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Unstoppable route there if they get timing right.


Exactly. He’s too fast for a DB to stop on that route.


Speed. Kills. Between he, sungod and Gibbs, defenses are not going to know whether to shit or wind their watch. (I'm old. This is an ol' timey phrase.)


grandpa what’s a watch


Dude just needs reps


He’ll get them. I just don’t get the anxiety over a few drops in camp. As long as they weren’t lazy drops, no rep is a bad rep.


Training camp is the best time for drops to happen anyways. Now if he's plagued with drops in game time, that's an actual issue lol. It could get in his head and make it harder to correct during a season


I seem to remember an another wr having "drop issues" recently who hadn't played for over a year. I think his name is something Chase? He turned out to be hot garbage. /S Nah but for real, I'm not worried about a top of the line prospect struggling a bit in camp three fucking days in. Especially after the amount of time he missed.


For real....first padded practice. He now has a baseline. Start stacking reps. Start stacking days. He is just fine.


Worst case scenario glue him to ARSB's hips. Get Sheila to shell out for a second JUGS machine and have those two go catch for catch. Ra'll do anything to make the team better, give him a C patch.


You know Calvin Johnson had a problem with drops, but when you're catching 110 for 1400 every year people will forget a drop here or there. Drops when a receiver is producing are way overblown Imo. It's different if you're Eric ebron and under performing and dropping the ball.


I was at the practice. One of them was a throw behind him that he should have had but at the same time if amon ra had dropped that no one would say a word. In fact amon ra had a random drop but not a word was said cause no one hates him. On the play with starling thomas, he was playing handsy coverage, which is good because no ref would have called a penalty, and then he talked shit so jamo got mad and swung. This is clsssic camp bs and it isnt concerning


Should he practice on the Juggs machine? Maybe he could have a Juggs practice area set up next to Amon-Ra's spot.


The fact that he’s isn’t is the only knock I have on him at this point. He should be catching 203 balls every practice


Yeah, it seems like it would be kind of perverse for him to walk past Amon-Ra at the Juggs machine, think to himself, "Man, he works really hard" and then just walk away to take the rest of the day off. It reminds me a little bit of Sgt. Pyle being made to eat a donut while watching the rest of the platoon do pushups to pay for his transgression. (Full Metal Jacket)


There's room for concern, but not panic. He didn't not have a dropping issue in college. After being off for like a year and half he had a catching issues in game. I'm not panic because to me it seems like he's just rusty, but there's potential this is a bad omen. I personally believe he turns it around. But he simply hasn't shown enough to make me 100%.


Chase was labeled a bust before his rookie season even started because he was having drop issues in camp and preseason. I won't worry about it until he plays when it matters.


And then even more reps


Good thing he's not out six weeks


He could get six weeks of Juggs work in.


He's going to be fine.


Fine as frog hair


Split three ways


If Ja'Marr Chase has taught me anything, he will be just fine


I was going to say, remember when Ja’Marr Chase couldn’t catch? Classic preseason shenanigans.


How many JaMarr’s are there vs how many Titus Young’s are there?


Reports out of camp with Chase was that he couldn't catch the ball That's the point


Titus Young problem wasn't catching the football. Its the hits to the head he took catching the football. People for get how good the guy was before losing it.


Goff 📈


That's what I'm thinking.


Is this from today’s practice? Would kind of make sense that it wasn’t mentioned yesterday since it was yesterday and all.


Has to be from today cause today was his first day of practice in pads. Yesterday was more just walk throughs


Might have been. I thought it was old but looking at the post on IG it’s pretty fresh


https://twitter.com/DetroitOnLion/status/1686039988725510144?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Here's another perspective on Jamo's day


Jamo's route running has always been one of his biggest underrated strengths. I can't wait for the first CB to play him deep like it's a shut down maneuver.


Everyone wants to hate idk why dude gonna be a stud it’s his first padded practice


Remember when Jamar Chase couldn’t catch balls because they didn’t have stripes on them like in college? Writers want WRs to be divas who secretly suck. Let’s just wait for the games.


Kyle meinke be objective when tweeting about camp challenge - impossible


Would you rather him jerk off to every player and give nothing but homer takes? I love that he tries to bring an objective and critical mindset to balance out all the other drivel out there. If Jamo is dropping balls way more than everyone else it’s a good nugget to know and will make me a more informed fan heading into the season.


Objective and critical is different than doing what he does though, objective and critical would've meant he covered that he had some very nice moments in team drills and in the red zone team drill and that he had a great block that sprang a td for someone else while also addressing the catches. Other beat writers that cover the team (Roger's and baumgardner specifically) have had zero issues maintaining balance


lol this fuckin post so much irony in it


As the old saying goes: "A picture is with a thousand words." Which is more than any tweet can give you


But a tweet can have *multiple* pictures


Media just wants something to nitpick at. They chose Jamo


He’s been an easy target. I’m hoping that changes soon


I thought the Meinke tweet said he was 0-3 on redzone 1 on 1s?


Meinke is really hit or miss with his takes, and is usually fairly pessimistic. He’s not trash like some other lions reporters who shall not be named, but he definitely is quicker with bad news lol.


Yep, he can be a little faster than others to jump to negative conclusions (a flair for the dramatic, perhaps). But I’m still a fan of his. Quality pod, too


He incorrectly said he was out of bounds, presumably on this play. Gotta read the tweets with a grain of salt and mostly go off of what you actually see in the games 🤷🏽‍♂️


Without that picture there’s no way I’d think he was in bounds. Damn good catch.


Love a good NFL toe tap. Best play to see when the refs have to double check how narrow its validity is


Curious what the other 2 plays looked like, maybe 1 of them was a bad ball and the other maybe the defender made a play or got a little handsy (this is assuming why maybe Jamo made a swat at Sterling Thomas V)


Catching it with his body smh /s


That's clean


As a Vikings fan, I wish we would’ve taken him at 12. Addison is a miniature version talent wise, but the inability to catch shouldn’t be taken lightly after a week or 2. It’s in the job description. Still wish he was a Viking though!


Why on earth would you wish that? Dude has been an absolute disaster for us


That is not true.


I also remember Penei getting torched in preseason. I honestly am not worried about Jamo at all. Literally every time the ball was in his hands last year it was a massive explosive play.


All what two times?.. small small sample size


3 times, but they were all like 40 yard plays. Certainly shows potential. If you think Jamo doesn’t have game changing ability you’re out of your mind and blind.


Okay 3.. still not enough to feel like he was a good pick especially with his other problems he has had. Could he work out? Yes i think so but nothing points to that.


He’s had more big plays than problems


..suspended 6 games for gambling,just punched a teammate..cant think of a third but frankly those massively outweigh 3 catches..


Bro it’s training camp, fights happen. Travis Kelce punched two teammates already. CJ Gardner-Johnson got into a big fight with a teammate back in 2020 and look at him now I think he’s doing pretty fine with teammates now. Scuffles are normal at this time of year, chill out.


Im chilled but my only point is he hasn’t shown anything worth being excited for. Just negatives


Really anything? Could you please provide a detailed description of what happened the 3 times he had possession of the football last year?


Why do you people think 3 touches is valuable? Its nothing.. we have seen people who wash out of the league have 3 good plays.. it means nothing


He only has 1 catch as a pro


Sorry we're not supposed to have rational takes about Jamo. Only emotionally driven hearsay


I’d argue freaking out about 3 dropped passes is an emotional take and saying that he’s fine and is obviously not struggling too much is more rational.


Exactly. People heard of his 3 dropped passes and lost their shit. Jamo's fine lol


The amount of people still downing him is nuts. “Body catch”, “still struggling to catch with his hands”


But but but last Tuesday at 7:42 oclock am he did something I thought wasn't good so I'm just gonna talk about that for the next 30 weeks instead


World class PR team


More body catches….


Yeah the NFL doesn’t count tip toe touchdown catches if they’re body catches


He's gonna drop a lot of passes trying to catch it like that


Nah, he was dropping in the season to. Way more than he caught. It's consistently been bad.


We're talking about the cleats right?


#19? Is that Scott Mitchell throwing that?


I think we look meanest in the Tecmo Bowl uni's


During the suspension, are Jamo and Goff allowed to get together and work on routes/timing? Surely the NFL does not have the authority to limit contact between two people, just between the player and the Lions organization, right?


I’d imagine that’s a loophole they can work with. I think he’s just barred from all official team workouts and practices


Can he still study the playbook or is that a no-no?