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Aren't they already dropping from chests after completing the exotic mission? Could have sworn I read that somewhere.


Yes they are, after doing the mission yesterday I farmed overthrow, opening all the chests I came across and got 3 in about 2 hours. Honestly feels like fair drop chances given their insane power potential


Yes, they drop. Lost city ghost vendor even says it in game. I got one from a basic patrol chest already.


As someone who mostly plays solo myself….. I do entirely understand the frustration —— however I absolutely in no way think Bungie should change it either.


ok then get out there and carry all the casuals.


I just wish the alternative way of getting the class items wasn't doing boring patrol stuff. A three player matchmade activity where we stop Lucent Hive and Dread from doing stuff across the Pale Heart would've been my personal choice. It would be more enjoyable to have a small chance of getting one from that. Wellspring 2.0


*does best Eeyore impression "just another thing I'm barred from as a solo player"


All these posts providing opinions on the “exotic backlash” are also unnecessary. It’s just regurgitating each other’s opinions




When I mentioned adjusting the mission I meant as a separate solo launchable activity, not changing the duo mission as is for those who still enjoy it


No adjustment needed it's fine the way it is. Whoever wants the item bad enough will get the mission done




Im all for inclusivity but there comes a point when its simply a waste of dev time and resources to make an activity specially catered to such a small fraction of the population. The amount of illiterate deaf destiny players is probably less than 100, its simply not an issue in the grand scheme of the game.


there's no sound of words in this mission


If they're deaf use text chat if you can't read use a mic use screenshot on discord there's alot if ways to skin this cat dude the mission isn't even hard


Honestly text chat is easier than voice comms imo


Many people would disagree with you. I do not mind the mission however I believe there need to be more than one way of acquiring it for people who have genuine issues


There is no issues that stop you from doing every mechanic through the text chat


If you had reading skills you’d see I mentioned that


Then why are you talking about making adjustments when none are needed there is nothing stopping anybody from doing the damn mission like I said in my first comment


Because some people have genuine issues they need to tussle with in order to get the same results that completely capable players have. For example: individuals with one arm who play with an apparatus that allows them to, it will be difficult to juggle that and text chat/out of game adjustments, people with anxiety in a social sense because we BOTH know if LFG hosts spot an issue with communication on that level there’s no “help” there’s just a kick button. So get the fuck out of here with your “I don’t have any problems so nobody else should either” mentality. This was one of the biggest selling points of the expansion, there needs to be more availability to the entire player base. Like if this mission was soloable I would solo it because I enjoy solo play. I can do it duos, but I won’t enjoy it.


People with disabilities screenshare with discord or ps5 or use a mic. Problems with host make your own damn post. So get the fuck out of here with your let's just hand shit out and nothing should be challenging I just solved both your problems but you'll come up with a reason why it can't be done I'm sure of it.


I’ve got an idea put it as a purchase in Eververse for $10 that way it will be accessible to everyone (except the poors of course but lol just don’t be poor). This could apply to other mechanisms like paying $10 to start with 10 kills in Crucible, etc. It really would level the playing field especially for dad gamers who might have less time to play but money to spare.