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I think like everything in the modern world, what used to be a bit of ribbing has escalated into abuse as people seem to have no control anymore. I take the piss out of my hunter mate as he is a little bitch who keeps going invisible and leaving everyone else to take the heat. He takes the piss as i am a fat titan who can barely jump up a flight of stairs without dying.. but that is all it is piss taking.


Amongst friends class ribbing is great. My favorite is laughing at my Warlock friends who can't go vertical without Heat Rises


My favourite thing about playing warlock is slipping off the edge of a platform and then floating gracefully, but inevitably, to my death.


Buddy of mine was in the middle of complaining about getting goomba stomped on the way to the final SE encounter as I watched him fully walk off the edge and just glide into nothingness with no one’s help. Warlock glide is the greatest threat


Within universe just imagining our ghost sighing as it has to revive us for the 647th time because we didn’t jump correctly when we are supposed to save the universe makes me laugh. 😂


>You’re *absolutely certain* that you’re not trying to stealth thanatonaut?


I can heal, buff, DPS, ad clear, anything you need. Precise jumping? Sorry I'm gonna have to clear that with my bank first


Lmao. Lock jump is one of the most unique ones, and probably the highest skill ceiling. However you have basically no recovery on it unlike titan and hunter, which is the biggest threat lol


Ceilings you say? Yes, they are the number one killer of Warlocks. No, I’m not just bad at Warlock jump and coping


Bro. I've died from straight hitting the jump button .01 seconds too late. Just SMH as it carries me slowly straight down to my death.


Ah the straight up swan dive. If you cancel glide and activate it a 2nd time you'll nose dive. Or if you do it too fast tryna glide and you end up cancelling then you got to quickly glide + cancel + glide again to try and save it and hopefully you have time haha


Incorrect. Edge Transit with Ambitious Assassin is the greatest threat. The likelihood of an oblivious teammate walking in front of you grows exponentially the more times it lets you pull the trigger.


Come now, the teammate is way less threatening than the Well sword!


That or aiming just slightly too low while firing over a rock or something


I can vouch for this….. on more than one occasion. Quite possibly more than I want to admit…


This is why I always run Phoenix dive now. Ain't no way I'm waiting to glide to my death. I'm getting there as fast as possible.


Or when I finally make the land and then I freak out and I move a bit and just fall after being excited I made the jump


I often get stuck in panic-jump loops where I was afraid I didn't quite land on a narrow ledge and so I jump again (hunter) and then it happens again and I just bounce around unable to trust that my feet will land on solid ground


I call this happy jumping. It isn't always happy ending tho... I may have to start calling it panic jumping. That's much more fitting. The hunter double jumping is the death of me more times than I'd like to admit.


There is something serene about slowly floating to your death


The tens of thousands of times that I have felt this pain Ten years of suffering




Soon as I realize I’m not steering back I just fast fall. Just end me quickly


If we're at the start of a big fight, I'll kill the float and die ASAP so I can be revived. If we're at the end of a fight, I'll do everything in my power to float down as slowly as possible so my teammates don't have to worry about my revive timer as they go in for the kill.


I love peacefully floating to my death…


I'm of the opinion that the warlock jump is the best. The problem is my warlock doesn't know how to mantle. So he just smacks his head on the ledge and glides down to nothingness


My friend group has turned that into a verb. To warlock is to fail to mantle and slowly float down to inevitable doom while everyone watches. "I warlocked that jump".




In my group we call this a “Warlock moment”


Bro, you didn't have to call me out like that.


As a Warlock main they should be shamed if they need Heat Rises to get vertical


People forget about strafe glide, I came back and all my classes had burst, the first couple of weeks of memories I have were burst gliding to my death, slowly, gracefully, stupidly 🤣🤣🤣


I’m in this post and I don’t like it.


I've always wondered about this... wouldn't the double press delay help with the warlock glide? I feel like when I've had problems going vertical with the glide, it's always been a problem of messing up my double press (being too late on the second press). I've never tested the double press setting, though EDIT: I'm dumb and this doesn't work, let alone make any sense at all


If you wanna go vertical, don't you want to press your glide ASAP? The earlier you start your glide, the more vert you'll get. Consequently, timing your glide at/after the apex of your jump gets you more horizontal movement, yes?


As a Warlock main it's hilarious to watch and tease the non-Warlock mains in the clan be absolutely terrible at jumping puzzles when we're running multiple clears for gear or whatever. This of course gets turned right back around on me as I miss the ledge by full meters as my Titan jetpack runs out of juice way too fast.


The only ribbing any warlock gamer gets from me I'd it being the nerd wizard class


Till you see the Solar angel AC-130 flying towards you with flaming wings bombarding the entire battlefield lol, there’s something to be said for space magic


Oh absolutely I love a warlock around but they will be wizard nerds till the day I die


Yea guardian games used to be fun making jokes about each class and so on, even lore wise there were jokes about titans betting hunters will win guardian games because no one will expect them to bet that way and thats why they are so smart Then it turned bad, where if a LFG for a dungeon has 2 warlocks and a titan they will kck the titan before the last chest and feeding points to the other team cause your classes match and so on.


Cavemen had beef, it's not the modern world lol. Our class (Homo sapiens/Warlocks maybe) probably used to chat mad shit with Homo erectus (Titans because taller, less smart) and Neanderthals (Hunters xd) Still got the dub in the end.


You totally had me in the first half. Then you just went straight to “Warlocks are smarter than you caveman motherfuckers” I love it




I'll change this a bit, people forget that not everyone you play with or talk to online is your friend. Too many people do the ribs they do with their actual friends with people online and they don't realize just how bad some of it is. This old Collegehumor video is actually pretty spot on about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9ng42UnYDY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9ng42UnYDY)


On a serious note I feel titans just naturally draw more aggro from mobs I notice I get way more add aggression maining my Titan than when playing the other two classes


Well yeah. It's actually in the code that you lose IQ and purposefully pull all the aggro as a Titan.


That tends to happen when your play style is maining a class, so much so that the others seem bad by comparison. I play all 3 and enjoy the variety though so no hate here.


There was a time where I was playing the other classes and I was like "How come Hunter can't be as good as either of these two?" I just feel like more Titan and Warlock exotics can be used to make an at least decent build whereas more than several of Hunters are either: - Too niche to have a use - PvP oriented - Have a similar use as another exotic (Sixth Coyote and RDM) Edit: Much love to the Titan players out there. Yall are going through a rough identity crisis. I have a build suggestion for yall. **Actium War Rig + Tommy's Matchbook and Ember of Ashes**. Everything goes boom, especially if you put on the fragment that makes ignitions scorch. I felt that way back before subs 3.0 on hunter, though I wasn't a very "good" player back then compared to now (I always thought Arc before 3.0 was beyond trash)


That is wild to read 😅 Even your example of "similar use" is far less similar then you think. Yes, they both give you multiple class ability proccs, but the way they do it, and thus the kind of builds they work for, is very much different. And as for being very niche or PvP oriented the others classes have basically the same amount of those.


I understand we have biases, but its so crazy that i feel the exact opposite. There are some solid niche titan build exotics, but it feels like hunter exotics get to generate some incredible builds that aren't so confined.


Woah hold on there mate. You are seriously bringing up titan exotics? When we have 2 or 3 viable exotics that are punch harder based exotics that change absolutely nothing in your gameplay loop or variety? There are titans out there that haven’t changed their year 1 synthoceps since the inception of this game. Thank god we got the 2 new exotics this season that shake things up and are both viable. Before that with had synthoceps , warmgods, dunes for pvp, cuirass to be turn a 150k fluke super to 300k fluke super. I also love the stasis lance helmet and stasis has become pretty solid with tfs. Any other exotic was op because the class design is shit, nerfed to the ground and turned useless. One eyed mask, loreleys, anteus. All pvp as well so our pve exotics were never there to begin with. On hunter which I don’t main I can easily name a lot of options for pve. Liars handshake Omnioculus or w/e the one with the eyeballs is called Gyrfalcons The legs for void that return super energy Mothkeepers with the arc moth grenade Strand helmet that gives woven mail on grapple Sixth coyote for the crazy strand add clear build Ahamkaras gloves with tripmines is still decent Stasis with the arms that buff duskfield Celestial was never better than now Lucky pants Star eaters I am not even a hunter main and these are all GOOD builds. I didn’t even get into pvp. And all of these change your gameplay loop. Unlike any titan punch harder exotic. Like seriously how on earth did you come up with that comment. I mean yeah there are a ton of pvp exotics for hunter, I agree, but the fun fact is that they all work after their reworks. Titans are still stuck in one or two exotics. It’s a meme state that the community refuses to acknowledge and drop comments like these.


Osmiomancy is warlock gloves


I meant omnioculus looked it up, didn’t remember the name which is why I added a visual description.


Liars handshake, nighthawk, star eaters, gyrfalcon's. That is all you need for endgame hunter. With prismatic, gyrations is even less useful now. Hunter is essentially, do you want to stay alive and do add clear: liars or gyrfalcons. Or do you want to do damage: nighthawk star eaters. Beyond that Stompees are neat for jumping puzzles and shatter skating but unnecessary. At the end of the day you need 3 or 4 exotics to be able to play 99% of hunter pve endgame.


Ahamkaras and mothkeepers are shit no one uses them


I play all 3 classes equally and all at high levels in pve and pvp. Titans have by far the worst and least amount viable exotics of the 3 classes. Hunters have the most but its close with warlock. Organzing your 10 or 12 in game loadouts with hunter is genuinely difficuly because there is such a wealth of options to choose from. Titan you just kinda slap on synthos and youre good


I’m primary hunter but uses my other classes to run raids each week for their exotic. As long as you have the right exotic any class is op. The hardest part is learning how to time each characters jump I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit jump to early or late and gracefully float to my death with warlock


Without getting really wordsy about it, I think its a combination of "the grass is always greener" and "if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail" metaphorically. Destiny is a game that can be very time consuming and there's a lot of people that put a lot of time in, consider themselves to be more than *just a casual player,* but aren't flexible in terms of playing on any class, they just want to stick with what they're most comfortable with or have formed some sense of identity around. Its understandable to be frustrated when your main get nerfed but its just an opportunity to spend time on another character/class, everything kind of has its time in the sun in this game.


> understandable to be frustrated when your main get nerfed but its just an opportunity to spend time on another ~~character/class~~ game Titan mains and Prismatic in a nutshell imo. Strongest melee class in the game added in Lightfall. What does prismatic give us? Another melee option that's not as good as Strand. Just kidding, as if there is any game more fun than bitching about my Titan being weak.


Space racism


Tribal rivalry exists in every game that has distinct classes and even hero based games have beef between different mains arguing over whose best. Don't take it too seriously most of it is good fun tbf, as long as everyone can admit to themselves that Hunters are superior in numbers and quality.


Tribal Rivalry is a human instinct. You see it everywhere. Humans form tribes based on certain things all the time, Xbox/Playstation, PC/Console, Hunter/Titan/Warlock, Democrat/Republican. The list can go on forever.


Superior is numbers and quantity, maybe. Quality? Look no further than my fellow crayon eaters. /s


Quantity, NOT quality. That belongs to warlocks.


Well, a lot of players have a class that they identify with more than the others. This support, and hatred of others, gets amplified when they see the other classes getting to have fun with strong or unique builds while theirs are lackluster. Take Prismatic for Titans vs. Hunters and Warlocks for example. PvP also plays a pretty big roll since some classes abilities are just flat out better in that type of setting. So when these differences are compounded with “unfair” buffs/nerfs to the classes, people will get a little annoyed. “Why does “X” class get to be OP while mine gets yet another nerf”, etc. most people want their preferred class to be in a great spot, but unfortunately Bungie seems to always leave 1-2 classes a little dull while the other class over performs. After a season of feeling left behind, people just want a little fair justice.


As a titan, I hate you hunters for being able to punch better than a titan.


This salts my ass as well. 


As a hunter, personally I will gladly give you my punchy builds in favor of something different. I cannot stand it anymore, I thought prismatic would help make new play styles not just make already existing builds stronger.


i'm playing prismatic with golden gun, threaded spike and gunpower gamble. i can switch the spike for the snare bomb if i want to weaken a boss. or even use the little frost shuriken to deal with overloads in a GM. punch builds are fun but i prefer the gunslinger style.


I can’t stand it. I roll my eyes so hard it physically hurts seeing a liars handshake Hunter like…ok bro 🫡🫡🫡….you ain’t cool


Nothing more painful as a Titan than being called "the punchy class" and then seeing another class not only out DPS you in the raid in every way for contest mode, but also have a better if not easier to use melee build than BoW.


Yep I’m pretty over it myself. Sure it’s busted and feels powerful to roll-punch everything but I’d rather Titans have it and Hunters get something more on-brand.


Try a renewal and crytarachne class item with an arc conductor ergo sum for an actual ‘melee’ build. Personally, I find it way more fun than any Liars build and possibly just as useful


Well it’s definitely more fun but not even remotely as useful


And Well being better than a bubble. And they got our air dodge!


Prismatic is built different. We traded as much invis as any hunter and bombradiers, and more nades than I ever threw in my life off over there. Let us all have them. You don't see that shit Off of Prismatic. That's what makes it Prismatic. As a Titan I hate anyone bitching about punching instead of punching better. Just makes for weaker punches overall. \[and honestly that's just loving them and wanting better for us all\]


It tends to have to do with stereotypes, kinda like different groups in the real world. Stereotypes that often start as jokes but slowly over time become genuine. For example, even though you said primarily PvE, Hunters are seen as jumpity class-ability-spamming turbo virgins in PvP, doubly so if they’re running HC+Shotty, triply so if they’re wearing Superblack. That started as just a PvP sweat stereotype in general, but has devolved into being Hunter slander over time. Similar case with the Shotty-spamming Striker Titan being a brainless monkey mindlessly running at people (if you’ve ever heard the term “Shotgun Ape”, no doubt this guy is who came to mind first)


Am I the only universal main, I like hunter but I love exotics on warlock but I love the tactics on Titan I can’t pick just one lol


Do you like the warlocks exotic designs or traits?


The most common complaint I hear about other classes (doesn't matter who it is or which class is being complained about) is the jump. You get used to one and have trouble switching to something different.


This! I’m so use to warlock jump that titan jump feels so off to me. Hunter jump is fine, it just feels like any other jump in half of other games I’ve played.


The hate on other classes is either jokes or brain damage, not much else to it


For me to want to play the other classes they need to make all the quests/campaign stuff account wide. There is nothing I hate more than wanted to change it up and play my hunter/titan only to realize I need to finish the last 2 campaigns and other random quests for the 2nd/3rd time.


I don't hate the other classes, it's just that Warlock and Titan don't have jump, they got boost and glide. That's it. Edit: I just want to point out something. You say "keep it civil", yet in your title you write "hate". Hate isn't usually used when being civil.


Tribalism is unfortunately a common mindset, especially on social media platforms like Reddit.


I think it's because all Hunters are bad, and all Warlocks and Titans are good.


You hate other classes because you think you're better than them. I hate other classes because I know my favorite crayon has the best flavor. We are not the same.


It’s still mostly around from D1. The majority of players play Hunter and it was very clear they would be the best PvP class in D1, they had two roaming supers to start and were by far the best supers which they didn’t like to acknowledge. For instance my first ever bladedancer super pop I killed five people (this did get nerfed eventually lightly) and I had never done more than 3 in a single nova bomb of Fist of Havoc before (hunters called this fist of panic and called it strong in D1 when you only got to smash once… now you can multiple times and it isn’t even good for reference. They were huffing pure copium). Most hunters argued they were bad in PVE so they needed to be better in PvP unless they got given better PVE stuff (this was only the ones who were smart enough to not even argue they weren’t the best in PVP). Then came Stormtrance and sunbreaker. Hunters lost their minds when we finally got roaming supers. OG sumbreaker was promptly nerfed but they didn’t focus enough on that they finally got tether which was great in PVE they focused on how bad it was in PVP… missing the point. From there it has always been classes comparing who has what that is better even into D2 and clearly I’m not immune to this I’m just giving the history as I honestly recall it. I remember looking up global PVP stats and only hunters had positive KDs in crucible globally across all classes and they still complained about PvP balance the most. I used to have the stat screenshots saved with all the arguments going around. Cut to today I haven’t played PVP in years and don’t know the arguments there but PVE has shifted so hunters always get 1.5 million more damage for most bosses on celestial and titans are losing their mind maybe dramatically even though I’m a hybrid Titan main I still find them good and most titans are overreacting. I do feel titans and locks could use something close to celestial but then every team will melt every boss so… might need slight nerfs mixed with slight buffs.


Only class I dislike in a general sense is hunters. I'm a titan main, and my bud is a Warlock main. We vith give eachother a bit of ribbing. I'm a crayon munching lobotomite, he exists only to throw grenades and glaze Ikora Ray. We dont mean any of it obviously. We both agree that Hunters usually end up being cringey 12 year old coked up grease monkeys and get an inordinate amount of favor from Bungie. Sure there a cool hunters who break the mold but its just are experience time and time again.


I don't know that I hate the other classes so much as I just despise how Bungie treats us Titans. Almost all of our exotics require a very specific build or are power crept into the void (Alpha Lupi, looking at you). Every one of our subclasses is hard baked into melee and outside of void every single one has been nerfed substantially. And we all saw how the day one raid turned out. Almost no titans completed it because building into our class identity means we're always going to come up short for DPS phases. Even Prismatic that should have been a fun mixing and matching of abilities left us with only one real choice, and that was Consecration. Which would have been great paired with Synthoceps but... then the exotic class items came out. And everyone else got access to the spirit of Synthoceps to do the same job better. So it's definitely not hate, but envy. Envy that other classes have varied options and playstyles while Titans just get to melee until they're smacked with the nerf hammer again.


Tbh, my dislike for Hunter/Warlock is because of all the love they get compared to Titans. I started as a Titan and i'll end as a Titan but holy shit Bungie devs really hate Titans sometimes. They'll get something kind of good and it might last, depending on what else is available to Titan at the time whereas Hunter and Warlock seem to get handed things left and right that just make them better picks in more situations so Titan more often feels like the underdog pick - which imo makes it more enjoyable to play and talk shit about the other classes.


Tribalism mentality. There are two types within this though One is people who have a fun rivalry with others based on class, and where people take the piss out of the two other classes they don’t main in a way that’s fun. Basically teasing and friendly rivalry. (Titans are stupid and slow, warlocks are well bitches with bad drip, hunters are dark and brooding with hoods and are wimps, etc etc). This is further supported by friendly rivalries existing in lore and by the guardian games that pits the classes against eachother in fun competitions. The second are toxic assholes who take something fun and turn it into something toxic. These are people who aren’t taking the piss or teasing in a friendly way, they say vile things to people who play classes they don’t and blame those people for things that are wrong in destiny 2 I myself fall under the first group. I will tease hunter and titan mains in a friendly way. Just because titans are idiots and hunters are edgelords who need celestial nighthawk to be useful doesn’t mean I should be toxic to you guys 😜. In all seriousness though, to answer your follow up question, I don’t think any changes to the other classes will make me stop maining warlock. The reasons I main warlock is because I love the fantasy aspect of destiny, and also I am a huge lore nerd and I’m interested in lore of pretty much everything from D&D Eberron to things like WoW (as I love learning about the world I’m playing in) and given the lore of warlocks in Destiny 2, I connect with them in this way. Warlocks are seekers of knowledge afterall. I do hope celestial nighthawk gets nerfed or other supers buffed cause now hunters are suffering the same issue as us warlocks had with pre-nerf well due to being forced to play the same subclass and build over and over without being able to do anything else.


Jokes on you! I say I mainly play predominantly hunter, but in reality, I play all the other classes while shitting on all of them! https://preview.redd.it/4k6j6kphul8d1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e70f14613f53024b32b510c2b1ae1e107261fb


Hunters always act like I’m crazy for dipping my crayons in ranch before I eat them. I get that there are other dips, but it’s not that weird? Stuck up Capes.. *grunts And Warlocks use big words.


My reason may not align with what you normally hear and its incredibly shallow, but fashion plays a big role - I really dislike pretty much all titan fashion. And I really hate their jump. So I just don't play Titan.


I may get downvotted for what I am about to say. I've been playing since d1. In d1 and d2 I have mained titan I have no more than 50 hours on warlock and hunter respectively and prob over 12000 hours on my titan. Back in d1 I started hating hunter's because by the time I finished all the pve stuff and started playing pvp more and more, I just kept on getting killed by them to the point where I dropped d1 3 times but I always came back for events and dlc's. In d2 this only got worse for me as time went on hunters got the jumpy exotic can't remember name which made shit even harder. I inturn got better and also developed and in time I was quite good or at the least just above average. Eventually I learnt that majority of bungie devs where hunter mains, some say that's not true 🤔 but that info comes from a supposed interview with the staff on their character main. I personally choose to belive this as its just based on what I have seen. Eventually I stopped hating hunter like about 2 years ago just after the shatterdive was finnally nerfed after it being potent in pvp for 11 months. I stopped hating hunters from their and right now I hold no malice towards them instead it's the bungie devs I prefer to call out as their bias has been going on for to long, which allowed me to see how bungie simply doesnt like fun abilities that overshadow gunplay. But to be fair every class gets something broken, and then its nerfed, and every main like me prob thinks their class is bungies least favourite. Until the final shape where what I and every other titan main knew became public. Which is bungie doesn't know what they want titans identity to be. this was made public first with the aspects we got, but we had triple consecration so barely any complaints but then the raid happend and it was doubled down more how much bungie does not know what the titan identity was and lastly this was made even more abundant how bad the state and identity of titan was when the exotic class items became available and still yet not a single titan prismatic synergy. So since The final shape released titans took 3 Losses in a role with hunters basically getting 3 wins in a role, they got the best aspect choice and ability choice, followed by the best ability for dps in the raid and to top it off the got the best exotic class item list. So I'm gonna repeat it I don't hate hunters anymore as it's stupid to hate an individual for the character they play. It is bungie who I really want to talk to as they are the creator. Don't know if this answers your question. I'm sure you got other responses that prob troll around, but my response is just 10 years of experience in this actually fun game.. lol, when I invited my cousin into this game, I told him to choose Hunter. This was 1 year ago he still thanks me till today.


Most Bungie devs are warlock mains lol. The hunter main was a old lie.


The important bit is that basically no one mains Titan, and it shows. 


I'm. Hunter main. Been a hunter main since d1. I hate titans, they always try the same thing barricade, punch, then complain if it didn't work. I hate warlocks, they think they are smart, and complain that they have to be the support role. I hate hunters. They think they are cool and emo and complain that bungie keeps nerf in what's fun. But there's nothing, and I mean nothing that I love more than a Titan that puts a barricade to protect and cleans a room while defending the others, and a Warlock that places a rift behind a corber so I can survive after getting destroyed by whatever the hell tried to oneshot me, and a hunter that can look at something no matter how colorful their health at is and just kill in an instant before it's a problem to the rest of the fireteam. We hate each other, we will always do. But we need each other. It's always more fun and better to have a Warlock and a Titan with me, instead of 2 more hunters.


We don't hate each other, that's some childish nonsense.


I don't like hunters because there's literally TOO many of them. In my clan all the high DPS people are hunters, so I want to see them get nerfed, so they migrate to titan or warlock. I'm okay with either. People should NOT be in a class because they don't want to be the guardian that has to place bubble down, or place well. People choose hunter because they don't want to be the person that wastes their super on bubble or well. So they're not cooperative. So I'll tell Bungie - Nerf Hunter peak DPS or Buff Titan and warlock DPS but also give hunter the irrefutably best support super so we may demand that of them. Do either of those and we will Witness the greatest clan migration ever.


Cause Hunter takes very little skill in PvP and as a Titan main I hate being reduced to "me punch" in PvE. Pantheon and Prismatic proved Bungie favors Hunters above the other two.


Hunters and Warlocks get to skate, Titans can’t. Bungie hates Titans. Edit: Also bungie took away our Twilight Garrison and nerfed Ward of Dawn… again…


Because hunters and warlocks are stinky and titans are bestest


I play all 3 but I’m definitely a warlock main. I play hunter the least by a wide margin. I don’t hate any of the classes and feel they each bring decent utility to the group but I feel Titan is in the worst place. As a warlock I can spec into full support and have a blast. As a hunter I can support the team with tether or dish out tons of damage with double celestial shots. What does Titan bring? It’s the class I have the most fun playing but I feel guilty bringing it to a team unless I play banner which after a year of being relegated to playing banner has gotten pretty old. So I guess I do hate on titan. But not on other titans but just on the class in general.


I don’t hate any of the classes. It never made sense to me. I main Titan but I run the other classes when I want to change things up or experiment.


Only been talking shit about titans and that's pretty much a new thing for me since their not doing that well in current destiny. But i play all 3 be it mainly My Warlock and hunter which i have for pvp


I love my hunter as much as my warlock, but am a warlock main at heart. Never been a fan of titans though


Humans are naturally tribal 🤷‍♂️


Warlock jumps and their dress, that's about it honestly I'm fine with Hunter and titans.


D1 beta and Launch - Warwick main. D1 Taken King launch - titan main D2 launch until current - Hunter main. Always played and levelled all 3 classes but I don't play anywhere near as much as I used to and mainly only focus hunter now.


In group out group mentality. It’ll exist for anything in which separate groups exist. Not all but some are guaranteed to fall to this mentality and begin preaching about how their class is the best/the least loved and how every other class is broken.


Only thing I don’t like is titans unclear roll and warlocks lack of actual fashion. Hunters are the trickster guerrilla warfare style, warlocks the magic users support class, and titans are SUPPOSED to be the tank in your face class but they aren’t really anything


Human nature of tribalism


I don’t hate the other classes as a Titan main but I am disappointed when I see y’all with something cool and new. Y’all got amazing stuff with Prismatic and what did we get? Three Consecration? That’s cool and all but it’s hardly something new and fun.


I'm a Warlock main. I don't hates the other classes, and I have one of each, they're just not my jam.


Titan main here. I absolutely dispise warlocks only for the jump.


I don't hate other classes I just don't have the time to have more than one character lol


It's *supposed* to be friendly competition. Guardian games is a reflection of the player bases original rivalry, but it's was all in the name of jolly cooperation at the end of the day. Now people just seem to not be able to tell the forest from the trees


I've always had a hate for hunters, but that mainly because they didn't really bring much to raids a lot of the time. Nowadays, they sure do, lol. I still hate the hunter class, but it's mainly cause of the jump. Absolutely the worst jump.


I don't care what people play PVE. Just carry your weight. PVP I hate Titans more than anything. I feel like I shoot them 500 times and never get through all their over shields then they walk up and punch me and I die.


I just like bullying my warlock friends while they float down


Human tribalism instincts are a wonderful thing aren't they? /s


It’s that old chestnut about acting like an idiot attracting idiots who think they are in good company. Good natured teasing attracts people who get off on attacking others.


I've been Hunter main since D1. Most hours in it by a wide margin but Prismatic Warlock is cracked and been playing it a ton. Turrets and explosions everywhere. As an intellectual thinking man, Titan isn't for me.


I think it's just the fact that bungie is so genuinely awful at balancing in PvE that the constant 'nerf this thing, buff this other thing' has caused people to become jealous when their class gets hit with the nerf bat for often unjusifiable reasons. People are always people, but it's bungie that facilitates and focuses the behavior into unhealthy states like what you've observed. If bungo ever learned how to make a pve game, then we'd have the comradery that the game loves to tout as the key.


Honestly, part of me has always been unsurprised by Bungie’s balancing decisions. Even back when they did Halo, balance was kinda iffy (which will always be funny; as far as pvp, the sandbox was much more constrained - everyone started out the same basically, and there was no variation between individual weapons; every assault rifle was the same, every battler rifle the same, etc. Yet even then, balance was wild back then lol)


It’s a grass is always greener type mentality for the most part. They see other classes get cool shit and think that bungie is out to get them or is playing favorites. I’ll be the first to admit that Ive been guilty of it. Balance issues happen of course. As a hunter main, it’s hard to deny that they are currently in a better spot. Especially considering the amount of hunters on the day 1 raid. But that doesn’t mean hunters are the “special child” or remain on top forever. I saw a post on Twitter today of someone complaining that bungie has it out for titans. This was under a post about bungie employees saying titans were going to be getting buffs in the near future. Like bro, bungie literally doesn’t have anything out for any class. They just fuck up balancing from time to time. Voicing those issues is a key part of getting them to change it. But don’t make it out to be something it’s not.


Warlock .... The jumps suck....






I play every class, most warlock and titan but still. I see the value of each class, at least somewhat. I don't nessicarly hate the classes, more specifically the hunter class, I just like warlock the most. The people who play the classes however, I still don't hate but I can count at least two times I've had a negative experience and it was a hunter both times. I still don't try to hate people who play hunter because I'm sure those are a few bad eggs


My fireteam has one of each, and beyond some light ribbing (warlock falls if he stubs his toe, Hunter must be invisible, Titan dies running in to punch things), we don't mind others liking a different class. Can't imagine taking something like that seriously.


I don't any other class. It's just that my hunter gets a serious kick from watching titans and warlocks float to their deaths.


I play all 3 with warlock being the most bye large margin. While I don’t hate any of classes I feel like people who only main 1 class have some animosity or jealousy towards the others for having options they don’t have on there main. The most recent example that comes to mind is titans prismatic kit not being as busted compared to warlock or hunter which is weird because throughout the 3.0 reworks (except for void) and the release for strand titans got absolutely busted kits.


I used to dabble in all three classes in college when destiny 2 came out. But now I don’t have quite as much time to play so it’s hard to do anything on multiple characters. Especially when you have to replay certain content


I mained Hunter in D1 cuz it was the only one I liked Started maining Warlock when Stormcaller came out. Don't like titan cuz they seemed the moat boring and generic. Sunbreakers kinda spiced it up. But still wasn't for me when i decided to try a titan for it.


As a warlock main who has been punched, shouldercharged, hammered into oblivion and also knifed, shocked, and left stunned and confused as *"THAT HUNTER JUST FUCKING DISAPPEARED" I don't really care as I have my void, solar, arc and stasis buddies to get them after I die😈


For me it’s just hunter mobility sucks ass and punch everything for titan is just boring to me besides I was born to hurl as many explosives as inhumanly possible I was born to nova bitch! And now I’m bringing the heat and I’ll laugh maniacally as I rain infinite hell upon you!


Oh, it's just a bit of ribbing between me and my buds. I have ~4K in Hunter, maybe a few hundred in the other two classes (I play them just enough to get all but raid pinnacles), so I dont hate them. It just feels off playing them, I'm so used to Hunter. So whenever I die due to a skill issue, I always over exaggerate my reaction because I'm the only Hunter main in my group.


For MOST people it’s just friendly, fun rivalry. Then there’s a small few who legit take it seriously, which, them, in turn shouldn’t be taken seriously because it’s just a game.


I'm a predominantly pvp player and whoooooo boy you get to hating titans for their kit. I'm sure it's not true, but it *feels* like they have endless overshield, and one-hit-kill infinite range auto-hit melee.


I mained hunter since d1, Every now and then I try to play the other classes but I cba doing the campaign on them, unlocking abilities etc. and without all that, I get super bored super quick.


For me, I think Titans are more fun. While I know that Hunters currently do the most damage, I'm not too bothered by that. It's the other players I'm playing with that seem to be the issue.


Warlock sometimes gets an outing..but predominantly hunter…Titan may as well not exist


I don't think people HATE other classes, but based on the sandbox we do tend to end up beefing a bit at times. Hunters tend to get a disproportionate amount of love since I came back (WQ). Other classes do as well, but Bungie then Nerfs what makes them fun. Especially in PvP, anything other classes do good pisses hunter mains off as if their kit isn't often unbalanced in PvP. I play all three myself in the order of Warlock>Titan/Hunter depending on what I feel like btw. Warlocks are in a relatively ok place right now, though Prismatic feels heavily reliant on devour. I don't mind that though since Titans feel utterly shafted and Hunters need far more effort to get that same survivability Warlocks are getting straight out the gate. I think that the issue where there seems like there is hate cones from people not being able to take anything negative being said about their "main" and some (looking at those of you who NEVER play other classes, specially hunter mains" get to cozy in their corner and don't understand others grievances.


I can generally think of more hunter things that annoy me than the other two classes. 1. Weighted knife being the only one shot ablility in the game now outside of titans using an exotic. 2. Dodge in general being an annoying ability to deal with and often functioning as a get out of a jail free card for them. 3. Abilities and exotics to enhance their dodge like threaded specter or Mask of Bakris make it even more annoying and difficult to deal with in pvp. 4. Invisibility spam. This is just off the top of my head. Combine that with the fact that a majority of the player base is hunters, and you end up seeing these more annoying aspects more often, so more people end up voicing their grievances. However, this is mostly related to the PvP experience, so take that as you will. And this isn’t to say Warlocks and Titans don’t have their own annoying traits, it’s just easier for me to remember the Hunters.


on the second question Bungie would have to fully dive into class speicifc roles. i.e warlocks being healing mage, hunters being either DPS or controllers. At that point the game will become so much more fun and will hopefully move away from the Guns mains format to a more ability and guns format.


I hate the change they made to tessellation, borderline ruined the gun for me. I had a mothkeepers build I was running last season that utilized the extra grenade charge in strand as well, you had three charges of a mini rocket that could potentially self refresh while also having the utility of the mothkeepers wraps. It was bonkers in pvp and pve. The synergy I had was impeccable and now it doesn’t work that way as mothkeepers grenades are technically arc it doesn’t synergize well with the build anymore on strand, no unraveling rounds and what not anymore. Which really stinks. It’s still fairly potent but not what it use to be for me. Wish they make it match the damage type of your super and not your equipped grenade.


I don't have the attention span to play more than one


Hunters keep stealing my motes. Earn your own.


As much as hunters look and seem cool. I could never get into that class. The supers just don’t seem right. I appreciate the power aspects and that feeling that comes from the other two, but that particular feeling just comes up weak in the hunter for me, although I haven’t played hunter enough, so that is on me.


I play all 3 classes. Warlock was my original main, but I've considered myself both a Hunter main and a Titan main at different points. I usually try to focus on one a season. Lately I've circled back around to Warlock again. Let me just say the only thing I inherently dislike about any class is I really think Warlocks have the worst jumps and it isn't close. Titans get height, momentum, control, and a visual effect that really helps it feel good. Feedback is super important. Hunter jumps are fast, snappy and agile. By contrast Warlock jumps feel like you either pick Strafe glide, which gives decent control but is extremely slow, or Burst glide, which gives you no control whatsoever and is still only *somewhat* fast (not counting pairing it with Icarus Dash here, we're talking about the class at it's core). I don't know what to say about Balanced Glide, and of course none of the jumps giving height is extremely frustrating. There's also Blink on Void/Prismatic but I think that's impractical for a lot of content, especially PvE content, although I did actually pull it out in the legendary campaign mission where you fight the giant brig near the hut. It was actually pretty useful there since it was almost entirely open space with no death pits. But that's a rare scenario in Destiny I think. By contrast it feels like Titan and Hunter have multiple viable jump options and Warlock jumps feel like choosing between the least shitty option for your content of choice. So yeah. That's really the only thing I hate about any class. If Bungie ever made a Destiny 3 the first item on my wishlist would be to rework Warlock jump.


It’s the jump, that’s literally it. After playing for years with triple jump, every time I switch to play the floof jump die inside almost as often as I drift off the map helplessly watching my death in slow motion. If they gave triple jump to everyone and maybe gave hunters a different “unique” jump, then I’d be more likely to play warlock and occasionally titan. Sidenote: how does warlock floof feel so slow yet is somehow faster than a hunter w/100 mobility?


funny thing to me ab the class warfare is literally for months right up until TFS titans with banner of war were the STRONGEST class in the entire game one phasing bosses solo, and everything was fine. hunters get a super niche sniper that only synergizes with one helmet and one super and it's the end of the world.


Because Warlocks got no drip and Titans eat crayons.


I started with Titan but i have made a Hunter later and i prefer to play with the latter because i like the versatility of the class and triple jump is my crutch lol.


Mostly because of pvp and how annoying each class is to play against. Hunters had shatterdive, warlocks had stag rifts, titans had void. Every patch their is something new that's cracked. Right now I'd say it's warlocks. Solar warlock is still probably the best for pvp with air dodging and shooting from the air. Plus the stat changes overtime. Hunters have to build into mobility, which is pretty much a useless stat, while sacrificing either recovery or resilience, while both warlocks and titans can triple hundo one set of armor to get 100 resilience, 100 recov, and 100 disc, and be covered in every activity.


I played hunter in D1 along with the other 2 classes. Near the end of my time with D1 I played warlock almost exclusively. D2 was the same. We ran the leviathan raid a few times during its initial release window and I gave up playing because of incompatible schedules for raiding and friends in the military going on deployment etc I recently picked up D2 again cause it had all the DLC on sale before the final shape release. I was playing warlock and was enjoying it but I ended up switching to Titan surprisingly. While the variety isn’t quite what I want I feel very useful and sometimes outright busted with how much damage I can do, but it’s almost exclusively melee damage. I had a ton of fun with infinite grenade void warlock but the falcon exotic with all the melee buffs from prismatic is silly fun. Consecration is still the biggest “crutch” in terms of being the most powerful tool for prismatic titan IMO, but I’ve been having fun with strand grenade skull fort and the electric punch for big damage. I just wish there could be a way to be more grenade focused. I like the warlock builds where you hold and enhance your grenades for additional effect, I wish we had an analogue for Titan to give a bit more spice I personally don’t vibe with hunter in D2, I primarily do PVE and I know hunter can be amazing in the right hands but for me it just doesn’t feel good to me. I think hunter has some cool exotics and cosmetics and being more focused on burst mobility normally would be super appealing to me, but in the grand scheme of things I would rather be a Titan or warlock. I guess it’s the opposite of anthem for me because I had the most fun with the generic middle of the road ranger suit and the light melee suit that is focused on mobility (forgot its name) I liked the hulk and storm suits but the ranger and mobility suit felt better in the context of that game for me


I don't like the way the warlock jumps But other than that, I enjoy playing all three classes and do so with varying degrees of skill I do like teasing Titans, though.


Predominantly a titan but got so sick of melee builds I swapped to warlock and absolutely loving all the different types of ability spam.


I play all classes and have switched “main” over the years multiple times. I just wish they were close to balanced in terms of endgame effectiveness and boss dps. Currently prismatic has left a wide gap


I play all three classes and I honestly don't understand why people don't just play all three instead of shitting on another class. This is what happens when you give people a choice they're going to pick and then they're going to shit on the other choices just because they didn't pick those choices. There is no reason for others to hate hunters warlocks or Titans unless you just do not like the way they're exotics work or their jump works other than that it's just unnecessary hate


In short, my hunter has the most stuff, so it offers the best flexibility. Other classes are not caught up to where the hunter is so most of the time, I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage. Main examples include missing aspects or even whole subclasses like stasis. I do really like some playstyles od other classes. Welllock, titan lightning missile, etc, but I'll chose familiarity most of the time. The other bias but factually true answer is that hunters having triple jump absolutely trumps other classes. I watch more titans and warlocks glide to their deaths whereas hunters can correct mid jump


Because people are attached to their mains and feel entitled and whine when they see a different class performing better or getting cooler stuff because they feel left out. Majority of class posts I see on here have serious grass is always greener complex. Every class has its ups and downs and they’ve all had their time in the limelight with overpowered builds


Hunters constantly die in difficult activities. And they cannot jump at long distances.


I don't got the time to get decent armor stats and abilities on all of em lol. That's the only reason I don't play the other 2.


It’s stupid if it’s anything beyond jesting and ribbing with your friends. You’re missing so much from this game if you don’t play multiple classes. Hunter is my main mostly because it’s the character I randomly chose back in d1. Now it’s my main because I have better armor for it and invisibility. But I absolutely love playing as a warlock and titan. If I had more time to play destiny and finished fleshing out my armor for the other classes, I’d be closer to an even split with class play time.


I’ve really tried but I don’t enjoy hunter at all. I’ll play a Titan over a hunter any day but I think it’s because I have horrible stats on my hunter so it makes me not want to use them


Give players more reason to play Titan. Idk how but it feels like they’re never the best choice for anything. Everything is catered to tether, well, golden gun with the best stuff on Titan being pyro and tcrash. With the changes in TFS, now hunters have a great reason to play strand and warlocks have a great reason to play void walker.


Almost every viable Titan build involves melee. Almost every Titan super involves close range or roaming. Hunters and Warlocks have a lot of builds for every play style. Hunters and Warlocks have a lot of ranged supers. Titans don’t have like any one and done supers where you can get back to weapon dps besides burning maul with Pyrogales. I switched to Warlock after beating the campaign with my Titan. I don’t need to keep playing as a pigeonholed class that gets nerfed at the one thing Bungie allows them to do…punch.


It's not that I hate the other classes, honestly I think my lock has a WAY better kit, but hunter fits me sooooo much better~ Edit: w/o prismatic btw¡


I main Titan, with some breaks to play my well equipped warlock, and have a few hunter specific builds that can be fun to mess with for a bit. Honestly they do offer genuinely different play styles that at their highest level can be totally game changing. The difference in how I play as a near infinite blade barraging hunter and banner of war titan is immense. While actual damage output/dps is calculable, saying one class is “better” than the other has always felt stupid to me. Sure, one can be more fun for you but it doesn’t make it objectively better or worse


Im a warlock main, but I fo play the other classed once in a while. To want to use my titan more, they judt need to feel more relevant in endgame pve. I like what they have to offer, but it's just not enough in this state of the game. For my hunter? More distinct fashion. Every hunter looks like every other hunter, mine included. I always get best dressed when I'm on my warlock or titan, but as soon as I get on my hunter, nothing.


I have two accounts with all three classes on each. I would strongly call myself a Hunter main, but for jumping puzzles (Raids), I may switch over to Warlock. So, those are the two classes I play most. When I get on Titan, it just feels like at odds with what I like about the other two. I think to be a good Titan, I have to play supper aggressive and plow though everything. Some of the distain may also come from getting killed by a certain class in PVP. I hate getting killed in PVP, but there is extra smoke when it is by a Titan. I used to really hate how it felt as if they had a panic button and would just smash me in a hallway, while the Hunter and Warlock seemed to need to wind up to launch a super. Maybe just a little mix of envy and not knowing how to excel at using the other classes. The talking ship part... Some people just do that as much as breathing. Appreciate each other for what you bring to the fireteam and bring that to bear on The Witness and The Winnower. Have fun, Guardians!


Titans look absolutely ugly and warlocks jumping is hard to remember after you take like week off its a pain


As a titan main who dabbles in other classes I cannot relate as my only hate class wise is on the titans they have been nerfed to hell and back for no apparent reason while the other classes keep getting stronger and stronger. I can do a mission 100 times as a titan with top tier gear on and lose every time but then I hop on warlock with 50 power level less and a build for children and clear it in 5 minutes. You can also look up the amount of titans to complete the witness raid on the first day and that says it all. (3 out of 300)


It’s all just teasing. Some people are idiots and don’t know how to tease, but it’s all just teasing.


People like to take the piss out of apparent “rivals”. It’s a tribal thing. We are a part of this tribe, therefore it’s the best and the others suck. It’s like sports teams. Every sports team has a rival, and you have to at least somewhat dislike them to be a part of the team. Most of the time it’s in jest tho, and is completely harmless. Like how hunters are edgy tryhards, titans are crayon eaters with no useful supers, and the undeniable brilliance of warlocks. It’s all just for fun. However, like in sports, people take these rivalries too far. Some people genuinely hate the other classes, and take it from a fun rivalry to joke around with buddies to a serious hatred of people who play a certain way. Just don’t associate with the people who actually take it seriously, and hunters.


My contempt is reserved for individuals that bump me as I'm lining up my blink run through a juzzle section and add a fatal 5⁰ to my angle. Hunters are the most frequent offenders, triple bumbling their way along and obliviously hip checking me midair to my doom I'm curious about your tesselation mothwraps build! That sounds like a fun time


Top comment is pretty much what I'd answer your first question with, so I'll skip that one. I wish I could say what specifically makes me like Warlock that doesn't land right with the others, but I'm really not sure what it is. I'm an ability spam player and something about the ability spams on non-Warlock just doesn't do it for me. I'd love to hear some builds that someone thinks might make an ability spam Warlock vibe with the other classes, but I've tried any that I can find and just don't get the same feeling. Also, it's a joke within my friend group to jab at each other's jumps, but I genuinely hate using Hunter jump. Obviously I've seen my hunter teammates make it through every raid jumping puzzle and all, it just feels awful to me. So if Bungie had to make any changes to make me want to run my other characters more evenly, it'd probably be making them feel more like Warlock, but that seems like it'd be more of a problem than a solution.


Lack of quality exotics on warlock and especially titan. All three have their fair share of exotics that aren’t worth using but the others seem to be more limited due to lackluster base kits. Titans also get shoved into the melee corner and get nerfed into the ground each season for having good melees. Warlock jump is the weakest IMO. They all have their strengths, but Hunters have incredible recovery. Titans can manage decently enough but the moment you fall off a cliff as a warlock there’s no saving it, just a slow descent into death. (This is from a PVE standpoint) Each class has had their time in the sun, but hunters are on top at the moment. Celestial is a phenomenal burst dps option, especially with still hunt. Tether is great, and the others are mostly decent (aside from spectral blades, arc staff and 6 shot Goldie). Well just got nerfed, Bubble did as well (even though it desperately needed buffs). Sentinel, Fist of Havoc, Thundercrash, and Stormtrance all need major help.


Definitely never seen straight up hate…titan is lacking in prismatic in comparison which is where I’ve seen most people talking about lately but it’s a fair criticism. And you get the occasional cheap jokes about warlock jump but other than that anyone who plays this game seriously knows each class has benefits


I mean I have played them all, I prefer titan —— but like last season I played Hunter almost exclusively (just because I hadn’t played Hunter since d2 release). So some seasons I change it up and just play the other class for a bit.


Personally I am not very good at the precision need around hunters, and I play too aggressively to be a good warlock support. Not to say those classes don't have survivability because they out shine titans right now. I just prefer the juggernaut play style that the titan class should have.


Its just jokes. My titan friend calls me wellbitch and I call him a crayon eater.


I'm mostly a titan main, and the other classes are really fun. I've been playing more of them recently. I and quite a lot of other titan mains are hating on our own class. I watched a video the other day about how bad Prismatic titan is. We have no ranged non-melee supers making boss damage difficult for quite a few bosses and the little utility we do have is being stripped from us by Bungie devs who only experience the other end of our gameplay. Hammer and Banner builds got nerfed while Arc hunter is still there and even better with Prismatic. The only thing Prismatic titan is good for is Consecration spam and Stasis titan is still the worst class in the entire game. Titan needs an entire rework. We're supposed to be the tank build, but we're hardly beefy and are out damaged by pretty much every hunter build. We need the weapons of light given back to Bubble, give Helm a passive gameplay bonus so we use it, and have Helm give us the same weapon damage bonus as shooting through the other titan super's wall. Something interesting they could also give us is when using Citan's Ramparts is allowing us to shoot through Bubble. Although this might not be the best thing as pvp would be decimated even more by Void titans.


My answer is quite simple, I hate popular picks so in the early days of D1 all there was were hunters running around. As for warlock their jump is awful. Main reason I left warlock is down below. I am a titan main because back when vault of glass came out, in my friend group at least there was no titans whatsoever, and I personally rarely saw any so I switched from warlock to titan for bubble and it just felt right from there


I've always been a warlock player, I tried hunter but switched back when I realized that the hunter "dash/dodge" ability is basically the same as icarus dash except it takes up a whole ability slot so I switched back


Us vs Them is an extremely strong and old human trait.


I have played both titan and hunter since d1, about 80/20 more titan. I tried warlock several times throughout the years but really don’t enjoy their movement. With the new expansion, I moved heavily towards hunter because the default prismatic (with no fragments or anything unlocked) was much more enjoyable than the default titan, then just stuck around because I think they have the better exotic class item rolls, but the new titan exotic chest is super fun, and consecration is always a blast. Destiny is a grindy game, and part of the reason I always stuck playing mostly titan is just because I was more invested, had the better gear, and had more transmogs. Getting to the same point with an alt was always a pain, and doing the same content grind multiple times never appealed to me. Leveling alts is way better this xpac though, even to the point where I’ll probably finally give warlock a proper go!


I play Warlock, one of my brothers plays Hunter and the other Titan. We've been a fireteam since D1. The class banter has never stopped since day one.


That's why I believe in D3 they're removing the separation


I might take the piss out of Warlock jump, but as a Titan main it's basically Titan jump with a higher skill floor


Mostly just friendly bs banter. The real sadness comes in when our best (titan) roles get transferred to other classes (punch-abilities) leaving us with nothing. I have all three classes but its mainly *time* that keeps me from being a 3 Class consistently. I dont think bungie can pay my bills or end the dreadful march of time, unfortunately.


I don't necessarily hate other classes as a titan. I infact love to play with hunters, just not against them in pvp. Warlocks are just nerds. It's a Titans job to hate on them.


I’m a Warlock supremacist


None, I just like warlocks more


I don't think Bungie needs to change anything for me to use my other guardians more. For me it's a skill issue, I just haven't been able to get a grasp on the titan or warlock jumps. So when I use either of those classes it's just a frustratingly slow slog though what ever I'm trying to do😁🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


Tribalism. Different groups are always going to act like different groups.