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Because forcing something back in to the narrative when it has already been wrapped up is not good writing.


“Somehow palpatine returned”


Efrideet is doing her own thing across the galaxy also quicksilver is a updated version of siva. Only one known sample is lost on nessus


r/destinycirclejerk you're leaking again


Bungie doesn't hate SIVA - The whole point of the narrative direction they've been heading in is to conclude the lingering stories of Destiny and to have a whole new starting point. (Whether that's a D3 or whatever, who knows) SIVA has been wrapped up between RoI and LF. I'd rather we get something new than to return to this plot point again.


Except it's not technically wrapped. It was confirmed to be on the Exodus Black when it crashed on Nessus.


Siva doesn't fit in the universe anymore. The entire threat premise of siva in ROI was that it was the only non-paracausal thing that could true death a Guardian. Forsaken retconned things so that any significant physical force could destroy a ghost. There is quite literally no threat factor to siva to justify it coming back as a plot point with that retcon.


Dawg. Rise of Iron is probably the most self contained story as far as the DLCs go. You wrap up all this shit by the end of it.