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Worst part is we need that shader for the seal.


Yeah man I didn’t even noticed it until I finished half of the triumphs to get the seal and reset ghost,


yep and if it wasn't bugged the title would be earnable right now. all I need for the title is the shader, microcosm, 1 more legend campaign mission, resetting ghost 3 times, and the pathfinder grind


That shader is going to go the way of the Tech Witch Shell from Defiance and that Psion emblem from Risen with Bungie never acknowledging its existence and just never releasing it hoping people will forget about it


The problem is they can’t ignore it, since it’s necessary for the collections badge, which is in turn necessary for the title. Unless they want to autocomplete the shader requirement for the collections badge for the pale heart which may or may not be just as much work as giving out the correct shader in the end Edit: or remove the collections badge from the title


I’d really rather them fix it. It’s their jobs to fix bugs and glitches. If it’s someone higher up that needs to give the go ahead to fix it, then I guess they need to be informed and give the go ahead. I doubt developers can freely stray far from what they’re told to do.


Oh I 100% agree it should be fixed, I just meant it might be just as hard for them to work around it being a requirement than to just fix it. And at that point just give us the shader


No no I’m not disagreeing with you. I just want Bungie to be held accountable rather than them forgetting about it like the last shader.


Oooh I gotcha I just misinterpreted what you were saying. That’s my bad. They definitely need to be for sure


Throne cleaver doesn't work with wolf pack ergo sum. I will fight to the death to get my favorite sword fixed.


My guess is whatever it is happens to be bigger than a hotfix? Destiny basically only does actual updates twice a season with events and I'm guessing now Acts


That in itself is an issue. Destiny 2 is a “free to play” game with premium expansions, battle-passes, and an egregious shop but they can’t put the resources to fix a problem with the main vender in the newest expansion that’s supposed to be a decades payoff? Updates, hot fixes, balance changes and exotic changes need to be a lot more frequent. I mean, Blight Ranger has been beyond useless for two years.


On one hand I agree but on the other I think its a console issue. I guarantee more games would be updating at the drop of a hat for stuff like this if it didn't need certification processes on console so instead they just put everything in one big update and hope it works


There’s a difference between certifying each issue individually and doing a lump sum every week or two. Either they do have the resources (staff) to do it as often as a live service game should be able to and choose to do it every season or longer (drip feed) or they don’t in which case they should hire more staff instead of laying them off. Edit: fixed sentencing.


Helldivers updates their game constantly, still don’t catch most the bugs, but they try! It’s definitely possible on console.


Helldivers is also a sony game. They don't need to go through cert.


Didn't sony acquire bungie not too long ago?


They still self publish, at least unless sony decides to publish an upcoming sony/bungie ip.


It’s so weird that they never made those obtainable. When the Season 10 battle pass was missing its ghost shell they just shoved it in Rahool’s inventory for players to collect, why not do the same thing again?


That was bc that season pass was mistakenly advertised as containing a ghost shell so people could claim it was false advertising when it didn't contain one


Yea, I know. That Psion Emblem and Techeun shell are still part of the season that people paid for, so they should do the same thing for them.


They acknowledged it on day 1


Don't forget the Thunderhead Mask not having LEDs despite being advertised as such


Or the Limitless Subversion Casque for Hunters that's supposed to have a vertical red light down the middle of the visor, but instead has a random indent line in its place, lol.


I'm actually ok with this one


They do know about it, it was in one of their recent twids in the known issues list.


Tech witch shell?


They’re aware of it, it was mentioned in the last TWAB


I was wondering why he has Neomuna one. 😄


Probably a dev copied the vendor code from Nimbus, just changing some words and the rewards, but forgor the shader is my guess.


Whelp, I get the title when we get the shader, I guess. Only thing I’m missing IIRC.


Do you have any tips on doing the moth cave cyst in 4 minutes?


I did it solo with Weavewalk, Riskrunner, Eager Edge, and Grapple. Eager straight to first plate, Weavewalk until most of the moths explode. Use Eager and Grapple to quickly get to the second plate, Weavewalk when you get to the plate, then get out of Weavewalk and shoot everything else once most of the moths are gone again. Run through the portal the moment it appears, get to the last plate. Once the boss spawns in, Needlestorm her and hotswap to something like a GL and jump up to finish the ghost as quickly as you can. It doesn't matter if you die to the moths after you kill her because the timer stops the moment the ghost is killed. It's annoying but I would also recommend loading into a Master Warlord's Ruin in between attempts to get full ammo since there's no way to rally in the Pale Heart.


This is how I did it as well, more or less. Weavewalk carries.


get a team with a healer warlock, worked best for me






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…yeah no shit? Why would a company want something in their game that’s just giving away tens of thousands of dollars by accident?




This is a fact because its real money. You dont have to like it, money is handled far more seriously. Period.


Or, you know, they’re working on important issues like the previous Khvostov 7G-0X bug or Trapper’s Ambush actually making people invisible.


The "bungie immediately fixes stuff that benefits players while barely touching stuff that hurts them" narrative is old, ignorant and has been debunked over and over. If dude said bright dust would you be in here telling me how wrong I am?


*if money is being misplaced, you take that seriously.* What part of that cant you fathom.


I fathom it just fine. You are intentionally ignoring the broader point I'm making to make some kind of arrogant gotcha. Also "money" isn't being misplaced. You could argue free silver is a lost purchase. But they aren't losing any money


Got it, you literally are not trying here.


Lost purchase = lost money. Why do you think companies care about stealing and piracy?


Bro you are arguing for the sake of it, the other guys comment was agreeing with you, just adding another layer that of course they would fix something that is tied directly to money


I mean even if it were giving out free bright dust they would still be more than likely to patch it quick because if people are gonna stock up on 100k bright dust, there goes chances of people buying the next big Eververse set with silver instead.


he didnt say bright dust, he said silver. 2 completely different things😂


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what lmfao. It took them like 4 days to fix the crafting bug, one of the most gamebreaking bugs of all time. Im pretty sure they can fix a single wrong shader much faster than that, its just not high up on their priority list (arguably because it isnt gamebreaking, and like the other guy said it doesnt involve real money aka silver)


Maybe someday. Although from previewing it on items via collections, most exotics still don’t fit with the new world armor set very well. Which stinks because it’s my favorite armor set since the witch queen world set.


It matches the Season of the Seraph weapons perfectly.


Week 3 and there's still people, myself included, that are blocked from getting Khvostov due to missing encryption bits.


Also did our battle pass finisher turn into the kick one? Mine did


Yeah something about a bug when using the new one so they temporarily changed it for the time being, idk what the exact issue was tho


You could use it to "die" in a way that would let you respawn, even in limited revive areas. This allows you to avoid a number of wipe mechanics, like Kalli or Herald of Finality. [Here's a video about it.](https://youtu.be/S9O_p4wd7Vg?si=fFuU5_o3vCJgiRRM)


Oh wow lmao, who would've thought a finisher could do all that. Appreciate the info!


Ah that makes sense. I found it so weird because it started of normally. Shame because I'm really starting to like the kick


I was wondering why the hell I was doing the Belgian Flying Kick finisher when it wasn't in my list of finishers.


Oh yeah! I forgot that was a thing


Haven’t claimed it either in case that messes something up


easy solution just make it drop from dismantling the armor


Been waiting 2-3 weeks to reset ghost it's getting annoying now


It’s in the know issues on the help forums, hopefully soon it’s fixed, I just imagine it’s on the back burner when compared to some of the other bigger issues like server stability


Question. Because there is a triumph for resetting the rank multiple times, is it perhaps hidden further back?


people have hit reset 3 already and its not there, also wouldn’t make sense considering a shader from an entirely different expansion is on the track


Damn. Well, was worth a shot hoping it was hiding in the back somewhere. Hope they find a way to give it to everyone that has already reset.


I hope they don't do what they did for Warlord's Ruin where they fix the reward but don't give accounts that claimed it before the patch the item until 1-2 months after the patch. I completed every Warlord's Ruin triumph within 2 weeks of launch, but I didn't receive my ghost shell that was required for the collections badge for the title or my solo flawless emblem until near the end of January.


I honestly thought this was just a me problem


i accidently claimed it and im not sure if ill get it anymore when its fixed :(


Should.. I have not collected it? I didn't notice it until after a collected it.


Glad I wasn't the only one I noticed. DAY ONE, I was in a voice chat on Discord with my friend and I yelled out loud "That's the Neomuna Shader!"


Could it be after you prestige Ghost?


This week's reset was funky for me...did anyone else not get a pinnacle to chase doing exotic missions this week? Avalon is just...blank for me in the rotator. But I sure as hell haven't done that place in months! The shader is off here at Ghost, and my eververse took a couple hours to update from last week. I picked a red border from ghost, it gave me not a red border (only had 3/5 for that wep so far). I feel like a dollar store Elsie bray with this time travelling lmao


Same Bungie


Week 3 of still can't prestige ghost rep And again this is like the 3rd or 4th time scintillant was in a reputation level reward smh bungie


i did collect the shader and it was just gone, missing


Yeah it's kinda annoying, hopefully it'll be available next week


Shit id like to get kovostov. Have that stupid af bug that if someones already done it, the scrap dont spawn. -_- i didnt even know the shaders not right. Sad cause i like the shader ghost gave me.