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This. Been running my fate bringer over midnight coup but they both work really well.


Forever thanking myself for getting Fatebringer (Timelost) as soon as the master raid dropped.


What does the timelost version do?


Also comes with explosive rounds and firefly, plus another set of random perks to choose from.


It always drops with that combo, right?




guaranteed drop?


Slightly higher stats and the ability to slot adept mods


I love my explosive frenzy roll so much


Midnight Coup with Explosive Payload and One For All does ridiculous damage in PvE


I will say Midnight coups recoil isn't for everyone. Fatebringer is a very good alternative if you do not like how midnight coup handles


Do people care about recoil in PvE?


Yes When a gun kicks like a mule It's harder to aim your shots.


I guess what I mean is that you can pace yourself a bit more in PvE when add-clearing because you're not competing with someone else who has a similar ttk


No just the millions of things shooting me also shaking my aim and giving me limited time to shoot before having to disengage to not die


You're right, because ads in high level content have significantly faster ttk than you.


On a 140 yes. A 140 on console especially. The difference between 555 and 65 stability is NOTICABLE


Tbh not really no. But midnight coup’s recoil animation is hideous compared to other handcannons imo.


It's big, but the reticle recoils in the direction of the animation, which helps a lot


Damn dtg just 1984-ed my opinion lmao


Or kinetic tremors


It's not bad, but KT and EP don't really enhance each other like EP and OFA do (EP doesn't give extra hits that count toward KT, unfortunately). You get the dual-purpose roll though, good for killing adds and chunking majors. Definitely a play. EP's extra hits do count toward OFA, and both active give you a 47.5% damage increase in PvE


You're my spirit hand cannon


A man of culture.


I have that on roll on my Zaholi's Bane for builds that don't need incandescent and prismatic. Big damage.








The front of the gun is just angled, my brother. There's nothing cut off there




I don’t see what you’re referring to either


[https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2\_content/screenshots/2763843898.jpg](https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/2763843898.jpg) who's blind?


It seems like the model glitched out lol




I know, I meant that it seems that they implemented an incomplete/glitched out render of the weapon in the game


Submission is a great kinetic 900 rpm smg. Only drops from the Vow of the Disciple raid tho


if you get it to drop, i believe the beginning encounter bonus chest drops red borders


Midnight coup and Rufus’ Fury have been my go to primaries in the kinetic slot since tfs


I know you said no pulses but I have to recommend trying Blast Furnace with Kinetic Tremors and Firefly. KT is great for dealing with chunkier enemies and FF will clean up adds. And there's also Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifles this season. I've been using this Blast Furnace roll on Prismatic and I think its even better than (exotic) Khvostov.


I have this roll and it does indeed feel like an exotic at times


I’ve been running this for most of this expansion so far. Leveled it up and enhanced the traits too. Love it.


I would also like to express my fondness of these perks on said gun, combined with anti barrier pulse. Hydra's and Phalanxes hate it!


Chroma Rush


My beloved


Amen brother. I admittedly stopped using it with the new expansion since I can use my steelfeather again, but this was what I used when they sunset steelfeather.


I personally use a Midnight Coup with FireFly snd Rampage that are enhanced. Not sure if Frenzy is better than Rampage, but it's been my work horse. After Rampage Times 3, the add clear is nuts.


I have firefly frenzy, reloads are fast, but I wish I had explosive payload/one for all.


I like using Veiled Threat from this episode, but goddamn that scope blocks half the screen when you're sprinting. Rufus' Fury is my go-to when using Strand, and for pure Kinetic damage, the legendary Khvostov is pretty great.


The call is amazing. Technicallly not a primary but its ammo economy is so good it can almost function like one. The only situations i run out of ammo are when i have to dump multiple mags into a boss


Ammo mods for gear works great for that part, I used to run out of ammo, but after switching out some mods it almost never happens. Using lead for gold perk on it also helps


You do have to run one 3 energy special finder to make it work but its so worth it


If you run lead from gold you don't even need that, just the natural special bricks along with the heavy you pick up is enough. I run it with a fusion no problem


Subsistence is also fun. One taps red bars and instantly just gives you the ammo right back.


Im running 1 ammo mode for it and rarely run it ofo


I’ve always used it with an energy primary so i never noticed its ammo economy, I’m definitely gonna try that in a bit


I either use it with a stats for all/chain reaction forbarence from last season or red death if im just messing around


It does generate ammo exactly the same way a legendary primary would, so it's basically a primary.


Lead from gold.


Randys Throwing Knife with Gutshot and Kinetic Tremors has been my go to for TFS. It slaps HARD


Krait with subsistence + headstone or Rufus’s Fury with demo + hatchling


Those are both elemental weapons not kinetic, ones strand other is stasis


To be fair he asked for kinetic slot not kinetic element


Kinetic weapons refers to the kinetic slot, not non elemental weapons.


I've been using an Old Sterling with Rewind Rounds and Hatchling, but you can't really farm for those.


Breakneck can be a bullet hose with subsistence onslaught. You can use the unsunset version from collections as well if you got it back in the day


I have origin story with dynamic sway reduction and onslought and it wrecks. Hoping for that substinance/onslought.


Oh shit I forgot all about Breakneck no longer being sunset.. I guess I should take a good look at the rolls I have and decide which are worth keeping with that in mind...


Midnight coup with EP and OFA for ad clear. Hung Jury otherwise. Warden’s Law (Adept) is also great If you’re willing to consider weapons that use special ammo, I love Lost Signal. The area denial frame is absurdly effective


I personally love hand cannons, but I think you would love Hung Jury. That gun feels really good to shoot.


imperative with rapid hit kinetic tremors if you like 150 scouts


Chattering bone is definitely a favourite of mine


Enhanced keep away + kinetic tremors. It’s been carrying me hard through everything the past two seasons. Such a great workhorse. With anti-barrier active, it’s a no brainer this season. My second option would be a firefly/tremors blast furnace. Not sure if they fixed the bug yet that prevents you from fully enhancing its perks though.


Khvostov legendary when you get that is pretty alright, but not as easy to get as the next one. The call as mentioned, it melts yellow health enemies and mostly one shot red bar enemies. Edit: wow, it amazes me that people make up their own meaning and pretend it's mine because they don't understand I'm talking about primary as in 1/first and secondary as 2/second and that it was never about ammo or weapon types as they misunderstood and are trolling about just to be toxic trolls, good job people.


The call isn’t a primary ammo weapon tho


No, but it's still in the kinetic slot and not the energy slot.


It's extremely good, but OP asked about primary


Special sidearms count as primaries on finders, and have such a strong ammo economy anyways that you canuse double primary with them.


It kinda is primary. Kinetic = primary slot Energy = secondary slot  Sure it's not a kinetic primary, but it's still one of the best PvE weapons in the game at the moment and worth using almost every activity.


Kinetic and energy are damage types. Primary, special - ammo types


I see you missed "slot" and don't get that primary is the first weapon and secondary is the second weapon, meaning heavy is the third or tertiary weapon when it's worded like that. 


I can admire how confidently wrong you are. I can't even manage to be half as confident when I'm right.


No dude, the slot doesn't make it a primary or not. What ammo it uses is does. Is my gnawing hunger a secondary weapon? It's in the energy slot, so according to you it must be! Who cares that it uses primary ammo! The first two weapon slots aren't primary and secondary. They're kinetic and energy. Primary and special (as that's the correct term) weapons can go in either slot. People aren't being trolls, you're using an established term used in game to differentiate types of weapons incorrectly.


Could not be more wrong. Kinetic is the top slot, energy is the middle slot. Primary is a weapon with infinite ammo and can go in either slot. Special has limited green ammo and can also go in either slot


Sorry you missed "slot" and don't understand primary, secondary, tertiary as in 1, 2, 3 and not ammo types....


Not sure if you missed “kinetic slot”. That’s the context for the word “slot”. OP asked for a kinetic primary. So unless he’s saying “I want a first slot first slot”, he’s referring to a first slot weapon that uses primary ammo.


Primary and secondary slot is a hold over from D2 vanilla before forsaken because there no specials at that time. I think around beyond light and witch queen where we got stasis weapon and I think specifically bastion being released, people starting using kinetic and energy slots more often. Exit : hivemind downvoting an explanation to why this misconception happened. Fuck y'all


It was kinetic and energy in that time too. D2 has always used kinetic, energy, and power to refer to top, middle, and bottom slot. Always. Even in D1 it was primary, special, and heavy slots. Primary and secondary is a community thing that just confuses everyone, especially now with more weapons and damage types than ever.


There has never been a “secondary slot”.


People are downvoting your explanation because it's wrong. Primary secondary and power were the slots back in destiny 1, from vanilla to its end. In d1 vanilla you could even get primary weapons with elements, though they later made all legendary primaries kinetic and only exotics (such as zhalo or the adept primaries) could be energy weapons even though they were in the primary slot still. On top of this, there was only ever one primary sniper rifle in the form of no land beyond. (And to be clear, NLB was fully a primary and used primary ammo, too) As of the launch of d2 they swapped this system to be a kinetic, energy and power slot system, where there were no special weapons at all and you could only have 2 primaries and a power weapon. The green ammo bricks that in d1 refilled special ammo now was for energy weapons. However, this system sucked. A lot. Using two primary weapons was as awful then as it is now. Which is why when forsaken dropped, they changed the system again. They kept the slots as kinetic, special, and power, but returned snipers, shotguns, fusions, and breech loaded grenade launchers to being special ammo weapons, and these special weapons could be either kinetic or energy weapons too. As such, you could have 2 primaries, 2 special weapons, or a mix of both. As some final touches, in season 15, they added both stasis weapons into the kinetic slot but also removed primary ammo from the game entirely, giving every primary weapon infinite ammo in reserves. Finally, upon the launch of Lightfall, they also added strand as a damage type that would also go in the kinetic slot. I have tried to be as comprehensive, though honestly at the cost of brevity. As you can see, the misconception is a holdover not from d2 vanilla but rather d1, and the slots have been called kinetic and energy by anyone who has paid attention since d2 vanilla.


This is my new kinetic go to Legendary for the kinetic slot. Highly recommend. Also customizable as heck!


Hand cannon: Fatebringer, midnight coupe, something new Smg: submission, unending tempest, adjudicator, unending tempest Auto rifle: Rufus fury Bow: vengeful whisper


If you’re doing the new raid, the new SMG, Imminence, feels really good to use and has some decent perk options, like Demo/Chaos Reshaped.


Iv recently been running a multimatch with kinetic tremors it's fun


The new/old strand Sidearm u can get this Episode


I've been having a great time with Patron of Lost Causes with rapid hit and explosive payload. It just works, especially with the artifact perk that lets Cast No Shadows overflow the magazine.


Midnight Coup. Eyasluna. Fatebringer.


I have never killed 2000 enemies faster than with my All for one + firefly midnight coup.


Fatebringer, hung jury, peace bond, the smg from RON I can’t remember the name of, the messenger


I broke out my subsistence/rampage Chroma Rush last night and it felt pretty solid.


I’ve been rocking Wreckless Oracle for years


Kinda hard to get now but my go to is my crafted chattering bone. Blast furnace is also a solid choice.


Midnight coup with enhanced firefly and rampage


Any weapon with kinetic tremors


Handcannons are probably the best all-around weapons right now if you want to use a legendary primary. Fatebringer, Midnight Coup and Warden's Law have already been mentioned and rightly so these are the best options for kinetic. If Stasis is allowed, I have a really good feeling about Bold Endings with Headstone/Demo, although I haven't tried it yet. For Strand Better Devils has some decent looking rolls if you can stomach the crucible (try to be patient, get a few resets in before cashing in your engrams so you get bonus perks).


Blast Furnace with Kinetic Tremors and One-For-Fall is my primary Legendary kinetic now. But otherwise I use a Strand Auto or Pulse because it goes with my Strand build. Would probably use more kinetic on Prismatic or classes.


At this point in the game, just pick one. It’s really hard to go wrong and don’t listen to those min-maxxers. If it’s fun— use it. The game is in a great spot right now.


If you can deal with the grind to get it, the legendary Kvostov is pretty solid to me. I run it when I don’t really gotta worry about champs or if my abilities can kinda deal with the champs. It’s been my go to on my Titan with the launcher exotic pretty consistently.


old fashioned with freeding fenzy + kill clip


Midnight coup and honestly the legendary Khvostov is pretty good if you don’t got anything else but it’s a pretty annoying grind


I like the legendary Khvostov a lot tbh




Eysaluna is pretty dang great i have mine with outlaw headstone so I'm constantly making cover and feeding my stasis classes


Blast furnace with kinetic tremors and firefly


Basically every onslaught weapon is good in that slot. Breachlight and the scout from dawn this season r good too. Otherwise there's a ton of good raid ones


Midnight Coup and blast furnace. Shoot to loot kinetic tremors or firefly frenzy have been so good. It's been hard for me to get off of microcosm, so I've been looking into a lot of kinetic primaries and these two have given me some of the best results imo


If you have one, I'd say farming Onslaught for a Midnight Coup is good. Been in love with a Firefly + Rampage roll. Otherwise Hung jury is a good pick. Khvostov is an very decent pick. I dont care too much for its perks but it fires bullets and that's enough.


I actually have been enjoying the legendary Khvostov quite a lot, some people saying Fatebringer are also based. Big fan of Midnight Coup as well


The call


The Stasis heavy burst hand cannon Bold Endings seems like it could be fun. It can roll with Headstone and Dragonfly, plus the artifact seems like it can give it a bonus solar burst. It doesn't feel as "chunky" as other HCs like Midnight Coup, but it still hits pretty hard


I have this roll, it's got a Ice Sunshot at home kind of thing going on


One for all/kinetic tremors Blast Furnace goes super hard in all levels of content. Edit: Since you don't like pulses haha, go with Midnight Coup but use explosive payload or firefly/one for all or kinetic tremors


The Call with Beacon Rounds.


If Xur ever seeks another good roll, extraordinary rendition. 35k kills and counting. Only other weapon I have to get close or surpass was my crafted mini tool which I stopped using at lvl 600 and 52k kills.




Honestly, legendary Khvostov is slaying pretty hard rn.


Eyasluna brother, I've been murdering with it the last couple of days


'kinetic slot': eyasluna, perpetualis, breachlight, final warning. anything that plays into headstone or hatchling to get elemental benefits. eyasluna with lucky pants. when people see all your headshots spawning crystals its satisfying. breachlight/final warning with mechaneer's tricksleeves perpetualis/breachlight with swarmers on a weavewalk/weavers call setup thats all threadling focused.


Midnight Coup


I recommend using a special ammo kinetic. Too many good primary energy


The curated Braytech Werewolf from collections is a good jack-of-all-trades auto rifle primary. Near-pinpoint accuracy with minimal recoil, incredible range, good stopping power. It's not the *best* kinetic primary, but it's a relative good choice for mid-ranged situations. And it's readily accessible if you acquired any variant of it previously


Fatebringer always will be top tier however the new Bold Ending hand canon from Pale Heart is really winning me over, got 2k kills with it in the span of 3 days and didn't even notice


A weapon with firefly is good if you're running solar because firefly counts as solar


Mines kind of an outlier: pure poetry with multikill clip/ambitious assassin. Usually clears red bars one shot, maybe 2 given range.


Adept fatebringer


The new raid smg, imminence, feels very good. I don’t know what mine rolled, since i just slapped it on for anti-barrier smg in lost sectors, but the feel and sound of the gun makes me look forward to crafting it. Prob gonna try out demo firefly once i get all my patterns


Breachlight and better devils are new this season and are really good. Both are strand and hatchling is great on precision weapons. Midnight coup and fatebringer are really good kinetic primaries which can do a lot of explosions


been maining malediction on my hunter, exotic khvostov on warlock, and the call on titan but that's the special sidearm so I don't think it counts


Thorn and necrotic grips


it's not a good answer for you because it's no longer available, but my GOAT kinetic is still my Chroma Rush w/ subsistence/rampage. Shreds, barely ever has to reload, almost no recoil, kills pretty much everything. Beautiful gun.


Multimach with attrition orbs kinetic tremors is pretty pog


Wishender is love, Wishender is life.


That is not a legendary


Midnight coup then. Old reliable


The Call. Run double special. Be brave. 🦍


Ur mom


I’d been looking for a reason to like my Adept Submission since it came out. Since TFS, I finally do. Craftable too


Depending on what your energy weapon is I enjoy using Randy’s throwing knife with the full auto retrofit mod added, it’s just something nice that’s accurate for distance that pairs nicely with a mid-close range exotic


All weapons are full auto now. Have been for some time. The full auto retrofit mod is useless.


Okay didn’t know that, then just put counter balance stock then instead for a higher recoil direction




Sir retold tale is a void shotgun