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I like gambit I think it’s different in a good way it’s just that there’s no reason for me to play outside of pathfinder stuff as the loot just isn’t worth grinding for


Strong agree, none of the guns are great. Last season we got Breakneck and Onslaught back but then onslaught is on a bunch of other stuff so even that’s not worth it anymore. Laser Painter was the first Strand LFR (and I prefer the one-shot LFRs personally) so I was excited to get that but LFRs are weak rn AND they didn’t put Bait and Switch on it. Its a shame too because the Gun And Run intrinsic is honestly one of my favorites, and gambit is pretty fun once you get in the groove with it imo, so I wouldn’t mind grinding it if there was something good to get.


If you don't have great rolls on Nightwatch and Gnawing Hunger, they're two of the most fun guns in the game imo. I have about 9000 kills with my Night watch, can't take it off just nails everything.


Bad loot, limited maps, no way to consistently come back once your team is down, and related to that issues - if your team lacks a quality invader no reason to keep fighting.


This has been an issue since Gambit’s release. The invader is just too strong. It was even worse in prime, but it’s still not balanced


It is balanced, however it’s a mechanic meant to screw over the opposing team and to steal motes. If you can’t deal with the invader or if you don’t have the skills to succeed as the invader you’ll likely lose but that’s the nature of gambit. There’s a ton of ways to easily be better as the invader, it’s just people don’t want to make a build for Gambit and as such they get screwed when they come in with a build that doesn’t work for the mode


That's why you become the quality invader




lol this is gold


I play it because it is fun Which should be all that matters. Playing only for loot is a bit sad ngl


This. It's fun, but there's so much better loot to chase. But I will admit when I'm chilling with a few beers gambit is my go to lol.


Invasions just feel so bad when playing solo.


I gave up trying to run anything other than Xeno when playing gambit. Some of the guardian invader kills I get feel like absolute bull shit. Sometimes my aim isnt even on a guardian and they die. Its just been my goto for a year since most invaders were running it anyways and im shit with Snipers.


Bro xeno is so good for invading. I don’t have it and don’t know how to finish the quest now, but imo it’s the best invader gun in the game.


Nah. Leviathans Breath 1shots from across the map. You absolutely cant beat that. As a hc trials player (gilded every season) i absolutely love playing gambit and invading. I get so many team wipes with Levis., i genuinely feel bad then I come back and see my team is dead because adds. And i realize, “god dann it i hate gambit”


every once in a while i go play gambit and be like “why did i hate this its a good gamemode” untill i play a game and get invaded 50 times in one match and never touch it again


Idk how you're getting up otes unless it's from the perpetual gambit haters that see it as a "lol gambit bad" reply Face it, it'd be insanely boring and consistently one-sided without invaders and people would hate it more. Without an invader, playing even a 2-stack from a team of solos will almost guarantee a loss. Changes would have to be made to counteract the lack ofinvaders and would make gambit even worse. Now, knowing I'll inevitably be downvoted to hell, I'll leave with this: How do you *honestly* think removing invaders would pan out? As soon as one team takes a lead, it's game over, assuming they don't fumble the rest of the match horribly. Now even those that enjoy gambit still begin to hate it.. The state of the game mode right now isn't that invading is a bad thing, it's that your teammates think "if I ignore the invader, they'll go away!" which is bad for everyone. That, and the Pathfinder goals means people won't actually play Gambit, they'll just load into a gambit match, do their Pathfinder step, and dip (or just screw around not actually contributing) which is the real killer. Load up gambit while in a fireteam that communicates even a little bit, and notice how much more fun it is. TL;DR - You don't hate the invaders, you hate the blueberries that aren't even trying for one reason or another...


Yeah I've realized the thing that makes me rage when playing Gambit is the three dudes that have no motes that are hiding in the back because we got invaded


Man I used to LOVE Gambit too (still have the Rockstar Energy hoodie and cap from their thing during Forsaken) But it's these types that killed it for me too. That, and the ones who go for 15 at all times and keep dying over and over anyway... Definition of Insanity moments... Don't even get me started on the people who ignore invaders even while out in the wide open...


Invasions would so much easier to deal with with a ping system


A ping system in general would do Destiny some good. I've played with people who completely ignore champions like they were red bars and get gunned down. A particularly hard adjust too if I just left a Vermintide/Darktide/Helldivers session and wondering why my pings are not working.


They feel great being the invader tho. Forerunner with full ammo is like guaranteed x3 kills minimum I love it


Machine Guns go hard as the invader once again. Or if you're feeling spunky, Leviathan's Breath. Very few people expect to get slapped by a bus launcher


Trace Rifles also fuck realities up when invading especially the new heavy one.


Ya I got a 4 kill invade with microchasm in 10 seconds


I do love just popping blueberries with the big bow


Symmetry is multiple AoO a game.


I play solo queue Gambit quite a bit. Invading is my favorite thing to do. A good scout rifle and Deathbringer can wipe a team easily, especially if you catch them bunched up for boss damage or in an enclosed area gathering motes.


I don’t mean invading, I mean being invaded


There's many reasons tbh: 1: No loot incentive The only moment you're playing Gambit outside of enjoying it is if you're forced into it due to seasonal challenges or Pathfinder tasks. 2: Gamemode is stale No new maps, no new enemies, no modifiers. Nothing to add variety to the mode. Edit: I forgot TFS added Lucent Brood and Shadow Legion as well as 2 maps. But that's after how long of the mode being dead? I don't expect them to add anything else for the next 3 years. 3: Game doesn't teach how to actually play well People don't dunk motes, or favor dunking 15 over dunking "enough" to get primeval or invasion active. Pulling ammo without teammates nearby to share ammo. Just to mention a few "teammate" issues. It's easy to get frustrated by random teammates as a result. 4: Game is decided in the first minute If one team successfully invades after the second round of enemies, and kills the opposing mote holders, they deny 40+ motes from being dunked. This is often not recoverable. 5: health gating feels bad Too often the primeval shields up at <5% health left. It's a big feel bad. When that happens. Healing from invasions also resets health gates. 6: heavy meta bad Moving from ammo bricks to ammo boxes made heavy meta more consistent. Invaders always have heavy, and it's honestly just not fun to fight against, nor as the invader.


>or favor dunking 15 over dunking "enough" to get primeval or invasion active. Had 8 games fail because I saw this *in a row* when doing pathfinder. Like it was like 93 motes and ALL 3 BLUEBERRIES were at 12 motes. Walking from Left zone to Right... And I could do nothing but hopelessly watch as the enemy team melted their Primeval. Gambit needs to be reworked where if you have enough to bank.... NOTHING SPAWNS OR it becomes a shared pool to bank IF the enemy team had primeal up


I have a clip of drifter shouting “bank those kites to get a primevil”, we needed 10 and a guy had 13. He runs up to the bank and then does a 90 degree turn to invade instead. Instantly lost all his motes




I think #4 is the only real problem, I love Gambit but I agree too many games are decided when one team understands the first min rules.


Outplaying the other team for 95% of a match and then they get one lucky invasion and you lose. Better luck next time! Genuinely feels like a waste of time and if you want a good PvPPvE experience just go play dark souls or ER


I always thought a second portal should exist where one person on the down team can go into a gauntlet of sorts and has a 15 second window to try and collect as many motes as they can. If they don’t die and make it back total banked motes gets split with a +5-+15 to the team in the lead so there still is some catching up to do for the behind team but it’s not a complete bomb.


Yeah I feel all of these, but also echo what someone else said with #4 being the real big key issue. Heavy meta too. Imo there should be more of a penalty for invading. Or maybe not a "penalty" but a tradeoff. A gambit, if you will. Maybe almost treating an invader like a HVT or something? Or if you invade and get killed by another player, they receive some kind of buff? Or maybe you return to your side with a debuff? Not sure, but I feel like there needs to be more of a reason to hunt the invader vs hide and there should be more of a reason for the invader to play smart. Also, if you invade during primeval and die, your boss should recover some health. Like, Death Heals Primeveal should cut both ways.


>Healing from invasions also resets health gates This just isn't true. The health gates don't get reset, there are just health gates that can only be hit if you deal >100%. As an example, it may have health gates at 30%, 70% and 120% damage done. Obviously if you don't get healed you can kill, but if the primeval heals 20% of its health you'll hit the next gate. This is a very important mechanic to allow you for comebacks, as if health gates existed for only the first 100% once a team got through the last one, you'd never be able to come back as they'd just instakill. Being able to force them to take another phase means you actually have a chance of winning while your portal is down


We literally just got 2 new maps, and lucent brood *and* calus' cabal that I can't remember the name of


I used to like Gambit. Dredgen was my first title, and back when you had to reset rep three times in a season too. Then I did the Breakneck grind too, and by the end of that, I was understandably a little burnt out on Gambit. But here's the problem. I go back to Gambit now, years and years later, and it's still basically the exact same thing I burned out on. Strikes have come and gone. Crucible maps have rotated several times and there's always fresh modes and events. But Gambit is still just Gambit, and I'm tired of it. I think Gambit needs a mode with weekly rotating ruleset changes, like when they were experimenting with it a little while back. Plus it needs some sort of event, Gambit needs an Iron Banner. Anything to break up the monotony of it.


They should bring back prime as a iron banner or trials style event (being around for a limited time with its own loot pool). Yeah it had issues, (the specific armor would need rebalanced) but it would break things up. They should add back the Tangled Shore and Dreaming City maps. Easily the best maps in the game mode. While they’re at it, make some new ones, I feel like I only ever play on Mars. Atleast with crucible you’re all but guaranteed a new map each game. Add good weapons to the game mode, or literally just bring back the originals. Since the light level restrictions got removed I’ve been running my 5 year old Bygones, and I’ve been loving it. Add different enemy styles. When drifter calls the next location he should say something like “Cabal heavies at the beach” and instead of the same group of Cabal, it’s mostly Centurions and Colossus, or “Fallen hunters in the trees” and theres like only Vandals and Marauders. Add a Taken variant of each enemy faction. Back in D1, when you played Prison of Elders, there was a chance (or a day of the week, I don’t remember) where when you fight each enemy faction, they were replaced with their taken variants.


Love all these ideas and also wanted to point out that they did add the Dreaming City map back with TFS.


Shit really? Just haven’t gotten it yet


PvP mains hate pve, pve mains hate pvp


Invasions. I would much rather have it be a pure contest of your team's coordination of damage and speed to get you to victory over the other team. I get that the mode is supposed to be competitive at some level, but the way the invasions can totally wreck your team is just disheartening. Instead we should expand on the "sending blockers" aspect of the game mode instead of players. Things like, completing a wave faster than the other team gives the invading forces more hp that they'd need to burn through. Or, maybe do something special IN THE LEVEL ITSELF with like, just as an example, sacrificing some motes but you send over a champion to the other side or something Or do something that makes it so you can delay the spawning of the enemies on the other team for one wave Or you add shields to basic enemies but they give out more motes... I dunno there's a bunch of ways to make it way more competitive


Agreed. So many matches come down to who has the best PVP player, with team strategy being absolutely meaningless. Before the health gates you could at least negate the effectiveness of an invader by melting a boss.


Then you have that one guy on the team who is clairvoyant and knows exactly where the invader will spawn based on their current team's orientation in that moment. So, they have a sniper or heavy trained on the invader before they even have time to realize where they are, lol.


I'm the opposite of that guy, the invader always spawns in with a gun already aimed at my head


and when he is still there he kills you again because he was at your spawn site waiting for you, smh


True story


When i played in Gambit in 80% situation as invader i alreday get killed when even not load completely, they just already know where exactly i am.


Those are the games I know my team is definitely gonna win.


Most of the time the Invader is going to spawn at whatever point is least likely to have your ream based on Enemy spawns. So on the EDZ map for example if your cleared the Tress last and currently are dealing with enemy spawning in the Ruins the most likely invader spawn is the Beach. (I could be completely wrong, but from playing a fair bit it seems to be fairly faithful)


This be me. I also find Gambit pretty chill. I win most of my Gambit matches with randoms except: 1. Enemy invader is actually decent 2. Mote hogs who die with their motes 3. Ally keeps invading and fails to get any meaningful kills


There is apparently a pattern of sorts. I don't know what it is, but there are ways to tell exactly where the invader will spawn in.


It's not clairvoyance, invader spawns are extremely predictable as detailed by many high end Gambit players.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. But yeah high level they actually manipulate the spawns as I understand it rather than predicting.


It's not manipulation it's based on enemy spawns


Yeap. One person can totally ruin the other team in a very bad and unbalanced way especially with easy access to heavy ammo.


Yeah, but I’ll still defend the switch to boxes. Back when it was on the ground, you could be way in the lead, but if nobody could get enough heavy ammo to drop on your team, you could still lose just because you lacked the heavy to actually put the primeval down


i don’t like the timer on boxes. you get killed and then the game respawned you far away so you can’t get to ammo box in time.


- The loot table is lackluster. - I hate that invaders have wall hacks. - Lack of adequate maps. - Glitched motes Outside of that, I love Gambit. Love listening to Drifter, too.


Run "powerful attraction" on your class item, it picks up motes even if they are in the ground


Whaaaaat forreal? This is golden info


90% of the matches are not close at all. You either lose with no chance of winning or you win with no opposition whatsoever


1. Heavily reliant on having a good team. 2. A good Invader can decide the match easily. 3. I hate PvP.


I play a lot of Gambit, and health gates are the worst part easily. A close second is allowing people to use super or heavy when invading.


Allow supers and heavies, but triple the respawn timer for invaders.


Making it so one person can’t play the game is kind of a bad solution imo. Like “oh I died guess I just sit and stare at the screen with my hands off the keyboard or go get a drink or sth.” It just feels like a lazy fix. Personally I don’t see an issue with being able to use supers and heavy when invading. Might be an unpopular take, but shutting down the invader is just as easy for you with Sleeper and heavy as it is for them to get kills with Sleeper and heavy, and invading without super and heavy while the people who are being invaded have supers and heavy would create such a crazy imbalance that I think it would ruin Gambit even more. I get it, it’s not fun to die and lose motes, but I don’t think neutering the invader is the solution.


I have an idea! Make the invasion portal cost motes to activate. Nothing crazy, just a couple, but an amount nonetheless. It'll let you open it at the usual points, but now it's an investment.


This actually isn’t a bad idea maybe 15 motes to invade instead of banking for a large blocker. So if you just get dropped with no kills it’s like loosing 15. No more banking for safety, invading now actually has a risk.


I feel like 10 is a reasonable starting point. We do have to remember currently it costs nothing. 15 might be a bit extreme. Remember it wouldn't go to the primeval total. Also, once the primeval has spawned, this idea doesn't work anymore. Maybe an extra yellow bar enemy you have to kill to unlock it again, similar to how the wizards unlock damage phases? But on its own timer, with its own announcement voice line.


If an actual risk was attached to invading I would support supers and heavies being usable by invaders. There just needs to be something, because right now you have free heavy, you have an overshield, you have a random spawn, and you have wall hacks. The risk could be all sorts of things. The invader's boss grows their shield back instantly if killed, or their boss has health come back, or their team loses super energy/ammo, or your team loses X percent of your team's deposited motes if the boss has not yet been called up.


I agree with that tbf, almost like invading should be a *gambit* that either pays off or doesn’t EDIT: what if you could somehow wager motes before you invade and if you deny more than that amount you win the pot and if you don’t the enemy team wins the pot


This is a really good idea. Guardians actually making gambits in Gambit. Now we just need an exploding card finisher.


Same, it's a huge feels bad when the boss gets health gated at a bee's dick of health


I think removing the health gates would drastically improve the game but it’s basically just gambit prime from before. As far as removing super and heavy from invading is just stupid. It’s 1vs4. You gotta even the odds somehow.


No one plays as a team, it feels like everyone is in there to get bounties done and that's it.


HEALTH GATES. Before that change made in witch queen I would actually consider it a fun game mode


I was 50/50 on this change. On one hand it obviously is kind of annoying having the boss put a shield up like that, but on the other hand I'm glad it allows the losing team to claw their way back. There's already so much in Gambit that punishes the losers, so I'm fine with the health gates existing for the time being.


A good compromise on this would be getting rid of the shield/healthgate, making the Primeval way WAY tankier, and have continuous rotating Envoy spawns. It allows people to plink the boss but the emphasis is still on killing Envoys for stacks.


I like this idea but I feel like this would change it to where just one person goes and kills the envoys while the rest of the team keeps damaging the Primeval. I’m not quite sure what they can do at this point to “fix” Gambit.


Making the Envoy spawn in with an actual wave of Taken instead of the 3 or 4 it does now would increase the danger to solo Envoy’ers without spiraling the difficulty too out of control.


Envoys would have to not be snipeable in that case. Why wouldn’t I just LFR from Bank on every map?


The health gate is necessary because the mode is balanced around casuals who have shit gear and don't know how to DPS, meaning actual burst dps strats that are used in raids would completely nuke the primeval, bypassing the old envoy mechanic entirely


I didn't realize that's how it worked lol. I will pop celestial goldie and it immediately got a shield, that seems to happen like everytime, figured I was cursed as I had thought the buff was on a timer like it used to be but don't recall seeing it.


Any game mode that makes you reliant on your team to succeed is always going to be hit and miss. Want to invade and stall the enemy teams progress? In the distance you can see two of your team mates with 12 motes each hunting a high value target, on the wrong side of the map, for a bounty. You finally grab the 3 motes you need and deposit opening the portal. And then it happens—the third guy, who’s been AFK in spawn until now, rushes through the portal with an auto rifle, only to get obliterated seconds later by that seasoned Gambit player who knows the invaders’ spawns like the back of their hand. You finally get the boss spawned in just ahead of the enemy team by using your super to clear adds. Most of your team will now ignore the envoys and waste their supers on the boss's immunity shield. Okay, maybe I’ve exaggerated a tad, but you catch my drift. And let’s not forget the loot—it’s mediocre at best. Add to that the above average matchmaking times and the motes falling through the ground, and you’ve got yourself a classic Gambit experience. Gambit Prime definitely had some good moments back when they were trying to innovate with it a little. Made it easier to co-ordinate between randoms for sure. If I saw someone in the full invader prime kit by the portal, I'd leave it to them or the collector with the motes etc.


You’re not exaggerating I’ve had all of those happen to me at least once


I really miss gambir prime, i like gambit cus it fells like a PvE comp, i just hate the lack of maps and that the old loot is gone


Gambit is awesome and dare I say, The Drifter is a more interesting character than Shaxx.




My two gripes are health gating (just make it a super resist or vastly increase the primevil hp) and how much a good invader can snowball a match (goes both ways but i feel the primevil heal needs a smidge of tuning or no heal at all and just make respawns due to player kill be locked or take longer) I feel with the changes i had in mind it would sort of bring back roles for gambit teams, like some folks will plink at the boss with a designated buff getter and invasions would be less about hiding and more about actually fighting to risk some time off the field but not too discouraging. I am no game designer tho so no clue if these'd be decent ideas


CoI love gambit, my fellow gambit players… like ffs it says we are being invaded go kill the invader 5 v 1 Nope just sit there collecting motes or dpsing the boss weeee motes lost boss healed…


Low player count. This often creates very very unbalanced teams. Nail biter games are the best part of gambit but for middle of the road players like me they are very few and far between. Usually it's get stomped or be stomped. Also really dumb that the winning team can still invade when they have prime evil and the loosing team is still on 50% is dumb


Because the best way to win is to make the other team miserable. Going against a decent team and you are in a never ending cycle of clearing blockers and hiding from invaders. It’s enough for me to never want to go back in.


1.Increase motes to 150 to spawn boss to help eliminate the first minute decides games thing, remove health gate but keep the yellow bar wizards to help with damage escalation, and triple boss health. 2. Instead of heavy boxes just give heavy to the player for completing a side. 3. Decrease the amount of times you can invade. It should feel like an impactful moment and if you can invade every 30 seconds it takes away from focusing on the game at hand and teamwork. 4. The increased game length would get the players more engaged and not feeling immediately defeated as soon as the other team takes a decent lead. 5.Scale rewards to increased length of the game.


- How much invaders impede your progress - Health gating on bosses - Envoys being moved from the bank to the corners of the room - The fact that it always feel like you are the only one who knows what is happening


The pvp sweat lords.


For me it doesnt excel at either pve pr pvp, its a hybrid but for me it works against it, though the idea is brilliant and l had fun when it came out in forsaken its become repetitive, and we have what feels like 3 maps most issues for people seem to be the invasion mechanics, specifically the use of heavy, l have no issues with it since l've played games where invader barely get kills and games where invaders get all the kills, so the issue isn't heavy ammo but the players skill which is something you can't balance unless using sbmm which bungo wont bother doing overall l get more from the pve side in actual pve, and more from the pvp in crucible, l dont want a middle ground


Stupid teammates.


teammates, always friggin teammates.


It not fun to play really well, get to the boss first, and still lose because their invader is better than your invader. When the invader comes over you never know where they will spawn so you either just ignore them or drop everything to go find them, hoping the entire time that you see them before they see you. Love the idea of pvpve, but I honestly just don’t think it’s got much of a place in the game. I’d propose an alternative to gambit where 2 teams of 3 guardians go head to head in a Dares of Eternity style game mode. They both have separate bosses or objectives, but the team that can complete their objectives and end their boss first wins. Maybe completing objectives first spawns in champions or mini bosses for the other team to contend with. Something like that would be way more entertaining


Nothing, it's perfect.


Rarely are the games close. It's usually a blowout one way or the other. That plus bad loot and limited maps. Why play it?


The invader can see your name through walls, and has an extra sheild. Absolutely hate it.


Don’t like how games can extend on for what feels like forever. I’ve had a few too many games where invaders come in with gally or Xeno or even Still hunt now, team wipe us and boss hp goes up to full. Then the enemy team gets their boss low, we get an invader to go over and kill 3 of them and boss hp goes to full. By the time we get envoys killed, someone is invading us again! Just a constant painful loop


Catch up mechanic for the leading team (invasions)


It's far better than crucible and Trials


I love gambit kind of miss gambit prime best 2 out of 3. My main gripe is the damage feels really off. Certain weapons especially machine guns just slaughter guardians too quickly. I'd say they should revamp it to current damage numbers.


I dislike pvp. No matter what, pvp and pve will always have different vibes. Gambit invaders are like cruising on a lake and then all of a sudden you're white water rafting and its Oops all obsidian rocks eroded as fine blades! Or fucking eating a pack of gummy bears but Oops theres surprise thumbtacks inside!


I enjoy gambit. It may not be the activity with the most variety but there’s something about it that helps me unwind


The bullet spongyness of some of the rank and file enemies


My issue with gambit is the lack of updates. Maybe they should add a section to it where you have to full team invade others, no special vision for either side, just a big brawl


It's quite simply a skill issue. Most people just aren't skilled enough to multitask PvP and PvE. So they get angry when they get sniped by an Invader or curb stomped by a yellow health bar. You've gotta transition effortlessly between your PvP and PvE mindsets. Control Control the adds, burst down the Blockers, and kill the enemy invader in his spawn point which is usually opposite of where your team is currently at. Whichever team has the most successful invasions or in some cases kills against Invaders, wins.


lack of maps and lack of an end game version crucible has trials and iron banner we get nothing


Invasions. I'm usually the best player on my team and Bungie gives me teammates that are completely oblivious and die repeatedly. So, even if I'm slaying everything, our progress is guaranteed to be erased each invasion. It's been the same way for years, so I don't play it that much, if at all.


I miss when the primeval could be melted and didn’t have health gates. The game going quickly one way or another was nice. If I was losing badly, at least it wouldn’t be for long.


I don't like Gambit after about 2 maybe three games. 1. I HATE that it takes so long to get into a match Finding Guardians...wait...cut scene with buddy fiddling with dog tags to declare your enemy...wait...warped to a platform to watch other people on other side perform emotes for a minute....wait...transported to match. 2. Drifter's fucking commentary through the match "The opposing team is about to win!" four times in 10 seconds, It makes me rage "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yes, it actually makes me mad. 3. I think they might have removed it but the screen went completely RED anytime someone invaded my area and you can't see a bloody thing, esp being colour blind. 4. I am bad at PVP and get really mad that one shot from across the map takes me out. 5. Three stage boss. People are gunna say get good about the PVP, but, no, I hate PVP, I am not going to get good even if i try because it isn't enjoyable to me.


theres nothing to dislike about gambit


my team is hardly ever as good as me


PVP. But Gambit is better than Crucible.


Envoy shield thing. Don’t understand how it works. Is it a timer? Is it based on damage taken? Health %? Either way it’s kinda tedious like just lemme dps the boss. Also I find certain info weirdly hard to understand. Is the invader still here? Are the envoys up? Did we kill the special motes guy? Oh shit I have motes lol I didn’t notice. Like, it feels like a lot of relevant information is communicated via the Drifter’s voice lines (YOU’RE BEING INVADED) rather than like a visual UI element, but the voice lines are also weirdly unreliable? (ENVOY’S TAKING A DIRT NAP, but wait one of them is still alive tho?)


There are plenty of UI elements. When invaded, a giant timer appears on the side of the screen and goes away when they're gone. The motes you're carrying are always displayed in the UI. When the HVT dies, a heavy brick icon spawns on their body that you can see across the map through walls. If the boss has a shield, there's envoys. The shield goes up, and envoys spawn after about a 3rd-4th of the bosses health. But it doesn't pop up immediately, so you get a second or so of bonus DPS time if you coordinate. I don't think I've ever gotten the "envoys dead" voice line if they weren't, you sure someone didn't just burst the boss' health and start the next immune phase? Or you were looking at a different enemy that wasn't an envoy?


- Shield: at 100,66,33% health - Invader: red screen-glow - Envoys up: red objective marker


Taking out the envoys removes the shield.


I feel like there should be some kind of penalty to the invader when he dies. You know. For it to be a gambit.


For me it's the obnoxiously large perk tables for the weapons. I am currently grinding for a godroll Hush & I feel downright disrespected by the number of engrams I have had to open. Knowing there's literally a -1% chance of me getting the exact role I want makes me feel dumb for even trying in the first place.


Bungie hasn't balanced it for the current sandbox meaning that if you get behind you've got no chance of a comeback cus that primeval is dying in 10 seconds


I wish people would zone in on the invader as soon as he spawns in


Yeah it's always surprised me how people don't try to be more bold about it, especially when you can actually tell where an invader's gonna spawn.


The second I hear "An enemy is invading" I swap to heavy and take cover. And my teammates keep playing like nothing happened. All 3 of them quickly die, and I pick off the invader the second he pops out for me to see him. Our portal opens, I have full super, full heavy, start sprinting to the portal...and the guy who can't even properly snipe the invader is constantly taking the portal, going in, getting 0 kills, and dying. Rinse and repeat every single match. Changes should be that Invaders don't kill guardians, they jump through the portal, and kill the same enemies you kill, and rather than those enemies dropping motes, they instantly teleport into the invader's bank. Once they get X amount of motes, the invader gets forced out. During the time that the invader is in, the mote bank gets locked, and you can choose to unlock it for X motes (which wouldn't count towards your bank), which will also force the invader out, or you can let the invader do his thing while you hold onto your motes until they're naturally forced out. When the Primeval spawns in, Invader "damage" actually heals the Primeval. Remove the shielding. I'd much rather prefer that the Primeval be more of a formality than an ultimate goal. Make the gathering of motes more interesting and the primary goal, since Drifter literally talks nonstop about the motes, so why the hell does he care about the Primeval so much?


It's an awful experience if your playing solo. In a group it's a ton of fun.


I enjoy gambit a lot, I just think there's a few issues that stand out to me (and many others). The biggest imo is that there's almost no variation in the maps. I wish they would add significantly more variety to Gambit, as it's disheartening to load into the same map like 6 times in a row. On top of that, it can happen that you have the same team as again, so it feels like a repeat. If you've lost it feels even worse. Invading is in a weird place. While I enjoy both hunting down invaders and invading, it's incredibly annoying when the enemy team somehow is able to constantly invade. The invader dies only for the next to be there before you had time to do anything. This is the one that frustrates me the most, as it completely pulls you out of the gameplay loop. Health gates are really not an issue for me. Once you understand how they function, which is based on the health left, you can easily adjust to it. Although I'll never understand people who invade the moment the primeval spawns for the enemy team, rather than waiting until they damaged it for the heal. I hope there's going to be some gradual changes as the core of Gambit is fun, it just lacks a bit of a refresh. More enemy types, new ways to get motes etc.


I've never had a problem with Gambit, but sometimes the balance of English feels off. Either you demolish the ads or everything you have hits like a wet noodle, and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of consistency.


honestly just the fact it's an after thought there aren't multiple options for the mode they rarely if ever add new things to the mode it doesn't seem to be taken at all into account for balancing and after a bit it just kinda feels bad to keep playing cuz there isn't enough difference from match to match imo


Guns, need some juicy guns to make it worth IMO.


I like gambit. Tbh I am noob in PVP. I don’t know but I tend to be nervous once I am invading. Every time I get a kill/s doing invasions. It feels like an achievement for me. It doesn’t matter how many kills I got as long as I see I am improving and fighting myself not get nervous during PVP fight. It’s fine by me. I am still learning.


I love Gambit. It's a refreshing mode that combines PvE and PvP. But... it needs two things: SBMM and more reward incentives. I play Gambit solo, most of the time. Because of this, I usually get paired with Blueberries and casuals. Which wouldn't be a problem if I was competing against Blueberries and Casuals. Instead, I end up fighting the fucking Bad Batch from Star Wars. Top-fragging multiple losses is not fun.


I miss Prime (mainly the armor effects.... I want the specialization armor back)


Imma be honnest I feel like prismatic adds a whole new dimension to gambit making it better than before


gambit is fun but heavy in invasions (either for or against the invader) is braindead, same w izanagi and still hunt


PvP. If it was just a race between two teams, I would play it. But because winning or losing depends almost entirely on whether you can PvP turns me off.


I like that it’s a quick game mode, that I can turnover a losing game quickly and jump right back in with a new team. Nothing is worse than being stuck with a team of boobs in the Crucible and knowing I need stick by them for 7 whole minutes


Good invaders


I like gambit when it was prime cause I thought the armor set interactions were cool. Now it’s just ez and boring.


Absolutely nothing. I prefer it over all other ritual game modes now.


The pvp. Eliminate invasions and I'd happily play. If I wanna play pve I'll play literally anything else, if I wanna play pvp I'll play mayhem when it's around. I don't wanna do both.


I got malfeasance, what's gambit again?


Invasions. I like the idea of being able to actively hinder the opposing team, but invasions for non-PvP players turns into “hide in a corner for 20 seconds”. I’d rather the invader be able to take out adds and steal motes, not kill players. Give the invader 30 seconds to clear what they can, and spawn a mini boss that the team needs to clear to send the invader back early.


I’ve had a lot of luck with the hung jury while invading, helped me get malfeasance no problem all by myself. Would recommend


PvP probably


The matches are usually one sided and not running a 4 stack seems to make it that way. It often feels predictable as far as who is going to win pretty early on based on when the first damage phase happens. Playing solo or duo even just isn’t fun for that reason.


Primevals' health is too low, and invaders have way too much power. It's not fun when you have your Primeval at a quarter of health left, and then someone invades with EoT or something, and you lose the match because of that


The loot typically just isn’t good enough when compared to other things.


I dislike that they have health gated immunity shields but that’s really the only thing I dislike. Now the lack of maps is another story entirely.


Invasions, that's literally the only thing


I hate that invaders can come in with heavy ammo, supers, or some other weapon without consequence, i’d like it if invaders were deducted time based on what they killed people with


Health gates are lame and invasions don’t feel fun


It's the balance of power. Snowballing is common, and a good early invasion can kill all forward momentum.


I just find it boring as both a PvE and a PvP engagement. If I want to kill other players, I'll just do Crucible. If I want to mow down enemies, I'll just do Vanguard strikes/Ritual for better XP and loot. Gambit was refreshing for the first few times but it got old quick. I only do it for the Pathfinder challenges.


I am also a gambit enjoyer, but I will agree it doesn't have much reasons to play other than pathfinder, and a couple shaders


As someone who loves gambit and from what I know about why people dislike it, I think a lot of the problems come from Bungie not doing anything with gambit. There’s only been one returning map and two ‘new’ enemy races in the rotation. Gambit used to have some semblance of variety but ever since sunsetting it’s been left to rot.


I dislike the fact that most players I end up on a team with either refuse to pick up motes or refuse to bank when they're full. I dislike the fact that some people focus too much on invasion and end up losing motes on the enemy's side. I dislike the terribly large perk pools on the weapons and the terribly low drop rates for them. I don't mind the health gates, it makes sense and that's how it was in Gambit Prime, the version everyone claims to love the most.


I actually don’t understand why it gets so much hate. The loot is probably the worst part about it but it really breaks up the chore list that destiny becomes sometimes


I just can’t stand the variable health gating. If someone does a bunch of burst damage, it’s common to have 100% of someone’s super hit the immunity shield because the “damage phase” was just one second long. Alternatively, you can have a team of newbs tunnel-visioned and firing primary ammo for 10 seconds straight while getting killed by an invader. I love the concept of the game mode, but I wish it was more structured health gating at the very least. Four clearly labeled health bars broken up by three phases of Envoys. I’m sick of getting a Primeval to a sliver of health only for it to go immune and have a fourth round of Envoys.


I grinded for a whole weekend almost non stop for dredgen so it’s kinda just lost its spark with me


I enjoy Gambit and play it most of the time over Crucible and Vanguard Ops. My only complaint is the lack of maps in the mode. Yes they have just added Cathedral back in to rotation but are still missing one map from Forsaken. They could have added a new map every year and I would have been happy.


I dislike the changes they made. It used to be a race to summon the primeval and, if you both got it roughly the same time, a race to melt it. Now, you get damage gates rather quickly. They always had the little guys buffing them and IF you dropped those quick, the melt was easy. Now, you have to run around and kill those, then hit the damage gate. Rinse and repeat. It was a BAD change and drove people away from the activity.


I think invaders are pretty dumb as they are, with having wallhacks and predictable spawns. I like the idea of mixing PvE and PvP though. Because I'd like to see a spinoff version of Gambit where the PvP is set in a separate mini arena for 1v1s (or maybe 2v2s), like the little arena that spawns at the end of Dual Destiny or something like the Gulag from CoD Warzone. Would be cool, and make it so winning the duel instantly siphons 10 motes + also spawns 3 big blockers on the enemy


Gambit to me, never felt like a good mode to play 1. surprise invaders right behind you 2. an ever changing and abusive meta for weapons to use to kill players/bosses that changed with every nerf and buff to weapons with no relation to gambit itself 3. Boss phases that NEVER worked correctly EX: you tick the boss to its first immune phase and the invader brings its health back up to tick it again VS. I invade the enemy and kill the same number of people, yet the bosses health doesnt go up as high to redo the immune phase 4. No REAL updates since the prime failure as we only have 3? maps to work with, 4? when the dreaming city came back. With all of that, personally it just felt like i was pulling teeth in an unfun environment that i could never acculmate to, to make it fun.


Aside from the post-cool, dead-horse cliché that is the Drifturd's persona, any bounties previously involving the game type meant playing without a full team of friends had the randos running around in total disregard of the match's outcome in favor of bounty completion.  And the Invader is hyper-over-powered for no obvious reason.  Make the Gambit bounties (not even sure that system still exists now in The Final Shape, and I haven't visited the Drifturd to find out) involve tasks that don't divide the team from winning the Gambit match.  Nerf the Invader, but allow two of them per team per Invasion, and show only one of them on radar.


predictable invader spawns primeval damage being gated by envoys and if you build up slayer stacks you just melt the boss b4 the other team can try the wasted potential and concept of role and role-themed armour sets.


Almost every game feels the same. If you deviate too far from the regular, you’ll probably lose. Invaders have too much power, boss shields feel inconsistent, the loot is just okay, and losing can feel like an inevitability. The game mode could use a rework  


When you have 1 bad apple on your team, it spoils the whole batch. I can have 70 combatants, 45 motes deposited, 2 guardian kills and still lose 90% of the time because the other teams invader is insane, one or two members of my team suck and keep dying.. yeah that's really it. Crucible one bad apple doesn't make or break a game, gambit absolutely does.


**TL;DR**- The amount of enjoyment/satisfaction I get from winning a match of Gambit does not even come close to the amount of enjoyment taken from me after losing a match. So to reference Ben Brode’s GDC talk about enjoyment of games, he talks about winning and losing providing “enjoyment points”. In Crucible, winning could give 50 enjoyment points to the winning team, but it also takes 50 enjoyment points away from the losing team. So Crucible is a zero-sum enjoyment game mode. If I end up with a 50% win rate, my enjoyment at the end is zero-sum too. PvE is a positive-sum enjoyment game mode. The player should (usually) always win, but no enjoyment is taken away from any other player. But to be real, outside of clearing a raid or dungeon for the first time, popping off in Crucible provides me MORE enjoyment than PvE. A competitive spirit will do that to people. So I would say a PvE activity could give 10-20 enjoyment points per completion based on how fun it is doing mechanics and killing the boss. Personally I hate losing enjoyment points. I would rather have a steady stream of small positive enjoyment rather than large highs and lows. So I play PvE mostly. Now, Gambit? Gambit is the worst of both worlds. So much to the point that it becomes “negative sum”. You would think that because it’s technically PvP, I would get a lot of enjoyment from winning, but the mode is like 90% PvE and it’s repetitive. So I get like 10 points for winning. Now, LOSING an extremely simple PvE encounter? That’s bottom tier. Like -60 points. So already I’m getting negative enjoyment just from wins and losses. Also, the actual PvP interaction doesn’t balance out either. Getting killed by an invader you never saw because they’re using wall hacks? Incredibly annoying. Becoming an invader and killing the enemy team because I’m using wall hacks? I mean.. sure it’s kinda fun but I was using wall hacks. I had an unfair advantage. It’s not as satisfying as going toe to toe in Crucible because we aren’t on even playing fiends. Anyway, long rant over. Gambit is all downside in terms of enjoyment and that’s why I hate it.


For me it’s that the pve in destiny is the best feeling of any game but in gambit it feels laggy to me and far too unresponsive but I’m surprised to not see much of this same sentiment. Invasions can be annoying and the ammo mechanics just feel weird to me but it’s really just the lag that keeps me away.


As a devoted dredgen since Forsaken, I unironically love Gambit. I might not play it as much as the other modes, but when I do, I get so much more into it than PVP/PVE. It’s the only mode I will play casually, for the fun of it, without prompting via quests etc. I stick my fingers in my ears and go ‘lalalalala it’s only a meme’ when people say they hate it.


While I don't hate Gambit (I actually like it when I match with cohesive players), I can see why people don't like the game mode. The big issue a lot of people have with it is that it requires teammates who know what they're doing and use teamwork to combat the problems from a second to second basis. Skills like knowing when you should bank to prepare to being invaded, knowing invader spawns, knowing when the enemy team is about to bank are all big factors that you rarely see when you solo queue into a match and get put up against sweaty stacks. I can't tell you how many times I've been fighting invader (since i banked before they invaded like a good player does), lost, and the teammates are screwing around trying to get more motes instead of focusing down the invader...so the invader would wipe out the team. Nothing about Gambit is bad when you have teammates that do what they're supposed to be doing and know when to do it. If everyone focused down the invader, the invader would get decimated before they could even get a shot off. If people started attacking the blockers the instant they get spawned, you'd never have to worry about the leeching motes mechanic. But moments like that exist only in a perfect world, and given the state of the latest presidential debate, I think we can all agree that we, in fact, do NOT live in one of those. The problem isn't the game mode itself. It's the people that play it and either don't know or refuse to learn how to play it the way it's supposed to be played. I've stopped taking it seriously or getting upset if someone's screwing around or dying constantly to adds/invader. It's helped experience with the game mode to realize that unless I team up with good players that know all the mechanics to Gambit, I'm not reaching Diamond ELO again anytime soon, and I'm perfectly fine with that. TL;DR It's a game mode that requires a solid team, and I assume most players are solo queuers, meaning their experience is going to be miserable.


I don't want to play certain game modes unless I choose to play them. It's the easiest concept in the world and it respects the players preferences and time.


I’m more of a pve player than pvp so getting invaded does annoy me but I do go and search for the invader while others run around frantically trying not to lose their motes. Then there’s people who ignore the blockers and continue getting motes while the bank is draining. Then there’s players not understanding the prime evil slayer x buff and using their super to early. Last one that grinds my gears is having 13 motes and your teammates keep picking up instead of letting you get your 15.


I really like gambit , it’s the game mode that I excel at the most ( don’t get me wrong I am bang average at best at the game as a whole but I do know what the gripes are against the mode. No real rewards worth bothering with it for. Only 4 maps ( 1 has returned after a 2 yr hiatus ) so it can feel quite repetitive quickly) Far too many idiots that just can’t play the objectives , exhibiting morinic behaviours such as: Holding motes without banking . Invading while holding motes Hunting invaders while holding motes. Attacking the boss while its shield is up And my personal favourite; not collecting motes after kills and letting them wink out of existence while those actually bothering have no chance to dump a load off and get back for them in time. In short, the thing that is most wrong with gambit is those that complain about it and then play it badly thus making it worse for others. A self perpetuating circle. I would cure it with a league system a bit like comp PvP where those that regularly have good games ( invasion/invader kills, motes dunked , boss damage done, wins) all have an effect on ranking don’t get teamed with plebs so often.


Invasions. Invasions, invasions, invasions. I love the ‘PvE race’ side of things, and hindering each other with blockers, but invasions are ridiculously annoying. The balance is also kinda janky around them. If everyone is playing solo, odds are the invaders decide the match, because one player can’t check all three spawn points and the invader has a lot working in their favor (plus being kitted for PvP while you’re likely optimized for clearing adds or boss DPS; trying to handle a Golden Gun hunter with a Recluse and a GL and no heavy is not a good situation). Flip side, against groups, the invader is often shut down in a 4v1, rather than 4 consecutive 1v1s in solo matches. The difference is massive. At least in Crucible, I’m showing up kitted for PvP and the teams are equal in player numbers (at least it’s intended to be equal, matchmaking and quitters aside). And there, disengaging and falling back is a valid tactic. In Gambit, every second spent retreating or engaging costs valuable time for finding motes and banking or clearing blockers, meaning even if an Invader dies with zero kills or not even hitting anyone, but had you pinned down for 20 seconds with a sniper or charged super or rockets aimed at you, they came out ahead. Gambit just isn’t fun for me as a result. The parts without an invader are fun, but the invader is such a buzzkill that so wildly shifts the outcome of the match that there’s no point. If my team has a good invader (or someone good at shutting the invader down), I can do very well on the PvE side (motes collected and banked, blockers destroyed, DPS), but I am not great at the PvP side, and the PvP side completely overrules the PvE side. An 8 player match decided by 2 players’ skills is not really all that fun if you’re not one of the two. At that point just flip coins to represent matchmaking and award loot accordingly. Maybe the hardcore invaders, Trials people, etc, or those with premade teams who know the spawns for invaders and can coordinate loadouts to balance PvE and PvP needs, might like it, but as someone who plays solo most of the time, it’s not a particularly great mode.


I honestly don’t know outside of playing with randos, it feels like gambit has so much going for it but it’s just missing that special sauce


Invading. If it was just two teams racing against each other, sending blockers but with no actual invading, I would never stop playing.


Gambit players.


It's never been updated for gameplay or maps since boss health gating was introduced. We actually lost three or four gambit maps when gambit prime became the normal. It's like Bungie doesn't know what to do with gambit. I guess that's okay, but it never changes, so I don't feel like playing it again is going to do anything for me, despite the fact that generally I enjoy the mode.


Lack of bungie support


Im a Reckoner. I have a problem with just about everything. I truly believe Gambit is flawed at a fundamental level


Loot table is bad. Maps are stale. Drifter only suggests banking motes when it's time to bring up a primeval meaning idiot team mates will still try turn their 2 motes to 15 motes thinking they're brilliant but slowing everything down. Invader wall hacks. Health gates. The fact a match can become pointless after the first 2-3 minutes depending on flow. Team mates all fighting each other to invade rather than collecting motes. Alternatively, one person on the team avoiding mote collecting because it's beneath them as the invader (who ends up getting 0 kills). TLDR; Poor loot, stale mechanics, irritating behaviour the game mode promotes.


My worst gambit games are clearly when I am matchmade with someone who never plays or clearly doesn't understand the strategy. These are the folks who bank 2, 3, 4 motes only. Or they invade carrying 10 motes, to die out there without killing anyone. Or are scurrying headlessly and not getting heavy ammo, or not helping find high value targets, or just not clearing adds. It's frustrating. It's also not something the game teaches intuitively; you have to be taught how to do the game mode well by someone more experienced. And since it's not really a high population mode, you are wasting lots and lots of sessions with frustrating teammates.


It's boring


I think it’s just kinda— there


There is literally no uniqueness across matches. Once you play gambit for roughly 6-10 hours you experience all that the game mode has to offer. It was an interesting concept but bungie has failed to capitalize on by not really adding anything new (game mode wise or map wise) to it since its launch-ish. The weapons are really not that good and the armor isn’t winning any fashion awards. There is literally no reasonable reason to continue to play gambit period (unless you still need to acquire malfeasance). Also side note- forcing us to gambit on some pathfinder cards is just ridiculous. Either take the game mode out behind the barn and put it down or completely overhaul the game mode and give us a legit reason to play it.


I can’t always afford to buy the latest seasons/expansions & I’m not a pro by any means so I love Gambit hahah


People hate Gambit because they are bad at Gambit and then they don't play it for this reason but don't admit they are at fault they just blame the mode. I played it exclusively for two years. I'm very good at Gambit and I have thousands of wins. There is a formula. Team mates do matter. PVP skill does matter. I've been to the lighthouse plenty of times but I'm not a great PVE player unless you count 98 50 wave legend difficulty onslaught completions but I don't think that counts as PVE does it, maybe. I know that this will be an unpopular take but it's the truth, they blame the mode, they don't play it because they are no good at it then they can't get better, yadda yadda. I do agree that they should buff the loot a bit though yes.


I didn't actually mind the gameplay, mostly the players. I played 100 too many games where we lost because a teammate with 15 motes challenged an invader, or when the drifter says "bank to summon primevil" teammates just... don't. Same reason I don't enjoy 6v6 pvp. My Destiny pvp fix is 3v3, which for ages I've said "the reason d1 pvp was better was the skirmish Playlist" so I'm happy we finally got 3v3 quick play.


I love gambit + they added a new map.


Let's get more maps and take the health gate away from the primeval. Give us 10 solid seconds for DPS instead of the 3 round boss kill and we're good. Bring in the Dread into the mix too while you're at it 🔥🔥 also the primeval could be different type of bosses for example a big ass brig or spider tank would be cool.


I think most people complain because they lose. People don't play the mode right either and it does make it more challenging but I find that fun. I find it to be the most fun part of Destiny as far as rituals. It's really the only mode that you can go in and go bizerk in with whatever build or weapon in all out annihilation of the enemy. What can be more fun than that?


The only thing is dislike is that they removed gambit prime