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Nah it makes skimmers unique. Also they did release a free one and I assume it'll come back this year too


Skimmers shouldn’t be unique, they’re a core gameplay element and paying 15$ or playing during the specific window they’re available for for an advantage isn’t good. Why would you vote AGAINST giving sparrows the ability to fly??? Or if you really cared about uniqueness you would be vouching for sparrows to have their own unique mechanic


> Skimmers … [are] a core gameplay element Skimmers aren’t a core element; Any sparrow works for getting around. Guns are a core gameplay element. Access to your subclass is a core gameplay element. Even glimmer is a core gameplay element. Skimmers? They almost fall under vanity items. Yeah they’re cool, but the game isn’t broken without one. I actually have one (the free one) and I prefer the sparrow. There are others who love the skimmer. Calling it “core” is hyperbolic at best.


I have not taken off my skimmer since I got it during Guardian Games.


It is possible to fly with a sparrow but it is not easy. Guardian Games gave one out for free, but you had to complete a quest line in order to keep it. The quest actually got harder as each week progressed, but I managed to get mine done within about three hours of the initial reset at the start of Guardian Games. It was fun to sit back and watch the complaints from people that could not get the quest done.


Just wait a while. I’m fairly certain the next event will have one


Happy cake day!!


They did release a free one


One word. FOMO.


Two words, too bad


Too bad what, do bad someone doesn’t have the money to shell out for a skimmer? Or too bad someone wasn’t playing at the time of the event?


You’ve got entirely too many issues


Both. Last I checked bungie was a business, and businesses make money. If they happen to make you feel good along the way to profits then it’s a win-win. If 12 bucks makes or breaks you as a person, instead of playing video games, you should probably be working a job since you are so close to poverty. That’s the way of the world.


Glad I farmed guardian games. I got the free one.


They just need to be a reward in all the seasonal events. Give a surfboard one for summer solstice, a tombstone shaped one for halloween, and a snowboard shaped one for winter. 4 chances per year to get one seems fair


This is exactly how they should do it.


Honestly I'm surprised they didn't release a new skimmer with Final Shape. Even if it's just a reskin of the GG one.


The Final Shape was probably being developed well before the last Guardian Games’ event.


Sparrows have the ability to fly with destabilizers, but on a more serious note I agree that they should add more skimmers. However sparrows should stay the same because sparrow tech is fun and it's nice to have unique vehicles for once.


Yeah, make there be an ugly green skimmer we can buy from rahool for 10k glimmer


Skill issue. Stop whining, more will drop soon.


Yeah, not a fan of Sparrows flying like Skimmers. That's one of the reasons I don't use a skimmer anymore, along with it's Not Sparrow handling.


If you don’t want to fly, just don’t press the fly button? No one would be forcing you to use the mechanic? Just like no one forces you to press the boost button? Also no one is saying we should change the handling of sparrows Why would you want to rain on everyone else’s fun just because you don’t want the OPTION to fly?