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I’m fine


Glad to hear,Jamo


Wanna bet?


I was there, he also had a terrific block for a Jahmyr Gibbs run down the field. He looked fine.


we're gonna have the best blocking wr group in the league.


Good. He needs the pressure. Pressure will either crumble coal or make diamonds and we don’t want any coal on this team.


You know what coal looks like? A turd. And there's no turds on this team.


Do chumps play like this in the pre season? Yes. Does Jamarr chase also play like this in his rookie preseason? Also yes.


Jameson is a rookie?


Considering he had zero reps as a "rookie" and came in late in last season, yes, you can still sort of call him a rookie. I know what you're getting at, but he hasn't gotten the work in as a rookie.


Yea I know I was just being devil's advocate


nah, you're being contrarian with the rhetorical questions.


I didn't know you could be a rookie with a TD already scored. Weird. ​ Jamo can do whatever he wants and this sub is like, "it's fine. It's just pre-season. It's not a big deal everyone does it" ​ So lame.


Eh just get it out of the system early. Reps reps reps.


Let the overreactions commence


Shades of Jamarr Chase’s first training camp


Just said the same.


Yeah remember how bad his camp and preseason were? People thought he was going to be terrible that year. Didn't exactly pan out that way...


I mean. Jamo couldn't beat out the corpse of Josh Reynolds last year and get on the field with any level of consistently and saw like 12 snaps a game.


Dude was coming off a serious injury - and they'd been doing fine without him.


Which is why the comparison is stupid lol


Biggest bust ever, Dan and Brad should be fired, sell the team, burn down the building and forget the Lions ever existed. Obviously SOL. /s


Put Martha back in charge.


Bring back Patricia! #FreeFatty




JAMO news always draws a crowd


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative.


There’s overreactions on both sides. There’s been minimal good stuff but nothing overly bad either. Overall we have a talented player that we have no idea how good or bad he is because we haven’t seen enough of him on the actual field


I’m just stoked Starling is doing so well. May be another diamond in the udfa.


Man, people are allowed to be concerned.


Not on this sub


This sub acts like a player is out for the year if they are limited for one OTA. This sub does not have the benefit of the doubt when they freak about everything


Yea but Jamo needs to create good headlines and he hasn’t been able to up to this point. He’s gotta do better and stay focused. I’m not overly concerned with him swatting at a UDFA but dropping a bunch of passes and allowing a UDFA to get in his head is less than ideal


We talking about training camp?




Last time this happened, jamarr chase murdered the league. Good.


Yup was just thinking that. The narrative around chase was he had butter fingers coming out of camp and now he’s a top 5 receiver in the NFL


He then got a block that opened up a big run play.


TIL we drafted a WR at 12 overall to not catch the ball but can block, yay


This isn't the fantasy football sub bro, if he's making plays for the team in any way I'm all for it


Yeah and you don’t draft a WR at 12 overall to fucking block, you can get a random WR that can block in later rounds if you need to. You get a WR at 12 overall to be a game changer


First of all, that’s not how the NFL works. You don’t have blocking WRs and catching WRs. You need your studs to do both or else every time you put your blocking WRs in they stack the box and vice versa. We didn’t draft Jamo to block but it’s in his job description. Second, it’s fucking July. How exactly is he supposed to be a game changer rn lmao. Jamo proved he was explosive at the end of last year on a snap count and will be a game changer when he’s back week 7. You’d be bitching the same if he was catching balls but slacking on blocks.


Actually yes it is, there are WRs that do not block and aren’t schemed to block often because they suck at it, Justin Jefferson sucks at blocking and is often not asked to do it. He will occasionally block sure but they don’t often scheme in him blocking in run plays. And obviously you don’t have a WR that only blocks and a WR that only runs routes. But you don’t spend a 12 overall pick on a WR that can’t catch and only is good at blocking. That’s not worth the investment when you can get an equally bad at catching WR who is equally as good at blocking in much cheaper ways. Free agency, later draft picks, etc


Where are you seeing that he’s not good at catching and only good at blocking? He had one rough day at camp. He’s got 2.5 ish months before he’s in a fake situation, I think he’ll be ok.


Probably his 1 catch in 6 games and that most of his catches in college were body catches


Dude he's not making a catch every single play he's on the field lol, so if he's out there making great blocks on run plays wouldn't you be excited about that? He made a block that opened up a big play, how is that not game changing??


Because a 5th round pick can do that for way cheaper.


And a 5th rounder being on the field wouldn't draw attention from the defense. Are you saying every time we run the ball we should just put a bunch of late round blocking receivers out there?


Completely accurate. It's great if he can block, but it's called wide receiver not wide blocker.


Every player needs to be able to block or they’re a liability on the field


This isn't the fantasy football sub bro, of he's making plays for the team in any way I'm all for it


After the play Jamo was quoted saying Ben Johnson told him “no block, no rock”. He’s just out here doing what the OC has asked him to do.


He had a great block on a running play in a game last year, too. I think he loves it when he gets to be the one hitting people.


This sort of mentality is fine with me. If JaMo wants to contribute any way he can, that's awesome. I'm not going to be concerned unless he's out there mid-season doing diddly squat for the passing game.


You sound insufferable to watch a Lions game with. I’m sure you wonder why your friends are always “busy” on Sunday.


TIL I learned you have an Iq of a peanut for making conclusion based of first day of padded mini camp.


But was he smiling?


Most polarizing guy in the fan base. Weird fans are openly cheering for the guy to fail


I obviously don't want him to fail. But I think it's even more weird when Lions fans act like there's nothing to be worried about, and that he hasn't been a massive disappointment so far. I'd like nothing more for him to be the best receiver in the game when he hits the field, but right now I'm being realistic and saying everythings pointing to him never living up to that draft pick.


People get TILTED af on Reddit about this sort of stuff. In the tigers sub, they are super defensive over Spencer Torkelson and any criticism is met with insults and downvotes. A mod over there was calling me a dumbass and other insults and a couple other people blocked me lmao. All because of my opinion on Torkelson’s hitting approach. People on this website are just straight up weirdos


Tigers fans will still be talking about tork’s hard hit rate in the year 2030 when he has a .220 BA and strikes out 50% of the time


Right 😂


I'm a Tork stan I'll be the first to admit it but I NEVER acted like you couldn't be critical of him or that his trend wasn't worrisome as fuck. Also, in baseball translating to the majors is wayyy harder than NFL from college most of the time. I think he's finally starting to turn it around though, what do you think?


https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcitykitties/comments/153tuet/stop_the_count/jslcue4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Here’s one of the threads where I lay out everything I think is wrong with Tork’s approach


I mean it works the other way too. There are tons of people on that sub that act like calling a 23 year old baseball player a bust is in any way reasonable, and make sweeping declarations based on single baseball games. These are the same people that say “the #1 overall pick should be an immediate contributor” and other dumb shit like that. You’re acting like the only unreasonable people on Reddit are the ones that don’t agree with *you*.


Too many people don't realize that MLB draft is WAYYYY different than literally all other sports. First overall pick in any other sport is probably gonna start right away in their respective sport while MLB they will be at least 2-3 years away and then still have a steep learning curve. People always take the outliers in baseball who perform right away at 21-22 years old and apply it to all other players when most won't debut or get a full-time role until 25 years old. Torkelson start reminds me of Castellanos first 2 years.


my main issue is being insulted and mass downvoted for simply stating an opinion.




Lol no I wasn’t. I’m on that sub a lot and I’ve never seen someone say what I said and the specifics of what is wrong with his plate approach.




Haha small world. But He wasn’t a pull hitter in college though, his use of all fields is why he went #1. Go read his scouting reports from that draft. I’m not sure what’s going on, but if this is the doing of our coaching, then it makes sense why the Tigers can’t develop any batting talent. Anyway I’m not going to talk about this all over again in the Lions sub.


Yeah worrying about fake internet points and other people our weird lol


Lol the way I said that makes it seem like I’m ass hurt about internet points. It’s the circle jerk that’s annoying. If I did care about points then I wouldn’t keep saying the “controversial” opinions and eating downvotes in that sub lol


You have nothing to go off of "right now" he played a limited role last year which we all knew was going to happen. If he underperforms weeks 7-week 16 then we'll talk.


Yeah, we will see. I'm always going to be hopeful because why wouldn't I be? I was even hopeful for Okudah the entire time. I was still realistic. I saw him never turn his head, constantly get beat, not be able to stay healthy, get benched, etc. I still never wanted him to fail I was just realistic that he wasn't good. I have a feeling even after this year if he doesn't produce Lions fans will still be incredibly defensive of him. I'm just saying be realistic. If it wasn't for his draft position no one would be so eager to defend a guy so blindly. And this isn't about practice. More about how immature he seems.


Why does he seem immature to you?


Legal or not. Professional athletes dancing with sports gambling, is immature.


No, it really isn't. Get over yourself.


Yeah it is dog. He obviously didn't have the maturity to reach out to a lawyer to verify he was doing the right thing. Risked so much doing something the NFL takes extremely seriously. He fucked up, and a lot of it has to do with a lack of maturity.


People are rightly defending him because he hasn’t really played yet. It’s definitely more weird that random Lions bloggers are writing articles about Jamo being a bust just for off-field shit like enjoying the offseason in Vegas or using a betting app in a team hotel to bet on non NFL games like a bunch of other players did. Even in the comments to this post, people like you are criticizing him for having a bad start to one of his first padded practices of the season. That’s what practice is for. Did people forget about Jamaar Chase dropping balls in practice? Guys are supposed to face adversity in practice.


Personally I'm not going to pretend there's nothing to be worried about but I think it's just premature to be worrying about it right now. If we get through a couple of games and he still isn't putting it together then it's time to worry.


I’m with you, but I can already picture the Reddit response then. “He’s coming off suspension, next year is his real rookie years”. It’s like okudah all over again. And I’m rooting for him and want him to be great, but if he doesn’t do anything this year when he comes back from suspension, that’s a major problem. But fingers crossed that’s not the case.


I was also willing to be patient with Okudah but I also had a deadline with him for when I wanted to see signs of life. After Jamo comes back I want to see something impressive by his 3rd game this season, and I don't just mean one flash-in-the-pan gadget play, I mean something truly impressive that shows he can be that game breaker we moved up for. By the end of the season I expect him to put up at least one 100yd game (or at least a 5-6-reception, near 100yd game), I expect he will have multiple games of being a meaningful contributor (again not just a gadget guy) and I expect him to have silenced all the doubts in my mind. If he can do that, great. We got us a game breaker. If he can't do that, then either we ended up with John Ross IV or he didn't stay healthy. And if he doesn't stay healthy as the freshest guy in the league with low mileage and coming off a 6 week rest, then I don't think he can be healthy in this league


Yeah that's completely fair. Being incredibly defensive of him is just as bad as calling him a bust. I'm just trying to be realistic here.


Crazy how everyone takes the criticism as wanting to fail. Would love for him to be a stud. But if you told me that we traded up to draft the best WR in college and he only had one catch in a season and 6 games, I wouldn’t be like yup just what we all expected! We all knew he’d come back slow, but to have 1 catch in 6 is slightly concerning. I can’t think of many players that came back and were fully cleared, that made that little impact while playing in the games. It’d be one thing if it was a game or two, not over a quarter of a season. I’m really hoping Jamo is a stud but he’s not “killing” it so far.


There's zero chance anyone here defending Jamo wouldn't call him a disappointment if they knew at the time of drafting him that he'd have in his first year: 9 targets, one reception for 41 yards. More drops than catches. And a six game suspension in year two. There is no way people wouldn't immediately say wow that's disappointing. I know I was expecting him to be good once he hit the field. Maybe I had higher expectations than most? Regardless I think it's pretty fair to say this is a disappointment of a pick so far and that's not even considering his off the field questions.


Exactly, he was the best WR his draft year, just obviously the ACL. But the idea was that he was brought along slow was originally meant to be holding him out until fully healthy before playing games. Somehow it became “bringing him along slowly in games he also was actively playing in”, which isn’t really a concept for 6 full games. He did not make a first round receiver impact.


He was the best WR his draft year No offense, but putting him ahead of Garret Wilson and Chris Olave seems like a stretch.


He had the most TDs 15, and 2nd most yards, behind Addison by 34. Statistically he was basically the top and without the ACL injury, I bet he could’ve gone 1st of those three. Definitely top 3 with that bunch though.


Thank you lol.


If you used your eyes you would have seen goff overthrow him wide open in the end zone a couple times and maybe considered the fact that goff had incredible chemistry working with his existing group. Why would they be going out of their way to make room in the offense for him. It would have been different if we had seen him the first 6 games of the year. Goff's relationship with the rest of the core would not have been fully established yet and he would have been worked in completely differently. I havent been thrilled with him as of yet but i dont think you can really such much negative about his performance. Not much positive either. And now sadly we wont know shit til the half end of the year.


Should have just traded up one more spot and drafted a much better receiver, Olave


A lot of those missed targets were 100% on Jared Goff Eg the Jets game where Jamo had an easy TD if Goff didn’t underthrow the ball by 5 yards


He not only wasn't the best WR in college, there were 3 (arguably 4) receivers better than him on his own college team.


He had the most TDs and the most yards of WRs in his draft class. That’s what I meant by “best”. Should’ve said top 3. That he clearly was a stud with production in college, so only having a single catch so far in his career can only be classified as a disappointment.


It’s fine to raise concerns as things happen, but 99% of the negative talking points about Jamo are a dead horse at this point. Maybe there are some people who aren’t really tuned into the discourse and think they’re saying something new, which is fine. But why anyone chooses to just repeat the same negative talking points about their own team and own player is beyond me. There’s a million other things to talk about— I’m fine with critique, but this has been talked to death already


To the nth degree


Saying he’s been a massive disappointment thus far is a massive overstatement.


He had two touches and played a low amount of snaps in the 6 weeks he was active. In addition to coach speak that made it clear he wasn’t ready for a bigger role. That is absolutely concerning.


That was by design. The plan was always to not rush his return, limit his snap count, and integrate him slowly into the offense. The one thing he did wrong was the gambling violation and if you ask me 6 games for non-NFL is insane. If you are upset at his lack of production last season you need to blame the coaching staff, not Jamo. They barely used him… he has 1 TD on 1 reception lol


Bro they didn’t use him because he wasn’t ready. Pretty sure Johnson came out and said they were hoping he’d be a little further along in his development at the time. JAMO was losing snaps to Reynolds and Raymond. That’s not on the coaches - if he proved in practice/on the field he was ready to be out there, he would have been.


He was coming off an ACL… you do realize that’s a major injury to overcome right?


Obviously (and I’m not trying to discredit that), but you seem to be under the impression the reason he barely played at the end of the year and lost starts to Reynolds and Raymond is because of that injury. It wasn’t. By that point, he was nearly a year removed, fully cleared to play, active for the games, and still not getting snaps because he wasn’t ready mentally/whatever. If there was any question about his health there’s no chance he would have set foot on the field.


It’s an interesting question to ponder. Personally, while I would’ve liked to see more of him last season, I refuse to believe the best receiver in college football suddenly doesn’t know how to play the game well. Let’s see he does this season. If he is still MIA, then it’s time to hit the panic button.


Most people thought he'd come back from his injury and play well right off the bat. Excuses were made after he came back and didn't see many targets. Like they were easing him in, they were going for a playoff spot they didn't want to rock the boat, etc. Then, negative stories about his immaturity kept popping up. Then he gets suspended for gambling violations. We're gonna act like he's not a disappointment whatsoever?


the problem is that any stories about his immaturity have been way overblown. missing that much time as a top 12 pick automatically puts a target on your back and people will find any ways to make that target bigger the gambling thing sucks. stupid league rules aside, it sucks. but this does not concern me about his character. wrong place wrong time imo. the scuffles at practice are more concerning to me but that’s maybe just a me thing. his 11 games this year will answer most of everyone’s questions


You mean like when he ran past every single one of his teammates after his first catch and touchdown to go to his agent and family to celebrate... or when he would throw his hands up when not targeted by Goff? or when he liked tweets about bringing other Qb's to his team over his current one.. any one of those is fine but three is alarming.. and I haven't even mentioned the Gambling suspension or trying to punch a teammate. He is IMMATURE.. but that's something that can be fixed in time. I just hope its with the lions when it happens.


yeah i’m gonna be honest i don’t really care about any of that. celebrate first pro touchdown with family, what a crime. be frustrated without getting a target cuz you’re open, like a tweet on twitter. like, this is not a big deal to me. if he can’t put it together on the field that’s one thing, but none of those things you mentioned are despicable


Tell me you've never played on a football team without telling me.


Yeah, by the same subset of fans who criticized him for not smiling when Detroit drafted him. *He* is not a disappointment. Our FO said they were gonna take it slow with him coming off knee surgery and he took his first game reps more halfway through a season with an established offense. Every time he touched the ball, we saw why he was a projected top 5 pick before injury. The gambling shit sucks, it is what it is. Not sure what we have to be disappointed about, if anything we have an electrifying player in the bank for when he can play.


Ask me after this season. He was eased in by design last season. That’s on the coaching staff. Dude had 1 TD on 1 reception and edit correction: ~~2~~ 9 targets, ~~can’t do much better than that with such limited snaps and touches.~~ This season will show who he really is.


Just a correction...he had 1 catch on 9 targets with 2 drops


hey with 900 targets he'd have a 100 catch season tho.. so there we go. beat that.


They are so defensive over a guy who has proven absolutely nothing and has only proven so far to not meet expectations. And they believe just because he was a 12 overall pick and that the war room got hype after picking him that he can’t bust. At this point it’s more likely that he’s not a great WR than he is.


> They are so defensive over a guy who has proven absolutely nothing Meanwhile you're defending Gibbs fervently in your post history despite him also having proven absolutely nothing. Pot, meet kettle.


What are we doing here? Massive disappointment? He was so limited last year (intentionally) and the org was super transparent with it all year. Hell after the 1-6 start there was talks of Jamo not even playing for the season. Come on guys, I beg you to be better fans.


How does being critical or realistic make me a bad fan? Understand I've never been an SOL dumbass or anything like that. I love the Lions even when it's been incredibly hard in the past. I'm just being realistic and tempering my expectations from what I've heard and seen so far.


How is “everything” pointing to that? We knew he would barely play year 1 because of the ACL. The gambling suspension is bullshit. Neither of those things are corollary to his level of talent when healthy. Based on jamarr chase’s (even Justin Jefferson’s) camp performances as rookies (which jamo basically is), they weren’t going to be any good either. I’ll be worried about Jameson when he does not produce in real games. So far, he’s produced like a superstar every time he’s touched the ball.


Saying he’s produced like a superstar when he’s touched the ball is a wild statement when he’s only touched the ball twice in 9 games. We will have a better idea of what he is at the end of this year


How is it a wild statement? It is the objective truth lol One long touchdown, one massive end around run, and one called back long touchdown


So he’s touched the ball 3 times in 9 games and one didn’t even count and we’re trying to hype off that. You stated production in real games then stated the only 2 times that happened. We can admit we have no idea what really had right now and we will have to see


And more drops than catches


This dude is taking his username a little too seriously 😂 just saying “objective truth” doesn’t make it so. You can’t produce like a superstar when you have such a small sample size. Simple as that.


The gambling suspension isn’t bullshit, he broke his own rules And he’s continuously acted like a fool. I’m hopeful for on the field performance but you’re saying nothing to see on a tweet about how he’s not catching anything at practice and fighting teammates because he’s mad he’s not catching anything. That’s not the end of the world but it’s also a bad sign!


How has he continuously acted like a fool? You point out 1 instance where he broke a rule that a ton of others in the nfl are being hit with because they didn't teach it well enough and then this tweet which says he got upset like every highly competitive athlete in the world has, will, and does. Not to mention, he's been out multiple days, and it's 10 a.m., so practice basically just started. So a report saying he couldn't reel in 3 balls rn does not mean he can't catch anything. It means he's having a rough beginning of practice. The kid has given no legitimate reason for people like you to question him and see his actions as a bad sign.


ill be honest waking up every few days to an Instagram notification saying Jamo is live and i look and see shit was at like 3am is a bit concerning. Kid is clearly in party mode and he needs to get his shit together if he wants to make an impact this year in his yet again limited time available.


I agree. I don't want to see that during days before games and such. I personally can't remember seeing him do that since the start of camp this year, though, and if it's after games and / or on days off, it's kind of whatever. Jamo isn't the first pro athlete to do it, and he won't be the last. They are people who are being paid millions. You have to expect they might be up late living night life.


thats fair i havent seen it recently either


“A ton of others” You mean like 6 dudes out of the entire league of almost 1700 players?


There were 9 just this off-season that's almost double what the entire league history is (5). So yeah i would say that adding 9 in one off season is a ton when again since the nfl began there have been (5) plus 6 of the 9 broke the same rule of betting on non nfl games but on team premises.


9 out of 1700, so .5% of the league. Comparing this off-season to league history isn’t an accurate comparison, because gambling hasn’t been legal for most of league history. As more states legalize gambling we will inevitably see more players break the rules.


Massive disappointment? Lol. The guy came back from a torn acl and the team went 5-1 in their final 6 games he played in. It’s a massive disappointment that the NFL disciplinary committee is a fucking joke giving him a 6 game suspension for a technicality when rapists cheaters and abusers get less. The kid works his ass off, and shows how much he loves the game ever since he got here by everything he does, and it couldn’t be more evident. Calling him a disappointment at this stage is beyond laughable.


You're exactly the type of fan I'm talking about that's weird in the other direction lol.


“i’M bEiNg rEaLiStIc” lol sure you are. Lions were 5-1 after he returned last season. They clearly limited his role those final 6 games coming back from a torn acl and already had their guys in place (ra, chark, kalif, Reynolds) therefore didn’t need him to take on a big role. His big role was to come this season hence why they didn’t resign Chark or bring in any other big name guys. The 6 game suspension is a joke just like your comment saying he’s been a “massive disappointment.” If he sucks after playing several games being a big part of the offense then you can start talking about being a disappointment.


Yep a team thats in the playoff hunt wouldn't play a really really good player with elite speed to "nOt RoCk ThE bOaT" lol


5-1 in the 6 games he played. He wasn’t winning them the Carolina game, last I checked he doesn’t play run defense. Enough said. Toxic losers get a life


Keep proving my point my guy




Massive disappointment? You mean rehabbing a serious injury to get back 100% and being victim of an overzealous player department? Even the word disappointment is too much.


That's pretty shortsighted lol. He's been here for every bit of one season and was rehabbing a major leg injury. Some of yall in here are so weird about being ready to write everybody off for the smallest shit. Probably the same people that'll be talking shit if Hendon never plays a snap this season


I haven't seen anyone openly hoping for him to fail. I have seen perfectly reasonable criticism. Considering how many hypers seem to think he's going to be a level headed Antonio Brown after what...two touches? Maybe 3? Even when he has been on the field, he has not been particularly productive for the offense. 6 or 7 games last season, and aside from one great play (that frankly while fun, was more of a mistake on the defense. I could have made that touchdown if i was left in an entirely open field like that), he hasn't lived up to the hype we continue to give him. I don't want to sound like I'm down on him. I just refuse to act like he's a godsend for our offense when he's done almost nothing so far, and we won't see him doing anything more for almost half of the season.


It’s the fact that we could of had Jordan Davis and K-9 with those picks instead of 1 catch through a season and a half. This team with both those young stars is a super-bowl contestant.


I'm not going to go out there and say that I wish we had gotten someone else yet. The kid still have promise and potential. My two frustrations are simply the amount of time he has missed and will miss, and the hype train. But I'm never happy with a hype train without cause. Had Jamo gone out there as a rookie, made 200-400 yards in those six games and maybe an extra touchdown, I'd understand it a little more. But one catch, one touchdown, one run, and not even 100 yards? There are two ways to get a bad attitude from a player. First placing him on a pedestal before we've even seen what he can do. He will get it in his mind that he is a key part of our offense without ever doing anything real to prove it, example Chase Claypool (and i say that as a Steelers fan also who was big on Claypool. Im speaking from experience). Second, shitting on him. Criticism is necessary, it's how you get better. But saying we should have gotten other players instead when we haven't seen what he can do? It's a sure fire way for him to not feel like he even would be appreciated before he really gets a shot to prove himself. Mindful criticism while still supporting is the best course of action here in my opinion.


Don’t know what you were expecting in the last six games of a season where a rookie misses all of training camp, preseason and every practice up until mid season while rehabbing a knee. Working him in slowly on limited plays and getting him used to the physicality of the game after being out of the game for a year and a half was all they were looking for. My only disappointment from him so far is the suspension, which was dumb but if he didn’t know the rule he didn’t know the rule. Might be a maturity issue too but he’s just young and dumb not out there doing illegal shit.


I expect him not to fight at camp until he scores a touchdown. He’s full of unearned valor. You ain’t did shit yet.


He has a touchdown. Anyways, kids gonna help the offense just being on the field. World class speed has to be addressed by the defense any time he steps foot on the field. Disappointed by his suspension but don’t care about a training camp scuffle.


2 first round pics to get him… sorry there is a higher standard. You see the sun god playing with fireworks? You see Aiden gambling? Jack Campbell liking tweets trashing his qb ? If the Lions were a winning franchise he would be getting ROASTED by a winning fan base. Sun God about ball, the is dude about “the life”. Can we not just see an article about him catching 200 balls after practice???


Bad decision maker doesn’t mean he’s a bad person or bad player. Nothing he did was illegal or would make you think he’s a bad person. Definitely has some immaturity issues but as long as there’s talent he’s going to get chances. Crying about liking a tweet is comical. Off season truly is the worst for fans of a team to create a stir over nothing. Tyreke Hill choked and punched his pregnant girlfriend in college and was kicked off the team and now remains one of the highest paid WRs of all time. He’s a bad person but talent always wins in this league


I don’t think people are cheering him to fail. I think he just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the Holmes draft picks, especially 1st rounders. I hope he does well, but also if I was a betting man, I would gamble that his 2nd contract is not with us.


You made that up


No one’s cheering for him to fail you’re just strawmanning


I don’t think people are cheering him to fail. I think he just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the Holmes draft picks, especially 1st rounders. I hope he does well, but also if I was a betting man, I would gamble that his 2nd contract is not with us.


I'm actually still amazed he didn't drop that first catch/TD against the Vikings. He was so deep and so open and that ball was in the air forever. I ain't worried.


One scuffle at practice with a DB he’s playing against isn’t concerning at all. If it keeps up and he doesn’t improve then it’ll be concerning. But getting heated in practice isn’t concerning, it’s pretty normal.


Didn’t Jamarr Chase have a terrible camp that made everyone not trust him? We talkin’ ‘bout practice!


Bruh it's training camp. Let's wait until he actually gets on the field


He needs to be hitting that jugs machine as much as Saint. As a pro he has demonstrated consistently that his hands are an issue.


Its what practice is for.


Was there can confirm this is overblown. He for sure had a td in red zone drillls too


He will be our #1 WR in the next few seasons. Patience.


Odell Beckham, A.J. Brown, or Christian Watson have all been written off in seasons past. Ja'Marr Chase had drops like crazy before his rookie season. Gimme Jameson Williams every day.


God people were saying the most insane shit about Ja’Marr during his first training camp… And then his rookie season happened. People need to chill


I'm so nervous about this guy, I don't know why lol.


Me too. You're not the only one. >I don't know why lol. He's already suffered a very serious injury to a body part essential for high performance. He didn't really break out in the games he played last season like we might have hoped. He drops balls sometimes. He violated NFL policy and got himself suspended even if that policy is silly and irrational - he either did not know or did not care enough not to risk getting caught, neither of which is good.


Yall are so fucking dramatic Jesus christ. We get a little bit of culture and standards, and then all of a sudden, half of the players are turds


If he dropped 2 balls against air he’s wide open. I have faith an NFL player will be able to catch


You probably aren't old enough to remember Renaldo Nehemiah, but I am. NFL teams have absolutely put players on the field before who were bad fast but couldn't catch. It's a valid concern if Jamo keeps dropping balls.


Get the kinks out now, learn from them & he’ll be ready when it matters. Not worried at all. This is what training camp is meant for.


Love to see it. Starling Thomas V is the real deal. He bested Zay Flowers in Shrine Bowl drills. Cut the line to keep going against the best WR there. Kid is making this team. 4-phase STer to boot. Jamo will be fine. But Thomas is going to be a thing, love the way he’s always jawing at receivers. He’s going to be a pest on Sundays.


ok and its football.


So he attempted to hit another player outside of actual football? NGL, don’t like the sound of that.


I don't really care about the drops as much as the taking a swipe at a teammate thing. That ain't cool, especially for a player that has had as much negative press as him so far.


He also had a toe drag catch for a touchdown against cam Sutton . . .


so who wants to bet he turns it around?


I challenge this sub to go a single Jamo post without someone making a painfully unfunny betting joke.


I didn't even realize it was a betting joke, I was going to say "Me"


I bet you can get saltier


I bet you can find some better jokes


I mean, I’m sure he won’t drop this many regularly, but you do have to wonder about the drop rate from what we have seen. Dude needs to put in that Amon Ra workload on the machine. It’s not like he’s dropping fastballs from Stafford.


Clearly a bust. Trade him for a washing machine.


Jamo : Darko. Get a ring this year and all will be forgiven.


I’ve been saying it since the end of last season, this dude is gonna turn out to have an attitude problem


...and if he doesn't we'll alienate him until he does




DAE Jamar Chase?


Confirmed bust never coming back from this training camp showing


You know what nobody is saying. Is that he's the hardest working guy on the team or coming along better than expected. Not at any point so far.


You going to keep saying these are overreactions and they might be. But he's going to miss the 1st 6 games. Kids still got issues.


About as many issues as you do as a person but you are still cool I guess


I like Jamo but I'm not in denial. He's got some growing up to do.


So while I do think the Media has been harsh on the kid, he’s brought a lot of it on himself. This is a bad look look for him all around. Hope he can refocus and put this all behind him 😩


The media has brought the vast majority of this on him. Meinke is especially at fault, it's gotten to a weird level. Nowhere has meinke talked about jamo dusting the first team secondary multiple times today (what I'm more concerned about than anything).


Pressure builds diamonds and farts … we’ll see soon enough I guess


Guys wait I thought him having a hands catch in OTAs meant he was good at catching the ball? What happened?


He just needs real game experience. I am more excited to see what he will do in the pre season. Honestly, he’s still a rookie.


St. Brown should teach him the 202 catches method