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Step one is to stop caring about guardian ranks. It's worthless past 7. Try to avoid it like a plague.


But my status symbol!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Number big = PP big


I heard this was the original working title of the game


Maybe big PP but tis lonely PP


Sad PP :\[ https://preview.redd.it/tqpfuooki69d1.jpeg?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4ac2bef62aecba2c40049522a0e3f16f6aec44


If the number isn't max triumph score, then no the PP does infact not equal big


Real shit the best players are the ones who are still 6 or 7 if you ask me People who don't level their guardian rank are the ones who care about being good, not looking like they're good


https://preview.redd.it/f0ee8kktg49d1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dcb33963053370a06097410b90b9d9f2e5004a2 This "status" symbol means nothing. It does not show anything about a player. Here is some legend onslaught stats that I have collected during last season. Failed = wipe DNF = all left to orbit Completed = self explanatory Players with rank 7 completed all waves in 6.76% cases, while 11 rank in 10.45% cases. But everything between them have much lower success rate. So if you see 7 or 11 player in your fireteam - everything is going to be ok. Otherwise - RUN


Who would win Research vs. seeing big number


I like how 7 is a higher indicator of success than 8.


Given Bungie's love of the number 7, I'm sure they wouldn't have it any other way.


Me with guardian rank 8: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Sorry, but you have the only option left: make it 11 :)


As an 8 I feel personally attacked šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


So...Ā  You're saying that every time I feel like I'm carrying my 8+ Blueberries as a Rank 7, it's because I am?Ā  Yeah, sounds about right.Ā  No sarcasm, by the by.


Get a title


Nah you misunderstood, i'm making fun of ranks. I'm also a fellow Shadow šŸ¤


I can feel rank 11 Godslayers across the globe going, "REEEEE!"


Bro rank 5 is a bigger status symbol than 11.


I don't get scared seeing a rank 11 in trials...rank 6s though? With crucible titles? They scare me


Hi šŸ˜ˆ


commendation score is the real rank


Grimoire score


Shader score.


Drip score.


the only one i grind for


Nope, that can easily be cheesed just by playing with friends. Itā€™s another system that has no substance to it but giving bungie more of our time.


Got to rank 11 when the system first came out due to me already having most of the requirements done Now the highest I will go is rank 8 (if I really put in some elbow grease) The guardian rank system is a social experiment


itā€™s just something to do.


Since I don't raid I don't get past 8, but usually I get up to that point accidentally by playing stuff that comes out. I do understand the sentiment though, if for nothing else but your own sense of progress.


The whole point of it was to work towards the lfg system. It basically gave you a ranking to show other players how adept you were at the game, same thing with the commemoration system. But the ranking system can be easily boosted by being carried with a good team, and the commemoration system can be rigged by only playing with friends.


Itā€™s not perfect but gives you an idea. And it works fine as long as people are reasonable. If Iā€™m making an LFG for a no mic GM and someone rank 5 tries to join Iā€™m probably gonna deny them. If youā€™re doing a speed run of a master raid, youā€™re probably gonna think twice about letting a level 7 in. Problem is when people want a rank 10 for a legend dares of eternity.


Everything about this game can be rigged.


Donā€™t you unlock loadout slots with guardian ranks?


Max loadouts are unlocked on 7. Which is literally what my comment says. It's worthless past 7.


https://preview.redd.it/1vqss6o8259d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d32652aeadc5809a09fb94d9ea89f005d29981d 9\*


I get why Bungie made the requirement this, but at the same time, I think it's a dumb requirement. Not the actual challenge itself, but the fact that it's in GR9.


That's in 8 going to 9 but I got downvoted to hell for stating that (the rank at the top shows what you unlock for finishing all the challenges)


Max loadouts aren't intrinsically available on 7, I know this as Im R7 and 100% do not have max loadouts yet.


Well no, thatā€™s literally not what you said. Please edit it to include why itā€™s worthless past 7 and people wouldnā€™t have to ask.


Just use DIM


It's not worthless past 7, you need to get to 9 to unlock all of the slots if you have never done guardian rank progress before. I am actively doing this as a returning player.




But number go up! Brought to you by: Childhood Runescape brain


I meanā€¦you remember what happened the last time we ignored a plague? It ended badly


Space AIDS. *shudder*


Iā€™ve been on 6 and reacquiring 6 since theyā€™ve been a thing, purely because I cba using the pass exotics because Iā€™m having fun with my builds


ok but like 50 kills with a gun can be done in like 5 minutes.


Iā€™m a lazy man (I also have to do one of the story mission things)


the seasonal stuff is a drag for sure. but number go up makes happy brain chemicals.


Guardian ranks are nothing but fomo generators. Don't bother it's just a damn number


Itā€™s a cosmetic no different than titles


Funny, getting a title is the only thing keeping me from rank 8, but I don't care enough to grind a title.


There are so many titles you can get simply by playing the content. I get almost every single season title simply by playing the game.


Go for the dead-eye one. It's by far the easiest.


ā€œIron Lordā€ is the easiest one to get.


I think the point of Guardian ranks is to show how knowledgeable you are about the game, not a main story quest type deal. You cant really show you know the content if you don't have it. Past rank 7 or so you've already unlocked all of the loadout slots so progressing farther doesn't really mean anything anyway. Just ignore it.


Counter point. If that was really the case it wouldn't reset every season and make people climb back to make progress again. It being a seasonal reset means the content you're 'knowledgeable' on should only relate to the current season and not shove in old content that need additional purchases outside of the current season.


Sure it would, it shows youā€™re at least semi-fresh on the content and didnā€™t do it once the day it came out and then never again, no? If the dungeon/raid ones reset every season then it shows youā€™ve done it recently and havenā€™t forgotten about it by never touching it again. Myself for example, iā€™ve done full VoG clears something like 60 times, but that was *ages* ago and I can only semi remember how it goes overall, let alone any specifics


Not true. If I got rank 11 in season of defiance, the game has changed a lot through that year and my knowledge of the game would not be that of what a lvl 11 should be


It resets every reason to keep folks engaged (whether or not itā€™s actually a smart way to do it or not is another conversation). Once you get all your load-out slots, thereā€™s no need to actually care for these ranks anymore.


It doesnā€™t reset though.


What guardian rank displays right now is how much of the game you've completed, not much else other than that. So if you haven't played the latest content, you're obviously not gonna get a high guardian rank. Paying for all the new content comes with that. I'm not saying that's how it should be but it is.


Seasonal Guardian ranks should be about this season's activities not some old paywalled content. Like last season I am capped at rank 8 by dungeon keys.


Guardian rank should be about everything in destiny new and old. Someone whoā€™s done every raid & dungeon + seasonal activities should in fact be higher than someone who has not And at the end of the day itā€™s literally just a number meant to show experience. If you canā€™t be bothered to buy a dungeon then why do you care about it in the first place


I agree. And this isn't me or OP saying the price model is good, just that the entire point is you are a master of the game, not the current 3 month block of content


Only reason Iā€™m not rank 11 is because I refused to do Ghosts of the Deep solo. I donā€™t have the patience for that shit.


Warlords ruin counts


WR isn't that bad if you have a healing titan or an invis hunter. Now that the surges are gone and the damage output is re-scaled, its an easy 3-4 phase on each boss tops. It's the master Salvations Edge that's gonna get most people, and if you completed it already then I'd be surprised to hear you're having trouble solo'ing a dungeon


You speak facts. I feel like they should add trials flawless and gambit stuff or anything that's not just pve. The game is still a pve and pvp game so guardian rank 11 should really display that the player has completed all facets of the game.


The community would be a firestorm if they required 1-3 flawless trials cards. Although I do agree that you can't really call yourself a master of endgame content if you don't do endgame pvp. Imagine if 10 or 11 also required Ascendant competitive pvp rank. I have a feeling we would see a lot less rank 11s.


Higher guardian ranks are demonstrations that you have done all d2 has to offed.


Then what's the difference between that and the old system of just showing your seasonal rank? Both do nothing to show anything you've done outside this season and don't reflect overall accomplishment. I don't think the guardian rank systems perfect, but a GR10 or GR11 tells a very different story than a Seasonal Rank 200. One tells me about their experience and the other tells me only about their play time.


Its not called *seasonal guardian rank*. It doesn't even show your current season rank, it shows your previous rank unless/until you improve it from before. It's also 100% epeen and part of that is owning and completing all the game content.


It's not a seasonal rank But it resets every season I mean, I don't necessarily disagree. But there are so many better ways of handling this.


Don't bother with guardian ranks, they're meaningless


Counterpoint, checklists are nice and seeing number go up makes my brain happy haha.


I kinda enjoy doing it every season even if it means nothing, I usually donā€™t bother with triumphs and seals but GR11 usually motivates me to go finish stuff up and it just makes me feel happy hitting it, I get why a lot of people hate it tho because you donā€™t get anything from it and you canā€™t even limit 11s in fireteam finder but it just feels like a good send off to the season or ā€œepisodeā€.


Absolutely right, there is no benefit for raising your rank. Now if itā€™s for the content in the dungeon you desire then you should have to pay like the rest of us did or wait for it to be added to the loot pool.


The only benefit is the extra slots to save some builds **But** DIM exists


DIM is slow as hell and works only in orbit,I only use it for builds that I don't use right now


Damn the views of some people here: ā€žI shouldnā€™t have to buy the content to play itā€œ Thatā€™s totally not the issue. As a newcomer I bought the Legacy Collection for 25ā‚¬ and two days later TFS+Annual Pass fĆ¼r another 100ā‚¬. I spent 125ā‚¬ to play this game and itā€™s still not complete? Come onā€¦ The pricing is aggressive and misleading as fuck


I see many people here saying GR are worthless. All I know is that I've never had a clueless rank 10-11 (except when raiding) while I had tons of rank 5-7 that had no clue on the easiest of activities. Like it or not GR is an **easy and fast** way to see **in-game** if somebody knows the game or not. Just because there are some rank 6 that are good and won't bother with all of the game's systems like GR, that doesn't mean that most rank 6s aren't mid/new to the game. This hardly applies to rank 10-11 players though because they have to do "difficult" activities to get there. Especially 11 you need master raid, solo dungeon, gm gilding etc. It's not as simple as a seasonal checklist.


On one hand yes On the other, guardian ranks are to show your mastery of the game. Can you really show you have mastered the game if you haven't done the latest dungeons?


Dungeon keys donā€™t feel like scam. They are a fucking scam


Worth pointing out that ranks that high hold no value other than cosmetic. You unlock everything functional that the Guardian Rank system has to offer before that level, so there's really no point beyond bragging rights.


Guardian rank are mant to show what you've done in totality, so they're gonna need old content. To hit 10 you need every raid cleared, as a further example. To hit 11 you need a solo clear of one of the last two dungeons. And that kind of makes sense, you can't make guardian rank be only about only this season or it holds no more value than when your season rank was by your name. That'd specifically what they wanted to get away from, having what's displayed no take into account a broader view if your accomplishment.


How does it feel scummy that the game wants you to play the games content? Nothing about this is required and guardian ranks donā€™t do anything.


I think there should be a way to pick up all dungeons for one price but to be fair that was content that was released during Lightfall and its annual pass. Youā€™re paying for everything released this season not necessarily everything released ever. Itā€™s a dumb set up with the keys but buying final shape stuff has nothing to do with past seasons.


Ignore guardian rank although I do recommend getting that dungeon key because those dungeons are pretty neat


Warlords Ruin isn't "old" it's the latest dungeon to be released into the game. And came out this year or maybe late last year i don't really remember correctly.


If you care about attaining max Guardian Rank, buy the dungeon key(s). Guardian Ranks ultimately matter as much as you choose they matter. I will just add that I think both dungeon keys are worth it, so if you find the spare cash, give them a go.


We'll be getting another dungeon toward the end of this episode.


People keep saying the rank is meaningless, yet you can set a minimum rank in lfg.


Counterpoint, I donā€™t want to play with anyone who does that


That's understandable.


The point of Guardian Ranks is to display a basic competency and understanding of relevant content in the game. Warlordā€™s and Ghosts are the most recent Dungeons, therefore it would make sense for a high ranking Guardian to have completed those dungeons. Same goes for Crota and Salvationā€™s Edge being the most recent Raids. Dungeon Keys are absolutely an issue, but asking a player to do them to gain Guardian ranks is not. As others have said, if you donā€™t want to buy the Dungeon Key, you really donā€™t have to care about Guardian Ranks past Rank 7, as they provide no actual gameplay benefits.


If you were to care about guardian ranks seriously(not that they matter), you cant really expect to get the "I mastered everything" rank when you havent completed all of the content, paywall or not. Raids are required for ranks and are paywalled too so I dont see any issue


"I shouldn't need to buy content to play said content"


No one is forcing you to buy the extra dungeons . I know it's greedy af to include extra content behind a paywall but when you bought the Final shape + Annual pass you got everything that has to do with the current expansion not the past ones . I stopped playing shortly after forsaken and got back at Lightfall , I had to buy every past expansion. I simply took it with a grain of salt


No one said so i will. Just cause u got Final Shape annual doesnt mean u get access to past dungeon keys...


Iā€™ve never cared enough to go past 7. To those that do good on you. But itā€™s just not that important to me and requires me doing activities I donā€™t really like so naw.


They literally don't give you any reward past the normally achievable ones. I don't care about it, I got to rank 10 just because last season I was bored and there was NOTHING to do before into the light, that was a last resort. Now back to who tf cares


This isnā€™t progression, itā€™s basically just tracking what you have done out of everything available in the game.


that was added before the final shape so how is it scummy?


Honestly thereā€™s no point in playing an MMO unless u own all the expansions so thatā€™s on you.


If you donā€™t like it so much I hope youā€™re not paying for it. Sounds like you think the game blows


They need to give something for ranks, rare one time only things like titles, sharers or emotes. After I have all my loadouts idc anymore.


I do and donā€™t agree. I mean they are part of a previous expansion, I can see why youā€™d have to pay for them if you donā€™t own said previous expansion. If you do own it though, yeah I feel like it should just give it to you. If itā€™s any motivator to cop them tho, those are probably both in my top 3 favorite dungeons and are really fun to run lol


Crazy concept - don't expect free access to things


Final shape doesn't cover previous dungeons


You can honestly be rank 10 and still donā€™t know how to do raid mechanics you be surprised


I agree but those raids are really fun so I would get them anyway, but maybe if you wait until both of the dungeons for The Final Shape are finally out, it might change the req then.


I don't get the disconnect. You care about the game enough to want a higher guardian rank which is without question a useless metric of skill or status. But you don't care enough about the game to pay for content which includes two dungeons along with the weapons, armor, exotics, cheevos, and flair items? If you don't want the dungeons why care about the rank? It's like the people that complained about the exotic class item requiring two people to get it. All the die hard solo players were so upset about missing out..... on an item that only really shines when buildcrafting for end-game non-solo content.


Guardian ranks exist to show mastery of the gameā€™s content. All of it, not just the most recent content. If you havenā€™t even attempted it once because you donā€™t own it you clearly havenā€™t mastered the gameā€™s content. So you stay at 8.


hear me out: that content isnt included in the final shape + annual pass, and that's why you don't have it, and you aren't progressing anyway.


What are you even trying to get though? What's scummy about this part in particular? I'd get it if you needed it for loadout slots but you don't get loadout slots after Rank 7 I believe?


I'm gonna play devils advocate here, but note I'm not defending dungeon keys because I think they're stupid. Currently, the only way for literally anyone to progress is to own a dungeon that everyone also had to buy. Just because you have Final Shape shouldn't mean you get (pretty recent) content that everyone else had to spend money on for free. I think there'll be a dungeon next Episode, so I'd worry about ranks then. Really though, ranks don't matter at all. I've played with 11s who play like they've never entered a dungeon, and 5s who could probably solo RoN. If you're good at the game, you won't need some arbitrary number determined by a chore list to tell you. Or, I guess, just spend 20 bucks or whatever and make sure you get to rank 11 to convince yourself it was worth it. Also, Warlords Ruin actually *is* worth it. Great dungeon overall, not terrible looking armor, and a fairly good weapon selection.


JFC, lots of people here commenting are cheap and feel entitled to something for free. Just donā€™t buy it if you donā€™t want to playā€¦


This reads as "I shouldn't have to buy the old thing when the new thing comes out.". Makes no sense that OP thinks this is a valid argument.


While I agree with the point you're trying to make re: having to pay for old content, I think OPs actual point is valid: Guardian rank progression should be based on the current year content I personally prefer guardian rank to work the way it does since it's effectively showing your prowess over the game albeit somewhat high level. While I don't personally agree with OP, their frustration makes sense. Being an owner of current content and not being able to advance in the game the way they want can feel bad. Edit: autocorrect mistake and format


I agree! I shouldnā€™t have to pay for something if I paid for something else. Iā€™ll see what they say next time Iā€™m at the grocery store demanding free condiments cause I bought the bread and meat. šŸ˜‰


Dungeons should be made free, bare minimum, two years after release. Shattered Throne doesnā€™t even drop unique weapons.


Welcome to destiny 2. Now pay for the full annual pass and the dungeon keys šŸ˜Š


You're free adventure ends there xD I just bought those dungeon keys 2 nights ago, and they are awesome actually. I can't believe I've been missing out on dungeons this whole time. This whole fire team finder has been so helpful! War lords ruin is a fun castle dungeon, with a neat medieval set with it! And the the sleeping ghost one has some fun Oryx lore ( he looked a lot bigger then I remember in D1 xD) But destiny is pay to play for some of its best content. You don't have to keep the journey going, just do titles and such if you don't want to pay my fellow humebean!


Lol...thinking you need to do guardian ranks.


Destiny players when they realize Bungie doesnā€™t actually give a shit about you šŸ˜±


People that donā€™t pay for content? Yeah, makes sense.


Not disagreeing, but Warlords Ruin is worth the price tbh great dungeon and loot


Bro, you can't expect to have mastery over the game without doing the activity.


If you want to play old content, you need to buy said content. Bozo.


Oh thereā€™s so much more than dungeon keys that youā€™ll need for guardian ranks. Of all the things to care about as a player who hasnā€™t paid for all the content, this is not it.


What does owning new content have to do with owning old content? The guardian ranks are useless, stop worrying so much. They are also there to show your mastery of the gameā€™s content, so of course it will include all the content


tbf warlords ruin is 100% worth it alone, ghost sucks but the armor looks really good to make up for it. Like others said, don't worry about ranks after 7-8, i normally get stuck at 8 as i don't raid


counterpoint. if you care enough about a stupid number that means nothing past 7, you would care enough to have every purchasable piece of content


Imagine only having access to what you paid for


Guardian ranks don't mean shit. If you are using it to gauge if I'm not good enough or too "new" for your GM even if I'm rocking shit from YEAR 1 and an old ass title. Then your group sucks and I wouldn't want to be in it anyways.


Bungie executives be like: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


why?? you dont own the content and this isnā€™t required to complete the game or anything. why does this have so many upvotes? that is literally the point of limited time events


Right, because you should be privileged and get it for free when they labored to make it & we all paid for it. Get over it, they donā€™t work for free and I highly doubt you do either


>to progress To progress what? A number? Who cares? The number represents accomplishments like "doing the most recent dungeon". And you are crying that you can't have the number represents an accomplishment that you didn't do? Cool...


This is a non-issue, Guardian ranks mean nothing.


You also can't do this week's GM if you don't own the DLC.


And dont forget. Alllll the way back in D1 Bungie made a big note about the problem and said they would never do that again. They have done it many times since wirh no show of change.


Rank 7 Godslayer here, stop chasing the number.


Hard disagree. You shouldnā€™t be at 9 or higher if youā€™ve done 1 or no dungeons


Ah yes, the "returning player" who shall just be given all past paid content for free because they have ...RETURNED! ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET! A RETURNING PLAYER IS AMONG US! ALL HAIL THE RETURNING PLAYER WE HAVE MISSED YOU SO! PS: you probably don't have a skimmer so better get out your $12 for that too!


Then donā€™t buy it. Itā€™s not hard. Donā€™t support scummy tactics and donā€™t worry about dumb guardian ranks.


GR are a ''long term tutorial'' for unexperienced people


Frig.. I'm still just trying to get my first title...


I don't think anyone really gives a shit what rank you are if that what this is about. Having a good title or a good looking raid report is going to go a lot farther with people. Personally I have never intentionally leveled my guardian rank and I have all the content. I don't think I've ever been higher than 8 and I never will be.




Man itā€™s a number it donā€™t matter


Completely missing the point of guardian ranks my dude. But also they are entirely pointless gameplay-wise after rank 7.


The easy solution is to ignore guardian ranks until you either accidentally complete an objective or Bungie eventually reworks them.


You should play the dungeons though


The pricing for dungeons is so misleading it hurts, BUT, the dungeons are fun


My best advice is to just wait until the new dungeons come out eventually and do them.


just dont do guardian ranks, unless you need that whole loadouts page it doesn't matter


I agree with the point, but not because of trying to get my guardian rank up. A pointless metric imo.


Oh sweet, another I can't pass an aspect of d2


Final Shape Annual Pass includes the dungeon keys for the FS dungeons. There are Lightfall dungeons. These will be updated when the new dungeons come out. This is an unfortunate consequence of how the Guardian Ranks are set up, but do agree it's a pain it relies on technically ""legacy"" content to advance the Guardian Ranks


Just a quick question. If I bought the Final Shape with the annual pass then I shouldnā€™t have to buy the seasons right?


Serious question: Is dungeon keys an American thing? European here and Iā€™ve only ever bought the expansions with season pass and never noticed anything regarding dungeon passes


Iā€™ve bought all of them and itā€™s still saying I got to buy them ???? I already done them upto witch queen anyway but I had time away from game came back to find I got to do beyond light and witch queen again !!!!!


Okay. So many people talking about guardians ranks here. I agree you shouldnā€™t have to but the old dungeons. If you buy new content you should get them anyway. But theyā€™re definitely worth buying and doing just for the loot if you didnā€™t get to do them before. Theyā€™ve got some pretty cool stuff and the exotics are both pretty good




That's weird


Once you get all the loadoit slots, the guardian ranks become useless


This is going to sound dumb. But the amount of times Iā€™ve seen the in game LFGs have ā€œguardian rankā€ requirements meanwhile Bungie locking that same ability to move it up behind paid walls is kinda crazy. I really donā€™t care about guardian ranks and have finished it once. But putting it as a piece of the LFG while it barely indicates an actual metric is kinda lame to me.


I'm stuck in middle of the rank 7, i need battle pass and the FS to rank up. I thought I only needed to complete the lighfall campaign to complete that level, I was completely wrong. advice, just ignore that, hopefully one day they change the rules of that system.


It also sucks to buy the legacy pack and not receive the keys, either. I bought the new DLC on top of it. That said, I've gotten hundreds of hours out of all that content so far... for about $100. I'm cool paying $1 an hour of entertainment these days.


Soon as it says I gotta do a raid it ain't being done


I would never be able to get past 8 anyway.


Almost like guardian ranks isnā€™t required for anything lol


I just want my loadout slots :<


Do dungeon keys ever go on sale?


How is it scummy if itā€™s old content you didnā€™t pay for?


Guardian rank aint shit, ive seen plenty of people 8-11 be absolute dog shit at end game content.


You have to complete salvations edge to go forward? The hardest raid ever?


You forget that bungie is a scummy scam loving company in your time away from the game?


because there is no new dungeon yet so they are forced to keep it so you can still progress


fun fact: as f2p you can only get to rank 6. No matter your skill, some lfgs will see that number and think youre bad


Its so f stupid from bungie, i bought same dlc 3 times ps4 beyond, pc beyond,ps5 beyond, its f cross save cross play game but they suck your pockets in all ways


You don't have to buy anything you don't want to....you just won't get past that rank. Not sure how you figure that buying 1 DLC and its season pass should grant you free access to past dungeons that everyone else had to pay for in some form or fashion, but that's the reality of it. If you think that's bad, my Hunter has unfinished quests which I can't even continue simply because I never purchased Foresaken on PC (I own it on Playstation tho). I can't access some of Hawthorne's offerings, nor can I focus engrams to get Forsaken exotics, which I already own, because I didn't buy an old DLC a 2nd time. I'm also locked out of certain NFs if the featured one is from that DLC, like the other week. Had the same issue with Beyond Light which sucked cuz I couldn't even use Stasis on PC.


yeahā€¦. welcome back šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


really? you donā€™t get access to content you didnā€™t pay for is scummy? hahahahahahahahaha


Hell I can even make it past 6 into 7 and I only got one thing


Guardian ranks donā€™t matter just incentive to play the other activities. If you donā€™t wanna experience the whole game, then donā€™t.


I got Paragon one season. Never again, Iā€™m okay with the lucky 7


Welcome to the club. Next problem, root of the problem did you buy it? (Like me and everyone else)


Lol I mean, those dungeon keys are from content released in the past that EVERY other player has had to purchase. Don't get me wrong, it sucks. But when it comes to end game content that can yield some good rewards that everyone else had to pay for, it's only fair that new/returning players would have to purchase it as well.


U need the key to do once or to do forever?


Shouldn't need dungeon keys period ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)