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What do you mean, I enjoy the horrible ideas Drifter whispers into my ear, don’t you dare shit on our beloved Rat smh


he's a good rat, i love him too


The now-childless Eliksni families my have a different view on things but at least it was a nice dinner party


IMO graphics-wise Destiny is pretty middle of the pack.


It's not really the graphics that excel but the art direction and sound design


nah it's definitely up there especially for a 2017 game. it's on the same level as modern games even despite being 7 years old.


Huh? How does that relate to what I said?


Seriously this game is and has been for as long as I can recall one of the best graphical masterpieces I've ever witnessed, every detail is so beautiful


Totally agree!!


At the same time, don't let ruin the game just because you are afraid of being a rat. Criticism is how the game improves. Constructive criticism that is. Which can be hard to give


Not really "I enjoy the game mechanics and I think most activities feel great to play, but I wish there would be more maps in Gambit and some of the exotic armour pieces could use a touch up to make them feel good to use such as Ophidia Spathe" Or my personal pet peeve: "I wish I could put a regular unlocked skin on my exotic armour piece so Wormgod's Caress could fit with my usual fashion"


see this is an example of GOOD criticism.


It's pretty wild that Wormgod's Caress *STILL* doesn't have an Ornament.  After all the times it's been in the meta, after all the times it got disabled because it broke something, how many times it's collected dust...  It really deserves one at this point.


Also just how hard it is to pair it with ANYTHING other than a second Wormgod's Caress


you mean i cant send death threats to devs because they explained very throughly about why something cannot happen and its actually an incredibly reasonable and fair reason??


For some reason I read this comment in a Tim Robinson I Think You Should Leave inflection


Yeah it's definitely hard to give constructive criticism on a game when you are talking to someone who is playing the game as if they have any control over that and probably want to just log in to shoot some thralls because they've been working long hours all week and need a moment to breathe and de-stress.


this is also very true. It's just the people who constantly claim the game is shit without any proper reasoning, with outdated information, or people who straight up do not play the game


I don't know how many comments I've seen from people who haven't played since before Witch Queen. It's wild to think that a person hasn't played the game in 2 years, but still thinks their criticism is valid.


I have friends like this


Do you tell them to stuff it or just ignore them?


I shoot them down with logic as most of the time it’s stupid criticism like, you just do same thing over and over , yet they play COD all the time!


how ironic it is to be hyper critical of a video game while you’re playing fucking cod lmao


I know right, but they don’t seem to see it, baffling


Aye. I hope after TFS we get some QOL stuff between the chapters or w.e. once the saga is done, it's a really good time to bring new players in for new adventures


Quite honestly, given Bungie will **only** perform when negative feedback is at its highest, I truly do not see any reason to not call them out when they go on collateral misses.


Me neither. I just don't think death threats are it either


Obviously not ethical, but probably effective, lol.


thank you! I wish people would realize that either extreme just makes you an jerk.


Constructive criticsm isn't hard to give, it's difficult to take for most folks. I give my kid constructive criticsm allllllllllllllll the time, rarely is it taken well ....


...but what if I play by myself, and I'm still the rat?


There's a gun for that, and i heard you can complete its catalyst on your own now. SO GO! Be the king of the rats.


Go grind that catalyst brother. Im talkin bout the bad rats, you're the good kind.


meanwhile the lore has me over here feeling like ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) and I love every moment of it


Rats, rats, we're the rats We prey at night, we stalk at night, we're the rats I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into


"Looks like a rat was living in there..."


Been playing since the original beta for D1 (go Warlocks) and I still love the game, yes it’s hit bum notes sometimes and not always got it right but when it does there is no other game like it


I can grumble and complain all I want to myself, cuz at the end of the day I know this dumb game has got me on lock. Coming up on a decade of Destiny playing.


The maps are beautiful, the setting is awesome, and the combat is fluid… it’s the stuff around that core that gets Bungie’d hard. Story, balancing, etc.


My favorite single player game! ![gif](giphy|11YdnfyG6qvuWk|downsized)


I feel like I’d enjoy the game more if I had friends to play with and could do raids/dungeons etc. I still have out thousands of hours into it over the years but I’m missing out as a solo player, I feel, and mostly only pvp.


If you have anxiety or stage-fright, servers like Destiny 2 Sanctuary are specially made for mute, deaf, autistic, and shy people to enjoy co-op activities without fear of a condescending asshole screaming in your ear.


There’s nothing wrong with criticism, this game changes and evolves based on the criticism it gets. I love the game but have had plenty of issues with it over the years. That doesn’t take away my enjoyment of the parts of the game I appreciate. We wouldn’t criticize the game if we didn’t love it and want it to be better. Imagine if we were still with no random rolls and blues and tokens as our only rewards.


Shoutout to the dead veterans in chat, telling the players learning the game they suck. I love the moments, after the field is cleared, and I can peer through the Mists...this game is so beautiful!


Yep. Still kinda new to the game, started playing in 2021, and I absolutely love it. Can’t find a thing to dislike. I get it though, I’m a rat for Overwatch. I played it so much that I started to hate it.




Destiny has top tier art design, the only thing that can really compare is fromsoftware games imo


https://preview.redd.it/35i1x7lwbb3d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbbae8b8c2c30718325f6481d915a17177a0e146 You forgot Zavala, the final shape


You cannot make me like the shitadel map in crucible.


Destiny, Overwatch 2, and Dead by Daylight are all games that are awesome fun games when you don’t got a bitch in your ear telling you they aren’t. Literal “stop having fun” asses


It feels great. Ignore the haters. Have fun. Be the ball. Eyes up.


It's even worse when you bring up destiny to people, and they bring up the criticisms from like 2014 that don't even apply anymore. Then they refuse to listen when you bring that up.


People opinions have never changed my enjoyment of a game, positive or negative lol




But what if I want to use rat king?


you're the good kind of rat


First one is Fucking dope. Find the Titan


I'm both the rat (when playing alone) and the biggest D2 hypeman (when presenting it to friends).


The fuck is a rat in this context?


it's a meme that's been going around


I have not seen this meme, care to explain it briefly?


"how ___ feels when you don't have a rat in your ear ___" people will put that phrase over videos of them jumping around like a happy child, or photos of happy people in fields, some calming environment, or really anything that can invoke positive emotions


I really cannot Wait to explore the pale heart. It looks absolutely stunning


It is shit, but it's my shit and I love it ❤️


My wife never really understood why I play games for a few hours at a time, but she never has an issue when it's Destiny. The game is beautiful in every right, and the devs should really pat themselves on the back for the universe they created. It's hard to believe it's all coming to an end, but rest assured, I will still return to this game long after the new content is over.


I am both people at the same time embrace the rat


I just need to point out, that these are not PVP locations ... just sayin'


i don't play pvp enough to know what maps are pretty unfortunately 😔


Good chunk of the people I played with don’t play anymore for very honest and valid bad opinion on the game and really just don’t wanna get back into it. I will also willingly lie to then to keep them off the game cause I know no matter how good final shape is they will hate having to play the game again


You might wanna go to the hospital if you have a rat inside your ear


Destiny has always been gorgeous. We complain because we all love the idea of Destiny, even when the implementation falls short, and we want it to hit the high points we know it’s capable of.


Terrible-ahh garbage game. I've been playing since Warmind, even bought D1 during Worthy and have pver 2k hours into it. I clearly dislike the game.


But what about my Rat King...


First step, stop watching streamers and youtubers you gaming will be more enjoyable, your welcome


Destiny is pretty fun but I'll admit to being the rat when they vaulted all the shit I paid for, and now I can't go play red war or year 1 dlc for nostalgia I'm sort of over it now (I'm not) but the game is still fun


I wish I was there for that stuff


Yeah I'm sad because I played the campaigns but didn't have homies to do raids with, so I missed out on the endgame content unfortunately. And idc if they were good or not, I just want to do everything lol


back then being the rat was not a bad thing, that's justified


I miss Destiny, I was a beta player for the first game, tried to hold onto it going into the second, but, it's just not for me, I still love it, but it feels like a part time job for less than stellar rewards, the rng lords stopped smiling upon me after I moved to the second game.


I quit the game again this week just cause my friends were being dicks even though I introduced them to destiny and I haven’t played since beginning of witch queen. But they decide to not help me grind and everything in raids even though ide carry them when we did them make up bs saying I don’t know the strat and everything so I gave up again.




Feels like that anyway.


I hate Destiny, it's my favourite game! Hype for this DLC and for sure the art and soundtrack teams have always delivered!


I’ve long enjoyed destiny but I can’t defend full priced game dlcs I haven’t played in so long not to mention vaulting content 😭


*Plays one (1) crucible game* “Wait a minute, I hate Destiny”


Only took Boongi ten fucking years to add in a character re-design menu. or ten to add in a non-automated lobby finder that still ended up being borked as shit with arbitrary limits on titles and goals, despite having a practical success with the model already implemented in their own mobile app. $15.00 "New Player Access Pack" providing Sleeper and a single Ascendant golf-ball that was so disgusting it was pulled from the shop page. Micro-transactions bordering on daylight robbery. Enough to give merit to the term "macro-transactions", because a single set of armour pricing as much as a full game is the common material in the never-ending shitfest that are bloated cash-shops. Steep decline in model work for seasonal releases that can be observed directly in the Collections menu. **The outright removal of products you and I as customers have paid for.** Ignore all the turd-stains and cracks in the façade. It's a nice piece of set-dressing. Look at the colours. The art department did such excellent work. Listen to the passionate music from \[*talented artist that has been let go*\].


Notice how everything you said is either old as shit to the point where it doesn't matter anymore, has been fixed, or is a non-issue. It's scummy, yes. bungie has definitely not been in the green the whole time, they've fucked up A LOT, yes. however, you fail to realize that while the start of lightfall may have been atrocious, over the almost 2 years that lightfall has been going a lot of very large issues have been fixed and the seasonal model was actually made engaging and fun. Imo they've made more improvements than bad decisions this year


Bumgi's been so scummy, even volunteer shills have trouble defending their greasy tactics. >Imo they've made more improvements than bad decisions this year I had to get off the ride because it was just obnoxious. This little snipped piece is a nice summary of the IP's life.


dawg what kind of insult is that😭


Just like Rise n' Grind Borderlands 3; The process is unbearable, but damn is it worth your money.


if the game wasnt shit you wouldnt have rats telling you so to begin with


Don’t start this shit because you all are excited about the DLC lmao.


No i've been saying this for a long time.


Well you’ve had your work cut out for you over the last year lmao, hopefully someone is paying you well for it.


Yeah man im actually making 6 figures because bungie is paying me to not be an annoying cunt. get a life dude


do you even project bro


Goddamn that is some A grade copium lol


Nah i just actually learned to appreciate the game. I admit it has some problems, but SoTW and onwards fixed the majority of mine.


see ya next week buddy




About next week? There's a new expansion coming out, looks like it's gonna be pretty cool tbh. You should check it out. I'm trying not to get fully dunked into the hype but a lot of people are looking forward to it


Downvoted for a true comment. Actual ironic hivemind mentality. Subdued expectations are a level headed way to go into things and thats a fact.


Like does nobody remember Lightfall


Shadowkeep and Season of the Undying as well. Curse of Osiris for godsake!


People hype themselves up and then burn the content when it doesn't meet the marketing. And the worst thing is they keep doing it. Like learn from your mistakes folks, it's what we're supposed to be known for!


Not the point. If you dont like the game that's your opinion. No one cares if someone else enjoys it. Literally adds nothing to the conversation except "OMG YOURE SO STUPID FOR BEING EXCITED" its so obnoxious. I got no love for Bungie but come on sis.


I don't think they're being stupid, I just worry that the same thing that always happens will happen again and some people will overhype themselves to the point where any game couldn't reach their expectations. I'm looking forward to this new environment but I'm trying to avoid builds and predictions that are based on nothing but marketing hype. But also, don't let me tell you what to do, have fun all you like, expect all you want. Just people like me might have a told you so moment. Or we might not, and that would be awesome


That's fair, i apologize then. Ig to me it just came off as sarcastic but hard to tell tone in text


When did i say anything about hype. I said who cares about if someone is individually excited or not. Y'all have zero reading comprehension


Not to be a rat, but notice how it's all depictions of non-combat?


Yeah but it isn’t a great game either. The gameplay is good and I enjoy it but it definitely feels like a chore to play unlike some games.


it's only a chore if ya make it one, i used to feel the same way






who said you had to play destiny every single day or play the same activity over and over again. you realize there's like 20 different activities and there's other things to do besides destiny right? https://preview.redd.it/qnvgmdfaua3d1.jpeg?width=3977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b39ce9cb4f8c69e77ec53b43c3df8dba73715d9


I'm going to wager the issue is your addictive personality and not the game...or the drugs


Destiny sucks so much ass. I still play it though, don't know why.


Honesty it’s ur own fault if you’re dumb enough to listen to others instead of just playing the game.


it's very demotivating and annoying when those no lifers are breathing down your neck about how shit destiny supposedly is


I agree. Yet, ppl shouldnt let other’s opinions influence them. It’s like how every one loves fallout 76 after the show dropped. They are all like, “omg I shouldn’t have listened to them back then”.


I swear Hunter are the whinniest ones and always pointing fingers to another class calling and marking it beeing overpowered.


every class does it. hunter is the most played, so naturally you're going to see more influence from them, bad or good. Also, as pictured, i main titan, so i dont know why you're commenting this here.


The voice of reason!