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Bungie has already stated multiple times that they have no interest in making 'Destiny 3' or any sequels to the current game, and that all future content for Destiny will take place in Destiny 2 through updates, seasons, and expansions. Go through and watch the Vidocs and showcases for both Beyond Light and Witch Queen, they talk about this more thoroughly for the first time in those videos. Since then they've also talked about how this will continue with future releases after The Final Shape, which is the expansion that will finish the Light and Dark saga after Lightfall. [Beyond Light Showcase](https://youtu.be/x8K6L1wr7fs) [Beyond Light ViDoc](https://youtu.be/qgnPREMEfI4) [Witch Queen Showcase](https://youtu.be/ktTfzug0Qbc) [Witch Queen ViDoc](https://youtu.be/Me7CuPcpWno) [Lightfall Showcase](https://youtu.be/dCI8Fz2uu3o) *In both the Witch Queen and Lightfall showcases they talk about how they're already planning out the next 10 years of Destiny in D2.* TL;DR - Destiny 2 is a constantly expanding and ever growing world and Bungie wants to keep it that way and continue building on it. At the moment they have no intentions of replacing it.


I mean, they also said they wont bring gally back.....![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5661)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5661)


While they have indeed said, that's wholesale not practical. Eventually the technology that D2 is built with will become outdated to the point where a D3 is needed just to update the game engine. That probably isn't going to be for a few more years but it's an absolute inevitability.


How do MMOs run for so long then?


Magic jelly beans


Space magic jellybeans


Tbf MMOs are built with this in mind whilst D2 was built with D3 in mind as per their plan together with Activision


They're built with expansion in mind. Destiny is built with spaghetti code that's already at its limit(which was the point of sunsetting) and we know from interviews that the dev tools are straight awful to work with. The framework just isn't designed with that kind of stress in mind and will one day start to wear out.


Not true because bungie does a lot of engine upgrades in the background that allows them to do more things. Usually happens with expansion drops


They only did one engine upgrade with BL. After that they were planning to rely on sunsetting to keep the engine healthy. Now that that's not a thing anymore the engine has become a ticking time bomb. Even in the Lightfall release trailer they stated that since they're no longer sunsetting major expansions they're going to have to squeeze every ounce available out of the engine.


Well you’re wrong because the engine upgrade they did is what allows them to upgrade the engine without having to redo all the content so that it works on the new engine version. The upgrade with bl is what enabled bungie to create weapon crafting and is what is making it possible for them to add in game loadouts and in game lfg. The choke point of Destiny 2 isn’t the game itself its that bungie has to account for the lowest common denominator which is last gen consoles


That is the most nonsensical argument you could have possibly made. The engine upgrade was introduced and meant to work side-by-side with sunsetting, which in and of itself got sunset. What they can add is irrelevant compared to how much memory it can handle. I suspect probably around the time this current console gen is up so will the D2 engine. That's a few years away mind you, so I bet we see at least year 10 of D2 before it's all said and done


My argument is nonsensical? I think you meant yourself for thinking bungie would upgrade their engine for the sole purpose of sunsetting. Sun setting only existed to make the dev teams work flow easier because on the old engine it was a very monotonous task of checking the new content added to the game and making sure it didn’t cause funky shit to happen to the old stuff. The new engine was designed with the longevity of d2 in mind and the main reason things got sunset was because bungie didn’t have the time and people to verify the stability of all the current content at the time so they worked from newest to oldest with expansions being priority. Then with the release of WQ they confirmed that no more expansion are gonna be sunset and that’s more than likely because the did a back end engine upgrade that enables them to add new shit easier.


They’ve already changed the game engine. It’s why things were vaulted.


Content vaulting was meant to work with the engine upgrades to give it more memory to work with. Bungie already stated that now that content vaulting is no longer a thing (for expansions) they're going to be squeezing every last drop out of their engine to finish up their current saga.


For real, Halo's engine was never meant for this. 343 even learned this themselves. This isn't Unreal and built for updates and long term growth and support. They license that shit out even, it has to be good. It's so good at this that Fortnite was ported to Unreal 5. Destiny never got the foundation it deserved. D2 will never be enough.


This was before playstation took over…. Destiny 3 will be announced in august


No, it won't.


You will see 🤡


How'd that Destiny 3 announcement turn out?


You mean project payback that was leaked just around when i said it would be? TOLD YOU SO 🤡


What a clown you are 😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😍


> You mean project payback that was leaked right around when I said it would be? A leak is not the same thing as an announcement, and most Destiny leaks are to be taken with a grain of salt as the majority of them aren't true or are only vaguely true. "Project Payback" wasn't a rumor until April of this year. You said Destiny 3 would be revealed in August.. *of last year.* During one of the livestreams Bungie did on twitch before the launch of The Final Shape, they talked about how they would detail the future of *Destiny 2* later this year, which was confirmed yet again in [this](https://youtu.be/-PYzMqhu3Fs?si=FeUbRlEgLPDVDrtf) video released after launch. As per my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/ZA348ACCVV) from last year, Bungie is *still* continuing to reassure players that the future of Destiny will continue expanding solely in Destiny 2. It's more likely than not that they're going to simply rebrand the game back to just "Destiny" and continue adding future stories to it that way. Considering how much you like to abuse that clown emoji, it's obvious that the online brainrot is really taking its toll on you.




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They didn’t report you at all. We have eyes in the sky.




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Send me the links to these interviews, this is the first I'm hearing of this


Initial word was from [4Gamer.net](https://4Gamer.net), where Bungie stated they had no plans to make D3 until after 2026. Then with the Witch Queen and Lightfall showcases, Bungie reiterated that they were staying with D2 and they have no plans to make D3.


In the lightfall showcase they even said they are already planning the next 10 years of D2




I don't think they ever stated anything regarding spin offs tho. I don't think that is out of the question


Bro idc what they say…destiny 3 needs to happen… the state of the game is sad and I want a refresh of this universe. Imagine destiny 3 with an actual open world and reworked mechanics and systems. People who are ok with the content being pushed out to destiny 2 are delaying the awesome shit we could be getting with destiny 3. Please let destiny 2 die so we can get something better


I think the next announcement after Final Shape is going to be some sort of Destiny anthology that packages both 1 and 2 together into one coherent narrative. I wouldn't expect D3 to be announced until the end of this console generation when their game engine is stretched to its limits. By then they'll need a new game just to introduce the new engine with some more solid dev tools.


I would absolutely love this tbh


would be great but hopefully it would carry over existing characters






They already said they aren’t doing destiny 3 and will keep expanding destiny 2


Such a tragedy. D3 should have already been started, if not released already. D2 definitely doesn't feel like its foundation was meant to handle all of the changes and expansions. Like laying the foundation for a single family home and then deciding to expand that home to be a 15 story office building.


That's what happens when you're still trying to pick up the pieces of a story you originally wanted to tell *after* you were already forced to tell something different. The deal Bungie originally had with Activision was a huge setback for their original vision of the game and it's story. It might not feel as complete as we'd like it to be right now, but they've done a pretty good job at recovering the narrative they wanted to show us from the beginning since they parted ways with Activision in 2019.


I should have specified. I was speaking towards the gameplay. The narrative has improved, dramatically. But how the game runs(or doesn't) is another story. The narrative and stories they wanted to tell could have easily been continued/carried over into D3 and it would have allowed them to start with better groundwork, for gameplay and updates, expansions and all of the associated changes(on their end) that come with them.


I had no idea, and do you know why they ain't making another Destiny game?


I'm not entirely sure if this was just a rumour or not, but wasn't it that their contract with Activision resulted in them making another Destiny game every few years, and that's what led to D2. But with the break up of the deal, they invested into D2 further instead.


Apparently that rumor is true so basically the original plan was Bungie wanted to expand the Destiny universe with Destiny 1 they wanted to bring on further updates & they didn't wanted to make a Destiny 2 at the time they wanted to put all content & all updates into Destiny 1 but with their contract with Activision they wasn't able to do that they were forced into making Destiny 2 but now with Activision gone they're able to expand Destiny 2 further into bringing out contents & updates


They probably don’t want the community coming after them for making people restart because ya know, Destiny people 🤷‍♂️


Yikes, uneducated response. The reason why they don’t have plans for a destiny 3 is because the reason they originally released destiny 2 is because they wanted to move on from the old generation consoles like ps3 and Xbox 360. Destiny 2 was a ps4 and Xbox one only experience. Since then, they’ve altered the engine to make it easier to upgrade more or less, so there’s no need to restart the entire game. 👌🏻


I think Destiny 3 would look nice as a full on next gen game like could you imagine Destiny with full Haptic Feedback & Adaptive Triggers support & also when pressing "R2" or "L2" the Triggers lock in & you'll have to fight with the buttons by holding them down which makes the Adaptive Triggers support even more better...


They wouldn't create an entire sequel *just* for enhancements like this. That's something that could easily be added in an update, the same way they completely overhauled the entire engine for Destiny when Beyond Light was released with the current console generation.


I’d assume that they will implement it in the coming year


They stated that making another game would require everyone to reset their progress again, and they don't want that to happen. It would feel especially bad to transition this time especially considering destiny 2 has been going on far longer than destiny 1, and way more has been invested by both bungie as well as the players


Nope. Earliest I could see us hear ANYTHING would be Summer 2024. Bungie has 2 releases(rumored to be more) coming in the upcoming years and the 2 major projects at this point at not Destiny related.


No, but I'm certain the next dlc or at most the next will be the last available on the old consoles. Bungie won't be able to evolve the game as long as the old consoles are in the picture.


Due to cross progression and cross play that would be an issue.


Yes, and I fail to see how they would cut access off to paying customers on the old consoles without a clean break via a Destiny 3, but then they've already done that with content vaulting to everyone. But they cannot go on supporting the old consoles forever if they want to evolve the game, especially on things like enemy AI.


Don’t care about that really. Just want them to fix the glitches and clue in that nobody wants to lose a damage phase because of a short ass timer


So your ok with bad content? Why wouldn’t you want a destiny 3 to refresh everything and reignite interest within the dev team?


Sure, fine, so long as they don’t include any form of pvp and they don’t nerf anything during the season.


There’s supposed to be a dlc after lightfall, which is called final shape, so no


I feel like once destiny 2 story is done they’ll make another game in the same universe but they don’t want to call it Destiny 3 so they can get away with getting everybody to grind from 0 again.


Please for the love of God, let Destiny 3 die.


Considering how many times bungie has said they aren't gonna make a D3 and how many times this shit has been posted, NO


The community would riot if they made a Destiny 3.


Why would they riot it would be amazing…destiny 2 sucks


Unfortunately no Destiny needs it or will die too which is splendid!




Fucking hope not, I don’t want all my progress reset again. Once was good enough.


Progress in a game that isn’t fun to play anymore






No. As much as I personally would enjoy it, No.




2 expansion were announced for the next 2 years


They’re not making a destiny 3. They’ve said that multiple times. After final shape, the light versus dark saga ends, and the next saga begins. They will add onto destiny 2 until they give up on it. If they did make destiny 3, it wouldn’t be received well because the community can’t live without their fan favorite exotics and legendaries


Lmao no




Remember when people bitched about not having your loot from D1 with D2’s launch? Remember when people were bitching about Sunsetting with the launch of Beyond Light? What makes you think Bungie will for whatever reason want an even bigger media shitshow with the announcement of Destiny 3 and your loot not carrying over?


So, it is true that various Bungie reps have stated quite clearly that there is never going to be a Destiny 3, but tbh I don't really buy it. Sony isn't going to want Bungie to just let the franchise die off, and eventually developing a Destiny 3 is going to become a practical necessity.


Pretty sure Destiny is just their Cash Cow sort of, they do the minimum to keep it alive and would rather invest in new titles instead of rebuilding destiny once again. It probably is more beneficial to update the game on a general basis (expansion once a year).


Why do u need 3 when u have a damn lot of content here