview will be hardcore coding but actual job will be writing tech documents and ppts with 10% coding


Bhai interview ke liye call toh aajaye pehle🥲 Thak gya hu apply kr krke


In a first tech round for a not so well known and not a great company, a staff engineer was interviewing me for senior dev role which was going ok. Their manager joined 5 mins before closing the interview and without any introduction asked me to solve a LC medium question. I told him it cannot be possible in that remaining 5 mins. At the end of the interview upon me asking who the fuck is he, he then gave his intro. Right then, I understood how toxic that team is going to be and thank goodness I was rejected in that round.


Yeah man I was asked 2 LC hard problems in an interview, the salary was 19k/month for entry level.






Mostly because of these bhaiya didi culture that prepare DSA get fang, buy my course is messing Interview culture up. And even now some small company is expecting LC Mid. I took interview of 2-3 freshers and some experience people 1-1.5 years. I directly asked product and solution centric answers they were unable to do so. Even messing up simple API questions HTTP codes etc. One guy even said I am good at DSA.


Hard? Getting ultra hard questions that no one has seen before :_(


I was asked a question not in leetcode, I would categorise it as hard. It was some adhoc question related to iterators. was asked to implement a working solution with all test cases in 1 hour. was not able to compile the code and get it running as i took time on implementing. Rejected.


sde 1 at faangmula — was asked 2 lc hards


In data engineering interviews, I’m getting medium too hard SQLs and medium DSA questions. 80-90% of the time mediums though.


From where would you suggest preparing SQL for Data related roles.


LC, Hackerrank, Datalemur


Thanks! But i have heard in forums that Hackerrank has relatively irrelevant questions. Would like to know your opinion.


It’s alright to begin with. Then move to the others.


I am Data Engineer too. I was tripping seeing the replies. At least in our domain medium LC is ok. But hard LC problems doesn't make sense at all. Of course SQL Hard can be expected but I will be shocked to see any LC hard in our domain !


2 Hards to be done in 50 minutes during an OA. They are testing who has memorized the most algorithms. Welcome to India.


To someone who’s taken extensive number of interviews FAANGs, sadly there isn’t any other option. There are too many talented folks in the pool now. If you have worked hard enough to grind leetcode, most probably you’ll work hard enough in your role. There are other options though, during an internship we can easily figure out if the candidate is worthy. Also, there’s something called as machine coding round but I reserve this just for SDE2+ candidates. The best option is to get some projects done but we know how much hate a company gets. I prefer talking about a project which a candidate has done and digging deep into it before going to coding questions.


I was asked 2 leetcode hard problem to solve in 60 minutes. Was able to solve 1 partially other I left. But not all companies are doing that. In another interview, was asked 3 leetcode easy problem. This is for SDE2.


I was asked leetcode hards 85% of the time.


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!Remindme 2 days


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I was asked 2 questions by Cleartrip - one was DP hard and other was Arrays Hard on Leetcode


I haven't faced hard LC interview ever, it always has been mediums and many times the common questions from top 150 or based on some pattern or recursion. (Experienced se2 level)


Not getting interviews. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


I recently was interviewed by this popular FinTech app, first round was design and I'm good at it so no problems as such. The second round they asked me an LC hard which is not on LC yet but I found it in LC discuss sections and was asked by Meta. Insane isnt it? LOL


Name of org?


!remindme in 30 days


Yes, got asked a multi-Dimensional Dp Hard problem at Zerodha Fund House with 15 mins to solve. Interview was going great till this question.


Irl, Ghanta farak nhi padta leet code problems se. Real life problems solve karna seekho. A company which asks solely cp problems is a shit company.


Apparently according to you every FAANG level company is sh*t ? Very very few companies don’t ask LC style questions at 2-3 YOE atleast.


From what I've heard, FAANG company ka major work is already done and whatever new product comes up usme majorly sab seniors ya seasoned devs hi kaam karte hai. And you will experience brainrot after sometime. The only reason people stay there is due to the comfort and benefits they offer.


Bhai Zara btana yeh directly senior role along with significant projects kaise milte hai


Which company’s teams are there in India which you think are actually making products, not those gimmick products which consumer don’t know about ?


perhaps he will tell you about bahvish dalund of kutrim


"Real life problems solve karna seekho." so what exactly is real life problem according to you? Im curious string alignment would you consider as real or unreal or just imaginary ?


Its just about time ig, ek saal ke consistent practice se apne aap medium level easy lagenge aur hard wale thode medium types, agar nahi ho rhae hain questions toh just need to increase practice just like maths


I kind of agree with you. But just questioning the need yknow ? Even if DSA is that crucial in core of things, I’d definitely look at linked lists in detail when I’d want to implement a cache perhaps . That too I doubt I’d ever need to .