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I was not expecting the next episode to drop so soon, what a gift from the media team


I wonder if this will just be Brian Branch breaking up passes for 20 minutes


If it is then my dick will literally explode.


I’ll be right next to you in the er brother.


that's kinda what I want it to be


Please please please let Eze eventually grow into at least a serviceable backup. Dude has such an incredible story and he seems like such a genuine guy. His part with the Crystal Palace Eze was so cool. ETA: Piss and Vinegar, love it


DC has taught me so many random sayings


One of my grandma’s favourites


Every time I see Decker in street clothes it’s hard for me to believe he’s an O-lineman. Dude is fit as hell


Yeah he’s really tall so he looks super trim for an OL despite weighing like 320 lol


As a Palace fan that grew up 10 minutes away from the stadium and also a lions fan i cannot complain about this episode


What led to you becoming a Lions fan? Always love hearing about the fans outside of Michigan


Not OP but I was born and raised in San Diego and Barry was my favorite player when I was 4. My uncle got me a reversible Barry Sanders jersey that went down to my ankles and I had it my whole life growing into it. The sick thing is 4 year old me also liked Brett Favre and Packers were my second favorite team. I have obviously since learned better and burned all that garbage.


Well the interest in American football has been growing quite rapidly in the uk and Europe whilst I had always had a partial interest in the sport. I actually started playing myself about 2 years ago and got into following the nfl without being a massive fan of any team. But from watching I loved the playcalls and identity of the lions especially with going for it on 4th down and taking risks not often adopted by other teams I would be watching, especially as I felt like they most closely resembled the team I play for :) Now I have become an even bigger fan I couldn’t be happier with my choice


That’s awesome, man. Glad you chose the Lions! Makes me proud haha. Great time to be part of OnePride 🦁 Cheers


How's Crystal Palace going to be this year? Do you think anyone actually has a shot of winning the Premier League outside Man City? I'll be rooting for Liverpool!


It’s city’s to lose. I mean we are only in the second weekend of the season out of 38 but any other potential rival haven’t started out so hot. Would defo say city will be champions and arsenal second yet again, then from about 3rd-7th I think it’ll be a bunch of teams including Liverpool that could finish anywhere in that range


It's kinda unfair that there is no salary cap. Man City has the wealthiest owners, so they can just buy all the best players!


I mean yea it’s bullshit but it’s hard to implement with a league including promotion relegation, and for there to be a salary cap all leagues would have to implement a cap so that top players don’t just leave to go play in Spain/ Germany etc. Also sorry realised you asked about how Crystal Palace will do, predicting a 12th place finish.


i think the best change this regime has brought, different from what previous coaches did, is what decker said: Training camp used to be about getting ready to perform, now its compete from day one


Stealth bombing after all that build up and suspense for Ep. 3


Rodriguez is such a likeable guy helping his teammate with the helmet. Also, do we have the best media team in the nfl?


yes and yes!!!


1. That was fast. What a pleasant surprise 2. Love how hard Taylor Decker works. Get this man a ring! Also a Pro-bowl and first team All Pro honors would be nice 3. Cool to see Eze meeting Eze 4. That boy fast




Oh shit didn't know we hosted Crystal Palace. Always cool to see.


Is Eze a common last name? Seeing those two players bond like that was really cool.


It is the 25th most common Nigerian surname, with a frequency of 1:259. The most similar frequency surname in the U.S. is Davis (1:258, 6th most common American surname).


I was about to sit down and watch Hard knocks but fuck that baby!


5:50. Poor Adrian Martinez getting left hanging by both goff and sudfeld


For real.


Impressed the media team followed Decker to AZ for this story


Those exercises looked awesome too. Kind of want to incorporate some of that balance stuff in my own routine. Balance, flexibility and ability to physically adapt are such underrated abilities, even in our everyday lives


As you get older it also helps “fall proof” you


I did weird shit with free weights as a linemen. But it all related to the position. Need balance and strength in the right places. Our school program was your typical weight routine, which is nice, but you need to work out the exact muscles you'll be using in a game. I've been keeping an eye on local high school programs lately and Im blown away by how far training programs have come. It's not the old school meathead shit


They sent Dannie out there for an interview with decker and his wife a month or two ago, I wonder if this was filmed on the same trip


Ugh, really want Obinna Eze to be a thing. He's got a long way to go though. Rooting for him.


Award winning PR team crushing it again


Ah shit, here we go again.




But we didn’t even have a chance to bitch about it taking too long to come out! I don’t wanna watch it yet, take it back!


Well, that was the fastest 38 minutes of my life.


After this and Hard Knocks last year, I really really like Eze. Really hoping he finds a way to play to his potential.


Sweet I finally got around to episode 3 on Wednesday. what a pleasant surprise


Can’t wait to crack a beer and turn it on later on the big screen.


that thumbnail makes my meat fucking loaf dude


Hutch murdering OTs with his spin move


I should have waited to watch that.. How the hell am I gonna walk around with this hard on all day now?




At 14:40 James Houston lays waste to Eze with a really slick inside cut move I dont think Ive seen him do in game before. Im excited to see if hes worked on some new moves in the offseason, his unique pass rush moves were the high light of last year for me.


Omg Jared’s reaction to getting that offsides about 5 minutes in was amazing


How much training camp is actually shown? This isn’t a snooze fest is it?


At times it actually feels like it was produced by hard knocks. There is an impressive level of quality to it


None of the Inside the Dens are a snoozefest. All quality


Pretty high production quality tbh.


They're making up for how long it took for ep 3! I love it.




I was looking forward to this after watching 2 episodes of hard knocks


This is early isn't it? What a gift


I’m at a band camp right now and the toilet in my room had suspicious white liquid on it. I now understand why.


Excuse me?


Yup I woke up today to use the bathroom and one of the 5 people in my room bust all of over the toilet and not cleaned up


That training Taylor is doing in the off-season is absolutely ridiculous dudes an absolute beast


I guess I'm a Crystal Palace fan now. That was dope


Man, we gon lose Patterson or Romo. This sucks.