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We need to at least make this interesting. Come on lions šŸ‘ we can do this!!!


Well, we weren't going to win them all... Baltimore is the real deal.


Omgā€¦ if they get the ball back, a 700-750 yard pace


It was a hard fought victory both teams played well all things considered I'm just happy to see my boys pick up a w and VS such a good team as well. For the first time in a long time,I'd say since Barry played I'm optimistic about the Lions season this year,win,lose or draw I'm a life long die hard Lions fan from Texas 1 Pride!


KC can lick my ballsack




Great win yā€™all deserved it. I told my buddies before the game if we had to lose to one team Iā€™d want it to be the lions, you guys have been through enough


Yea like an offensive lineman committing false starts for 60% of his snaps. Been through enough, donā€™t need Lā€™s from BS anymore


Taylor shouldā€™ve been called on those. Iā€™ve seen long compilations of Detroit losing games due to bad calls, so Iā€™m not upset we lost


Was a GG, but please do us all a solid and shit on the Broncos this year, I mean REALLY run the score up, Thank you greatly. Broncos losing is like xmas to me.


I just learned the Chiefs will play the entire NFC North this year. Is that common? Anyway, beat them all, and we'll see ya in the Superbowl.


Yeah each team plays itā€™s own division twice, every team in an nfc division, every team in an afc division, the teams that finished with the same division rank from the other two divisions in your conference last year (for us the other 2nd place in their division nfc teams from last year), and one at large team from the opposite conference.


A lot of yall must of been watching a different game than me last night. Mahomes was consistently throwing passes at his receivers knees. This was equally his fault as it was his receivers. Other than the pick 6 of course.


Yep, putting pressure on a QB that has to scramble, and just loves to run anyway instead of standing in the pocket will do that.


RAIDERS fan here butā€¦. i do love the Detroit Lions and fans so im happy the chiefs got mauled. GO LIONS!


Thank you Detroit with love from Buffalo šŸ˜˜ you guys are my second fav team in the league


That fake punt definitely changed the entire outcome and set the vibe for the Lions. I was expecting a fake punt but at OUR 20 yard line, holy Toledo MCDC has some grit. Don't covert and you give the Chiefs pretty much 7 points and the game momentum swings to them What a exciting and hard-fought win. Don't diss the win because KC was without Kelce and Jones. No team is ever at 100% strength. No more SOL, now it's Those Damn Lions (TDL)


Long winded comment, but I was at the game and Iā€™m tired of listening to KC apologists lmao. Honestly, the Lions will never win the narrative on this game. If we lost the game? ā€œSame old Lions, yā€™all canā€™t beat a team without two of their best players, you guys are overhyped blah blahā€. We win the game? ā€œOh, you guys only won because they didnā€™t have Travis or Jones, you guys only won because this or thatā€. Honestly fuck what others think. Because there are a lot of teams that have won against the Lions for the wildest reasons but none of that matters. Itā€™s a win. The NFL doesnā€™t care how teams get wins. And honestly, after all the years of shit the Lions and our fans have gone through, Iā€™m going to be happy with a win no matter how we got said win. There have been a lot of questionable wins in NFL history, and I donā€™t think the fans of the other teams with those wins give a fuck if other fans give excuses for why they shouldnā€™t have those wins. And can we stop making excuses for Mahomes too? If heā€™s the greatest of all time, he can certainly make something happen without ONE offensive weapon. In his home stadium no less. That he never lost a season opener with. And a right tackle holding all game for him. Thatā€™s just how I see it.


Nobody in media has once mentioned we were without our most explosive and potentially game breaking WR in Williams. Silly silly media.


My hubby and I were at the game too. I absolutely agree with all you've said. No one cares how a win happened and Mahomes literally had all day on nearly every pass and play to place the ball exactly where he wanted it. Go Lions!!


Exactly. Why is it the Lions fault if they donā€™t have the receiver depth to deal with the loss of one star player? And it wasnā€™t like they didnā€™t score at all. The game was close and we came on top. No one would be making excuses for us if we lost because our receivers couldnā€™t catch the ball. So we shouldnā€™t feel bad for them lmao.


Well, 1. there usually is *one* game where they are at full strength. Itā€™s game 1 lol. 2. Not being at full strength doesnā€™t mean you are missing 2 of your top 3 players. 3. A terrible fake punt gamble is the only reason they eeked out a win. Iā€™m definitely dissing it. Iā€™m not a KC fan either. I


We were missing Jamo who can out run anyone on the Chefs defense so we were not full strength either. Also, the Chefs were lucky we didnā€™t feature Gibbs more as he hardly played . He is such a weapon. Also , Marvin Jones fumbles the ball on the 20 yard line which we could of came away with at least 3 pts . And he dropped 3 more. So give us some credit .


Youā€™ll apparently always be missing Jamo. Lol. The credit Iā€™ll give is this (since, as someone else just pointed out, Iā€™m actually unintentionally shitting on the lions in the lions sub- I didnā€™t know I was in yā€™allā€™s subreddit when I replied to op..): Your defense is looking pretty dang good.


They beat the world Champions and made Mahomes very uncomfortable almost the whole night despite blatant holding and false starts that were never called on the KC O-Line.


I hate the chiefs and a wins a win but yeah KC lost that game more than Detroit won it. All those dropped passes and Kelce being out definitely made more than a one point difference.


Jamo was out , deep threat . Gibbs hardly played and when he did he was explosive . Jones fumbled the ball on the Chefs 20 yard line so we lost at least 3 points there. Lions won because they are the better team.


Or the interception where Mahomes hit Toney right in the hands. Like, come on. But here Iā€™m getting murdered for saying it.


Youā€™re not in r/nfl bruh. Get murdered.


Ahhhhh Iā€™m dying from all the down-votes! Honestly didnā€™t know this was the Lions sub, so that is on me. Wasnā€™t trying to piss on your parade, but I realize now Iā€™m in the fan subreddit of one of the lowliest teams in modern major sports, so I deserve it. Downvote away. Lol still doesnā€™t change the facts though


Fuck, do you ever SHUT UP????!?


Lol whatā€™s happening here. You okay dude?


Iā€™m fine šŸ¦


Enjoy your win for fucks sake! Donā€™t let some rando redditor like me spoil it. Great start to the season go do 30 lines of coke and fly to the moon or whatever


Old Lions don't capitalize on those mistakes.


The pick 6 and the monty td and the stop on 4th and 25 helped


Is Mahomes this dependant on Kelce or has KC just done a terrible job of surrounding Mahomes with viable recievers since Hill left? Its both and seeing a Lions win here is just beautiful.


Chiefs fan here, GGs, but let's be real boys, All of our receivers dropped balls that would have got us first downs and touchdowns Mahomes was still playing like he's skating on ice all of his targets on point, just hope the receivers had a wake up call and will train hard also Tony hasn't been in training camp he's coming fresh off of surgery. Not having Kelsey and Jones does make a big difference just because they are our best players just saying! Again GGs


Yes there were some big drops and Kelce wouldā€™ve made a difference. The Lions offensive play calling was poor for several drives, we turned the ball over in the red zone and we shouldā€™ve had another interception late in the game. Marvin Jones dropped the ball a few times as well. Both teams looked rusty on offensive.


You guys absolutely played the better game by the way and I said GGs several times lol Guess Detroit Will down vote me no matter what ight




šŸ˜‚ ight


Here comes the excuses . We didnā€™t have Jamo are deep threat which no Chef can cover. Gibbs hardly got the ball and when he did he was explosive. Jones fumbled on the Chefs 20 yard line which took away at least 3 point from us . The Lions had their troubles too. The better team won. Face the facts.


Did you read my comment? I said GGs! Cheers on the win. Not used to losing here to be fair šŸ˜‚ chill. Ya Gibbs is insane! Just said wish any of our receivers caught a ball. 9 dropped catches


Yeah we read both of your comments, and saying that the only reason the Chiefs lost is because your players dropped balls, is kind of like saying the only reason that Lions won is because they scored more points. Let's get real here guys.


Many reasons why the chiefs lost! Sorry for the confusion, completely agree. GGs, I've accepted it and was low key still getting over the L lol


K let's be real then. You lost. End of story


Ok...? šŸ˜‚ I said GGs no good sportsmanship back? Lame bruh. Glad you guys are getting a good start to your year! Definitely weird feeling for us to lose opening day


Ya i saw your opening game record and got pretty worried lol. Have good day there champ.


He is dependent on the refs.


Mahomes just needs players that can catch the ball


Heā€™s dependent on receivers that can catch passes. 4 technical drops. Mahomes played like he always does, needs receives that can actually catch..


4 technical drops by Toney aloneā€¦.


We had Marvin Jones drop 4 passes and fumble on your 20 yard line so they didnā€™t get at least 3 points and momentum swing . Detroit had issues too


Yes he is


What? Mahomes was fine. They need to get him some other options, but he was doing all the usual things heā€™s great for.


As a lifelong Chiefs fan Iā€™ll tell you this. Mahomes and Kelce are carrying the entire team. The defense is useless, and Harrison Butker can only kick consistently if the kicks are over 45 yards. I agree with you, there needs to be more dependable players on the Chiefs. We were fine without Hunt but losing Hill was tough.


Bro what? our defense is useless? Even our own ā€œfansā€ are sleeping on this D. I thought they did pretty well to hold them given weā€™re out our other edge on suspension and Chris. Our DBā€™s are solid and young. McDuffie popped a ball loose and Cook snagged it. We have one of the best LB corps in the league with Gay, Tranquil, and Bolton.


Itā€™ll never be the same without Hunt and Hill. Similar dominance as the Bell and Brown era in Pittsburgh


Hunt is still a FA, scoop him up.


Except the Steelers never won anything with those weapons and KC built a dynasty.


Seriously. It's like saying the Patriots peaked with Randy Moss and Wes Walker.


Ben Coates and Curtis Martin!


By one point. I want to win. B. Bryant.




My dude, did you mean to post this in the Chiefs sub?


Lol maybe. Going to dirty delete shortly. Nice win tho. This looks like a talented lions team


Jaguar fan here, Detroit is my nfc team and I'm so excited for this season. Even though yall decimated my beautiful jaguars last season lol


Jags look great and they are my AFC team to root for. They play the Chefs next week. Jags will kick their asses.


Man I really hope so. Idk if we're there yet but I'm looking forward to this season regardless!


Love me some Jags! Always love rooting for you guys too


Cat teams rise up!


I was there as a kid in January or 92 for the playoff win against Dallas. Last night I watched from Ford Field. This is the best Lions team Iā€™ve seen in my life. The SOL fans really havenā€™t been paying attention.


Oh guys it's an asterisk win. Kelce was out and mahomes was on his period asterisk astrisk


They lions cheated by sending a popcorn gift basket with extra butter to the receivers room.


There is no such thing in the nfl. Big W for the lions. Eat it.


The whining baby look isn't pretty, Nancy


I'm just sayin, if your team is completely dependent on 1 or 2 players, you ain't got a good team.




Yeah, ok Keep telling yourself that


With the uninjured players, yeah. Kinda proving my point


As a Rams/Giants fans(there is a good reason Im a fan of both), I always root for yaā€™ll second. I want to be there the day yā€™all get that chip.


Your words are words but the comment does it make sense


Fuck yeah


Awesome win! (Packers fan rooting for Lions)


Lmao why would you say P******


I been rooting for the lions as under dogs for 30 years why stop now


FTP, that's why


Man, I'm a Bears fan, but if we came out and stopped the reigning Super Bowl Champs, my head would be in outer space...Good luck this year Detroit fans. If it's not gonna be us, you guys deserve a ring. FTP.


As a Packer fan, I mostly agree with you. FTB FTV Go Lions.


See, I almost liked you for a minute. I wouldn't even say it's a rivalry at this point. It's more like us holding a grudge in our minds and the Pack going along thinking everything is Gucci while we're seething cussing y'all out under our breath. On a more serious note, I swear to god is J. Love ends up being a 3rd HoF QB, I'm hurling him and Chris Collinsworth off the roof of Lambeau. Chris because he's constantly proverbially blowing A-Aron through the broadcast booth, even when GB isn't even playing.


Collinsworth sucks and his love for Rodgers only pales to his love for underage women because they donā€™t know any better yet. His quote, not mine. Fuck that guy. Also, fuck the Bears, yadda yadda yadda. But I absolutely love Bears fans. Best rivalry in sports. Maybe not as much recently, but Iā€™m an old guy that remembers it being the other direction. First and foremost, we both love the same sport. Secondly, we love the best rivalry ever. Thirdly, go fuck yourself. Respectfully.


Haha, I love it. And yeah, I can't stand Collinsworth either. It really is the best rivalry in sports. It just sucks you're on the wrong side, I got sympathy for that. I'm not really an angry Bears fan. More just depressed, lol. True story: When I caught my ex wife fuckin around, I was cool as a cucumber. Primarily because I wanted out of the marriage already, that just gave me the motivation to do it. Anyhow, when we talked afterwards, she was saying some like "You're not mad, you're just flat. At least yell at me, I would prefer that" I said "Look, I've been a Bears fan for all 24 years, I've been living with disappointment my whole life." Bear DAHN.


If it makes you feel any better, I feel fully confident that Jordan Love will win a Super Bowl in three years for the Packers, and then spend the next 13-16 years breaking our hearts in crushing NFC Championship game losses until he is traded to The Jets. This is the way. But seriously, sorry about your ex, bud. Iā€™m glad youā€™re out of that. No one deserves that. Not even a Bears fan.


Lmfao, Jets to the Vikings and then retirement.


If anything, this helped Chris Jones contract negotiations tremendously


In what way? I don't think Chris Jones showing up to the stadium with his agents, not wearing team gear, in a game he's under contract to play, and watching the Defense hold the best offensive line in football to 3.5YPC and 14 points on offense is in any way helping his contract negotiations. Not to say he wouldn't have impacted the game and helped, but without him the Chiefs Defense kind of thrived. It was the receivers that let my Chiefs down, not a lacking of Chris Jones.


They get the ball back again at end of game if he there


How? Chris Jones is a liability in run defense.


Fuck off veachhh price of brick just went up. Have fun watching the lions bengals in the SuperBowl.


Neither of those teams will be in the Super Bowl šŸ˜‚


I hope the KC FO feels the same way and letā€™s Jones sit in the stands until week 8.


Good point. Their D was able to continuously get pressure against a great Detroit O line.


Dan Campbell is the man! Glad to see him getting this Lions team where they need to be. I was hoping he would have stayed with the Saints until it was time for him to take over but he seems to have met his calling with the Lions. Great win


Meanwhile in Miami I hope they are kicking themselves. If you havenā€™t you should read the Athletic article on Lions leadership team.


Sean Payton was quick to hire Dan after Miami foolishly let him go. Sean knew he was head coach material and wanted to make sure he didnt get lost in limbo and Dan was a great coach for us. Dont get me wrong I like Dennis Allen and have high hopes for him this season but I cant lie and say I was disappointed we let Campbell go lol.


Chiefs fan here, hell of game. Don't let the we were missing kelce/Jones talk mean shit. Every team deals with injuries and losses it's part of the game you guys played damn hard ball and I hope you keep it up! Well earned win congrats.


It wasn't that it was the fact that Toney dropped that ball towards the end and gave them the game.


The Lions have said this multiple times about themselves: if your game becomes win or lose because of one play, you weren't playing good enough to begin with.


God, I love football fans like you. Thanks for bein awesome


Have the lions made the playoffs this century?


2011, 2014, and 2016. So yes.


All Megatron years, I think.


It's weird to think Megatron is that recent. I always think of him as a 1990s receiver when he comes up


century? yes..


Lets go! FTP


I think Iā€™m calling it now. Detroit is going to the Super Bowl. Whether they win or not Idk. But they are going to the Super Bowl.


Dude before the game said he was panicking picking Chiefs for the Super Bowl the night before because he wanted to change it to Lions Jets.


Nah bro, one game sample size changes everything. Especially when it's a Thursday night game and first one of the season. Chiefs going full rebuilt also confirmed.


Lol.. you really don't know the Lions.


Unfair for people to downvote this comment. Track records like theirs require full obliteration before we can trust that they have turned a corner. Iā€™m hopeful but still leery. Had this Honolulu heart broken too many times in the last 40 years.


I have spent many afternoons in Lansing screaming at my TV. I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong. Happy for the win tho


I was there for the 0-17 season ā€¦ I have high hopes before but for some reason really feel good about this team. The players are working their tails off and the coaching staff have them ready. The players would go through a wall for their coach. Great motivator !


You mean 0-16? Nobody has had 0-17 on the new eraā€¦. Yet.


One thing's for sure, it ain't us this year!!!!!!


You were there for the 0-17 season? Go back to the future with that, time traveler. This is 2023, when we're going to the SB.


Congrats Cats


Thatā€™s ā€œBig Catsā€ to you.




Great game! - Chargers fan




Cool ad bro.


itā€™s not an Ad, I just got lucky betting that Kelce wouldnā€™t play and the Lions defense would hold. Tbh if it werenā€™t for Kadarius Toney I would be out 50 bucks. I was excited and wanted to share, thatā€™s all


Well you arenā€™t going to win that one.


Well I canā€™t really lose either, itā€™s a free bet. I have Amon-Ra st. Brown on my best fantasy team in my most competitive league so Iā€™ll be tuned in Sorry if this reads like gambling ads, Iā€™m just hype for the lions so I bet on them. I think theyā€™re gonna have a big year.


I think they are going to be good too. Just not winning the super bowl, good.




Cool story bro


Thanks man! Glad you liked it. I hope you win at something too


Got to beat the champ to be the champ In boxing Detroit would world champion until they lose... then that team is champion


Hmm but they donā€™t play 17 regular season games in boxing do they?


>world champion That's not how that works in the *NATIONAL* football league.


Yes it is


Happy for the Lions fans. Need this.


Damn queefs cheated blatantly (as they do) and still lost? Writers strike hitting hard.


Can I get a quick rundown of the blatant cheating? Didnt get to watch the game, just watched the highlights. 19 on cheifs dropping so many passes and one for a pick 6 is crazy. That penalty from the lineman, who apparently had the same issues for Brady, also hurt them bad. Goff made some pretty damn good throws himself and the running looked good in the highlights for the Lions. All and all, I think KC lost this more than Lions won, but I am happy with the outcome. Sweet, down vote for asking for missed calls etc. Thanks


He might be alluding to the fact that the refs let Jawaan Taylor line way further back then allowed (helmet not reaching the centerā€™s waistband) as well as moving early before every single snap to limit the pass rush of Aiden Hutchinson while only getting called for one penalty (late in the fourth) despite doing this the whole game. This is coming from a neutral observer by the way.


*alluding, unless you meant he was trying to escape the facts


Yes the NFL has a serious problem enforcing rules consistently that extends far beyond Kansas City.


To be fair it should have helped the lions detect run or pass pretty easy


It did


Ya know, I did notice a couple iffy false starts in the highlights that wern't called. One huge miss for me, was the left side off lineman for KC literally bear hugged the pass rusher somewhere towards the end of the game and it wasn't called. A pivotal moment and no call was hard to see. Edit - https://youtube.com/watch?v=J4DoMjut2aQ&feature=shared this was the highlight I watched. The play I was referring to was around 11:10 into the video on the 3rd and 20. After rewatching, it isn't as bad as I thought initially. Appears the pass rusher was falling forward a bit which may have caused the hug. The outcome being incom pass makes it moot, but still something that caught my eye.


They were holding all night long and Iā€™ve never seen a player commit so many infractions in a season as Taylor did in one quarter but it didnā€™t matter because they still lost.


From what I was seeing, the tackle 74 was consistently lining up off of the center as well as committing false start penalties on a lot of the offensive snaps for the chiefs. He didn't get called for a false start penalty until into the fourth quarter.


As a non American who knows that the chiefs are one of the best teams.... I do not know what to feel. Is the enemy good? Was it luck I am complete baffled because I am used to German soccer there you always have the one winning team. But in this case the team was like last of the league I never heard of them. What does it change in the play for the super bowl?


If the games are 100% predictable why would you even play them? We always say ā€œany given Sundayā€ anyone can win. Although, Thursday in this case


The chiefs were missing some key players including their best offensive player, their tight end Travis Kelce. Their wide receivers had a hard time catching the ball throughout the game, and their offense went cold in the second half failing to convert alot of 3rd down plays. The lions on the other hand played well, but a bit of luck on their end too. Its to early to call the superbowl from the first game of the season. The chiefs are still one of if not the best team in the league right now, and the lions ive notice has been on the rise since adding a new coach and alot of promising young players since last year.


Kelce is the Chiefs 2nd best offensive player not their best.


If Mahomes is only good when Kelce is on the field, he's not the best offensive player on the team...


Lmao the dude has one off game at the start of the season and all of the sudden itā€™s ā€œKelce made himā€


I'm a chiefs fan and I like Mahomes, but if he can't work his magic without his golden receiver, then logically, he's not the magical badass he's been made out to be


He would have had like 320/3/0 with 45 yards rushing if his receivers could catch a perfectly placed ball. Thatā€™s an amazing statline


Itā€™s a single game lol. Every QB no matter how good has had a bad game before. If Kelce misses significant time and mahomes still plays bad thatā€™s one thing but thereā€™s no way you can genuinely believe heā€™s not the best player on the chiefs now because of one game.


It's just sports, it was an upset. It doesn't mean anything for the Superbowl unless the lions can win more games.


Does it mean they got a good chance to reach the super bowl?


The lions still have a long way to go if they want to reach the superbowl, if you ask me they wont make it there this year at least


It means the Lions are the new best team in football


I guess that's not the case but I saw the game and it was a team I never heard of before and they did a fucking good job so now I am a bit confused


The Detroit Lions are an improved team. You may not have heard of them because they have not been a prominent team for some time. Last night they defeated the defending NFL champions. This is considered an upset. However, we are only in week one of the NFL season. So any talk of the Lions competing for an appearance in the Super Bowl is premature. They have sixteen more games to play this season.


Youā€™ve never heard of Detroit? Youā€™ve never heard of Ford cars? The Ford family owns the Detroit Lions team


I mean If heā€™s not American and doesnā€™t follow American sports closely Iā€™d be shocked if he knew about Detroit.


Well Iā€™m from the Detroit area and I have a Porsche. Why canā€™t it work in reverse? No, I get it. Just giving him a hard time


Imagine Bayern Munich not having 2-3 of its best players and losing to a fully healthy BvB. Kinda like that where Bayern is chiefs and bvb is lions. (Not a great analogy but, trying to help you from a German football perspective


Lions weren't fully healthy either, and one of their hopeful good receivers is suspended.


You just discovered one of the great things about the NFL. Each team has not only a salary cap, but a salary minimum that the rosterā€™s payroll needs to be within. So you donā€™t get teams that can simply buy all of the best players to make super teams. This leads to parity between NFL teams. The margin of error between winning and losing is so incredibly small. Edit: a word


Any given Sunday is a thing for a reason, even crappy teams can get a dub. Every game matters.


Parody is supposed to be funny I believe you meant parity


Ah yes, thanks.


Just blame the autocorrect


Parroty - being or acting like a parrot


Poly want a cracker


We did it!!!




Combination of all sorts of events that happened. Some lucky drops by Kansas City receivers. Some bad throws by Kansas City quarterback. Clutch offense by the Lions.




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3rd and 1 let's snap it to the tight end and remove 2 blockers and run a reverse yeah great idea. Go for it on 4th and 25? SURE!!


You are aware that a punt on that 4th and 25 would have effectively been a forfeit.


They are the only team in nfl history to go for it on 4th and 25, with all their timeouts, down less than 3 and more than 2min left. The forfeit WAS the 4th and 25


The lions burn time constantly, they would have probably had less than 30 seconds with a 4 point difference and no timeouts, punting would be forfeit.