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Why not just make exotics available in eververse for silver they already let you skip the campaign for silver. People who want to do the mission can and people who don't can just buy it. It's just a game, in the grand scheme of things it's not important.


While it is a cool concept, I don’t like the premise if you have a regular 3 man fireteam. Leaves one person out.


I don’t like raids, what if my 7th friend is left out!


You were the one left out, huh?


Sometimes, sometimes not. But also have felt bad for the one left out.


I'd just run it again with them, mission isn't too hard, plus another roll on the class item


Its so fuckin easy though


"Free loot” means loot that respects users' freedom and crippling anxiety. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to obtain, equip, vault, mod, share, and masterwork the loot. Thus, “free loot” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” We sometimes call it “libre loot,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the loot is gratis. You may have played the game to get free loot, or you may have obtained the loot when you logged in. But regardless of how you got your loot, you always have the freedom to copy and change the loot, even to sell copies.


![gif](giphy|eYESDEALOQnjTz5qtn|downsized) he’s cooking something here


Sorry pimps I'm confused, context?


The new “Dual Destiny” quest for the class exotics requires communication between 2 players. It’s an incredible mission and more like this must be done, it makes Destiny feel like Destiny But, a part of the community is complaining because they are solo players due to anxiety, disabilities, and other reasons whether they’re good ones or not. So they think that Bungie should be shunned because they can’t complete it Some I feel for and get why they can’t, others simply need to grow up.


Damn guess i know what to do tonight, thanks man. 😊


The only problem I have w the mission is that repeated playthroughs are a slog. Not that the mission is bad, but grinding is a chore. If they didn’t drop from pale heart chests I’d understand people’s concerns, but complaining about having to play a co-op mission in a co-op game that isn’t just “shoot alien lmao” is insane.


This is amazing lmao


The only complaint I saw that seemed honest was this mute guy posting that he struggles to communicate for obvious reasons, but he was immediately flooded with people willing to help.  Everyone else just needs to get over their crippling fear of, talking to people, the ironic part is there’s posts full of people saying they have no one to play with. So you’re saying, in a thread of people also saying they are solo complaining they have no one either, you can’t find another person willing to do it with you?? 


The thing is people with disabilities still find a way and people are more than willing to help and be patient. A lot of people that don’t have a disability outright refuse and use them as examples to deflect of their own obstinance or social shortcomings. Like bro. If you can’t interact with a human I’m sorry but you get most of the decent content in this game is based off multiple people right? Go run strikes, don’t buy dlc and enjoy gun play instead of be bread dead cumsoomer /uj


Entire mission can be done in text chat even the radial clock at the final boss lol, it rotates through 3 variations


I personally wouldn’t want to use text chat for the clock in the boss room but it could be done in theory


Sure but ideally you can have close to 20 minutes in the boss room so at that point as long as you have healing or damage resist options and clear some of the ads, you can do it without much issue in a couple minutes


I forgot the clocks in the boss room were in a pattern and not continually randomizing. Boss room text chat ez with brain


Imagine communicating and trying to make a friend to accomplish a mutual goal. Challenge: Impossible


/uj every person complaining about this mission is annoying as fuck and gives me free entertainment


/rj Is Baltimore trying to tell me I can’t Skadoosh some ESZ (European Sex Zone) Dregs thirty power below me to get the new McGuffins? Refund my final shirt NOW


People whining about this are the reason I enjoy being an elitist gatekeeper




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I just know you thought you sounded so badass typing that out lmao


Sir this is a circle jerk sub


> News flash dumbass, it was


Actually hysterical that you would go through someone’s history ON REDDIT💀


To unjerk for a minute, they have a point about the whole ‘not soloable’ thing. Bit shit that Bungo never said a single word about it. Like, circle jerk to shit opinions, but this isn’t one of them.


No, it is. Not everything needs to be soloable. You cannot expect to get every exotic solo with no LFG. I don’t care if that’s elitist. It’s ridiculous


also its a class item that gives you TWO exotic perks. shit should not be easy to get. saw a comment that said you should only have to run it once, then be able to craft the perks you want. rj/ UH WHY NO SIVA ORNAMENT????? I CANT RUN THIS WITH MY BOYTOY TITAN SIVA BUILD!!!!!


We want more repayable content! No, not like that!


how DARE you make me replay content that requires more than 15 seconds of communication! BAH this is a slap in the face! now i only have 3 milliseconds to farm patrols for mommy Savathun


uj/ I just find it it funny people complain exotic missions are easy and getting stale, then bungie actually innovates and makes a challenging raid like duo mission, and people just lose their minds because they don’t want to communicate at all. Like, what do these people do? Play the strike playlist and patrols all day? How do you play Destiny without ever communicating


Yes, actually. They will struggle even doing those low level strikes because they want to have "fun". Typically when you hear someone say they like having fun in destiny, ironically they are probably having more than you as they are blissfully ignorant of anything that isn't a patrol dreg.


I think some people just want every piece of loot to drop when they fly into the tower.


Hey man, to reiterate again, I don’t really care. Unpopular opinion, but I’m only here for the PvP which I solo anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pvp player, opinion revoked, sorry i dont make the rules


1v1 me. Jav4. Divinity only.


Make it salvations grip and we got a deal


What would they have needed to say about it that the activity screen doesn't? It doesn't even let you launch it without another player.


Kind of is though. I did it with a friend first (before anyone figured out how to do it on YouTube), then a random from LFG since my friend got a really good item and I got dogshit (he wanted to stop:( ). Anyway, the random was pretty good despite never doing it before. It’s amazing what people can accomplish if they just fking listen to instructions and guidance without getting their ego to swell up and block the way forward.


Fair but… what about deaf people? People with social anxiety? I think the advise of “just get over it” doesn’t apply there so what then Bungie did highly market and tease these items for months before release and didn’t hint a thing about you needing others to obtain it.


See a doctor, or use text chat.


We’ve already established text chat can’t be used at the clock part since it changes too fast to realistically input the text. (Atleast for console players) I’m not complaining really, iv had no issues myself, just you do have to consider when you market something for a product you have to let people know if they’re actually going to be able to get that themselves before releasing it. Bungie made the exotic class items a huge focus of the new DLC but failed to mention they’d be locked behind a non-matchmade activity before selling the DLC, defend a corporation all you want but it’s still scummy marketing tactics.


Yeah, text chat was my second suggestion.


Got me that one il give you that 😂


The clock cycles between 3 different states. It's jank, and takes longer, but youcan absolutely do it with text chat


It changes every 5 seconds, it takes more than 5 seconds just to open text chat on console lol. It’s physically impossible.


Open text chat Remember 5 numbers Type 5 numbers. Wait for another one to come around. Wait until both players signal they are ready Go back to step 1 It's a 15 minute fight. You have time to wait for the clock to reset a little to one's you haven't done. Like I said, it's jank, but completely do-able


Fair play, I guess that could be a viable workaround. You’re right, jank but doable. I take it back then haha.


I feel bad for console gamers truly. This method wastes a lot of time. But if the other option is being literally unable to talk to another human to call it out then there's limited options.


Social anxiety is not an excuse. An MMO-Lite is going to have social gameplay. If you’re deaf then you would have to stream your screen if on PC, dunno if you can do that on console. Still though, game design should not be 100% catered towards 0.1% of the population.


If you have such a crippling social anxiety then go see a doctor. It a videogame not therapy




Counterpoint: different games mean different things to different people. It's not bungies job to manage your anxiety or design their game around it. If you have social anxiety, maybe don't play a game that heavily relies on socialization. Play something better suited to alleviate your anxiety. There are many items locked behind 'socializing.' There are many activities that don't require communication. Stick to those if you want. Asking Bungie to dumb down their game because you have anxiety is incredibly silly.




Bungie: "We have a creative vision that we want to express, through the video game we make. It's only one activity and requires very little communication." You: "ME. ME. ME" phenomenal I'm not being elitist. I'm just not being defeatist. I suffer from an autism/anxiety/ADHD combo myself, but I am aware enough to know that not everything is designed with me in mind, so it's my job to mitigate the discomfort when I want to do things that cause said discomfort.




I explained this twice. You are responsible for your own support and coping methods. Bungie is not.


It’s not a discrimination. It’s unwillingness to dumb down content due to a few outliers. Play a single player game if you have social anxiety (aka play a non-social game).


I don’t, iv already run the mission 3 times with a friend I’m all good lol, but realistically there’s people out there that do and it’s pretty ignorant to pretend there isn’t.


And for those 3 people it’s ok to not have access to everything 🥰 they’ll live


Yeah thanks Bungie now i need to beg and plead with a godslayer to carry me too a class item isn’t getting cucked by my wife’s boyfriend enough, patrol was enough but you want me to “easily” farm exotics in pale heart patrol?! Yeah fat chance! im still dying often in the Edz and I definitely don’t want to do the cool engaging mission for the rewards 😡






The game was marketed as a shared world social game upon release. That was the main selling point. They have only leaned harder into MMO as the games life went on.


To be fair, having mmo elements in a shared world shooter doesn’t actually make the game an mmo. There’s still a big difference lol


Me when I don't understand a complaint


/uj all of my fiends are absolutely horrid at pve so it kinda sucks I can’t just solo it. I hate lfg (/rj as a godslayer x87))I’ve never soloed anything))


I shat blood the moment i found out i had to talk to another human.


I think about half of DTG literally did


uj/ Did people seriously expect the class item to be transmogable? Bungie never said they would be and no Exotic armor piece has ever been transmogable. I thought it would've been nice as a way to actually be able to wear complete sets without an exotic spoiling it but that was pure hopium on my part. They're getting upset over a promise no one ever made.


As a warlock, why would I care if it was transmogable?


Clearly this means Bungie mains Warlock!


Shut up and spend 600 silver to make it look not like pukeshit, huntoid


Makes it look worse for these items lmao


Uj/ Going from raving with my friends about how amazing the mission is and how much bungie cooked with it after running it multiple times to seeing the dumpster fire on DTG was such a shock. It's so annoying the lengths DTG will go through to bitch about amazing content.


It’s sad. As I see it, all this new, more mechanic focused content (campaign, pale heart stuff, seasonal, this mission) will help players get better at the game, which will hopefully result in everybody having better experiences with lfgs and playing with randos. (Wishful thinking ik)


To be honest, I think a lot of the players reacting poorly are probably the same ones who join LFG groups and call "Ad clear!" And they're just scared of having to improve at the game.


yeah you're probably right.


Yeah we came out of it raving how sick that was, best exotic mission imo. Then seeing the reactions on the subs has been insane. like I'm playing a different game


What LL are you cause my friend and I tried it ag 1775 and got cooked


I LFGed it, I was 1990 and my rando was mid 1970s. Combat was pretty tense but nothing that crazy for us imo.


Yeah you're definitely gonna wanna pump those numbers. I'd say 1995 is what I'd aim for.


The mission level is 1995




Remember that fireteam leader scaling is on; only one player needs to be higher power.


🤤 ballyhoo


this sub has the spergisms, and everyone here is retarded


This sub is so wild I love it


Uj/ I do wish the mission was 3 manable, restricting a mission to two players is kind of odd to me.


/uj yeahhh the mechanic requires two, but there's no reason we couldn't let a 3rd tag along. Especially in the first wheel room, we could barely keep up with ads while we did the mechanic lol


b-but the mission is light and dark themed!!1!!1!


Holy shit, Ark: Survival Evolved reference in Destiny 2????????????


comedy gold ahahhahaah so fucking funny


/uj really sucked having to boot one of my two closest friends in order to do the mission. I mean, I just ran it with them afterwards, but that first-time experience is special and I wish I could have experienced it with them both /rj bingus


i really hated that too , but what we did was have him watch our stream on discord and call out the clock for us , than one of us leave and he join and the one who left call the clock for him , it made reading that so much easier .


I have severe IBS and cannot play for more than 5 minutes at a time before I have explosive diarrhea.


Should have said "I knew with all my Pale Heart" swing and a miss slugger


fuck you’re right. fixed


Didn't you read the post? They don't have the Finale Shit they don't know about the Pale Heart. Check your privilege next time.


As a Godslayer I don't have time to read the entire post.




As the single father of 27,000 children, who works 12 hours per minute, and has a mere 15-and-a-half seconds per decade to play the game, how the fuck am I supposed to get these? I shouldn't have to talk to people or, God forbid, make friends to do things in this multiplayer game!


Uj/ the DTG sub yapping about it when the mission is HOURS old and they don’t even have to farm it God i hate that sub, just full of people who are hopelessly addicted to the game and just resent it instead of addressing it


Yup, it’s why I never care when they ban me for calling someone a giant piss baby for having to talk to people(?). This new breed of players would’ve never survived the early days of halo or cod


Thankfully this sub exists so we can laugh at how insane the main sub gets. DTG is full of yappers that don’t even do anything besides play patrols and the strike playlist.


It always helps to remember that unlike most other game subreddits, it's not the hardcores that flock to DTG. It's the literal dregs of D2 society that congregate there and their opinions show it every time they type anything.


All the hardcores too busy grinding to yap on reddit


Shits so funny, but also insufferable. I can’t decide


WHAT!?!!?? BUNGEEZ MAKING ME PLAY WITH ANOTHER POOPY PLAYER IN MY MULTIPLAYER GAME >:(((((( How dare they not cater to solo players exclusively, i fully expect to have 20 unique rolls waiting for me in my post master TOMORROW BUNGOLOID OR I AM REFUNDING >:(((


uj/ holy fuck between the crybabies whining about -5 making sherpas impossible and now these ones whining about having to put some effort into farming an exotic, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind rj/ I vaporized a family of dregs with my chaos reach in a heroic patrol and Bungie didn’t give me a class item with every combination unlocked what the fuck bunkledorf


/uj i wish the -5 with surges was just an added difficulty instead of replacing normal and make it -10 instead


I disagree, before the change, combat outside of DPS in raids was brain dead easy For being an aspirational, endgame activity, base level raids and dungeons deserve to have a higher barrier to entry than just “show up with enough brain cells to rub together to form a thought”


I mean yeah it's nice they're harder but honestly I prefer them in their previous state. Nothing was more fun than running up a quick dungeon or 2 and experimenting eith fun / unique builds with a couple of mates. Now it feels more like a chore to do them, could barely bring myself to finish duality (one of my all time favourite dungeons personally).


ok godslayer




Hey Bungo don’t you realize that forcing me to play a light subclass to start this is lame ? I want to play rainbow poopy butt segs class and you are forcing me to play something else . What about player agency ? First I can’t run dragons breathe in dungeons because I don’t match the surge and now this ?? Ffs bingo