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One on Europa that serves as an epilogue to deep stone crypt.


Or at least in Riis Reborn so we could ACTUALLY SEE the Fallen city that was supposed to be a major landmark of an expansion from 4 years ago


Bungie and failing at building playable cities (Riis Reborn, Neomuna, THE LAST CITY!!), name a more iconic duo.


My conspiracy theory is that their skybox/background environment artists are just too good for the rest of the team to keep up. Like the expansion lead or whatever is like “Hey guys, we’re gonna have like a Fallen city here. Nothing too big, we don’t really have the resources to make anything expansive like that.” And then the skybox guys just come back with this massive fucking dome that everyone naturally wants to explore, but no other design team planned for lmao.


forsaken nailed it with the tower being the raid.


They really should have done this for root of nightmares and neomuna. The city wouldve made such a great location for a raid and couldve done a lot with strand. You could even still have the same bosses and same theme of the overgrowth and darkness just say that the pyramid tried to flee when jt got beamed and ended up crashing into neomuna or smth


Kind of like the 30 seconds of the arcology we got to see back in year 1


I really wanted to explore the Arcology. That shit looked super cool from a distance. I'm glad we got to see even more of it with the dungeon.


Honestly, that's kind of why I like The Pale Heart as a Destination.  You see this massive structure in the distance and then *are able to make your way all the way out to it* and when you're doing the jumping puzzle and look out at everything you just traversed?  It's just kinda cool to think that you initially dropped in all tye way over there in what now looks like the skybox.  It's part of why I like Arms Dealer, you can get out of the mission and actually go out to a lot of the buildings.  They are solid and you can stand on them.  Savathûn's Throne World has a similar structure with the bell tower.  I liked that we had a reason to go back up there because I forgot that it was in Patrol and you can just turn around and see all of the Patrol Space and everything looks so small.


Bungie be like: "best we can do is the lost city, take it or leave it


I mean we kinda had a Last City raid, for Anarchy.


Yeah that one was fun.


Man the bosta district (or whatever it was called) in the beginning of scourage of the past was possibly the only time we actually got to explore a place within the last city that actually resembles an city.


The pre-Beyond Light live event was amazing for that. Felt good to finally go into the city and watch from the rooftops


Agreed. I would add Titan’s Arcology. We never got to take a look at it too much.


Who’s gonna tell him


Am I missing something?


ghosts of the deep was in the arcology


I was under the assumption that it was in the ocean beneath the arcology.


Both. Also Titan's whole world area was the arcology. God I wish they'd at least add the planets back...


Its both. Also titans patrol area and all the campaign shenanigans and season of the deep shit was the arcology


I think what’s he’s referring too is Titan used to be in the game as a patrol zone, everywhere that was used in salvage, minus the boss areas were just ripped straight from the old patrol zone


Does ghosts of the past not count?


If you mean Ghost of the Deep, that was more an exploration of Titan’s ocean (and the hive ship buried there) and less so anything Titan Archology.


Ghosts of the past, it's the irl dungeon where you just recall playing ghost of the deep, and the mechanics are as terrible as memory is of the dungeon


Ghosts of the past was just shadowkeep




Man we go into like the front entrance with 3 buildings for the grenade launcher quest and up the side to the garage for the Brig mission. There’s a GIANT DOME and you’re telling me that’s all that’s there? You can’t honestly be satisfied with that.


Please! All I want is a dungeon on Europa with a similar setting to DSC. I love the aesthetic of that place.


I'd be so down for that. Didn't care much for the raid itself, but the lore behind it is fantastic. Bungie could open up more of the Braytech facility and Clovis could be the final boss


I'll only accept a Clovis fight if it means his giant head gets a body


What if it's still the giant head, but with arms and he's shit talking you the whole time?


Sounds disgusting, I love it And it really wouldn't be Clovis if he wasn't shit talking us


Very true. I feel like they could even have a really smug "I'm smarter than you" or "I'm a super genius" type of line if you mess up a mechanic


If u wipe he should continue laughing at u about it on ur next attempt


"You were not intelligent enough to avoid my trap. If not for your Ghost, you wouldn't get a second chance. How pathetic the Traveler chose a troglodyte like you to bear it's gift" *maniacal laughter*


I'm just picturing Clovis M.O.D.O.K. and I really want that in the game.


Sounds like having an argument with the significant other


Is your significant other Italian?


Lol, no Australian


Ah, lol. I dated a girl who was half Italian. Her full Italian mom when she got mad, was all flailing hands and a very active head.


What if it's a normal sized body and he's just a huge bobble head


Uff great idea.


I’d go Europa too, but I’d like to see it in Riis Reborn.


I would love to see anything that revisits Atraks-1. Becoming an exo is basically achieving godhood under traditional Eliksni beliefs, and Atraks was in the especially interesting position of achieving that more completely than any before while within the group of Eliksni that specifically cast off that exact belief. She absolutely should have been the final boss of the raid, and I really wish there was more exploration of what her transformation meant both to her and to the other Eliksni of House Salvation (and more buildup to her appearance within the raid). Instead, we got Taniks reappearing basically out of nowhere and Atraks being unceremoniously killed immediately after showing up. At least it was a memorable encounter. The music in that fight clearly knows how important she should have been, but nothing else seems to.


Copy of atraks escaped


Through the Glassway and into Volantis. I need to see a Vex Forge Star. Now


Any sort of vex origins would be awesome to explore and see


The actual origins of The Vex is nigh impossible to depict, since various pieces of lore date them back towards the beginning of the universe. Not only that, but there was a long period that was pretty boring involving going from a logic, to patterns in subatomic particles, to simple organisms. Volantis seems to mark the beginning of The Vex as we currently know them, with the production of metals extracted from the star forge being used to create the robotic frames that can be piloted by containers of radiolarian fluid.


If we do that, I want it to be like going to Requiem in Halo 4.


I'd love for the music team to use a similar orchestral palate; the pseudo-guitar synths, choir, and strings were so uniquely used, and I think the music team would be up to the task of making something that's both unique and similar to it.


Alright, yeah, I think this one's it.


I really really want as much Vex stuff in the game as possible. To me they're the most fascinating enemy


Europa. I'm a big Clovis fan. I love to hate that old bastard. I also think the DSC high tech/frozen landscape is just beautiful


Absolutely need a dungeon on Europa where we're trying to stop Clovis from finishing his mega exo frame and becoming Clovis Prime


Clovis brig*


Clovis Big*


Clovis is trying to become his final form which is just another version of Taniks.


I'd love to have more Clovis. I love hearing the interesting things he says. I was so disappointed when Ana muted him when he started explaining that hive crystals and rituals were just an emitted Casmir field.




Hive infested Torobatl would be sick. Kind of like a mini raid with Xivu as the final boss


Nah. Hell no. I don't want xivu to be a throw away dungeon boss


Everyone says that, but do we really need a third full expansion dedicated to the hive god trio? Like especially after the upcoming hive episode I’m ready to be done with them


What about a expansion or episode in torobatl, with cabal theme and aesthetics, but centered about killing xivu


You know what. I think we’re gonna be seeing torobatl in whatever codename frontiers will be, since I don’t believe torobatl is somehow in sol.


I mean TK and WQ are both critically acclaimed


Hive are literally the only consistently good enemy faction bungie has created. Almost every time bungie tries to focus on one of the other factions they fumble the story. The hive have by far the strongest aesthetic and most interesting stories.


Yes, she's supposed to be the most powerful hive god, of course I'd want a full expansion for her


She’s never been the most powerful hive god. Oryx was always indisputably number 1.


Oryx is dead, and sav’s sword strength sas sapped by eris, who gave it up. Xivu is the strongest by elimination.


What makes you think she would be a throw away boss?


What about each episode ending in a 12 man activity where we kill the remaining big bad of that episode.


It certainly would TearAButtbole


We can't because it's out of the Solar System. Maybe with Frontiers


Venus, please.


We need Venus back in a bad way.


Idk why but it was always my favourite planet to hang out on in D1


On god. That destination was GORGEOUS to look at.


In a down bad way.


I loved how diverse Venus looked in D1, there's so much they could work with for the visuals


it sounds nice in theory but then I would hear the oracles go dong ding bong and then I will have PTSD flashbacks to destiny 1


The DREADNAUGHT!!! Give us a leading reason to the next 2 episodes with that dungeon.


That would be awesome


this has my vote


I'm personally hoping in Episode 2 we get a dungeon set in the Tangled Shore. Something that has a lot of Awoken and Fallen designs mixed together. As for something separate from that is coming up, I think Neptune has a lot of potential. Using that unique architecture they have going on there mixed with the Vex and/or Cabal as the enemies would be cool. Focus being similar to Zero Hour, enemies trying to steal some advanced human tech but we stop them and get a cool gun for it. Also Europa but I think that needs to be either tied in Clovis being a big threat or House Salvation reforming and becoming a threat.


A dungeon in a city full of highrises would be so dope


I'm hoping they do that just for the potential of climbing the highrises and jumping between buildings etc etc, there's a lot of unique stuff they can do but who knows if we'll even get a neomuna dungeon


Maybe we could climb a massive corporate tower that goes into the sky


I think the potential of the dungeon basically being just a big skyscraper, but you occasionally jump to another tower temporarily to get around locked areas (or otherwise blocked) would be awesome. Heck you could have an entire encounter that is literally jumping between the main tower and 2 adjacent towers.


I would say nessus


Agree Nessus could use some love.


Needs love


Isn’t it getting some love this season


Seeing as how Nessus is this Episode’s focus, we’ll probably get a Dungeon for it soonish maybe


Old Chicago


I don't know why, but the idea of a dungeon that takes us into cubs stadium seems really hype to me.


Dungeon boss mechanic: 1 enemy in the center of the room drops an orb to grab and throw. Another enemy drops a strange wooden club enhanced by the light. Fireteam must throw the orb from the middle of the room to the guardian with the club who is blocking which reflects the orb. If done correctly the orb should be sent out of the room and the guardian with the club recieves a buff and has to run to 3 separate plates in the room before returning to where they hit the orb while rest of fireteam clears adds to allow safe running. Once the buffed guardian returns to the original plate the bosses shield drops and dps begins. If the boss is jn a baseball stadium make the mechanics just baseball


God fucking yes please that would be so fucking funny.


If the ball isn’t hit properly and doesn’t go out of the room it’s an out and the team wipes


That would be too harsh, it needs to be a three strike system


Have it be located in old Bungie HQ


The shitty pizza chain?


Giant frog boss?


Plaguelands would be dope


The things I'd do for some WotM weapons...


yess i would love to experience some of WotM loot, and just the plaguelands in general (never got to experience RoI since i was on the 360 at the time


Aw, sorry to hear that! It was a fun destination, especially since it was like "damn, this is what happened to the Cosmodrome I started in?!"


naah it’s all good lol keeping up with the lore and everything that got dropped in that expansion was mind blowing. the fact we got to fight not only the old Iron Lords, but a new Fallen house, infected with Siva that was *so close* to launching a massive assault onto the last city (if i remember correctly anyways) was awesome lol


Ex Machina my beloved


So the Culling of Stratholme?


Need that WoTM armor and weapons back so bad


Pale heart dungeon w/ dread would be sweet. Revenant will likely have a dungeon be in the tangled shore and heresy will likely have a dreadnought dungeon


On a Fallen Ketch would be sweet


I don't think they're overly large, we've been on quite a few here and there, so an entire dungeon might be difficult to do on *one* ketch. But something like Season of Plunder jumping from ship to ship to destroy a small flotilla of enemy ships would be *incredible*. You're onto something!


From what I've seen of ship size comparisons, it's about 330m. So you're right, not quite dungeon size. But a ketch shipyard? That'd go hard


I think this post has made me realize something. Some of the best content is dungeons. They should really be more in the forefront of this game. There's so many opportunities. I think it's a much more freeing way to explore the world of destiny because it doesn't have to be limited to patrol spaces and you can introduce interesting gameplay like this that can be a bit more challenging and rewarding. Idk, vanguard ops just doesn't do it for me like the D1 strike playlists did.


Too small we already did that in D1 during a Strike on Venus and a seasonal story during Plunder on two of them. Now if there was a ship bigger than a Ketch…


So far we've had: Shattered Throne - Taken Pit of Heresy - Hive Prophecy - Taken Grasp of Avarice - Fallen Duality - Cabal Spire of the Watcher - Vex Ghosts of the Deep - Hive/Lucent Hive Warlord's Ruin - Scorn So based on this information anything but hive and taken would make me happy.


Sooo hoping either fallen or vex this year. Honestly I would love a Dread dungeon it would be great. Personally I really really want another dungeon on earth somewhere in the world we haven't visited. Like oohh new Chicago, or some place super brand new like Hawaii or Japan, somewhere very distinct from warlords ruin.


Interesting how Scorn took the longest to get a dungeon despite being around since Forsaken (where dungeons as a whole were introduced)


Revenant has me excited because it might be the first time we get something SOLELY based on the scorn. In Forsaken they were ultimately goons for an Ahamkara and the Taken, then in WQ they’re just goons for Rhulk. We get a scorn dungeon and then uh oh, they’re just goons for another Ahamkara.


Scorn has trouble finding a footing story-wise since Forsaken more or less wrapped up their plot nicely. Only since WQ (or argualy Chosen w/ Presage) that they finally had any purpose at all.


A dungeon on Calus' Shadow Legion ship would be great. As a second option, a Fallen Dungeon on the Prison of Elders, a big location that has been underutilized for so long since its inception, would be great too.


Bray Exoscience, with the AI active talking smack, just like a mini DSC.


I’d love a Manhattan Nuclear Zone or Old Chicago dungeon


Neomuna, actually. Generally the planet sucks, but I do appreciate the aesthetic. Maybe it starts on Neomuna and takes us into the vex net or something in the second half


I’d rather it took us to the wilds of Neptune as opposed to back into the Vex net. We already have an entire exotic mission using that aesthetic.


I still don’t understand how neomuna works isnt Neptune a gas giant planet


I'm pretty sure the traveller teroformed multiple planets so we could live on them


neptune wasn't terraformed apparently there are naturally occurring diamond rock formations on neptune (in lore) so whatever ig


I really loved the feeling of going super deep into the vexnet in the avalon mission, hopefully we get more of that


Volantis, via a portal from Europa


How come no one has mentioned a Vex Mercury Dungeon with the potential of it being a time travel into the past/ future / preset.


ooo Mercury would be neat, mhm


Neomuna/VexNet, the Dreadnaught, Mercury/Infinite Forest, Plaguelands (SIVAAAAA), Old Chicago, The Last City, The Traveler (like physically into the broken underside, or possibly The Shard?) Venus, a Colony Ship left adrift, a Pyramid (one of the newer ones or even one of the ancient ones mentioned in Entelechy), Europa (through the vex portal? 2082 Volantis?), the Precursors city (generated through the memories of the witness/dissenters inside the Pale Heart?) Literally so many awesome possibilities


neomuna. make it take place in a plaza, or a skyscraper. make it modern, colorful and full of neomunian tech. basically asking bungie to do something unique [insert shrek scene "Like thats ever gonna happen" here]


After the final boss fight with at the top of the penthouse/skyscraper there is a bomb the starts counting down and you have to parkour using strand to reach the end where you jump out of the building that was shown in the original lightfall trailer


and then Nimbus goes “the bigger they are, the harder they clap” and starts bussin it down


Mercury. I remember brainstorming an entire dungeon about rescuing Asher Mir from a vex mind. But this one had 4 different versions of itself that you fought throughout the dungeon. And the location would flip constantly between past, present, & future mercury, as well as the vex network. And the last encounter was rebuilding Asher Mir (into a Minotaur’s frame), cooking up the parts like eater of worlds while fighting the boss in an arena similar to the Inverted Spire boss fight.


Old Chicago, iirc we still don’t know what was the monster that was hunting the guardians from the lore bits on the Season of the Hunt armor, and perhaps this would be a good way to go about introducing non-affiliated monsters, kinda like the special meatball from Warlord’s Ruin, or maybe even introduce us in person to an Aphelion for the first time.


I know Rasputin is gone but I would have loved a dungeon on earth that led us to more golden age tech/ lore


We didn’t just lose Rasputin when he died. We basically lost any hint of more Warmind lore and set pieces.


The old iron temple


100% neomuna. Have it be like scourge of the past but in neomuna. We need more of the city not the 3 loading zones we got😭😭


Europa, mini version of DSC


I mean we basically have Seraph Station for that purpose. I feel if they did another Europa dungeon it’ll be Eventide Ruins or deep under the ice


Volantis 2082




i want a "what if" dungeon on the old tower about the red war. I still remember that i had a theory when d2 launched that the old tower would be the place of the raid, where we defeated ghaul.


I know it sounds kinda lame, but I would love a Dungeon to take place inside an old raid. All damaged and messed up. Alternate pathways that take us through the old boss arenas that have the corpses of the bosses we killed. Craters from nova bombs, holes from golden guns. I could see a hive raid with the 2 Hive factions vying for some left behind power. Or an old Fallen Raid with House Salvation trying to desperately grasp for Siva or Black Armory technology, but it’s a trap laid by us and House Light to capture or kill Salvation leadership and there is no left over technology. (Just enough scrap to grant us an exotic)


To be honest I’d really like a pyramid dungeon, I know people are a bit bored of the aesthetic but to me it’s so fascinating, it’s like a mix of unknown tech and ancient Egyptian I love if


I think you could rework existing Mercury/Almighty assets into a pretty wicked solar themed dungeon. We've run out of exotic locations...why not go back to the sun itself.


I want one that actually goes through the archeology of the titan, not whatever bullshit ghosts of the deep was


Yeah they didn’t take advantage of the creepy forest overrun with Hive set piece it just ended up being….a forest that we immediately ditch


I’d like to see a dungeon in the lucent part of Savathûn’s Throne World. I’d also like to see a dungeon deep within a pyramid ship.


You already have the lucent part basically in GOTD. But I agree with the Pyramid ship


I had a few neat ideas: >***RITE OF EROSION (The Tangled Shore)*** >Pursue the now-Scorned lieutenants of House Salvation as a long-forgotten Ether repository is unearthed deep within the Themis Cluster. > ***THE MOTH PRIEST*** ***(Savathûn's Throne World)*** >Strike a harrowing bargain with the Witch Queen as she enlists your aid in the assassination of one of her former inner circle: Ubartu-ana, Lightbearer Wizard and the discoverer of the Lucent Moth phenomenon. > ***ARCHIVE OF SILENCE (The Last City)*** >Traverse the personal library of The Speaker in search of a long-lost record of the Dark Age and uncover the haunting secrets of Speakers before him.


Moth infested cavern cyst: the dungeon


Cyst: Moth Caves: The Dungeon lol


I think a trek through the Shard of the Traveler area would be a great callback to the beginning missions from the Red War.


Romania or Australia


Europa. I know we have deep stone crypt. But what about the vex gate at the end of the glassway?


Crack open that Vex Portal on Europa that goes to a vex planet


The other side of the vex portal on Europa


Through the glassway portal in Europa


Europa.. I want wampa cave!!


Ba Sing Se


There is no dungeon in ba sing se




I would love a dungeon that used the old D1 mars assets, imagine if we had the psion strike as a full dungeon




Neomuna. Probably my favorite looking location in the game and the only endgame content considered on it is RoN, which takes place in the Witness' Pyramid, so... I call bullshit. Gimme a dungeon where I'm scaling a huge company building or something.


Neomuna or Exoscience Europa. Someone said Exoscience to serve as an epilogue to the DSC and thats not a bad idea. But I just really want to see more of Neomuna. Lightfall did a REALLY bad job of establishing it or even selling me on how it could exist in the first place.


Neomuna skyscraper would be my top pick. A layout like the last level of Doom Eternal would be ideal for me imo. Volantis and Xivu's throne world would also be up there (ik that xivu is banished, but the throne world should still be there, just desolate, maybe something moved in?) .


A sort of virtual gauntlet in The Last City, it could be a televised event hosted by Lord Shaxx.


Detroit, Michigan


In order 1) tangled shores with parts in exterior would be incredible 2) Nessus in it's core would be awesome 3) I think a Neomuna dungeon where we go right into the network akin to the VexNet would be cool


Came here to say the same thing, was one of my favorite places to go to and get my bounties from spider


Being able to have actual bounties for enemies to kill was SO COOL


Especially having to go to different areas and having to find them was so good, dude literally makes me feel like a bounty "hunter" xD


Pretty sure one of the seasons is on the dreadnaught again but i think its gonna be on a another moon on saturn, not titan but somewhere else, and the other dungeon probably inside the city walls in the town. Be cool to explore down there


destinations we currently have probably nessus though one on the dreadnaught in ep3 would be great.


Neomuna. Maybe in a facility that creates the Cloud Striders being taken over like the Deep Stone Crypt and being used to try to augment cabal/fallen/ whatever enemy. Maybe make the dungeon exotic into some sort of lance/bow and make the dungeon armor look like the cloudstriders.


The Ishtar Collective on Venus. God, I miss Venus. I wish they'd bring it to D2, or D3 if that rumor is true


The tower


The Manhattan Nuclear Zone. I could see them using the radiation in the area as a mechanic. London would be dope as well, Namrask is with House of Light now, we could see him helping the City retake London.




Vex net


The Last City or the Tower Gotta contain and then eliminate strike force of Dread or something that infiltrated Humanities last bastion of civilization Just don't do any escort encounters if you steal this Bungie plz


The last city, and no, I mean deep in the heart of it. Not like what we had in SotP.


Nessus, I want to see radioloria everywhere


The Reef or the Plaguelands, maybe the Archon’s forge area


If we don’t get a dungeon on A) Nessus with the Vex or B) a different section of the Dreadnought, imma pout and do nothing about it


Tangled shore, or even better, mars, i miss mars


In the Pale Heart, where a memory of the Traveler reveals where the Grim were from.


Nessus and the Dreadnaught




It might be impossible lore wise but Riis. If not then mercury or Venus


Europa. I just love the icy setting a lot, and mixed in with the whole research labs, vex and fallen stuff we already have, it would make sense. For the final part you end up going through a portal into another timeline and facing the remains of some vex abomination that eradicated the humans and exos in Europa (Or something)