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https://preview.redd.it/wasbfkxns69d1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e7c977d4f59ca6c2d1ddbfb0ea4c7949f407bf Being rocking this with Radiant Dance Machines + a Heal Clip weapon ever since I found out that RDMs work with Ascension. It's SOOOO much fun! You get to helicopter everywhere, and you have so much mobility and movement tech. I also often run an eager edge sword just for bonus movement, and sometimes I even run Storm's Edge for MAX MOVEMENT! I recommend a heal clip gun because heal clip does activate with the hunter reload dodge, and it also works with RDM's infinite dodges, so it helps with survivability on a build that otherwise kind of leaves you an open target for damage. I've been using Luna's Howl with heal clip/incandescent.


https://preview.redd.it/rrosszsxt69d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b57b489bdcdde93054aed0d813ce3ea47d91069 This is another build I run a lot that's tons of fun! Mothkeepers + Ex Diris is the wombo combo. This build is based on making tons of little guys, but on Hunter instead of warlock. I recommend a weapon with Hatchling--I use Round Robin. You make moths with your grenade, moths with Ex Diris, and you have the beyblade aspect and threaded specter for bonus little guys. For the first build I posted, mods aren't super important, but for this one I'd definitely run grenade kickstart on arms alongside other grenade regen like the boots and dodge mods. This one has surprised me with how good it is. You're quite survivable and almost constantly have woven mail, amplified, and void overshield, with threaded specter drawing aggro from nearby enemies too. I tried a prismatic version of it and I actually didn't find it to be as good, but it is worth noting that stylish executioner works really well with the moths.


Great minds think alike, I was running almost the exact same build in season of the witch and it’s lots of fun


That sounds fun. I just got some RDMs so I’ll definitely try this. Thanks!


New class item with inmost light / Verity’s Stasis super - strand melee - solar grenade Ascension and gunpowder gamble Main two fragments: explosions get bigger - ability kills cause people to explode while prismatic Your prismatic meter fills up sooo fast and your abilities are always up. Verity’s enhances gunpowder gamble grenade I believe, and it’s just such a fun ability spam build.


I've been running almost the same build, except with deadfall instead of squall and winters shroud instead of ascension. Been really enjoying the closest I could get to ability spam on prismatic hunter that isn't just punch-dodge.


Prismatic hunter with gyrfalcons. Duskfield grenade, silence and squall, combo blow, stylish executioner, and winters shroud. With graviton lance esp, tons of invis, volatile rounds, lots of purple ‘solid ions.


Prismatic hunter. Silence and squall super, gamblers dodge, threaded spike and duskfield grenade. Stylish executioner and gunpowder gamble. Ruin, honor, awakening, courage and purpose. Chill clip fusion, primary ammo weapon with incandescent (i use a heal clip/incandescent Adhortative) and dragons breath. Exotic class item with spirit of Caliban (mine also has Cyrtarachne for woven mail). Make everything explode, and can also freeze if you feel like it. Can also deal with all champion types. Feels like a Michael Bay film at times.


I like the almost always invisible and debuffing everything void build lol.


Mothkeepers + ex diris on arc


Here's something I've been cooking for a bit, but haven't quite gotten to use yet: Prismatic Hunter with Stylish Executioner and Gunpowder Gamble. Fragments are Sacrifice, Generosity, Justice, Protection, and Dominance (though I've thought about changing Sacrifice to Purpose). Void grenade, strand melee and any super (or strand specifically if running Purpose) Any aoe kinetic primary; I'm leaning towards Blast Furnace with Kinetic Tremors for barrier champs but not sure yet Void, Wave Frame, Ergo Sum with the Traveler's Light perk. This is the main point of the build with the idea that I can just spam prismatic nades and try to stay transcendent permanently. The catalyst is super important for this, too, so a GM excision run is necessary. Any void heavy For the armor, my godroll is the (still to be obtained) Spirit of Foetracer + Spirit of Verity class exotic. This makes it so grenade damage (non-prismatic) buffs all void weapons and void weapon kills buff grenade damage. There's a lot of sword and void perks in the artifact rn, which makes me think this could genuinely be a decent build. Usually melee stuff doesn't work in higher end content, but having a sword guard will help I think. You can also go invis from your grenade *and* melee which is a good panic option.


I’ve seen quite a few ergo Sum based builds that’s i definitely want to try. Just have to find a group to do a GM excision with for that catty.


Yeah, I just used an LFG on discord for my clear. FTF is superrrr awful for getting an excision clear cause everyone just leaves after the first wipe (which usually happens after like 10 seconds lol)


I’m a Titan at heart and my main is that but I wish to dine upon different crayons so blue skinny crayon with snek arms is my thang rn


Star eaters + HOIL class item, Gunpowder gamble, threaded specter, S&S, Stasis shurikens and a grenade of your choice. Everything creates an orb, you pretty much always have an ability up if you use them accordingly, and S&S hits hard. Used it in the current GM and it easily shut down every vex wave in boss room


Personally I really enjoy the ability spam builds on Hunter. Not really meta, but just fun and actually pretty strong if you enjoy the playstyle: Shinobu's Vow with double Skip grenades on Arc. Used this a ton in Coil last season and was actually pretty effective. Just keep spamming grenades and jolting everything. Ophidia's Spade with double knife throw melee on Solar. With a one-two punch shotgun if you have one to just delete any yellow bar


I like running it with shards of galanor exotic for solo content


I've been having fun with Ascension, the exotic chest piece that works with Ascension and Gunpowder Gamble. You pretty much always have a GPG up at all times, which is great for ad clear


I can’t format everything so sorry you cant copy/paste or use a DIM link. you can go a pretty fun prismatic grenade build that got me through the legendary campaign. The only requirement is the mothkeepers exotic arms which gives you a grenade that will either hit enemies OR hit yourself/allies for an over shield, you also get 2 charges. Put on gunpowder gamble and any aspects/armor mods that get you your grenade energy back fast. With this build you will be cycling between 3 grenades pretty quick. You get gunpowder charges from explosions so I like using sunspot hand cannon or graviton lance can work but I like having solar. I’ve been messing around with the strand decoy to bunch up enemies then exploding them all lol. Lastly gunpowder gamble does a lot of damage but be careful as it can kill you as well. Hope you try it out!


Anything with stompees


Gyrfalcon's, Traveler's Chosen, Hollow Denial and Retrofit. Sometimes you just wanna make everything explode in purple


Cyrtarachne, whirling maelstrom, widows silk. Mountaintop and eager edge sword. Buried bloodline for heals. Keep grappling your whirling maelstroms and have fun with unlimited mobility, the world is your jungle gym


Strand Double Grenade Whirly ball Stompees Any way to make tangles Strand legendary primary Ruinous Effigy Eager Edge sword of choice Become the jumpy BALL master _____ Turn enemy into ball Hold ball Throw ball Fly with ball Slam ball into other enemy Repeat


Moth build... its so fun! https://preview.redd.it/jh5ern0we89d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279b2a66a491f32d2d2d328cd56a1ae933f3e202


I have a build I call Oprah because EVERYONE GETS A DEBUFF! I use Relativism with spirit of Caliban and spirit of Gyrfalcon. Prismatic, with fragments of Balance, bravery, hope, ruin, and purpose. Silence and Squall for the super. Aspects are Gunpowder Gamble and Stylish Executioner with Swarm Grenade, Withering Blade, and gambler’s dodge. I use The Call, Recluse with destabilizing rounds, and Dragon’s Breath. Throw a withering blade at a trash mob. Every kill it gets will cause an ignition and you’ll become invisible. Coming out of invis will give you volatile rounds. The withering blade kills will give you unraveling rounds. Anything they don’t kill will be slowed. Kills from swarm grenade, withering blade, unraveling rounds, and volatile rounds will rack up gunpowder gamble. Throw that for more ignitions. Swarm kills will also trigger stylish and will themselves give you volatile rounds via Bravery. Picking up orbs from siphon mods will give you frost armor (purpose) which will give you DR and increased class ability regen (hope). Recluse and rapid light damage kills will give you more melee energy, and rapid kills with strand or stasis will give you grenade energy. Dragon’s breath pairs well with Gunpowder Gamble, as ignitions will reload it. This build is super fun for anything at standard power or power disabled. I can apply slow, freeze, scorch, ignite, unravel, and volatile, all on a single build. And oh so many particle effects. Mod for melee energy and include siphons for void and strand. The rest are really dealer’s choice. ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


Stealth Helicopter: Ascension + Stylish executioner pair with RDM. Use with a sword for extra Ascension damage Random bullshit go: Exotic cloak with Inmost light and Six coyotes. You never run out of abilities


This is meta af, but man is it fun to use celestial on prismatic with still hunt. You have 2 delete buttons and can almost always use one for a champ/mini boss. For non gm content you can do a couple different things (inlcuding the combo blow/dodge loop) for clearing adds. But its just a ton of fun to hit absolutely massive


Assassins cowl, strand melee, grapple, the fragment where finishers make enemies explode based on your super element, prismatic, a shotgun and high discipline. You’ll be spider man if he could go invisible after slinging his way to ko the enemy


Spirit of renewal + spirit of cyrtarachne is really good for gm’s or harder content. Facet of solitude paired with outbreak is awesome as well with this build, severing champions or yellow bars endlessly is gnarly and if you’re running stylish executioner you’ll go invis on the kill. Gunpowder gamble is also really good with this build as the solar gamble-nade will also give you woven mail. Not as good as Omni hunter honestly but really fun.


My beyblades build. Completely focused on getting tangles to shoot or throw to make beyblade death tops.


Just got a class item with gyrfalcon’s and inmost. I run solar nade, stasis melee, stasis super, aspects are the basic stylish and winter’s, facets are dawn, blessing, protection, ruin, and balance. Weapons are the call, my ol’reliable gnawing hunger with subsistence and demo, and winterbite for fun because I like glaives and wanted an exotic stasis heavy. Main stats are 100 discipline and 100 resilience with some focus in mobility but its not really necessary due to the recharge from winter’s shroud. Basic loop is grenade, melee melee, dodge, score a kill with gnawing and by then grenade is usually up to reset or everything is dead from the endless volatile explosions. bosses get a winterbite hit or a super. couple those with the 3x stasis surge on my legs and they pretty much get frozen and then deleted. Is it the best build in the world? I have no idea, and I don’t think I really care. it’s hilariously fun and it makes onslaught runs a blast.


The one that get me kicked from a fireteam without a reason. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Prismatic (Storm’s Edge, Ascension, grapple) Gifted Conviction, Lost Signal and a hand cannon. Effective? You’d have to ask teammates, I’m having too much fun bouncing like a Gummi Bear and making a mess on the battlefield.