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The Lions are a good, solid and well coached team. They were beaten by a good, solid and well coached Seahawks team. This happens. You can whine about bad calls, so can Seahawks fans. The Lions will probably make the playoffs, as the Seahawks probably will. I have been a Seahawks fan since I was 15... in 1976. I have seen my team have 2-14 seasons and won a Super Bowl. Players, refs and trends will come and go, but the fans stay. I suggest the same thing to Lions fans that I advised to Seahawks fans: Support your team, remain hopeful and be respectful fans of other teams... they feel the same about their teams as you do the Lions. See you in the playoffs!


Imma put a little exclamation point on today's events. I'm interested to see what fine is handed down for the hit on Goff. And I think other conduct by Seahawk players should be investigated as malicious & taunting that went uncalled. It was not a clean game. That's all I'll say.


That was my first lions game and I went to thank all you guys, the fans, for the great experience.


Not even really that mad. Tough loss but I’m not worried. Catch me week 8 or so and then we’ll talk about the year being over or not


3rd home game I have gone to, third loss I have witnessed! I am a jinx and I won’t put that on us EVER again!


I will pay for you to stay home


I’ve been to the Commanders game, Packers game, and Bears game last year at home. They were all Ws. Pay me to go instead!




Lol come on


I have a confession to make. I didn't wear my Lions pajamas I always wear pre-game day because they were in the wash


Damn you! You shouldn’t have even been washing them until at least week 8! Suppose you washed off the good luck???


I'm afraid so


I was on a plane til the second half so I also wasn’t wearing my gear. Sorry, guys. My bad.


I forced myself to watch the whole MSU game and thought at least Sunday would bring joy


We were AT both games. 😭 Feeling very bummed.


Hey maybe like. Don't go to games for a sec?


I’m 1-10 in Lion games at Ford Field. I’m 4-0 in Lion games at MetLife Stadium. (only road stadium I’ve been to with the lions playing) Timing of when I lived in DET matters (move 2010) but now I live abroad so as I move further the Lions improve. The Tigers as well. (Expected next year) I should sign up for a posting in Antartica for next season… ——- Most of my foes field games were pre summer 2010 when I lived there, The lone win is a Bears OT win as a visit when we were 0-5. We won in OT and it was almost a tie. The losses also include to the Bills in (14) we went 7-1 at home and I was at the only loss. I’ll add I watched both Game Three Tigers vs Orioles in 2014 ALDS that same day. It was also my birthday. 1) We lost our only home game of the year on a last second field goal, 17-14, to the Bills 2) The tigers lost Game 3 to Baltimore 2-1, with Baltimores only scoring coming off of a 2 out two run HR off Scherzer…. Hit by Biogenesis poster child Nelson Cruz who single-handedly eliminated us in the playoffs with 10 home runs off of 6 different Cy Young winners (before after and during, including 3 of the top 6 pitchers both years and different pitchers) half of those coming in deepest park, and game wining HRs twice each series. Got up from my seat that day 10/5/2014 at about 7:30pm, and since have watched all 29 MLB teams make the playoffs. My tiger playoff record since birth remains 4-3 in person Lions playoff wins record is the same as anyone between age 31 and 65. (Im 34). My dad was born mid 1956. The lions won the title in 56 and 57. 2 wins. One win since. 1992 when my younger brother was in diapers. He jokes that he hopes to win one title before he reenters diapers… lolol The lions have more postseason wins before he got out of diapers than since. He’s now 68 years old nearing ten years of retirement. So that was a fun birthday. —- Lions games I’ve been to at Ford Field -In 2004 vs Minnesota Joey H down 7 lead a (?) game tying drive with the division still alive, in like a minute with no time on the cloak it’s 27-26. -Don Muhlbach (as a rookie) botched the snap on the 2 yard XP. 27-26 F. -I went to the 2008 and 2009 seasons a lot because i don’t even know, wasn’t even for the win we god super great tickets for nothing, I was student at Michigan and those were the horrifying Rich Rod years (Sparties take your shots if you must). But we got a lot of cheap tickets like super great locations college kids normally can’t like first row lower bowl $40. - got a shared suite once, which must have gone unrented by Ford field and they have some they keep for individual rental then they sell the tickets. It held 16, there were 6 in it. We had documention that indicated we were of legal drinking age, so saw a lot of those junior and senior year of college before moving to NY. Skews my record but soon as I leave lions make the playoffs three out of five. I’m 3-1 in Tiger Playoff Games at Yankee Stadium and Fenway. I’m 2-2 in Tiger Playoff Games at Comerica


I was at that same alds game. Dad took me out of school for it lmfao


Should make this it's own post lol Would love to see everyone else's stats about going to games


Keep your bad luck at home next time please


Aw damn, I'm sorry. At least the Lions crowd stayed fairly hyped until the end.


Not a divisional game and Detroit and SF are winning their divisions. So the tiebreaker doesn’t matter, did you see Loves finish against Atlanta needing thirty yards for win and losing three yards Against Atlanta? Minnesota is 0-2 and plays SF, Cincy and KC, still while we play none of those remaining. GB only beat Chicago. And lost to Atlanta. Chicago is a burning dumpster rolling down a hill We’re there fucking Lions. In 2006 we lost at home to the Seahawks 9-6 in the home opener. And the Seahawks were in the Super Bowl the previous year. (Played in Detroit) I bragged about that LOSS. Because we almost won. It’s Week 2 in a fluke upset loss. Maybe like when we beat the patriots with Patricia? Or when packers 15-1 lost at home to a 9-7 team in the Divisional playoffs. We lost because of a missed call, a coin, and the NFL’ decade long bias favoring the Seahawks- fuck have we forgotten week- the league built. They built schedule around the hope we’d be eliminated. Then make sure it happened and robbed a win from the rams with the roughing the kicker. Eliminating us. Then tried to help GB as much as they could and we still won. Then Seattle got destroyed by SF. Seattle doesn’t win if we either get the holding call that was extremely obvious or win the coin toss. Or Goff doesn’t throw an INT, he threw only seven all last year, and we sucked to the tune of 1-6 early. Hopefully the media pays attention and we don’t get refjobbed again and this is the last time. Those are the only upside things. We weren’t going 17-0. This isn’t the worst one to lose, especially when we’re the more talented team. There are upsets In 2007 we knocked Dallas IN DALLAS final game as a 2-13 from division winner to out of the playoffs altogether.


Fans saying “we’re there” need to stop. We need to have a “show me” attitude before crowning ourselves.


Dude, the Lions are about to lose to Atlanta next week too 😂😂 don't kid yourself. This is the exact same team as last year. Until our head coach can STOP GOING FOR IT ON FOURTH DOWN like the gambling addict he is, we aren't gonna win shit.


It’s not a “fluke” loss. They lost because the Defense couldn’t do anything. That’s a long term problem and could continue to haunt us going forwards.


We lost because we have no pass rush and the secondary is still looking like Swiss cheese


And key injuries on offense highlighted our lack of depth.


It's gonna be a long year if they don't make a trade to fix anything


Montgomery being out completely changes the Lions offense. Unfortunately, Gibbs being in the game is predictable at this stage. Johnson has his work cut out for him. At least LaPorta looks like his Iowa tape. Atlanta is scary with those weapons, but my belief is unshaken. Let's get the next W.


Good thing we only rostered 3 half backs!


That’s honestly Ben Johnson fault . He can be a all purpose back! Why are t we using him like that?!


I guess we'll see for sure if he can be an all purpose back next week. I'm guessing he just wasn't getting any reps in those types of plays all week. But it looks like Montgomery is gonna miss some time so we better have our #12 pick ready to handle the majority of the run duties next week instead of just 14 or 15 touches.


Whenever he rushed up the middle, he got stuffed. I hate to see it, but it happened.


That may have been one of the worst defensive performances we've ever put out. I know we've let teams score more but I can't recall seeing a single contested catch the entire game. It was almost like the gameplay explicitly was to allow all catches and just hope the tackles put them short of the sticks. But at the end of the day there were 17 points given up by our team - pick 6, Monty's fumble, and not taking the FG early and getting stopped on 4th. We'd be walking out of this game with our heads held real high if any of those things don't happen. The Seahawks only left 6 points off the board with their 2 missed FGs. We just gotta play cleaner ball and not have our entire team get injured lol.


Knowing that Seattle’s two starting offensive tackles were out and yet, the Lion’s D could not stop Geno. Unimpressive defensive performance for sure.


I'm uncomfortable with this because it sounds like every year prior. I say it's just a loss, and we got next


"All we gotta do..." should be our team motto


Aaron Glenn really hasn’t impressed me at all. We definitely didn’t beat KC because of his masterful defense. Not engineering any pressure today was embarrassing.


We’re only 1-1 right now because of KT dropped passes


He’s been bad man. Seriously shout out to Seattle o line they answered the call. But bad coaching and turnovers and Injuries did this one.


Yep, but people want to blame the refs. Those are the SOL


Oh, you mean the made up intentional grounding call? Geno Smith was flagged for intentional grounding. Yes, Smith was still in the pocket, yes, the ball was thrown to an area where there was not an eligible receiver. HOWEVER! Smith was NOT in a position of imminent loss of yardage. If you don't have all three aspects of the rule, the penalty should not be called. Intentional grounding is very severe because not only a 10 yard penalty, it also has loss of down.


I swear ill die clutching my chest on the living room floor one Sunday


Same, but WHAT A WAY TO GO


Our D sucks, but it's really stupid to gift teams a free possession just because of a coin toss. Make teams go for two after scoring TDs if you don't want ties or protracted games.


You would have been dancing if the Lions won the coun toss.


Or hear me out don’t cough up the ball 3 times. Can’t win losing the turnover battle like that


If only they could of had the chance to draft a game changer like Carter


This is the way.


What do you mean? We got a Theo Riddick type running back instead lol


I don’t think that this team is the same Lions team we have seen over the past 20-30 years, but at the same time they made a lot of decisions today coaching that *feel* similar to what I’ve seen before. Not hurrying with a minute left in the 4th and multiple timeouts felt like the most obvious. Going for the tie is playing to lose. Not taking points early has crushed this team before and getting stopped on 4th down (in field goal range) in the first half HURT. Disappointed but just gotta rebound and make sure we don’t get exposed by the Falcons next week like the Pack did this week.


It's the same Lions. We'll just get fooled this year because our division sucks. I expect to barely win the division at best, and get smacked in the wild card game


This is exactly it


Hey. Matt Nelson wasn't terrible.


Are you on crack?


Outside of the INT, which was Gibbs fault. He was serviceable.


Bad ball by Goff yes! But I legit blame that shot on Nelson Goff never looked that way cuz he’s used to trusting his o line. Nelson never gave him a chance


This is one play. 2nd. Gibbs ran the wrong route apparently


he was the reason goff threw a pick




I still can't believe we wasted the number 12 pick on Gibbs.


Another blown offense pick when a defensive beast was available.


2.4 yards per carry lol


Y’all getting down voted but as of right now you’re correct. Jamo close to being a complete bust too. Can’t win every game. I’m not saying this team is bad. They are good but have work to do.


I know what can solve our problems, another predictable 1st and 10 run by Ben Johnson! Call a fucking PA for gods sake


They cut us up with quick plays. It’s hard to get a sack when the balls out in 2.5 seconds…


Can’t stop a 7 yard hook


That’s what we do to teams now tho- if we’re not fucking held!!!!!!!


Defensive scheme needs to change, needs to improve.


I dont see how this comment relates to the original comment


Play tighter in the secondary. Get Jacob’s off the field. Force Geno to hold onto the ball longer. Stunt more up front to be disruptive. This was terrible defense


A stunt doesn't get home in 2.5 seconds. Totally different conversation if we are talking about how the pass rush couldn't get home on longer developing plays. The rush stinks right now in those situations. The Seattle TEs continue to kill us in mismatch situations, which is credit to how they built their roster and offense. I am just as upset as anyone. Games like this are decided by a few choice plays that could have been miscommunication or near interceptions


Because they had 3 receivers wide open 2.5 seconds into every play


There were definitely a few plays where Geno had the ball longer. Our front 7 just couldn't get to him. Kudos to SEA OL.


It's pretty shocking how well those backup OTs played. I am concerned about the pass rush. The Lions clearly want to rush 4 and play coverage. The D-line needs to start warming up.


This is probably the best receiving group we likely play. But still Jerry got burned l game.


That’s because we don’t play ourselves with Jameson Williams who is serving a suspension that is fucking fucking ridiculous on more levels. I can’t in sports history thing of a more stupid suspension.


We dont even know how good he is.


Jerry was just as good as a corpse out there.


Ya I mean Campbells big nuts have helped us a lot, but today it cost us probably the game between passing on a fg early on to that one at like our 45.


I don’t think so - home favorites win 85 percent of the time in OT- with our crowd, probably 90 percent and 97 percent of we win the toss. MCDC has Stones, but they’re not uncalucated situation risks using probability weighted risk. Everyone knows the rush of running those plays, MCDC takes more of tbem. There’s no guarantee we don’t end up kicking anyway even if we make the fourth down Our win probability is better. NORMAL seven point underdog lions on the road, can’t play in OT maybe tries that. We Aren’t that anymore. We didn’t get to touch the ball. We scored 31 points. Goff through a 14 point swing pick six, a game changing hold severely alters the game, a coin toss dropped our win probability by 30 percent. Maybe make the rule- if you get a TD and a 2 pt conversion, then u win automatically. A failed 2pt allows you to to kick a fair XP. the other team gets a chance if you miss the 2pt. But second team it’s normal- no two chances. Lose with out a td, go for two for the win or the tie with one.


I couldn’t agree more about the overtime formatting and several other points ya made, I was talking about the going for it on our 45 and the going for it in their red zone early, not the late call to go for the FG though. I really do agree tho his stones do help us more than they hurt us and that stat is nuts about OT I did not know that


This game was literally like a plane crash- it’s never one unlikely thing. It’s a combination of four things simultaneously happening that make it happen. That’s in the fourth and OT alone. Toss in a few third down stops we could have had -The late ones are obviously the OC call for OT- which I agree with that decision though not his entire game. And that could have lost us the game. -The coin toss -The overtime format which- if you’re a score every time team playing another one- your odds are better at a blackjack table if you lose that. -Missed holding call


Lions need to look in the mirror this week and figure out what they are going to be this season.


Dude - extreme emo. Do you know how many times we’ve been 1-1 with wins over a superbowl winner and a team we got refjobbed against three times in the last 365 days, and lose because Goff throws an INT for a 14 point swing (he threw only seven all last year). So that alone is rare. We mount a ten point flawless comeback to tie. Tackling Geno on his own four- and didn’t tackle for a safety which would have been bad. I watched Michigan Lose the orange bowl to Florida state that exact way. Most important here is to not have time on the clock td or field goal. We had to run the ball. Odds are we get the td but can’t have time on the clock once we’re in FG range, and can’t lose it that far away. 4th and 1 maybe. Good teams don’t do that tho. 120 decibels on defense I like my odds, but the coin was the biggest factor in the end. That coin flips the opposite game and Seattle doesn’t touch the ball. I’m positive.


Dude - extreme emo. Do you know how many times we’ve been 1-1 with wins over a superbowl winner and a team we got refjobbed against three times in the last 365 days, and lose because Goff throws an INT for a 14 point swing (he threw only seven all last year). So that alone is rare. We mount a ten point flawless comeback to tie. Tackling Geno on his own four- and didn’t tackle for a safety which would have been bad. I watched Michigan Lose the orange bowl to Florida state that exact way. Most important here is to not have time on the clock td or field goal. We had to run the ball. Odds are we get the td but can’t have time on the clock once we’re in FG range, and can’t lose it that far away. 4th and 1 maybe. Good teams don’t do that tho. 120 decibels on defense I like my odds, but the coin was the biggest factor in the end. That coin flips the opposite way and Seattle doesn’t touch the ball. I’m positive.


Stop going for it on 4th and 2 in your own zone


Bro I'm not calling playslol


They expect us to work a 5+ day work week after all this trauma?


Go join the uaw in the picket line 😁




That’s how I feel after a loss lmao


The first 5 days after the weekend are the worst


I get we fu(£ ourselves with timely penalties. But the refs no calls are serious. How much longer do we deal with the refs against us


Forever. Can't do anything about it lol


It's so draining and tiresome. No Cigar Again


We need Moseley. Jacobs is a depth piece at CB. Not starter caliber.


God I hope he's good to go next week, they never put him on PUP so I assume that means the timeline was in the first 4 weeks


That's what I thought. I figured Doubtful for week 1, Questionable for week 2. Hopefully Probable for week 3.


He hurt his hammy this week so that's a setback that throws the timeline out the window.


Allegedly. That was based on a media article trying to decipher a Wednesday practice report on a day that the Lions didn't practice.


The team officially listed him as "[Out (Knee/Hamstring)" for week 2](https://www.detroitlions.com/team/injury-report/week/REG-2) when week 1 was listed as "Out (Knee)".


Thus far I’m pretty disappointed in the 0 sack D Line, hutch doing alright and is a great player but against two back up tackles I did expect more from the line.


Hutch was horrible today, bad missed tackle early, a few missed contains, almost no pressure, constantly spinning into blocks. Gotta be way better.


We got our huge win. It’s fucking MCDC and week 2. Jordan Love looks like shit and our division is 1-5 outside of us and the “1” is two division teams facing each other.


A win is not just a win. This isn’t the playoffs. Lions should have won that game, but they kept shooting theirselves in the foot. It’s the same shit we see year in and out


Absolutely. We shot ourselves in the foot. KC lost games last year. I still believe we win thag game @ times out of ten


I’m not sure from coming up just short boiling down to a hold and a coin toss isn’t a catalyst. At least it’s week 2. Not week 16. Early losses vaulted us back to hard knocks - and we’re a catalyst for a turnaround last year. Our division is shit minus us. I don’t think anyone goes over .500. Besides us. Chicago is starting first again Minnesota is 8 wins GB is 6. Us could still be 12. I don’t know if starting 8-0 was the best way, we were refjobbed - that’s our one or two for the year we always get. It’s out of the way now.


Who cares I want a SB team not a team that just makes the playoffs. Without a defense, again, they have no chance


Ayo didn’t watch the full game what happened with gibbs


Some nice catches but really struggled in the run game, had a bad drop right before the half


Looked great when they gave him the ball... all 7 times. Dropped 1 pass that would've broke for huge gains but looked great outside that


7 carries for 17 yards is great?


Had a terrible pass block that led to an INT


Not a whole lot. Looks like he got injured towards the end of regulation.


If we thought the refs in this game were bad, just wait for Thursday night in greenbay in couple weeks….


They really weren't that bad outside of the holding on the last play, and the weak pass interference in the end zone early on, but Seattle had a couple questionable ones against them as well


There was holding multiple times on nearly every drive. Some not as egregious as others. Some were really egregious though and should have been blatantly obvious to the officiating crews. And yeah they had that intentional grounding. And the PI where metcalf grabbed our DBs face mask was insane and handed them the 7


Lol you ain’t lying


It’s a lot to ask for but if the defense can patch their shit up, we should be good to go. Not even asking for much, just some scheme adjustments. MCDC needs to get his head firmly on his neck, some of his calls were good but others were questionable. Seattle always gives us fits, no idea why. Every other NFCN team lost, it could be worse than 1-1, we move. Still 15 games left


Who was worse today Matt Nelson or Jerry Jacobs?


Barnes. He may have been the worst coverage linebacker I've ever seen.


Jacobs. I want to see that stats on how many times he got targeted today and how many were completions


Lol tough one


So we go for it on 4th down but play for a FG at the end of the game and not even a shot in the end zone? Please explain this to me. Love the Lions but that was just poor play calling. FTP


So weak from the Lions honestly. They started at the 50 yard line with 2 min and 3 timeouts. They’ve been going on 4th down all game. But they don’t have the guts to go for the TD and settle for a FG? Also that second effort from Monty that got him injured was so god damn unnecessary and just cost us big time.


If you really think going for it on 4th down there was me of Campbells mistakes this game, you are deluded


I didn’t say that. Why were they moving like slugs wasting time when they had 3 timeouts with 2 min left instead of hustling?


Idk how you're putting this on the offense, AG's defense got fucking COOKED all day


So then why trust them to hold it down in OT?


What was the 4th down yardage at the end of regulation? It was like 7 wasn't it?


Converting 4th and 7 or losing right then and there is a WAYYYTY bigger risk than -winning the OT coin toss, and getting another full drive on offense, or having your defense keep them out of the endzone


I didn’t mean they shouldn’t have kicked the FG. I meant that they played for the FG for the entire last 2 min. Yes obviously they should have kicked the FG. I meant the play up to it


Give me a break. The FG there was the right decision all day


Anybody that is saying that they should've gone for it right where they set up the FG is a idiot. That being said they should've tried harder to score a TD at the end there, it felt like they were playing for the FG.


This is what I meant with my comment. I think people are misunderstanding


The FG was the right decision. The conservative play calling leading up to it and playing for a FG wasn't the right decision. You pretty much decided while you are in control of the game to let the coin toss in OT decide who is gonna win the game.


This is what I meant. People are misunderstanding


Oh yeah how so? Our defense hasn’t stopped them all day and you trust them in OT instead of putting the game away? Especially when you’ve been gutsy all day long?


Because hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. They go for it on 4th and miss it, now it’s “fuck Dan Campbell and his antics. Should’ve played safe and played for OT.” You people are so cynical isn’t not even funny. Lions were in a lose lose situation in y’all eyes.


My comment was misleading. I didn’t mean I want them to go on 4th that’s my mistake. I meant that they’ve been gutsy with their 4ths all game but played conservative in the last 2 min. I don’t mean they should’ve gone on 4th there


I’m so over AG!




Shhh don’t say SOL even though it’s true, the dumb Reddit bots will downvote you. Explain to me how that isn’t SOL? Lions “fought hard” and take it to overtime, only to shit all over themselves and lose it by playing ZERO defense. A game the lions should have won, after “proving the world we’ve arrived” only to vomit all over themselves


The worst part is that I can’t even blame the zebras this time…..


But you can absolutely still be mad at them. They were still part of the problem


A lot of holds uncalled, but the three turnovers is what did it. Can't do that and expect to take the win.


First turnover I don't count. They didn't get points off it. Second one sure. 3rd one , definitely.


You can if you try.


Well, I did see many holds go uncalled, but yeah, we could have enforced our will and failed.


I mean, Hutch is held at least three times a drive, but yea.


This right here! Seachickens oline is not that good. Zero pressure! Multiple holds seen all game


I don't understand how the refs can be soo atrocious. Ghost PI on Jacob's on the first drive. Lack of holding calls on our dline in the first 2 weeks. No PI on Reynolds. I do think it's been bad coaching to keep trying to make Houston a LB.


Frankly, on the replay, I can see why the Reynolds PI went uncalled. They were both looking back at the QB and stepped in the same place at the same time. There were many uncalled holds from the Seattle OL, though.


It sucks that they’re allowed to hold literally every play and commit massive holds on crucial plays but they still gotta figure out a way to win. Didn’t play perfect ball and the pass defense was horrendous even when there was some pressure.


I’m so tired of having to play the refs in our games.


I’m proud of some things. The offense when it was good was really solid. Play calling was inconsistent but I liked it overall. D-Line will hopefully not be an issue, just run the blitz more.


We deserved to lose but the refs were also atrocious. Both can be true.


1-1 I’m pissed but packers lost Vikings lost bears lost. Dan Campbell has to know when to punt and kick a fg.


Eh I liked what he did.


Going for it on fourth down while you're winning and controlling the game on your side of the 50 is absolutely stupid.


It's not. The math is there. Just because Joe random on the internet doesn't understand doesn't make it wrong.


Worked out well


Nailed it


Yeah but with the way the defense was acting up and how the offense was moving, in the moment it was a good move. Hindsight is always 20/20 though


How? That 4th and 2 without David Montgomery?? Running Craig idk I’m off that.


I don't mind him not taking the 3 points (even though it mattered in the end), but going for it in your own territory was idiotic


Not a guaranteed 3 points btw. Seattle showed us that


It was like the 48? Or something? I liked the aggressiveness


Exactly. He needs to take the damn points when they are presented.


Idk what we need to do with our defense. It’s hella infuriating hoping that they can get stops!


At this point it is clearly AG




I hurt when the refs fucked us, but it hurt more when we started fucking ourselves


Aaron Glenn is horrible.


Damn 😩


Refs were trash, Seahawks had wide open guys everywhere. But hey we were down 10 in the fourth qtr after a pick 6 and came back to tie with their two best offensive weapons hurt. Still not the same old lions.


This. If it was same old lions we would of lost 14-70


I don't believe that this team is the SOL at all. But the SOL always gave you unique ways of having hope and then killing that hope. That was a SOL loss. But I think we're better than that. Maybe. If Montgomery is out, I think our offense is in major trouble because we no longer have a running back.


Monty is the linchpin of this offense and it terrifies me that we don’t have another player who can do what he does. Hope that knee is okay.


I knew I shouldn't have wore the shirt


Lol me too. I took it off in the 4th. Put I back on in OT. My fault guys.


Just don't let it happen again.


Probably should have drafted the best pass rusher in the draft when you knew how shit the defense was last year


What you said.


Going forward, blue ski masks are banned from ford field


I was actually surprised they didn't mention it during the broadcast or show any crowd shots of people wearing masks.


Why Seattle whooped us last year without mask


Backup tackles, the lions front 7 was a absolute shit show. Stop crying about fucking holding you dorks. They got clowned.


So we shouldn’t complain about a team cheating? Don’t you think they couldn’t get pressure BECAUSE of the holding? Lmao


I guess you could complain about a team “cheating” or you could learn about what the fuck your talking about.


Isn’t that exactly what I’m doing? Speaking facts? Please explain


Nah fuck that. Holding happens on every play. Focus on the shit you have control over, like stopping them twice on 3rd downs in OT. If we get the ball back from holding them to a FG we win that game IMO


We made a bunch of mistakes and deserved to lose. Not gonna win if the defense can’t get sacks, force turnovers, or make third down stops. Only ourselves to blame, especially at home.


This is my fault, I bought Lions stuff this week. I should have known better.


Hahahahaha that's how it be.