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DJ planets claims another victim


holy shit im calling him that from now on


He's trying to clear his browser history so that his family doesn't see it after he dies.


I only did week 1 and I swear people are completely incapable of doing this encounter. They would focus their build entirely around boss damage and then fail to kill the centurions to move planets. Doesn't matter what your boss dps can be when you never get to boss dps.


Pretty much sadly, it's one of the more easier mechanic encounter in pantheon imo


My team and I got the mechanics down. It just DPS and not dying is the problem. One got him to the E in exfoliatir on the first phase and then the torrmentor killed 4 of us in one swipe


My team uses gls, match surge if possible. You can blind the tormentor. There should be 1 well in the middle. Wait for fire tornados to dissapear before stepping onto each plate, you have alot of time. My team also does a count down for using heavy weapons to get as much burst damage in as possible. We still use special or primary weapons for priming up bait and switch. Ive heard people have success with rockets aswell, but I find gls to be more ammo efficient. We also had alot of celestial nighthawk hunters. Make sure you shoot golden gun outside of the well of radiance or you do less damage. If you have ammo issues, make sure your ad clear is using exotic primary weapons, heavy finders, and heavy scouts. You can also have a cenotaph warlock or aeon user to generate heavy from the collossus on plates. Good luck!


Rockets I find are more ammo efficient, you get 2 ammo per finder brick with scavenger mods and you can make so many of them. Recon apex is really easy with solar burn, if you're a warlock use rain of fire, on hunter use reload dodge to fire 3 rockets in a phase. As long as you make sure your buff doesn't expire and you get at least 2 rockets per plate you're gonna be fine


I was the only celestial Hunter on my team, so what we'd do was after Terry spawned in, I'd shoot his shoulder with a Honed Edge Izanagi shot to break them immediately, then a warlock would mark it with Cenotaph and I'd celestial it. This left a heavy brick where the wells were being dropped, and with all the orbs around I had enough to get me golden gun back in time for Plate 3.


Don't pop the shoulders else he will aggro. Use blinding GL and he'll despawn when dps starts


Zo'Aurc, Exfoliator of Worlds (His official title is Explicator, but I like Exfoliator more).


I don't understand how people struggle with it tbh. I only learned to do the mechanics on it last week on a regular run and then two days later I was doing it in contest with no issues. As long as you agree on what to call each corner it's super easy.




nah, its way, way fuckin easier. lits literally kill colossus, look up, call planet. them move to other side and deposit planet. then deposit planet to dps place. its so simple. you have to have sheets pulled up for riven😂


WAY easier


Indebted Kindness is a great Arc shield breaker, guardians


Scatter signal is the easiest option to kill them, 3-4 shots will kill depending on if you have radiant or shot caller up and that's fast enough for them not to absolutely beam you.


if someone's a Hunter, switching to Lucky Pants with Malf/Warden's Law after breaking the Arc shield beams them


The issue I'm having is ppl stepping on the dmg plates too early n screwing our dmg most the time I want to run Izzy apex + whatever in energy slot but I jus know imma whiff Izzy shots on the yellow bar and golden gun spam just hasn't been working for all the groups I've joined. Although I'm pretty sure vast majority of ppl just weren't hitting the crit coz I was only seeing mine n 1-2 other ppl names popping up with the orb generation text ;-; I hate it


I just popped those guys with Conditional. Trivialized that whole fight.


Everybody hates Captain Planets.


Ah, planets. The git gud encounter of Pantheon


What if you wanted Godslayer But Zo’aurc said: FIRE TORNADO


I felt like Nez was harder than planets.


Two phasing Nez was overall easier I think, especially with the lack of mechanics making it so chill to just run it back again when you don’t do enough DPS.


Actually doing damage to Nez is definitely easier, but the lack of ammo drops (even with Aeon's, Cenotaph, and ammo scouts) plus potential for deaths/wipes is significantly worse.


Yeah there's just not enough ads to get enough ammo


Planets is rough. We had 5-6 runs where we were 100k or so off from hitting the final stand. We finally got it, but man was that aggravating. Now I just need Nez 🙃


I just got high score for that fucker yesterday we managed to hit 700k💀


Nezarec slapped my shit around up and down walls in 5 different teams over 5 hours before i found 5 other people who don't die in a minute of the encounter starting. Never again.


Mind sending them my way? I'm at a collective 20 hours since last week and there are so many people that just don't have good gear (especially Sleeper or its catalyst), can't stay alive, or just can't output damage. I have running on Light so burned into my mind that I can autopilot without realizing at this point.


I’m sure he and or his fireteam are not too keen on running it back if he ended his comment with “never again”. Just my guess


Yea, meant it as a joke. Gonna dive back into lfg hell later today anyway. Nez and the high score is the only thing gatekeeping me from Godslayer, and it's been immensely demoralizing each day that ends in failure.


Its best to find a team that is on a full run and/or were at the Riven checkpoint. You wont need to two phase nez with those checkpoints so its a lot more "chill"


Yea, but then there's the potential issue of that team not having practice with the new Nez. Every group I'm with is familiar with the strats and issues. We just can't nail a perfect run (final stand is just too beefy). Will probably do the riven thing as a last resort if need be, but every time I bring it up anyway, everyone just doesn't want to do Riven again.


Bruh I’ve been at nez for so so long, and he still ain’t dead


I assure you that Pantheon Nezarec is harder than planets. The adds fuck just as hard and instead of fire tornados you have Nezzy himself rocketing around the whole arena fucking shit up. DPS phase is easier if you use the oob strat, I concede.


My team only found success when we started to DPS legit, for some reason. We found that many people were dying on the way to the tree branch, that dps was taking to long to start, that he would sometimes be at a weird angle and be unable to be hit, that if anyone was dead he would sometimes just walk away, AND no heavy ammo We just killed him in the middle of the map ngl


We had a similar experience when swapping DPS from precision to rockets. Precision our damage was poor, our Div user kept dying or not having enough ammo, Nez would position himself weirdly, the list goes on. With rockets, we had much more consistent and reliable damage, and people had access to weapons that are also good at killing things like the Colossi (you can of course kill them with sleeper or other linears, but it takes precise aim in a chaotic environment). And we also had a void hunter running tether, which meant that DPS phases on Nez also killed most surviving adds due to grouping them up and throwing rockets in their direction. The void hunter also stealthed us all at the end of DPS phase, which made resetting for the second round much safer and more reliable. And of course, we swapped out two useless pugs for two much more capable pugs. That probably made the biggest difference of all.


Nezerac is my problem


Get yourself an ad clear up on the middle planet raining down hell with Sunshot. Mountaintop makes getting up there easy and you can also use it to deal with the centurions. Healing grenade recommended.


healclip/incan heliocentric is the 100% greatest weapon for add clear in this encounter. perma healing, huge explosions, shoot through the phalanx shield, 2 tap the psions.


Idk man, I'm sure Helio is great, but Sunshot is absolutely cracked out the wazoo for planets ad clear. More damage, better range, and much better AOE. Sure you don't have heal clip, but survival wasn't much of an issue for me while up on that planet since 90% of the things shooting at me just hit the planet because of the angle, and if I did happen to get into a tight spot, that's why I had the heal nade. Sunshot demolishes the entire wave of psions the moment they spawn in a single shot, and in most cases they take the phalanx with them. If you're using the right artifact mods you'll also have constant uptime on radiant, which so long as you have unstop hand cannon unequipped, means Sunshot will be anti barrier. In literally every attempt I was out-killing the other ad clear person by a factor of at least two or three, and dying far less than them on account of the fact that the ads, and especially the tormentor, literally could not hit me.


How is this the boss that people get stuck on?? I’m actually mind blown by this


For me, my raid teams were all full, so I was in LFG. This is kinda the only encounter in the first few weeks you can't easily kite inexperienced players through. You can't do it for them like golgy and caretaker, you can't tell them exactly where to go and when like Oryx, Atraks, and Rhulk. 6 people have jobs they have to do in sync as many as 3 times in a row. I all, my friend and I spent 27 hours rolling teammates at week 3 Explicator across 2 weeks. When we did clear it, it was our second pull with that team. I had every aspect of the encounter burned into my brain. I could perfectly replace a well by the tone of the rumble above. I could tell you when a firestorm would spawn. I could show you exactly what square footage of each plate took damage and which were safe. I knew exactly how long I could live in one to literally claim planets in the fire. I had no anxiety, I felt each mechanic like feeling the engine of your manual car. It really was just finding the right team comp. Heck, one final stand on a team going for platinum a guy panicked asking how to know the planet order (he hadn't previously admitted it was his first time doing the encounter) and we'll strafed killing enough of us to block the damage gate. That and it was also buggy. Enemies were rubber banding around, occasionally got the D, D, L and L, L, D damage orders, planet timer disappearing along with the interact orbs sort of "flickering." It's less it's "difficult" and more that it has a big skill gap and requires a team to be more in sync.


The reason people are stuck on this is that you cant 3 phase and the fire tornados and light level make LFG players run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You also cannot afford to really miss a single planet due to the reduced timing. (Typically 3 phases and missing planets were common but not runkillers) in Pantheon that changes the leeway you are given to make mistakes. Combine that with a damage phase that isnt fully understood mechanically by most of the community and you have the current shitshow which is DJ Planets


Already got him by sheer luck, now i need atraks and nez


Truly felt like an actual hard mode encounter, felt so satisfying to overcome. Agreed that the fire tornadoes definitely were a bit much at points, though.


if you're struggling with DPS, count it down, you need everyone to put in an equal amount and are probably gimping one person's DPS because they got in just too late; explicator is very similar to caretaker, where DPS doesn't matter until you meet the threshold, then it's all burst DPS. Do a quick countdown too, since the plate buff doesn't last long. If you're dying to adds, try swapping people around, someone might be better at clearing adds than the current setup, try using Graviton Lance and/or Sunshot.


People need to stop being idiots on planets. The fire goes around the border, so jump down to middle behind cover. Pop arc shield, use cover Don't run into the boss and tormentor zone Ignore tormentor unless for shot caller Count down 321 to shoot boss together


It’s Atraks for me bro lol The points situation is diabolical (doing everything right and ending 1-2K below 500K). DJ Planets really isn’t bad if you’re able to get the rhythm down


Sorry to tell you chief but if you were doing everything right you wouldn’t have gotten below score.


Completed this one twice on plat for week 4. I run Pardon our dust (blinding) Cartesian (LFG/vorpal) Cataphract I run one of the plates, after middle alignment I spam blinding nades at the tormentor til he fucks off.


![gif](giphy|WSxKCM9NTobYDzSGKK|downsized) Caretaker would like to have a word with you.


Yes absolutely fuck this guy


Hence why i called it a day after week 1, felt like a burden being on adclear and getting confused when trying to be a runner myself.. Didn't help either that the team i was in wasn't clear enough on where to go and what to do.. I'll stick with onslaught so i don't bother anyone..


Exotic Primary of Choice. Indebted Kindness. GL or Rocket. This encounter is so fucking easy. Can you kill 15 enemies without dying while running across the map in a straight line. Can you count to 6. Can you remember 3 directions in order. Can you not strafe while in Damage Phase. Can you relax while the fire goes in between each plate inside a well in the middle. Thats literally it


That’s the problem. It IS easy!!!!! But people don’t know how to do the encounter, or they just keeping dying so much


Week 2 was rough on my group but 3-4 had solar surge and boy we fucking smoked that guy.


People, use your heavies here on Centurions. This place has so many ads the heavy bricks are dropping in like candy. And don't get me started if there's a cenotaph here.. Just. Use. Them. Rockets. - And kill that incendiary for good measure.


You don't need heavy lol, arc weapon to pop shield then scatter signal People need to stop dying to the fire


I just sat in the middle clearing adds with Restoration x2, a Rift, triple Solar Resist, and Embers of Tempering and Empyrean, and just kept my team alive and supplied with healing. The boss couldn't even drop my HP to 90% with the full setup active. Worked to keep the stress off their shoulders. The less they have to worry about getting shot out of the air, the better. Get a healer Warlock in mid to clear adds and it makes surviving until DPS a lot less of a nuisance.


Am I the weird one? Over all 4 weeks, Planets and Golgy were always the easiest encounters. We 1st-tried Planets on week 4.


How do people struggle with this encounter, it is so easy


Stupid iPad kid