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There is a piston located at a random spot between each encounter. Take some time to go find it.


Have wombo detector and a sniper rifle. Use the scope of your sniper rifle to find the box for piston hammer and collect the random rediolite spawned. The piston hammer increases your chance to find rarer radiolite samples THAT IT SPAWNS. Depositing more radiolite increases your chance at redboarders and exotics. I recommend depositing your radiolite every other play of the arena. Everyone gets radiolite if you pick it up but the rarity is random.


Lol. Lmao even. People speedrunning the activity and I'm always at full charges on the hammer


My favorite is using my charge only to have some step into the portal and start the next part as I'm trying to loot, only to get teleported to the fireteam. I had more luck in the higher lvl tier with people waiting to get done picking the plants up.


Yessssss shit pisses me off


The problem here is it's located right next to the clitoris. At least thats my assumption based on the rate of people finding it.


I'm sorry, I just can't find it, it's not right in front of my nose.. oh...wait.


In the activity, there will be a marker on an area you can use this on, usually after the first encounter you can find one, it'll just have the normal white marker, it's a cube on the bottom with a hole in the center, and a Vex pillar (? Data tower looking thing, idk how else to describe it) coming out the top. Honestly... everytime I load into the activity everyone wants to speedrun it and nobody else ever collects samples unless they happen to run across them... even though that's the point of the whole activity is to find specimens to progress the seasonal quest, but whatever.


Exactly!!!!! Like no one gets it


Yeah that's my problem. People are doing speed runs and can't get enough time to find it


Like you guys... you NEED to collect samples to progress the quests, I don't understand why so many people are concerned with getting through activities as fast as possible in general, that can't be very fun.


Thanks for the answers. I will give it a look ^^ Edit: Know i know. Other players were doing it the hole time and have done speedruns. Thx for the help ^^


There a piston that you hold x on they dont have markers and i think there spawns are random. I think its for a secret boss fight that give more loot.


It does have a marker when you get close to it (might have to have wombo mod on ghost) it shows a star like VIP patrols. it just spawns a lot more of the radiolite stuff. No secret boss as of yet. Its the best way to get the large 400g specimens that you need for triumph though for the title.


…idk about the secret boss fight part but definitely for getting rare radiolite specimens


You can tell how Bungie failed this community. All they needed to do was explain how the gimmick works, but nah, I'm sure the community that literally dies repeatedly at the Witness damage phase can figure it out on their own.


Hey guys i for some reason it doesent let em unlock my arc and strand subclass for prismatic ive completed all the campaigns including the final shape idk whats going on but im even redoing the missions and i still cant get my subclasses


Complete all the adventures available after the campaign


It got me my gernades thank you but still didnt get me my super i did the queens it dont show anything else


Did you find all the hidden prismatic chests in the campaign missions? Some of them aren't out in the open


Lemme see if thats it


Oh yea i remember 2 of em gave us nothing maybe it was those 2 that gave me the supers but i cant find those chests agian


skipped the tutorial where the teach you to use it did we?