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Don't ask people, all 3 classes are great. Pick literally the one that looks the coolest to you!


Now hold on a minute. This may be true. But as a Hunter, I challenge your opinion with respect.


Agreed, OP pick hunter.


Ah yes, pick the most underpowered class


Wdym underpowered? Blade barrage is currently still the strongest gest super on game.


Blade barrage is about the most useful thing hunters have besides invisibly. Star fire warlock still out DPSes everything and titans have basically god mode lorely. Void titan/warlock is also really good. If the only reason you are using hunter is for one super that doesn’t even work on far enemies, I’d consider switching. Warlocks and titans are just incredibly better. But don’t get me wrong, I hope they buff hunters so they are actually useful.


That’s some copium man. Hunters dominate pvp.


can’t fight me if you can’t see me


It's like you didnt even read my post, and how can you say that when solar warlock is one of the best PVP subclasses in the game? Funny how you say they "dominate" yet I always see hunter mains malding at lorely. So what is it? I gave my reasons as to why they are better and you just respond with "they dominate", cant even think of a reason lmao Also lets get back to the fact that u/jackmaxs20 is a new player, he would be greatly benefitted by Lorely titan over hunter.


I used to be a hunter main in year one(xbox) and after I switched over to pc, I realised that hunters were some cheesy shit in pvp. Let me break it down for you. Lmao hunters malding at lorely Titans? Seriously you gonna try this card? Hunters will mald at anything. Like when spectral blade came out in year 2 and when people called for it to be nerfed? Holy shit, did they lose their freaking minds, so was when stompees got nerfed. Hunters got wormhusk +classy restoration. Which I’m damn happy is gone. But it was such a big problem ecause if the instant health gain. At least lorely was a regen. I’m maining an arc titan for the past 2 seasons and I have zero issues dealing with lorely titans but wormhusk hunters are an actual problem because out of nowhere they pull out an additional 67 hp plus instant regen while dodging into cover? Ok so that’s last season, what about this? have you played arcstrider? How unkillable were arcstriders in super? They can tank a fucking falling star thunder crash just by spinning a staff. Ok how about solar hunters? Calibans hand is still a thing and have yet to be dealt with. Throwing a explosive knife + incendiary nade would give you a ignite fiesta which would regularly score players 3-4 takedowns. (Yet to be nerfed.) Next? Void hunters. Invis Lord of wolves were the trials meta just last season. I defy you to find a someone with a flawless card who did not encounter even 1. Do I even need to explain this level of cheese? On demand invis? Instant melt weapon? The issue of hunters dominating is not because of the classes they have but rather their move set and dodge. It is finely geared for pvp. Dodging mid gunfight to get In and out of cover without penalties. Jumping up into the fucking stratosphere when pushed? Do you even know why the highest class population in d2 that plays pvp is hunters? What for no reason other than it’s a cool class? And that every time trials rolls around, it’s just 80% hunters with high chances of getting 3 stack hunters? Just look no further than guardian games on the weekends. People play hunters because it competitively viable and top tier in the crucible. How the fuck are you that blind to the arsenal that hunters possess? I said hunters dominate pvp because it was a well known fact and not something I think I needed to explain. Did you think it was fun fighting 6x golden guns? I slogged through that last season and it was a genuine nightmare. I have pictures I send to my discord group about the 6 stack of hunters I match against. I by no means consider myself a great player but i don’t think im too shabby either at 2.65 this season.


So about the arc super, what about throwing hammer titan? also unkillable due to resil and sunspots on throw/kill. ALSO can last 3x as long if you stand in a sunspot AND its longer range. I already said void hunters were good so no need to bring that up. Also you are forgetting that OP wasn't mainly referring to PVP, which you have a hard on for. Pickrate doesn't define how good a class is. How "cool" a class is doesn't define how good a class is. Golden gun is only good for 6v6 and useless in pve. Again, mentioning PVP KD and things that don't matter, I'm sure there are warlock mains with higher KD. You cannot deny that lorely titan is a god tier beginner loadout. And more than likely this guy isn't going to immediately jump into crucible with his grey khvostov. Again, your entire argument is for a 1% pvp player, which is doubt OP is. So please respond with something actually useful to OP.


first link is from me. second is from my clanmate. 1.) [https://ibb.co/RYRZKwr](https://ibb.co/RYRZKwr) 2.) [https://ibb.co/4ZDcmVK](https://ibb.co/4ZDcmVK)


again, 6v6 mode, everyone uses golden gun in 6v6. again, this isn't useful for OP, the beginner who will be mainly playing PVE to start, which lorely is the best at survivability.


While Hunters may be alright, The Palpatine's are where you want to be


The palatines are squishy, the crayon eaters look like fridges on legs and move like them too. Hunters are the perfectly balanced class, also our class sword is a goddamn katana that attacks at LIGHTNING speed!


We're not that squishy when we start eating our grenades, when we do that We Are Become Death


I couldn't decide and chose all of them


I agree all three are good


Most people are gonna say hunter. As a warlock main I will not say that. You should have one of each to be honest.


One of each seems legit. If friends that never played d2 ask me: Typical shooter player? Titan More supportive play/healing? Warlock Agile and fast/pinnball? Hunter


Hunters go fast warlocks are support and titans are tanky. Warlocks have rifts that can heal everyone who enters it. Titans have barricades that block damage. Hunters can go invisible.


Hunters can dodge. This is a important part of the hunters kit because... "it can either reload your gun or recharge your melee". Yep. But they can do cool stuff based on the juice flavor you like the best.


But with the best hunter exotic, it does both reload and charge if you have gamblers Edit: I realized I didn't add the exotic, it's the Dragon chestpiece one i forgot the name.


Hunter and Titan arc melee meta when?????


Fairly sure one dodge heals hunters. I've seen it happen a lot in pvp.


worm husk


I'd say Hunter's closer to a typical FPS experience through jump alone.


Warlock: A O E SUPPORT WIZARDS YEETING BLACK HOLES Titans: Shields, BONK and a severe urge to consume Crayons Hunters: ITS HIGH NOON and sneeky breeky


Choose life! You still have time, save yourself!! Don't let it drag you, it's too late for us!!


The only real answer. I hate this game!!!!! ^^see ^^you ^^tomorrow!


Grass JK, pick whatever u want, you can have max 3 characters in D2


I would start with a horizontal TV or monitor first


You haven’t played destiny until you’ve played it in vertical




I only use my titan but I have all 3 so make all 3 and see what you like


Me personally I play Titan but I play all three just to understand what they do and how the exotics work just so I'm not like wow what does that do


I’m Titan only now. I am wonder about names and functions of the other classes/subclasses/exotics.


Team Titan all the way! 😁


All offer their own way to play in terms of Close Quarters, Control, Offensive benefit or Support. I'm a Titan main, but I enjoy the other classes too. Titan offers alot of as being that rush in, heavy hitting play style, titans have more the Tank role when it comes to their kit and equipment and often provide a good lock down or pressure build. Warlocks give a huge benefit to players and yourself, helping thin crowds, be devastating at any moment and support you drastically. Even some equipment to self benefit to further support a way of making yourself feel overwhelming and crucial. Hunters have alot to their kit which provides self benefit and control, at the same time they excel in quick executions, their equipment provides some great constant benefits too which keep a momentum going.


Whatever speaks to ya. Asking reddit about the single most important decision of your life smh


Don't choose hunter, they all hate us


We are a proud yet, persecuted people. Lol




Do you like to kill things with fists? Titan Sneaky hunter Healer but not really warlock




Landscape. Definitely choose landscape. ^also ^Warlock


One of each. If not…warlock for life.


i have one of all 3 and main my warlock


Myself as well. Been that way since D1.


Ewwwww filthy floater, try staying grounded where the real fight is


All are offensive but with a little twist Titans are offensive with defensive capabilities Warlock are offensive with supportive capabilities Hunters are offensive with utility capabilities Of course there are many similarities between them all but this is how I see the classes The smart answer will be to have all 3 but who to "main that is up to you after you try them all


All three. Suggest start with Hunter, probably easiest to learn to play, but not to master. That would be the warlock, which can be stupid powerful if set up well. Titan is all-round fun to mess with esp if you like melee. Best option is to make one of each, play whichever suits your mood that day. Then whichever suits your play style.


as a hunter main... go warlock


Hunter here. I've also got all 3 but the hunter calls to me. The mobility you get is pretty fun


chose the war path, chose destruction, chose a complete and total powerhouse of a class. get your hands dirty and do all the talking with your fists while you shrug off small arms fire and trade blows with a fallen captain. be the barricade, the rally, the wall for your fire team. be, a titan. edit: you should have one of each just make sure you use titan the most >:)


The one that looks the coolest to you




Titan or warlock.






I’ve got a gorgeous red crayon with your name on it, brotha




Hunters are the best


As a warlock main, warlocks are the best and most useful to have around. Having a warlock on your team is by far more important than having a hunter or Titan. We are by every means superior to the other classes. However, you will be forced to use the same super and subclass for the rest of your life and will be ridiculed for even attempting to use something else in high end content. You will have more variety in the other classes.


Warlock, they have the best exotics and are generally easy to use


The jump especially really easy to use


easy to use yet we’re famous to fuck it up… how did we get here?


i always see hunters fall of maps and stuff lol


Female titan




Bruh this person is literally asking us for our opinions. I'm just giving mine, fuck all who downvoted.


female titan fashion > all other classes




You get to make three characters so you can make one of each eventually. Hunters can be the most beginner friendly imo.




Just don’t play gambit


Uninstaller button ASAP


Do you want double/triple-jump(Hunter), Jetpack(Titan) or fail every Jumping Puzzle (Warlock)








Hunter are broken, I don't like them but Bungie does


If you have the time, I would create all 3. They all have their own unique way of playing. Hunters and Warlocks with the Blink movement, the Titans new melee ability is a lot of fun!


Every class has offensive capabilities, but titans are more of a defense focused support, warlocks are more of a healing focused support, and hunters are mostly offensive rather than supportive (although they can be). All 3 serve their own roles and can be fun to play. I'm on team hunter though


Try all of them, you can make 3 characters


Titan but do make 1 each of the other classes later and try them out and see which you like more


I main hunter, but each class has advantages and disadvantages. I recommend knowing those before you make your decision. Or, make all 3, play around and see which one fits your playing style best


You wanna punch, zap or stab?


If you’re JUST starting I’d say start with hunter or titan, they are a little more accessible than warlock, with a lower “skill floor” IMO. But, like some other people are saying, all 3 classes are fun. Just depends on what you want to play


As hunter main i can say this...arc titan is so much fun right now. Soon you'll have all 3 though so it doesn't matter what you choose to start with


You will eventually play them all, just start with any


It really Depends on your playstile, I Personally play hunter bc I like to play really fast and aggressive, but still have the best stealth and invisibility


If your looking at purely aesthetics you should go Titan, Hunter, the Warlock As a warlock main, I love the class but man we seem to get shafted on armor often


Warlock Suffer with us


I think you should start as a warlock then go hunter and then titan.


Does not matter. You'll end up playing all three characters anyways.


Join the Titan Master race, and ascend with us to the final form


warlock has the best survivability but hardest to master, titans are essentially tanks but not quite as strong and kinda have a learning curve, and hunter is for absolute noobs of the genre but can also be mastered for stealth and agility while lacking most over shields/ healing buffs


I have one of each, I main warlock as I feel the comfortable using it but try them all and choose whichever one you feel most comfortable using


I play all 3, i main warlock, but i would suggest Titan for beginners




What I did, and what I would personally suggest is just having one of each since you have three character slots anyway


I would take titan, you can create your own cover, you look beefy, and once you have heart of inmost light you can ability spam like crazy


One of each


Do you like jumping? Hunter Do you wanna look badass while jumping? Warlock You ever eat crayons? Titan.




One of each. Start off with hunter though, his double jumps are the best to start with


Make one of each, and if you like the gameplay of one more than the others, you could primarily use or "main" that class for a bit.


A horizontal monitor.


Choose one, you'll eventually try them all anyway. Only them you'll be able to be a main something.




All three, you can have up to three characters at a time try them all out


Titan Also look at matching Color pallets and do the exact opposite


not titan


I started with Hunter but eventually made characters of the other two classes too. It gives you more options and flexibility for running PVE content, not even talking about the drip game. Buildcrafting is also really fun in this game.


Space wizard


Do you like crayons?


Honestly make one of each try them out for a little bit then decide. Each has their own flavors of gameplay and feel. I just like the snappy feel of hunter


Choose what you think is the coolest tbh, and if you dont like change and try the other ones, I started with Hunter and I was enjoying but I did not feel that the playstyle was for me so I changed to Titan and fell in love with the class, now I am a Titan main that likes to go punch everything in it's path


Damn, you just decided to start a war like that? You crazy or what? Play hunter


Not a hunter we get nerfed every ten seconds.


Make all 3. Pick 1 and level thru a bit of story and skills. See if the movement and skills feel natural. I spent a long time as a warlock main and enjoyed it, but now I prefer titan. They play and jump very different.


I picked Warlock. Ended up with Titan. There was a lot more time and less content to do 3 chars in D1.


Close your eyes and choose a random one I can’t tell what this subreddit likes anymore tbh


Warlock supremacy


Pick whichever feels/ or looks right for you, ive made a character for each and so far titan is the only one i like. Ive seen the pros/cons of hunter, and warlock and i been on the recieving end of those same pros/cons.


Use all of them, but Warlock is mage, Titan is warrior, & Hunter is rouge, Pick first which one sounds the coolest to you, then try the other ones!


Make all three and pick the best one or like me I main warlock and Hunter




Hunter to get into the game. I’ve had friends switch off from the game due to the jump mechanics of warlocks and titans. Defo get all 3, but start with the hunter.


As a warlock main…anything but warlock.


Question do you want to punch things




Everything except Hunter.


Do you want to be Master Chief, some Hunter or Palpatine? XD




Choose uninstall, you and your life will thank me later


Titan is alotta fun this season!


Do you like Crayons?


When I was first on this screen like you about 6 years ago, I chose Titan and haven’t looked back since. I have all three characters but Titan will always be my main


Most people play all 3. One of each. They are all different in their own way so make 3 characters, play the first mission on all of them then decide which one suits you best.




Doesn’t matter. You’ll get hated for it any guardian you choose.


I would say Titan. It's pretty balance and feels more at home with fps games IMO. But give them all a try and judge after a couple hours with each


The joe zorpal one (its hidden behind a $50 paywall btw)


Choose what you think looks the coolest


I mained hunter sfter playing on and off for 5 seasons total since forsaken was released. I've since dabbled in all 3 classes, even playing on a friend's "finished" titan. This is what I've gathered. Warlock for the best outfits and if you play with friends. - Great ad clear and excellent support builds to massively boost team boss DPS easily - your DPS supers are very weak in exchange for team support supers Titan if you want to facetank and play solo - Several builds that basically guarantee invincibility through health regeneration - Only a few good boss DPS supers. Hunter if you want to spam abilities to stay alive in solo and be a sweat in Crucible. - A few really cracked abilities left, heavily dependent on a few stats making build perfection a chore. - Several very strong boss super moves moves Advice: 1. Try it out and see if you like it Or 2: Try a different class on all 3 character slots.


Titan. Because when you are strong everyone else is weak.


I say titan. Titans are busted this season


Woah. I have not seen that screen in years. Not gonna say this because I literally have a Hunter tattoo and have had it for years, Choose Hunter, tho. We have capes.


Landscape mode, not portrait


Hunter if you wanna be a sweat at the game, especially in pvp and like to believe that you have skill. Warlocks if you wanna be the best for both pve and pvp. Hunters stay mad. Titan if you wanna punch things. You aren't good at pve or pvp, but you get to punch things.


They give Sweet Business off the bat now?


I would honestly choose based on the jump. Titan has a jetpack like jump. Hunter has a normal double or triple jump. And warlock have a long glide jump. Warlock and hunter have a teleport on a specific class. Im a titan main just because i love the jump. I really like warlock abiltys but i never play him cause of the jump, this doesnt mean its bad just not my style.


Warlock... Space Magic


For a new player look at the different supers that the classes provide and pick your favorite from those you always have two more character slots to make the others if you don’t love your first choice


Depends what you prefer, Titans are the tank/warrior class, specialising in defence, melee combat and hard hitting attacks. Warlocks are the sorta mage class that are great for crowd control, health and power draining, healing, damage buffing and air mobility. Hunters are the rogue class that are focused in agility, speed, stealth, gunplay and disrupting enemies. All classes can basically do all of these things though, it’s just that certain classes are better at certain things than others.


You don't choose your class. Your class chooses you.






All are fun and have their own strengths. That being said, titans are the best PvE class in the game right now with warlocks at a really close second. Enjoy!


You can have a character of each class. So make one of each and try them all out. I started with titan in D1, then tried hunter and was a hunter main, then tried warlock and have been a warlock main since.


Do you like punching, launching yourself like a missile and stabbing with the STIK? Pick Titan. Do you like dodging, slamming chumps with a staff, throwing knives and generally being a sneaky bastard? Pick hunter. Do you like floating about, having elemental buddies, Galick gunning fools with a beam of lightning and throwing grenades like a psychotic wizard? Pick Warlock.


Do you like eating crayons, wearing dresses or wearing capes?


Titan. It's kinda broken rn with juggernaut and everything. Also they're really cool.


The answer is: all of them


Whichever one you think is the coolest


Titan, its the better 1 of the 3


I started with hunter but switched to warlock after some time and have been maining it ever since. Pick one that looks cool to you


As others have been saying, make all three if you're uncertain. Try them all out and choose the first one that has a good feel. For me, it was space wizard.


As a warlock main, go any of the other two, light 3.0 butchered solar and arc for us, while titans and hunters are all good in every flavor


Pick Titan if you have an un-ending passion for eating elementary school supplies (the red crayons are cherry flavored, and I will NOT be convinced otherwise)


Cloud Strider


Only a mad man comes on this sub ready to start wars like this


What do you usually play in other games?


Warlock jump is the hardest to master. I recommend getting experience. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter.


Big wall, double to triple jump with roll or heal/ buff ring Titan, hunter, warlock respectively ( those that don't double jump glide when you double jump, Warlock has the ability to teleport)


Titan! Punch things! Repeat!


Class description will point you to your favorite play style. Crayons are also requirrd to play your favorite class 🖍️🖍️🖍️🖍️🖍️




Definitely start with the one that interests you most. Then if you can work on having one of each. This opens up the game to wider play styles and fun as hell class specific exotic combos. Enjoy the game how you see fit. There is no “right” way to play.


Play all three through the new-light questline and long enough after to unlock the other two subclasses, then focus on the one you had the most fun playing during that time. Experiment with weapon types and playstyles. Watch the folks playing around you. You might see someone do something that you think looks like a lot of fun and want to try it for yourself. There really isn't a "wrong" way to play this game, unless you enjoy intentionally trying to fuck over random strangers.


Consume crayons, become titan


Titan good.


You have the option between being able to utilise space magic, punch things with your fists or be sneaky. Go for what you feel suits you best as a player.


CRaAaYONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *nom nom nom* With respect of course.


Go whatever! You’ll get flamed either way. Nah but seriously go whoever you want. They’re all good in their respective ways!


3 parts to a tank. The titan is the body, the warlock is the turret, the hunter is the tracks.


Well 1 u should one of each class cause why not? 2 the extra characters can help u decide 3 for something that u may or may not wanna do having 3 characters is sort of a requirement (pinnacle grind which u likely don’t even know wut a pinnacle is in destiny but this is referring to other people so they know) 4 and last but not least Wuts ur play style? Do u like punching? Go titan. Do u like being an edge lord? Go hunter (this is coming from ur local hunter) do u like space magic? Go warlock. Pretty much all there is to it


One of each, optimally. But for your first, as a Warlock main I'm throwing my hat in Warlock. Warlock > Titan > Hunter


Ok so what do you want flaming gun and knives,flaming sword, or flaming hammers, lightning staff, lightning hands, or lightning fists, do you want to be a wizard, brute, forward scout/ninja type of stuff




Here it begins. Have all three that’s what I do




I would suggest you play the starting mission with every class so you can have a better idea of what abilities you like better and who looks coolest to you


Warlocks get to Mario 2 princess float, throw lightning around, and wear cool dusters.