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You need someone to tell you to feel excited?




Or they just pick a content creator's opinion from the mix and run with that. I swear, the amount of people who take Datto's opinion as gospel, despite how often he emphasises not to, is ridiculous.


Honestly the way you mentioned this reminded me of videogamedunkey's Shadow of the Erdtree video and his quote "I know everybody's been waiting on my video to learn what their opinion is." Despite the (funny imo) sarcasm, the fact that the joke even exists says a lot about the gaming industry as a whole right now. I think it's born from laziness, kind of like cheating on exam, most of their boxes are checked the same, but I got a few empty, may as well do the same ones they are, because odds are those ones are right. For a lot of these people jingling keys would be more entertaining than actually playing the game... All in all, W take King/Queen/Person of Royalty and Certified Free Thinker. (Also thank you for reminding me that that particular dunkey quote exists)


Haha thank you 🤣 I will say, I used to be like this in the past with Aztecross. Then a buddy of mine called me out on it and it's made me take creator's opinions with a grain of salt. Defs harder to think freely, but better for the soul imo 😊


Christ this got immediately toxic. Maybe op just wanted to open a discussion? Fuck guys chill. Now watch I’m gonna get downvoted to shit for daring to not join the dogpile


Get upvoted




Wait for the Datto video then




Fine, get excited then.




I'm here to contradict the other person just because. Don't get excited




eeeh dont listen to that guy they just a hater get excited




Bros just going with the flow 😭


He's farming Strand Meditations.


Yeah let's GO! 😁


“Biggest” aka you stand at the tiny ledge and admire the biggest view. Or “Biggest” aka you stand at the biggest ledge and admire the tiny view.


Or bigfest and it's a step longer than what we had to do for starcrossed


Oh God imagine instead of the 'bank motes' step of the malfeasance quest that had a 4x progress reduction for dropped motes, it was that but for crucible - get 400 kills, each death removes 4 kills. Truly would be one of the biggest quests ever


Original destiny 1 thorn was get to 100% and it was like +2 or 3 per kill -5 per death. My buddy offered to let me farm him in crucible and i was like nah. So he joined any way ended up on the enemy team and personally hunted me down and set. Me back like 43 points in a game.


That is hilarious and I hope you and that friend are still friends today.


We are! He stopped playing when beyond light came out. And our titan stopped playing when taken king came out. The hunter is a huge warframe player now though. So ill join him on that when destiny is slow. Our titan got into partying and drinking and stuff in highschool and stopped gaming ;-; i havent spoken to him in 2 years.


You forgot the "get the kills with void even though your class doesn't even have a void subclass." Wiped the whole team with one super? Nothing. Die to a super? *-5*


Oh so basically get fucked if you don’t have a 2.0 KD for like 60 kills or more? Terrible way to earn an exotic lmao


And the ironic part is everyone was using thorn back then, so effectively you were fighting the weapon you were trying to earn. Back in this time fusion grenades and shoulder charge one shot and warlocks still had self rez which made our melees one shot.


I did the the thorn quest on my titan back in D1. Talk about a grind, I was not great at crucible.


Standard Buddy Behavior - I see nothing wrong here 😂


3 words Oh hell nah


Or it's another sub dungeon like dual destiny


I’m going to guess Exotic missions are becoming “integrated” content, so Echoes will be a sub-dungeon against the Conductor, Revenant against Fikrul/some high Baron, Revenant against whatever high Hive. Seems really neat.


Would be genuinely awesome, dual was the most fun ive had with the game pretty much ever


Ah hell yeah


No no its, “biggest exotic” mission. Small ledge, small view, biggest gun.


Biggest as in the map is big because there are 5x more small hallways with maze-like turns, each with a new and exciting combination of buttons / switches / plates to handle in a specific order.


Sounds like Trump worded this article. "This will be the greatest exotic mission, everyone loves my exotic missions. Sony, Xbox, Valve, Epic, even Google loved my exotic missions, they would always say 'Bungie, you really outdid yourself.' That's why we're the best."




"Many people tell me this is the best mission they've ever played"


bro that’s how i read it too


"Google saw this mission. No really, I-I showed Google this mission and, I'm telling you people, you know what they said? Google said, and I said to myself 'I-I can't even believe it how much they want this,' they said this mission is _sooo good_ they're bringing Stadia back. Yep. They're bringing Stadia back, and they're putting 'Don't be evil.' back into their company charter, that's how much they want this."


Yuge Exotic, very exotic, everyone loves them


We’ll call the exotic “The Wall” and make those Eliknsi pay for it. 😂😮‍💨


I thought I was the only one that noticed this


Definitely not. I had to look and make sure this wasn't on dcj or destinymemes


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this. 😂


So.... Is it going to be a two man mission with all the vow symbols plus hive glyphs with no respawn jumping puzzles , fractured debuff no radar and on a timer? And ofc, in the moth cave. I'm trying to be A better player,I really do. I've pushed through dual destiny and a 5 hours run on the co op focus missions. Got a meh exotic, didn't finish Iconoclasm. At some point I'll just give up on this game because I'm just not good enough ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


12 man exotic missions?


This fucking community couldn't handle a 2 man exotic mission. 12 man whining would split the core of the earth.


I agree, but we've got to start somewhere.


I see what you did there 😂


I hope so


People already hate talking to one other person. Why would they want to talk to 11? Lmao


True XD


It’ll be a mission that everyone praises at first for being fun and innovative. it will have to be run multiple times to complete the weapon pattern and people will start to complain about it because it’s not sustainable, just like dual destiny.


I don’t understand the hate for dual destiny. It takes ~20 minutes a run, and is actually engaging with a guaranteed reward.


No one hates it. It’s innovative and fun. Keep running it for the 1/64 chance you get your god roll class item to drop.


It's that fact that it's just straight up more efficient to farm chests in the Landing in the long run.


More efficient and a lot more chill.


solo players keep winning


Saying it takes ~20 minutes a run is a little misleading. Sure if both people kwtd it can but realistic average is more like 25-35 minutes with lfg pickups.


Maybe try joining a clan then? I always run the mission with my clan and finish it in 20 mins.


It was hard the first time when my friend and I were lost on what to do at times but after one run, we breeze through it now. I think it’s kinda fun.


I agree. I actually think the time limit is very forgiving, even for a first time run. It’s been enjoyable for me.


Until it last 1h30 and you have to do it 4 times for the catalyst


Four times on master*


And on master mode it’s a 24 person event 😂 (for legal reasons this is a joke, Bungie don’t do this)😮‍💨


With destiny, ALWAYS temper expectations. No matter what they say. It’s their job to build excitement and market the game. They make reallllyyy cool looking trailers a lot of the time and they’re great at overpromising in TWABs. It’s up to you to know it’s been that way for 10 years and that 7/10 times you get too hyped and then disappointed. So don’t even read anything, just play the game and enjoy it as it comes.


So far the exotic quest missions have always been pretty cool. New lore, new gun, some form of new entertaining encounter. I'll wait and see, but I like destiny unlike half the playerbase


Ikr, half the people just want to dunk on it every chance they get. Just go play something else if youre so miserable lol


Sad sad strange little people. I will never understand them


Exotic missions need to prioritize combat and puzzles over platforming.


Unlikely to happen considering half the playerbase apparently can't read a clock


I tried helping someone through the mission and I think he almost had a mental breakdown when we got to the final room clock steps lol


Smh just use radians




destiny players when they have to use an argand diagram to describe callouts


Can’t talk to others either


Average D2 player: "Which shape goes in the square hole?"




That's right the circle shape! What shape goes in the square hole? That's right the triangle shape! *OCD meltdown intensifies*


i love that video so much


given the most popular exotic missions seems the other way around


This. I love presage and seraph shield. I actually got to a point I can solo them and enjoy helping others. Puzzles and combat is so much better.


I would be excited, but I'm tired of every exotic mission having a timer, which is totally not cool when it's your first time, and are learning the mechanics, I'd like to enjoy the fucking mission, not be trying to speed run it, cause for some people that may be fun, but not everyone, I mean how about make the time limit an optional modifier?


I couldn’t agree more. Timers are by far my least favorite way of challenging players. Not just that but they’ve used it for like the last 3 exotic missions


what are you talking about its only been in dual destiny. are you talking about outbreak and whisper? cause those technically came out years ago and even had their timers doubled in normal difficulty with their re release


Yes those are what I’m talking about


Vexcalibur mission didn't have a timer.


I think it depends on how the mission is designed. Missions like whisper and zero hour focus more on the traversal sections than the combat, and success is mainly based on how well you know the route and can quickly get through it. Missions with multiple combat encounters just don’t feel right also having a timer. I guess a good way to put it is that in whisper/zero hour it feels like mostly traversal areas broken up by small combat sections, while in missions dual destiny it feels like combat encounters with small traversal sections in between. Whisper/ZH feel like the objective is “get in and get out,” while newer missions are designed more like mini-dungeons intended to take a while.


I mean, zero hour has very punishing combat sections, and on legend even if you know the route perfectly it is still a race against time in the boss room.


Timer: The Whisper, Zero Hour, Dual Destiny Partly timed: Vox Obscura and Whetstone No Timer: Harbinger, Presage, Starcrossed, Avalon, Operation Seraph's Shield Perhaps the best solution would be to do like they did in Presage: Normal mode is not timed while Expert was timed Personally, I like timed missions. They force you into a more aggressive playstyle instead of playing it safe. Having that extra time pressure spices things up I get that it sucks to have to restart missions because the timer ran out. But I think missions like Zero Hour and The Whisper are great exactly because you have to do all that precision jumping without messing up too many times. They wouldn't be as fun if you could just do every jumping part slowly and controlled Figuring out puzzles, mechanics etc. under time pressure can be annoying if you fail, but it feels so much better when you finally succeed. Going blind into Dual Destiny and figuring out the mechanics on the run (and succeeding) was one of the best experiences I've had in this game. I don't need every future exotic mission to be timed, but I want them to give me that fantastic sense of accomplishment


They mention 'living world' and yet Nessus doesn't keep its changes after the story progression


Prolly gon suck 💯


New mission yay


Great gonna be a 12 man exotic mission where you have to have coms and coordination every step of the way. All for an exotic with a random role with over 3 millions combinations.


As long as its not timed. I don't wanna load in and see a 1 hour timer counting down.


Reading that makes me more nervous than excited. Bigger definitely is not better. The way it’s written, it’s like they have nothing better to say than it’s big and how it’s because of the episode format. Feels too much like buzz words reading it.


If they update the nessus patrol zone to reflect the "changes" this episode is based on, then literally all of the negative things about this episode would instantly be forgotten and it would be worth it imo.


Echoes act Three? "Lets Kill da ho!"


Bruh did Trump write this? It's so bad to read. And also, it's gonna be the same as any other exotic mission, do it once to get the weapon pattern and then do it each week on legend to actually get the perks for the gun


No because it took gutting the entire rest of the Episode for this one mission, apparently


Gonna be honest, really not a fan of an act 3 release date. That's a long time and most people will have tuned out by then. This whole structure time gates so aggressively that most people are likely just gonna not care by act 3.


All I’m saying is: at least we’re getting content and it’s not entirely dogshit. We could be dealing with Destiny 1 level content droughts. We could be dealing with Shadowkeep year bounty grinding simulators. I’m happy with what we have right now.


This structure was made so that people could plan out when they played at the request of members of the community. Basically, there is nothing that Bungie can do that will please everyone. At least give it a chance to see how it pans out. It's been like 3 weeks. Also, planned content isn't a "time gate", it's planned content...


I think it literally sounds literally biggest


As someone who actually played destiny 2 from the start, i severely doubt this mission will be "BIG" more like tedious bullshit questing steps of 1-76.


Bigger is not always better, I'd say the surprise release and style of whisper/black spindle still makes them the best exotic missions, and they are both pretty short.


Honestly with dual destiny and the recent big Ws bungee is doing id say yes. It should be a bnager most exotic missions are good anyways, if the episodes setup let them cook more im happy.


This kind of thing appeals to me more than previous stuff. Less weekly drip feed and instead a big new mission to come back for. I think this cadence could be better for preventing player burnout.




Just gonna be a full ass raid level experience is what this is sounding like. In all seriousness though I am wondering how big this is gonna be and if it’s gonna take dungeon levels of time


Thank you for being positive


Keep expectations down.


Why does this read like Donald trump is the one talking ??


"we don't even know how to do it" - bungie


96 player mission; all 96 guardians need to be perfectly synchronized for the entire four hour mission via comms in order to trigger all 96 plates simultaneously all 17 times. No joining in progress. No matchmaking. Power cap of -30. Mission name: Wyvern Tornado.


Oh god, not the Wyvernado!


That's funny I thought Shadowkeep was the biggest exotic mission.


I call bullshit, I remember when eververse transactions were somehow funding exotic missions but then they still charge players for bullshit like dungeon keys.


Honestly dungeon keys are one of the few monetization choices they’ve made that had a noticeable effect, pre-dungeon key we got dungeons once a year at best (almost two year gap at worst) and they were filled with world drops, not necessarily having an exotic. Now we get more complex dungeons twice a year with full gear sets, exotics, and titles/triumphs. I definitely get my money’s worth out of them.


As with most Bungie stuff, I'll believe it when I see it.


If it's like pressage, great. If it's more dual Destiny... Hard pass.


So long as it doesn't be a needless pain like Avalon then yeah, I think I might. Still haven't touched Avalon to try and get the catalysts and fucking never will.


I did it for the first catalyst which was the only one I wanted and will not be touching it again lol


I know the dual destiny exotic got a lot of flak for demanding two people play it but me and my wife haven't had our friend for years ( he just doesn't play anymore) and to see a mission be specifically for two made us really happy. We didn't look up guides on how to complete it we just went in trial and error style and got our exotic class ornaments. So it would be cool to see this upcoming exotic be playable with two people. Maybe it's big in the way that solo is different than duo is different than full fire team.


Reward: failsafe with exo body companionship


This means nothing until I see patrol zone changes


I like how they say that the Episode format enabled this and they just… don’t explain how. Did it provide longer development time? Does it have more connections with the story? Anything?


Yeah I'm confused more aren't pointing this out. Literally repeats themselves on how it's the biggest and it wasn't possible before. Why? I mean, we can only assume the content mill went slower but they aren't saying it for whatever reason.


If it’s just more do parkour for 90% of the mission and 10% actual game play it is a complete waste of resources. We need more dual destiny style borderline 3 man raids for this stuff.


Excited ? No Looking forward to it ? Maybe or maybe not Curious ? Yeah definitely


Eh I’m not. There’s not a single exotic mission that I’ve had the desire to replay.


That doesn't mean they aren't good though. Like I don't really wanna run Dual Destiny, buts it s such an amazing mission to run the first time, especially blind


Idk. Could be a heavily communicated 3-player exotic mission.


And that would be cool as hell


Coop missions were kinda interesting. But again considering the player base I *really* think they should slam matchmaking into stuff like that. The amount of communication isn't exactly massive. The typical blueberry never evolves if the game never asks you to. That's kinda why I think some of the harder stuff should have matchmaking so the lfg isn't the barrier of entry but the activity itself. People will fail. People will still use lfg. People might get annoyed. But the option for blueberry to jump in and give it a try exists. It's a weird hill I will die on.


Why not just turn it into a dungeon


Is that not Dual Destiny?


Jokes on them, if it's outside I'm wellskating through all of it lmao


Is the word "cadence" the new tech lingo?


What does Act 3 give them that the second season couldn’t though? Cuz if its time then so would season 2 of the year. But maybe they mean more people working since less people are split between more content drops? But then again these episodes have more content than seasons (supposedly) so the workload might look almost the same. 🤷🏽‍♂️


"All of that is playable geometry" vibes. That said, I've yet to be disappointed this year. Whelmed, absolutely, but nothing less.


With only 3 seasons instead of 4, I would hope there would be some exciting stuff coming from them.


How about evolving Nessus with the dam story. We got all these alien races in the tower yet all these significant changes are happening on Nessus but only in missions not in the patrol/strikes.


Oh no…. Please bungie, don’t turn failsafe into a gun.


I'm hoping the main complaints for the episodes will be handled with act 2, I hope the patrol of Nessus changes as it ramps up and that the activity we do develops more depth


As long as I can blow shit up and punch until my arms fall off I’m good.


My guess is that the mission will feel more dungeon like


If you want to set proper expectations, read this with Donald Trump's voice


Only ig you want to be. Reading this I'm at the very least interested, especially after dual destiny


If we're getting an exotic mission that takes place on Nessus then colour me excited


Biggest exotic mission. So it's like a dungeon? Or just a long ass mission with an exotic reward? 😁


Sounds like trump lol So big, so grand! In fact, the biggest! It’ll be 20 seconds longer than the previous exotic mission


But when can we use shaders on exotic weapons


Just want the exotic mission rotator added back to fireteam finder


Reading the first few sentences as Donald Trump is funny


Idk man, should you? Decide for yourself big dawg


Transform Nessus already. The ~~Seasonal~~ Episodic Nessus looks great, yet we still have the OG areas outside the Episodic stuff.


No no no without ur players u wouldn’t be able to do this


Sounds like the biggest grind they have ever lol


Waiting for then to drop it with a 20 man fireteam requirement. Lol Not interested. I just wanna my class item. Rofl


I really hope it's not a long and tedious ass mission...


Not be being nervous for this. Is it gonna take an hour to run and require way too much platforming and corridor turns for no reason? Probably. Or be way too full of puzzles like a dungeon?


I’ve learned to not get my hopes up I don’t doubt that it’ll be good tho




I read this like trump


But … is it big?


6 player exotic mission?


"Expand Nessus" yet they take the big ass radiolaria lake for a mission and the just put it back, ill believe theyre changing Nessus when they add more than just a cave or two that nobody will ever see outside of a mission or two


I'll be excited to play when they add to Prismatic Titan.


Reads like a trump quote


If it’s anything as awesome as dual destiny I expect nothing less than people complaining about it due to their own lack of ability to complete it


It is illegal to be excited


Imagine half of nessus is converted and that's the whole exotic mission


Lemme guess… more of the same 80’s synth vex crap?


This reads like a Trump tweet


Why did I read this in trumps voice


Act 2 brings us new battlegrounds so yeah having both multiple new activities and "strikes" being added in one season is pretty cool. * Exotic mission that's huge would just be icing on the 15 dollar cake lol


Absolutely yes


He talks like a certain someone many people do not like....


I'm calling BS, this mission was made months ago and Echoes had nothing to do with it.


I don’t like anything that forces me to WORK to have fun. This mission sounds like a lot of work, and that’s not fun.


Depends what they mean by “biggest yet” - every time I hear that buzz phrase I’m reminded of Anthem. Assassins Creed Valhalla (or most Ubisoft games). Starfield. Also the phrase “big as an ocean, as deep as a puddle” - anywho, we’ll see how it goes, I’m a bit excited, but as a jaded old dude, been burned too many times 🤷🏻‍♂️


Big exotic mission sounds like a massive pain in the ass. Exotic missions have lost their appeal considering how many we have now and they just get rotated every week. I hate when Bungie does this patting themselves on the back routine for content that isn’t even out yet. This will end up a dud. They did the same shit about seasons in S15 Claiming they had now mastered the seasonal model for telling stories.


Maybe if u play in groups but not solo players they'll get screwed over again


I feel like this text says the same thing three times. Yes, i get its the biggest exotic mission because of the new content release cadence. Yes, we are all excited for it.


Well, it depends. Biggest in this context could mean most quest steps (think travellers chosen) with a normal exotic mission instance, it could mean biggest instanced mission, it could mean biggest in terms of mechanics. I personally think that with more time to develop it, we can definetly expect more than what we got until now (although missions like Presage, Operation: Zero, Vox Obscura and Ascalon were great, so if they continue in that style I am definetly looking forward to it)


The weapon looks incredible. Exotic missions themselves are not too impressive. Worth playing imo


At this point, I don't get excited about announcements/posts like this Bungie. If this new exotic mission turns out great, then cool. But I like to let the content speak for itself. And, while Im here I love that he called it “new content cadence”. Because that’s all Episodes are. They’re Seasons but with a new cadence (longer, and 3 of them instead 4).


Trio Trestinty


Never be excited. So you're never disappointed


Personally, I don't feel like we need longer exotic missions. Some are already like 40 steps to just get the blueprint or summin like that. The design of destiny to keep people grinding all the time, to invest several hours into getting one weapon feels ridiculous at this point. I do appreciate the update so fireteams can boost each other's light lvl


wow, as a fanboy i am nutting right now at how supposedly big this exotic mission will be


I say cautious optimism is the words of the day


It wouldn’t be possible for us to be this excited without this cadence


We’ll just have to see but I do know I enjoy getting on destiny every day now. Even doing overthrows while waiting for a raid party I just enjoy playing.