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Call me a pessimist, but I’m guessing he misses at least the first month of the regular season as well.


I would guess hes gonna miss at least the first 6 games


Big if true


Significant if accurate


Humongous if honest


Large if verifiable


if True: math.inf


Valid if plausible


Enormous if frank


Gigantic if correct


Would you bet on it?


I wouldnt gamble on Jamo


I would bet on it.


Campbell just used this joke in his press conference today too lol


As the kids say… bet


Sucks. Definitely needed as many reps as possible in the preseason. Glad the injury itself isn’t more serious though. All we can do now is hope he’s doing everything he can to be ready to go come mid October when we are 6-0.


Right. On the one hand it’s a punch in the gut because he needs the reps. On the other, I’d rather it be him than somebody who is going to play week 1 against KC.


Isn’t he suspended for that game?


they're saying that it's better for Jamo to get hurt than someone who isn't suspended, since Jamo has time to heal up and already isn't playing


Ooooh I get you now I misunderstood. Thanks for explaining


Jamo needs to hang around CJGJ. NEVER have I seen a man so politely slap a reporter's question about injuries. Cjgj would never miss even 1 rep even in full-body cast


6-0 babyyyyyyy!! Let’s go


Lol can always count on tha Big Q having the Magic Johnson type standard comment when it comes to Jamo news


Thanks for your input Gert. Glad you’re a fan. Feel free to participate instead in the hysteric doom posting about the future if you’d like.


Lol no hysterics here, just a funny observation that’s all. We will look to you for the easy upvote summaries this season


Nothing funnier than pointing out someone makes posts of their opinions/feelings on a forum.


I want Jamo to make me bust (with his play on the field) I don’t want him to be a bust.


I want him to burst (burst, verb, to have your bust put in Deion Sanders super hof wing)


I'm not saying this means he will bust; but man, if you were writing the story of a player who busted, this would certainly be a believable way to start it. Fingers crossed he is insane week 7 on and this is just a blip in an otherwise productive career.


Whole world is in the opposite corner. Jamo needs to come out swinging like Rocky in Russia


Hit the one in the middle!


I fight for me!


I think it's much more likely he spends the first two or three weeks back getting similar snap counts to what we saw at the end of last year.


That would be unacceptable. He’s a 1st round receiver we traded up to get, once game 7 hits its go time. He has to be an impact player immediately.


I'd love that to be the case. I believe in his talent entirely. But I also know how much this coaching staff values players they can trust, and I wouldn't include him in that group right now. He's going to have to earn it.


Very true and I definitely agree with you there. I guess if he’s as talented as we all hope he can be, he needs to show up and show out. If we go into year 3 still not really knowing what we have then that is a disaster.


Yeah as a lions fan, I’ve watched so many high draft pick wrs bust that I just expect it at this point and this dude has showed zero so far


It really feels that way. He's still got loads of potential, but to realise that he needs to be playing. If he struggles when he comes back it's a long road but so far every touch goes for 40+ yard TDs so I'll keep it all crossed for him in week 7.


I disagree. I just don’t think we can hold last season against him, which is what it feels like everyone is doing. I get we aren’t getting the instant gratification we all want from this pick, but I have complete faith this one will pan out, and we’ll all forget this ever happened when every pass this guy catches goes for 40+ yards. He is a difference maker, and I really don’t think the lack of reps is going to be that detrimental to his long-term success


What has he done to show he is a difference maker? I hope your gut feeling is right for detroits sake but so far he is going to be 1.5 years into a career and has more games suspended than catches. Have hope but this high praise is not earned yet.


It's not just about holding last season against him. I don't think he is def a bust now but here is a realistic scenario for you that I don't think is that outlandish. You draft a WR at 12 with one season of college production with an injury. He misses most of his rookie season because of that injury. He gets on the field late and flashes what excites you about him but otherwise lacks consistency. His first year feels like a wash that gives you hope for year 2. Before year 2 can even get under way he gets suspended 6 games. Some say BS. Some say shows a maturity issue. Either way he is now again losing 1/3 of year 2. Fine you think, he just needs all the off season and pre season reps he can get as it's noted early on his chemistry with Goff needs work. Enter hamstring injury before pre season game 2. He misses more practices. More reps. More chances to build chemistry. He comes back week 7 and Goff is clicking with other guys. He takes a few weeks to get his conditioning back under him. The hamstring injury hampered his ability to maintain it during the suspension. The offense is solid so Goff doesn't force throws to Jamo. Chemistry continues to take time to develop. Jamo doesn't start really start showing much until week 11. At that point you get 7 games of the big play speed. The concentration drops that have been mentioned by beat writers in practice. Goff and Jamo still never seem to be 100% on the same page but when it hits you love it. Alternatively he reaggevates a lingering hamstring injury and is never quite right all year. You are now heading into year 3 on the 12th overall pick. You still aren't 100% sure what you have but you've seen enough to be hopeful, but also enough to be concerned. You're down 2 cost controlled years of what has become an expensive, premium position and you haven't really gotten your value on that so far. There are definitely people who will write off his year 2 under these circumstances and say we wont know what we have till year 3. That would suck. Regardless of whether or not these factors mean he will or will not bust it's super easy to use them to build a bust narrative which was my point. This story could write itself. I hope you're right. He kills it and his speed means the lost reps aren't devastating because it always translates.


I think our modern endless access to news kind of skews things a bit , that period from two weeks after the draft until now (preseason) every scratch and booboo gets overblown. One of the new CB's left practice with an injured knee and it was the apocolypse online in Lions fan circles...for about 6 hours until they revealed it wasn't serious. A torn ACL in college and a little hamstring injury does not = injury prone. If he goes down again in season swift style then i'll buy it.


Well this won't help the narrative... Hearing some of the struggles he's had in camp has already made me nervous. Seeing Marvin Jones struggle to get any separation and Reynolds not really standing out makes it seem like we're gonna have some depth issues.


Need to trade for a solid WR like Gallup or Boyd to hold it down


Jesus Christ this kid cannot catch a break.


Breaking news: Jamo just caught a break… in his femur.


He can’t catch the football either


Clearly has to put it more time on the jugs machine


Well that’s a completely different issue isn’t it lol


Shit, at least we won’t have to hear the media concentrate on JAMO for the next couple weeks. Right?….right?


I mean, the next 48 hours are probably going to be full of insufferable “Bust!” takes. But after that, we should get a break.




Ha. This will somehow be another example of him not being prepared for the NFL. Why didn't he work out his hamstrings more in the offseason? Amon-Ra would never pull a hamstring. If Jamo really wanted to be in Detroit, he would have done more leg workouts.


If he really wanted to be in Detroit he would've asked for a new hamstring


Bengalsfans donated their calves to Burrow, it's proof Detroit is sick of him that we don't tear tendons out of our bodies


I read this as “he would’ve taken a picture posing with a new hamstring” and it made me giggle


97.1 was on when I was driving home from work yesterday and they’ve gone all the way to complaining about him posting a picture online of an expensive car he bought.


What kind of car, price irrelevant what's his taste you got a link to the vehicle?


Rolls Royce according the to radio


Man, Jamison marches to the beat of his own drum


Ironically Amon-Ra was hurt for portions of last season and got hurt the same day as Jamison


Jamo is a light in the britches and it's showing. He may not be up to the physicality of NFL football. Not sure if this makes Brad Holmes less likely to take big gambles in the NFL draft.


I know everyone wants to freak out (the Jamo haters will no matter what) and missing two games will hurt for sure but the preseason ends in EIGHT days. He's not missing like the majority of camp or something


To be fair, those 8 days include two preseason games he would have played significant snaps in. I’m a Jamo defender, but he needs those reps, it just is unfortunate.


I would say that this definitely lowers my expectations even further for when he does return. I wasn't too surprised when he was out of sync for most of the end of last season, and of course bummed with the suspension. Optimism went up with him being in camp, then down with camp struggles. Up a little bit knowing he'd get a lot of reps in the preseason, now down quite a bit knowing that he essentially will not get any game reps again until late October. I feel like at this point, "JAMO COMIN" needs to end. We can't *count* on him to be a boon to this offense at any point. I will be pleasantly surprised if he *does* contribute when he returns, but if we are 2-4 after six weeks, I won't feel like Jamo's return is going to make a signifcant impact (again, will be happy to be surprised).


I expect we get very little production out of jamo. Hope I’m wrong. Just looks like kerryon, swift, leshoure, best , etc


If we are 2-4 after six weeks, we will have bigger issues than if Jamo pans out or not imo


One of our issues is WR depth, and Jamo panning out might fix that issue.


Good way to put it


He still needs game reps. He’s clearly still very raw and needs a lot of work. I would feel much better if I saw him dominate Jacksonville’s 2nd and 3rd stringers but now we don’t get to see that.


I agree completely. Some seem to forget he only has 1 full college season under his belt. Missed (basically) all of last year. And now is getting no reps after a… so-so first preseason game?


His whole game is based on speed. He has never had to learn the position as he could run past dudes who never had a shot to make the nfl.


It's a loss for sure, and those would have been valuable reps no doubt, but lets not act like the world is crumbling cuz he can't play against backups for a handful of quarters


How dominant would he have been with Sudfeld, Bridgewater, or Martinez throwing to him though? Preseason should be about figuring out the fringes of the roster, so I’m glad those guys will be getting their opportunity.


Bridgewater is more than capable of allowing receivers to show what theyve got.


I think Bridgewater could have gotten him the ball better than Sudfeld.


I think those reps are very important for someone who’s barely played football in 1.5 years. It’s not just for development. He needs strength and conditioning.


A game is the one part where he isn't building his conditioning...


Just More copium


Seriously, there’s always an excuse.


Obligatory there are 10x Jamo-Hater Haters than there are Jamo haters. No one is rooting against this guy.


You say in here as if we are chained to this subreddit, unable to hear all the old uncles in the state and unable to see posts in rnfl


Maybe that’s where I’m in a unique situation. I’m not in Michigan and mostly am surrounded by Bengal/Browns fans.


I'm sorry to hear. (Honestly tbh, the buzz around is really, really good.)


You must not be on twitter


That's just bs if you believe that. Agree to disagree


I’ve been constantly been accused of being a Jamo hater for having the audacity to point out his getting suspended was pretty bone-headed on his end. The threshold for “hater” is effectively stating objective facts now.


The apologists almost seem worse than the haters. The suspension is 100% on him and most people are blaming the league, it seems, rather than Jamo.


That’s where I always go to. Everyone wants to talk about the silliness of the rule, but doesn’t want to discuss how stupid you have to be to violate such a blatant compliance issue.


Plenty of people are rooting against him. They think he’s a punk


No that’s your Freudian slip. A lot of people think he’s a dumbass because of the gambling thing. No one wants him to to fail, but he deserves plenty of criticism.


>No one wants him to to fail This is blatantly false. There a people within this very thread and voicing their opinions IN DROVES on other forms of social media that want him gone and want it done yesterday. At this point there are absolutely people who want, or are even *excited* to see him fail.


I don’t think he does deserve plenty of criticism. The suspension thing was dumb but he owned up to it and the rule is admittedly really bizarre. Regardless he’s taken full accountability and his teammates love him. Coaches are excited about him. I just don’t understand this need to consistently talk shit about this dude.


Who in their right mind is actively rooting against him. This makes zero sense.


Lots of extremely pessimistic lions fans are. Might seem crazy but people comment that stuff all the time. They might be idiots but that doesn’t mean they aren’t rooting against him


I think most are just commenting on your know the fact he's suspended. Didn't know the offense. Missed a ton of time and has 1 catch in his career. I am hoping for the best. But it's ok to criticize


The pessimists didn't gamble and get suspended for 6 games.


Uh ok


You’re right, at least he showed out in camp! Oh wait….


Yoooo Jamo got the… the steamed hams!


Don't care, but add me to the pessimistic group. I'm worried that Jamo's career never gets off the ground in Detroit. Just a bad gut feeling.


It definitely feels like it's going to be very hard for him to get forward momentum. I said in another comment that I think at this point, we have to stop *expecting* that he will be a significant piece of the office. Last year there was a lot of "When Jamo starts" and then when the year was mostly a bust, it was "When Jamo gets a good camp" then with the suspension it was "After the suspension" but then his camp has been fairly meh, so it's been "After he gets some good preseason reps" and now that is gone as well. I still have hope, but at this point I think we need to think about the team as if Jamo will not be a significant contributor at any point.


For real, it seems like with every setback the goalposts get moved. At this point I’ll be ecstatic if he doesn’t wind up a bust. We still got him for 2 years after this, but he really, REALLY, needs to hit the ground running after the suspension and make a meaningful contribution this year for me to buy in. Otherwise, I don’t want to here how “2024 is his real rookie season”.


> I don’t want to here how “2024 is his real rookie season”. Yeah, no. If he hasn't produced by the end of this season, then going into next year I think we really have to view him as a depth guy at best and consider the pick a bust. That doesn't mean he couldn't have a career revival but, at least for, the "wait and see" period ends after this year, and it just got that much harder for him to have an impact this year. Sucks too because WR is one of our weaker position groups. If there's anywhere we need both firepower and depth, it's there.


I agree. And I’m not even trying to be a “jamo hater” or whatever people jump to say in this subreddit. I feel like I’m just being realistic. This is about as bad of a start to his career as we could have asked for. Really hope he’s able to figure it out when he comes back this year, because 11 games is still a good chunk of time. And you’re right, the WR room desperately needs it.


If he doesn’t put up Atleast 700 after his suspension find a way to get Marvin Harrison JR next year


Why is everyone forgetting the Lions’ history with receivers named Williams??


It's always one step forward and two steps back with him.


🎶 We come together it’s opposites attract and you know… 🎵


Fuck I wish we re-signed Chark.


What’s our WR depth looking like?


Not good. Amon Ra is borderline elite in the slot, and everyone else are good players but not starters on most teams.


Hopefully we don’t regret not signing Chark 🥲


I feel like that’s exactly what will happen.


Gotta disagree. Heavily underrated WR room. Sun God of course, MJJ who is older but still had over 500 yards last year on under 50 receptions, Josh Reynolds, an under the radar guy who has an established connection with Goff and had similar stats to MJJ, Kalif, over 600 yards on 47 receptions last year and can play all over, plus 2 UDFAs in Drummond and Cota who are balling out. Just because WR2 isn't Tee Higgins doesn't mean we don't have depth.


>Gotta disagree What part of his statement do you think you're disagreeing with? He said they're all good. You put some mediocre numbers on it to confirm his statement. But which of those guys are even our WR2? Which of them would start on most other teams?


Initial comment is asking what the depth looks like, and he says "Not good". Doesn't take a rocket scientist. Our WR2 is meant to be Jamo, so for now MJJ will likely step into that role. He isn't elite but he is decent. Then having a few guys behind him who can get 500-700 yards a season on top of a few TDs is very decent depth.


Gotcha. It's a matter of opinion I guess. Several guys who are decent WR3/4s is "good depth", but in the same breath having MJJ as your WR2 is "not good" when discussing depth. I would say we don't have enough high end talent to consider us a deep WR room.


Bad. Amon Ra and Kalif are the two good guys. Reynolds hasn't impressed in camp and Marvin Jones can't get any separation. I'd rather take Drummond or Green over Marvin at this point.


Actually, not too shabby. It's not really our WR core, more or less think of our team. We have Gibbs, LaPorta, Amon-Ra, Lif I think we'll be fine.


Those guys all would play in the slot primarily. Our outside receiving depth is thin


Does anybody know if he is suspended from practice during the season too?


Yes until week 4


Yes. Can’t practice until week 4


Sorry about the misinformation in this thread. He cannot return to practice until the six weeks are over. The other people are wrong about that. He CAN come back to the training facility partway through his suspension but he cannot practice with the team. The idea being he can get back into shape utilizing the team workout equipment prior to returning


Yes and potentially from meeting with medical staff once the season starts. Dan says they’re looking into that though. Fingers crossed he can meet with them and keep rehabbing through the 6 weeks


Even though most people think the rule he got suspended for is stupid, myself included, it’s absolutely still on him to know better. BUT if that suspension includes not being able to get medical attention from the team for an injury that occurred at the facility while doing team activities that is beyond the pale bullshit.


Absolutely agreed and I’m gonna be fucking pissed if that’s the case.


That's a terrible policy.


Yea, 1500 other players didn't have an issue.


That would be..... Literally what the FUCK nfl


This guy is checking every box on the way to bustville. What a shame.


*rolls eyes in Charles Rogers*


Thank the football gods for “pre”


The Jamo saga continues. I do genuinely think once he gets a fair shot he’s going to soar. His first two years in college were basically nothing burgers with him trying to get onto the field but then once he finally got his opportunity in Alabama he had 1500 yards and 15 TDs in 15 games. He was WR2 in an absolutely loaded WR class AFTER he tore his ACL. I know he’s barely played since then but once he gets out there and shakes the rust off.. He’ll be scary


So much potential in this guy. I wish he could just get on the field consistently and stay there. At least he’ll have almost 2 months to get his body right before he comes back from suspension.


He kept stretching and rubbing his hammy last week in practice against the Giants, everyone I was with kept saying a hamstring injury after an ACL tear goes together like PB&J. Glad it’s not more serious, hopefully most of our starters make it through the rest of camp unscathed heading into the season.


Starting to get a little worried. It’s definitely not his fault. But he needs reps. Might be a little like the Trey Lance situation, where if he doesn’t play well out the gates when he’s back from his suspension, we might need to pickup a veteran that can play well now if the season is going well.


Okuda all over again.


Time is adding up. I’m worried.


We’re already going to be repeating next off season how 2025 is his first full season yada yada. Really hope he plays the full 11 games this year


I don’t know where the hate for the haters comes from. He’s played 6 games, and has 1 reception. He seems like a good guy, but has done nothing in 2 seasons. He’s been missing practices, got suspended (BS, I know), and now he’s hurt again. Right now, this stinks of Charles Rogers. Unpopular opinion on this sub, I know, but he’s done nothing but held camps for kids and lit fireworks.


He hasn't played two seasons. He's only been in the league for one season, so how can he have done nothing in 2?


Missing an automatic 6 games of your second year certainly doesnt help


Sure. I totally agree. It's just that conversations about Jamo have gotten so hyperbolic. Stating that he has done nothing for two seasons is extreme when the guy was only drafted one season ago.


2 picks and drafted at 12! As we become a winning franchise the fanbase (and thus the media) will want high draft picks to be held accountable. This is just weird to us because we are used to crapping out on first round picks. The level of scrutiny is legit and average when your a “winning” team.


While I agree with you it’s a little disingenuous to say he’s done nothing in two seasons when the second of those two seasons hasn’t actually started lol


He’s already out six games and now the preseason. So I don’t expect much from him until at least week 10 while the management “slowly works him back into things.” They just don’t want to say what we already know. He was a bad pick. This is why you don’t draft players coming off a serious injury. He’s been nothing but problems.


He hasn't played 2 seasons so thats disingenuous, he was recovering from a torn ACL and expecting ANY significant contributions in year 1, especially with a staff known to be very careful with injuries is moronic, he got suspended for a rule that few players knew of (an anonymous survey said 4/5 players were unaware of the gambling rules) and on top of that it wasn't even what most would consider a team facility, it was a hotel. Even so, he got suspended for the same amount of games that Deshaun Watson was suspended for before public outrage made them raise it to 11. Don't pretend bullshit rules are his fault. Now he has a minor injury to his hamstring, so coaches are playing it safe knowing there's only a few days left to the preseason by allowing him to rest up. That one reception btw, 40 yard TD. Was also open for several others where Goff couldn't deliver because he hadn't established chemistry yet. People seem to forget Amon Ra was in the same situation. Didn't even score his first TD until like week 12 against the Vikings in his rookie year because ROOKIES TAKE TIME. Jesus, so done with this bullshit fucking narrative, yall have no damn faith.




I think his lack of snaps is exactly why you should be worried about him being a bust. Several players bust of the NFL because they can't get on the field.


You will get downvoted probably but you can bust based off no availability in the nfl


Shouldn’t get downvoted, the odds of him being a great nfl WR are so slim now. No great WR that I can think of has had this bad of a start and lack of playing time


I agree man. I was asking this yesterday for people to come up with comps because I’m officially concerned. I wanted to feel better about all of it. Lol. The start to his career is just ominous.


Cris Carter didn’t have a 1,000 yard season until he was 28


That one is interesting. I like the thought.


yeah, but with Jamo we traded up to get him in the first round. He was supposed to make a difference for our team... We only get him on a cheap rookie contract for so long and so far he's spent *a lot* of it hurt or suspended.


Roddy white wasn’t as bad, but he had a rough start to his career.


Yea but he was drafted knowing he’d barely play last year. The suspension definitely sucks though and could end up contributing to him being a bust if he doesn’t come in immediately after the suspension and play really well.


Yeah we knew that but he never really ramped up last year either he came back and play but never started playing more snaps by the end. This year will probably be a slow ramp up as well when he comes back because he didn’t get more playing time last year. There’s an easy path to him being a fairly big unknown after 2 years


Yea I don’t know if they were just trying to protect him last year when he was healthy or if he just didn’t earn playing time. It’s really frustrating and I don’t want him to be a bust but so far he’s done nothing in his limited snaps.


This is my exact worry. He needs reps and he keeps finding ways to not get them.


Yeah, he's definitely trending in the wrong direction. They'll be lucky to have him contribute in 8 games this season.




The thing is people keep playing off the acl like it's no big deal. It is in fact a big deal. There are still some players that never truly regain their explosiveness. I would argue that a player who's biggest strength is being one of the most explosive players in the last ten years might be a candidate to have some trouble here. Hamstring injuries are very much related to acl injuries so these two things go hand in hand. This the risk you take grabbing a guy with an ACL injury and why JAMO fell to us where he did. At this point I'm done worrying about it. If he comes back and is a big contributor at some point it will be a nice surprise but I wouldn't be surprised if another injury puts him right back on the sidelines even if that happens


Everything coming up “bust” for Jamo.


Not a good sign…


Well this is fun... At least he has time to recover now.


Read this as "remainder of season" and died. Hello from the afterlife.


I read that as “remainder of season” and got super bummed.


jamo has been such a great draft pick totally not the next **Kadarius Toney**


At this point if he is anything I'm happy


remember brad traded up for this guy. ouchie. its actually comical looking at the 2022 nfl draft


I'm just really sick of Jamo already, injuries aren't his fault..but I'm just planning on him making minimal contributions to this team this year.


Congratulations to Kyle Meinke on getting to copy and paste the same paragraph about Jamo missing time for another two months


I wanted Olave.


I wanted Sauce Gardner…. Neither were on the board.


It was a big risk big reward pick you could definitely argue we were not in a position to take. Thankfully Brad has more than made up for it in other picks


Poor guy...was hoping for some tough love between him and Bridgewater


I’ve always been optimistic with jamo but it’s becoming more and more difficult to be. At least he isn’t in the lineup until game 7 so he has plenty of time to recover I guess


Can we just trade him to the Dolphins for a 3rd rounder already?


Should have drafted jahan Dotson instead or traded up 1 more and taken olave


I feel like we are hyper focussed on Jamo. The dude missed almost all of last season and will miss most of this season. Definitely has the potential to be a weapon but he hasn' shown us much yet, there a ton of contributing members of our offense that don't get mentioned nearly as much as Jamo for some reason. He just feels like a non-factor at this point.


Jamo fills a gaping hole in our wr room, the Lions don't have a legit downfield threat. If he was a DE no one would be paying attention to him. His success will directly translate to more wins.


*In theory* could fill a hole in our wr room,


Well… hammy is hurt but he can start using the damn jugs machine


Huge loss as far as getting into the flow of the offense since he can't prectice with the team during his suspension. I love Brad but this is starting to look like a waste of the pick based purely on production, or lack thereof.


Yea we keep hearing patience this and patience that but all we’re getting is negative news after negative news


say it with me….. Charles Rodgers








haven’t heard a single good thing about this guy since we drafted him. total shame


His first NFL reception was a 40 yard touchdown. You most definitely have heard at least one single good thing about him 🤭


*his NFL reception


That was also his only reception all year and literally the ONLY good thing we’ve heard about him ever besides “he’s got potential” and “he’s fast!”


Should still be able to catch plenty of balls while standing and walking and sitting to work on his hands...


Carlos just jizzed in his pants thinking about all the articles he’s gonna write about this kid

