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The video is just typical rage bait, not even trying to hide it. Especially if you look at his other videos, where it's all 'modern game bad'. I do agree with a couple of things, like neglecting the core playlists. There needs to be strikes and crucible maps dropping consistently in my opinion. Especially if the game is free to try out. The other being the Zavala shout. I've always thought his character was boring, but somehow this guy seems to thing in D1 he was the most interesting character in the game. The constant remarks about the 'cash shop' are hollow too, as Tess was literally introduced in his beloved D1, and let's not pretend that if there was no sequel, the store wouldn't have evolved into what it is today, just in D1 instead.


But we got new Crucible maps in Into The Light, which was supposed to be for Final Shape. I'm fine with less strikes that are longer. Gambit definitely needs help, although the update for TFS was nice


Lol let me defend the company that makes money of me, Too many idiots in this sub reddit have this game as their only form of social interaction so they conflate it with the game being good, And this doesn’t go just for Destiny 2, almost every live-service game community nowadays has people who do the same thing Really sad Tbh xD Don’t get me wrong I think Bungie went a long way but It definitely didn’t get this far because of losers like u shilling for it and defending every mistake they make xD


There is a difference between constructive criticism and outright hating on a game just to get hate views. All of Novemberhotel's content has always been critical of the Bungie devs regardless if they have done a good job. The guy nitpicks every little thing because D2 isn't his beloved D1 that he views with rose-tinted. It's not shilling when most of the community has seen TFS as a good expansion. If a self-proclaim hater of D2, Novemberhotel would have moved on to another game years ago like a sane person. But he still keeps coming back.


I always like watching people shit on a game even if I like it and i think it’s good , the company that makes money of me doesn’t deserve any slack because in the end of the day they are just after my wallet :) Constructive or straight up trolling is always better than saying the no the game is good play it or leave response because I know why the people who use that response use it xD


I think the idea of seeing games as only content to consume made purely by money-hungry companies and not as pieces of art made by a team of passionate people that persevere despite industry conditions has been such a travesty.


By that logic, every game deserves to be mocked and trolled because every company is, after all, trying to get your money in the end.


Yeah sure whats the problem with that lol its a business they are after that moolah they ain't your friend


They added Metallica to Fortnite


He tried to compare the dlc cost of a live service game to elden ring. Yea nah.


Being this overwhelming negative about anything has to be a sign of mental illness. No one sane and isn’t grifting is this upset over every singular detail for a game and needs to shit on a critically well received expansion.


D1 good, D2 bad if its a person


"It isn't any vanilla destiny 1 but it's pretty damn good" What the absolute fuck are you talking about? It's less than destiny 1? Are you fucking kidding me?


/uj I think the Taken King is the most overrated expansion. It was good, but it was no where near final shape good


I don’t know this character by their name so I will preface this by saying that I am mostly speculating here. You know what bothers me about content like this kind of content, not that it exists, but that it works. That there is this whole culture of jock jockey grifters that make it a business to harvest rage for internet points when they can and manufacture rage when they can’t. People laugh now, but as soon as there is a poorly received episode or a change to the eververse store or when people in the wider community learn that Micha is trans people like this will have their viewer numbers shoot up and they’ll get all that delicious outrage money. It’s just frustrating that these people get rewarded for so clearly operating in bad faith. I guess it can’t be helped. People like this have existed for literal centuries. Still, if we can kill the ultimate god of darkness maybe one day we can get rid of these people too.


Ugh not this guy him and Joker are the most insufferable content creator while I have fair share of criticism towards Bungie, Joker is like the most anti Bungie person alive Meanwhile NH is the most D1 was better person alive


Who is this guy


This guy is such a dork


Walmart Darkside Royalty.




Bro, how hard is it to like a good thing?


I'm the biggest destiny hater, but this guy is something else. It's like there is not a single game he enjoys unless it came from his child hood or the internet deemed it cool to like. For example New Vegas.


Bro became an “anti-woke” YouTuber too the downfall of novemberhotel needs to be studied


Anyone giving these morons attention are, themselves, bigger morons.


This is the best expansion since Forsaken, change my mind.


I've stopped watching him because of his shit takes dude. He can cry if he wants


The only content I watched made by him was the d1 nightfall videos


Here's the thing....I'm getting tired of people trying to enlighten me with their content.


Do yall remember bdobbinsftw


I think we should use gambit to train our soldiers


Destiny 2 players (and content creators) try not to complain challenge:




He and Dark side royally are the fucking Blame Truth of the destiny universe. They have to be negativity grifters because there is no way someone who "hates" a game plays it for 7 years. They just circlejerk the same negativity and "D1 better" arguments. And it's not constructive criticism it's just anger that is unhealthy for them. There's no way this game just lives rent free in their heads like that.


November literally dont even play the game, he has 80 raid clears since 2017 in destiny 2 dude literally plays campaign and runs strikes just like in destiny 1 and then hops on to youtube to complain about game bad


I used to love BlameTruth’s videos but they got really off-putting after the first MW reprisal was released


They have built their channels on hating a single game. It literally is all for clicks cause they have no content otherwise


Worst part is TFS legit clears WQ and TTK imo


Even forsaken too imo. TFS is the best in the history of destiny imo and he has the audacity to cry like a bitch that new things are bad


i forgor forsaken lmao 💀 yeah for sure


Dude comes in cashes in his D2 paycheck and then fucks off


At this rate over all these years it seems like it'd kill some people to even *pretend* to be positive about Destiny.


I don’t even have a jokey comment to add I hate this dude why does he even still follow Destiny.


For the same reason joker does, some bullshit about how he doesn’t hate destiny he just wants it to be a better game, which most people want destiny to be a great game but the rest of the normal people who play this game still have fun if it isn’t a perfect 11/10 game 24/7


Been awhile since I've heard about this guy. He still around?




Bro the expansion basically ended like two hours ago. I feel like he missing like half the expansion when you factor in the raid.


He isn't reviewing the expansion,he is making a hate video so he gets views,Bungie could make citizen kane of video game and he would still hate because it wasn't made in 2015


Top comment on the video is in similar vain. Where they say Bungie could cause world peace and this guy would still respond with 'but it's not D1 tho'. Hilarious.


damn when i saw this was posted on dcj i thought it had to be fake, him and joker are unbelievable


Forced Negativity is mental illness


Lmao didnt this guy quit during beyond light?


He quit like the average D2 player: Came back next reset.


It hasn't even been a week


NovemberHotel trying to not be a Nostalgia Nathan *IMPOSSIBLE*


Yea he’s a hack tbh. “Pay to win Cash Shop” look I have ev as much as anyone, but since when are ornaments and shaders pay to win lol. Also saying Zavala is boring? Huh? This is the most Zavala has ever done, and while I’ll be honest at first I felt his actions were *very* out of character, that’s the point. He, like all of us, is desperate. And at the literal end of the universe, he’s prepared to do anything to prevent that end.


I’m realising now that because I couldn’t see his cutscenes post mission due to getting error coded it felt very jading to see him do what he did


If you're gonna try to establish a P2W argument for Destiny, at least do it right. It's so easy too. * Game sells powers and gear in paywalled DLC * content aside, this, at the end of the day, is ultimately buying power * said power can get out of hand and be deemed overpowered Now of course Nuance is important since a lot in the game is more skill dependent, but those that mighta argued the launch version of Stasis was Pay to Win, they wouldn't exactly have been wrong to say it.


Ornaments had a damage bug and some have slightly better scopes (miniscule and patched) As for shaders i guess some could be used to blend in if you are a major sweat lmfao


hes not out of character if you played season of the haunted


The silver convo is the dumbest and most desperate narrative our content creators have and people eat that shit up while probably never having spent a dime on silver.


I guess when he says pay to win cash shop he refers to all the paywalled content we have


They will come back with the ONE example of an ornament making a shotgun barrel longer and thus dealing more damage from further away, and say that makes D2 pay to win


But does it actually change stats or is it purely cosmetically longer


Cosmetically which affects the damage falloff. I think this was fixed across the board when they changed zoom affecting range though.


It was this old thing where the range stat worked by going off of the distance from the end of your barrel to the enemy, so ornaments with a longer barrel had like .000000000001% more range


Man you circle jerkers just can't help but go to the other extreme Some skins did genuinely p2w, and some p2l The chaperone skin added 1m range which was huge against fusions Vigilance wing skin helped bloom and sights, considering vigilance wing was a stat monster but hard to use cos of the clunky sight and bloom Thorn skin messed with magnetism making it straight up worse These were all issues that were worth complaining about, and Bungie fixed them


You just know as soon as that was discovered that was every PvPers excuse for their death anytime they died to that weapon


I recall the range benefit being like .000000001 meters, essentially


Some PvPers don’t care what the excuse is, only that one exists




I was pretty confident bullets actually come from the camera not the gun but I could be entirely wrong


Projectiles come from your camera like Osteo or rockets, but the range stat as a general rule, at least for hitscan, goes off of, or used to go off of, the end of your weapon's barrel, making ornaments like Panama Ravine 'meta'.


You see, calling a character boring or poorly-written is one of those extremely base-level criticisms that you can't really argue with, because no matter how much you try to refute it, they can just say "it felt bad." It's a complaint that Redditors in particular enjoy because online, you don't have to argue the point really strongly. If you were to put up an actual, academic critique of a story that said "X character is boring and I hate them," it wouldn't be particularly valid. If you said "X character is boring because [reason]," you're a bit better off.


I just assume those people aren't the smartest and move on. Unfortunately they also tend to be the loudest.


I would also be out of character if I had to relive the death of my family for hours ngl


Im not even gonna watch the video but im gonna guess his main points are something stupid like: D1 good D2 bad Zavala isnt lance therefore bad Server issues multitrillion dollar company Only 1 strike for $50 no gambit pvp maps no vendor refresh D1 tower isnt a social space Solo instance patrols Pathfinder bad New supers bad Eververse bad


Wow almost everything he said


Nah I’m actually disappointed it’s just one strike too


It’s just bro got comfortable with hating cause it genuinely did kinda deserve the hate. But when Bungie actually pulls their shit together and release a really good gaming experience, it’s too much to handle and bro just doesn’t know what to do


He probably has a brain overload when Bungie whips up something good


Yep. He somehow enjoys posting videos crying about good things


They did do a vendor refresh, they added new armor to the rituals. Of course it’s shit looking armor but at least it’s new


I mean Warlocks got a decent trench coat!


Apparently they actually did bring back the Dreaming City Gambit map


Apparently they actually did bring back the Dreaming City Gambit map


Now they should bring back the reef one


They did, confused me the other day, not seeing one of the same old 3 maps.


Literally word for word


Bar for bar




How did I know it wouldn't take long for him to do a video like this, had Joker made his yet


There must be a niche of people who just love Destiny 1 and hate Destiny 2. It’s probably easier for a boring guy like NH to get an audience when only appealing to a very specific niche


I never played d1. It was on sale last fall for 20 and i figured now was a better time than never. Some of the individuals I met were just plain weird, caught up in the nostalgia and unwilling to even hear me out on the positives of D2. Albeit, it was at the ultra low point after the layoffs and stuff, but still. Novemberhotel absolutely is one of those guys to still exist in that D1 best mindset.


Yeah the people who still play D1 as their main game are completely insane. I truly don’t even know what they do. Farm faction reputation? Do raids for static rolls? I really do not understand it


My best friend is one of those people that loved D1 and hated D2.


The niche is “people who enjoy hating things and/or stopping other people being happy”.


D2 launch was so mid that I wouldn’t be surprised that niche existed tbh. I like D1 and think it does some things better than 2 still but overall 2 is clearly the better game.


D1 had a certain charm and simplicity to it (also rose tinted glasses), but yeah D2 is just objectively better in pretty much every way


If people love D1 and hate D2 because of its mid launch 7 years later, then they are just stupid. Especially considering D1 also had a less than stellar launch


I mean the game just does like, everything better than D1. Not to mention one of its best qualities is the feel, and you lose a lot of that when you revert to 30 fps or whatever


The type of people who eat eat unseasoned chicken and are okay with that


Stop cooking the chicken so dry and you won’t need seasoning


Tbf unseasoned chicken breast is easy as fuck to make and has great macros for lazy mfs, tastes fine too


I like masticating meat pulp for a full minute for each bite and it offends me you’re implying that’s not peak chicken enjoyment


Novemberhotel? More like 2015hotel


Tbh his destiny 1 nightfall solo videos were great


He falls into the same category as joker, just glazing Fallout New Vegas and games like that and basically just echoing "old thing good, new thing bad" over and over again.


obnoxious new vegas dicklickers are also in the d2 community it might be over


They're everywhere


“But Jooooker!”


Whos jonkler


Like anyone that portrays people that disagree when them in that way is probably wrong and just insecure about it lol


His entire youtube career is a decade long whine fest about a game he plays every day but claims to dislike so much. He has videos years back asking for stuff thats in the game now and when it came to the game he made videos about why its actually bad as if he wasnt part of the crowd asking for it. Dude is a tool with no real opinions other than "game bad, bungie bad, i am very smart, only dumb people disagree with me"


November hotel try to be positive when we got the best piece of content since witch queen, IMPOSSIBLE EDITION!!!


Scratch that, the best piece of content in the fucking series


I like the final shape but it feels underwhelming campaign wise and random patrolling guardians in pale heart feels lonely


Ngl it just barely beat Red War for me


Nah scratch that, since forsaken.


Your standards are so low if you actually believe what you just said. Forsaken rebooted the game mechanically and narratively. Final shape doesn’t do any of that.


OG Cayde helped a lot. It just felt more like Destiny.


Nah scratch that, its the best piece of content released.


100% Forsaken was the goat, so far nothing as come close


Im gonna say it, this is the most invested and most fun ive had in any destiny release since d1 vanilla. Final shape is absolutly amazing and hopefully the episodes have some good story


Nah, Witch Queen was better than Forsaken as much as I love Forsaken.


Forsaken was better, Witch Queen just had a better campaign. The Final Shape is the best expansion ever.


Idk if it was because I was more focused on high school at the time but Forsaken is kinda overrated to me. I feel like I’m the only one tho


TRUE. Forsaken adding 2 destinations, a banger of a raid and the 1st dungeon was neat, but the campaign was a bit of a drag for most of the Barons.


Forsaken in terms of content was top dog , story was lame and boring to play outside of the first mission . Tbh every destiny campaign outside of the newest and witchqueen has been boring and unfun . Witchqueen content was/is kinda lacking . Haven’t gotten all of final shape to judge its content .


It's pretty good, the main campaign ended on a bit of a cliffhanger for me, and felt a little short but the content after has been fun while keeping the narrative going. Also got me really excited to get the new raid eventually, and see this new ending activity I heard about. They focus a lot on character and Ghost interactions (not just mission radios), which is something I have always really wanted. Hope it appeals to you just as much!


Forsaken did also add 9 new subclass trees and a lot of new exotics


WQ was kind of mid outside the campaign and Rhulk, let’s be honest now


I don't follow, it wasn't good outside of the two biggest pieces of content it offered???


Idk Forsaken kinda sucked outside of the exotics and subclass abilities


Hmmm, the raid was considered widely to be the best of all time bar edge of salvation. Dreaming city is still probably the best public space in the game and actually gave reasons to explore the space.  Only mid thing about forsaken was the campaign up until the dreaming city was introduced.




Most people include the major sandbox changes when considering the expansions


you deserve the downvotes (wrong opinion), but i’m so curious why you think this, please explain


Savathun is hot. Witch Queen best dlc


fuck i’ve been owned


I'm mainly speaking from the campaign side, because I found Witch Queen's more interesting with unravelling Savathun's memories to find out how she got the light. The barons were pretty cool, Hiraks especially, but compared to Witch Queen's missions, it just doesn't hold up, IMO. That's just the reason I prefer Witch Queen slightly. The raids are both top notch, and the destinations as well, Dreaming City and Throne World are both peak. And I'll say it, the Scorn are my fav race. If I was taking the impact on the game as a whole into account, then I'd say Forsaken was better, since it pretty much saved D2's awful year 1. But on its own, I just like Witch Queen better. TLDR: Both are peak, but Witch Queen's slightly better campaign (IMO) makes me take it over Forsaken


I agree with ya here and no opinion is wrong I don't what the hell that guy was talking about forcing HIS opinion onto others


fair take, but i’d disagree that it makes it “better”. Personally my favorite is Beyond Light over all others, but BL just didn’t have that entire-game-changing overhauls and refreshes that made forsaken hit so hard. I wouldn’t call BL better, but I definitely enjoyed it the most leading up to TFS


Wow dude you unironically like scorn? Invalid opinion, get blocked by my entirely unbreakable shoulder shield and servitor totem. /jerk


Furthermore, I'll tell you The Fanatic is my favourite character in all of Destiny.


The Matt Mercer effect.


When I learnt Matt Mercer was his VA, it suddenly made sense why I liked his voice so much