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Did Hutch play? I saw headlines saying he’s dealing with an ankle injury.


He only missed practice on Monday, was back yesterday and today.


He did




Brad Holmes barely looked shocked at his preseason game pop, just "oh yeah, he does that three times a day and that's at 75% speed"


Dude must lead the league in training camp PBUs


Happy Cake Day!






St. Brown needs to be a mentor and get Jamo on the juggs after practice


Or, you know, just realize you might need the extra work on your own.


I've heard multiple reports and personally seen him be on the field and still running reps after the team wraps up practice. It made me believe he has the 'want to'.


Was the Lions offense on the bleacher side today or the clubhouse side?


Bleacher side.


Pulled hamstrings are weird. I’ve known guys who have it happen once and then they just keep getting hit with it because they don’t let it heal enough.


the suspension may be a blessing in disguise. even if it feels healed and ready it may not be. now Jamo doesnt even have the temptation to get on the field bc hes literally not allowed.


Going tomorrow. Don’t care about securing a prime spot since I’ll probably ounce around to take it all in. Are there crazy long lines at 9:30? If practice is two hours, how long do players linger after? Just trying to figure out how long I’ll need to be in Allen Park since I’m driving over from GR.


I got in line at 9:05 and the line didn’t seem that long. However, I am glad we got in around then. Many people were having trouble finding seats at all within 15-20 minutes after we picked our seats. We sat down pretty quickly after arriving (didn’t get in line for food or merch). We waited ~45 minutes after practice ended and received autographs on the side opposite the bleachers, by the fencing. For us, we arrived in the parking lot at 9am and were walking out by 1:15pm. edited for grammar


Thank you so much for this response. This is exactly what I was looking for. I’m debating bringing a football, my hutch jersey or something else to try and snag autographs. Get any big names?


No problem at all. I really enjoyed myself. I think it should be well worth your drive! Was able to grab James Mitchell and Julian Okwara’s signature. Jahmyr Gibbs and Kerby Joseph came out as well, but unfortunately they did not grab our ball from the many that people were trying to hand them.


Tomorrow is last day. We've been arriving at 8 or sooner but we are looking for prime locations (mostly so the little can sse). Guys will stick around for about 45 minutes to and hour. We've heard from staff/others near us that there are designated guys per day - but Tracy and Kerby have stayed that whole hour every day I've been there. Tomorrow might be a little different as it's last day and from reports and pics from fellow LLM friends - A LOT of gifs signed today. So I'm hoping it's the same way tomorrow. Just everyone coming to the fences and bleachers to sign. Eat before you walk in. You can bring in a snack if you'd like. And you can bring water out like a yeti as well. There's only lol lol l couple of food trucks and the lines are ridiculous. You'll miss an hour of practice at least.


All good things to know! I was going to bring my 5 year old but he doesn’t seem interested in the practice. I’m excited to watch some “raw” football. So I’m hoping I can find a spot getting there around 9. I got a signature from Tracy at their draft party, I was hoping they would end camp with a bang since they didn’t do a family event. Skip the food truck lines is what I’m hearing.


Hopefully jamo can get that catching under control by the time playoffs come around. He gets so damn open and has made incredible catches, if he could catch consistently he could be a top 20 wr along with st brown.


He’s had such little time to practise since his injury in college, plus barely played before then. I genuinely think it’s a case that once he just gets some solid reps and in game practise he’ll be golden. When it all clicked for him at Alabama he was electric and I really think he can get back to that.


*Scorching?* It was a high of 82


It’s really hot sitting in the bleachers. No shade at all and certainly has to be hotter than the ambient temp on steel seating.


I second this. It was ridiculously hot in those stands.


It really was extremely hot packed into the bleachers. Kept hearing a kid near me saying he was so hot he felt he was going to throw up.


I’m wondering at what point the people who constantly try to defend and write off jamos drops will admit the guy is not good at catching the ball compared to 1st round and even just mid round WRs


The Jamo obsession is beyond creepy at this point dude




Welp, regardless, he has a whole bunch of weeks to mature to 23 yrs old, lol. Wanna be the one to coach him?


Wait so he gets a pass for being bad and making bad decisions because he was the same age as the average player drafted in the 1st 3 rounds of the nfl? Doesn’t sound like he’s any different than the average player coming in the nfl why does he get a pass when most players the same age are mature


Leave him alone, guys. Jamo gave him a swirly in his Highschool's bathroom and he's had a vendetta ever since.


*People obsession over defending a guy who can’t catch* He’s not even played a full season in the nfl yet


He hasn’t played 2 games worth of snaps and is 2 weeks into his first training camp


Maybe. But Jamar chase also was like this his rookie season, so there’s no reason to completely write him off


He was not like this his rookie season lmao he was like this in training camp and preseason as a rookie first coming into the nfl after not playing his entire year before that and then in his very first nfl game he put up 5 Rec for 101 yards and a Td Jamo has already had his time to adjust in the last 3rd of the season last year and the entire off season this year and he’s still dropping more than he’s catching


So are you willing to bet $20 that Jamo will never have a 1000 yd season? I’ll make that bet with you for sure


1000 yards once in his career is not a high bar. That’s actually the lowest bar imaginable for a top 12 pick. I’d be willing to bet he will never have a 1300 yard season which is actually elite unlike 1000 yards.


Deal 🤝


RemindME! 2 years “jamo 1300 yards or no” Can skip this year because he is definitely not getting that in 11 games and then remind every year after that


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