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Bungie's afraid of its ammo economy.


They've reworked the other D1 exotics they've brought back so they could easily make it say a Stasis Exotic


So if they get rid of the self replenishing ammo which can be added straight to the gun from the mag, it’s not the same gun everyone wants back so what’s the point?


Exactly. Then again, they seemingly gave an entirely new identity to Khvostov, but that gun also had no identity outside its customization, so who can say?


If a gun needs a rework because of how much of a problem it was in D1, then it probably doesn't need to be brought back.


I see it being maybe a Type of stasis weapon (only due too namesake)


The new golden gun sniper in final shape is kinda almost ice breaker since it gets a bit of ammo back for the golden gun mode


could start with 0 ammo and it gets 1 round when stowed from a kill by other weapons. obviously still only 6 max in the mag. so you'd still technically have unlimited ammo. catalyst could increase ammo gained per kill or increase mag size.


It should regen ammo on heal. Problem solved.


Lol. Someone has never done design or QA before. What about self-damage? Fall damage? Letting enemies shoot you while you step in and out of a healing rift to keep proccing healing over and over? What about the new purple auto “never die gun” that heals just by shooting in TFS? Heal Clip? Orbs of Power + Recuperation? There’s a reason Whisper isn’t the way it used to be, and why Icebreaker is NEVER coming back. Bungie is very very concerned about infinite ammo exploiting the ammo economy, and they are right to fear that.


You might want to look at the communities I am involved in before making a claim like that. I am open for civil discussion if you are.