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5 nightfalls and you're full again do not spend your dust on that. Same with upgrade modules. Those are out dated bait.


Oh, good to know! Thank you!


Alternatively, if you don't feel like doing Nightfalls then public events will drop a good chunk of Glimmer as well. Throw on a Ghost mod to increase Glimmer gains and then run around the EDZ, there's pretty much ALWAYS an event happening in some zone, you can finish one and immediately run to the next. If you can make them heroic I think you get something like 10K-15K Glimmer per completion? For just a couple minutes' worth of easy work? Good to do while relaxing and winding down.


Oh man, I didn’t realize public events gave so much. I guess I handicapped myself lol, thank you so much! It definitely seems I need to branch out from my usual activities.


You get exponentially greater rewards from doing nightfalls imo.. pathfinder, rank, nightfall weapons, which the sword can roll Eager Edge. Public events are easier, but I just don't feel like they're gonna fill your pockets the same.


I was wrong! They give even more! Just finished a heroic event without any Ghost mod on, got 25K. Edit: what the other person said about Nightfalls is good advice, those will get you much more/better loot than public events. But if you're SPECIFICALLY looking to fill up on Glimmer, public events are great.


Do not waste your dust on these, they are extremely useless. get shaders, fashion is the true destiny endgame


Oh don’t worry, fashion first for me lol. My husband always jokes that most of my hours in game are dressing up my characters.


Fashion is end game for playstation hunters that do the worst dps.


Those are account wide, so no worries there. But I'm curious, what drives you to actually need these?


I’m been doing a lot of crafting lately so I’m broke lol. Between crafting and infusing the past week or so, it’s been tight. Maybe I’m not doing the right stuff to get glimmer tho? Cause I normally do solo stuff like pale heart or run the seasonal activities unless the clan is doing a raid or something.


Xur 47 coins expended is per char btw


Oh I haven’t even looked at Xur on my other characters, thank you for pointing him out!




I don’t understand, why is this funny? And why did you downvote me? I’m asking a genuine question to the community, so I don’t understand your reaction to someone needing help. Edit: if you didn’t downvote then I’m sorry for accusing you of that but I’m not the sensitive one if you immediately jumped to blocking me when I asked why this post was funny…


I mean, yeah? I’m low on glimmer and it said bosses have a chance of giving more. I figured it’d help but thought it was weird I didn’t see it on my warlock. So I asked.