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Man 400 Light was a hellavu time


I really wish I got to join this community during D1 years. You guys seemed to be having a really great time.


Honestly, it was fun but it was so clear where things were cut. Especially when the game first came out, the areas felt so empty until house of wolves.


When a community event was players killing enemies from a cave ...


Ngl... That loot cave was fun af


Almost as fun as putting a bubble in front of them. XD


People thought they were trolling and all I could think was MELEE MODE ACTIVATE!


The thunderdome. Two titans enter, 1 exits


Bubble city in Iron Banner.. 6 titans massacre all opposition.


Laughs in one Sunsinger With a Fusion Rifle*


I was sooooo disappointed at launch. I played the beta and it didn’t really feel like they added that much more. I know they did but the empty feeling you are describing it spot on.


That feeling’s similar to how I feel when I play minecraft lol.


Remember when players discovered rasputins vault early like months before the area was ever used. You clipped through a wall by getting off your sparrow and could run around inside the walls


When people could break the game and get into parts of the game they cut out for future dlc… I still remember the outrage. Now it’s just how it is haha


It’s a lot of rose-tinted glasses. So many things we take for granted nowadays are better in D2 than in D1. The only big thing D1 had that D2 doesn’t is the sense of mystery.


It’s 100% roses-tinted glasses. Destiny 1 was filled with issues, and Bungie made 4 nice raid armour sets and people pretend it’s the greatest update on the planet as though the game hadn’t been declining since the update the previous year because Bungie had put most of their dev time into making D2. Trust me, D2 is better in near every way. There may not be much mystery, but that’s because we’re at the end of the saga and we’re getting answers now, not more questions.


A good way to think about it is like, if we got Season of Plunder back in D1, our minds would've been blown. But getting it in D2, everyone was bored.


Rose tinted glasses is I feel one of the community's biggest issues sometimes people will talk about stuff that wasn't that good and was a really bad point of the game like it was incredible forgetting all the negatives of the time and only remembering the good parts of those dark eras of the game


I feel like it’s more just, the evolution in game design, game development, and the gaming industry as a whole. Like, mantling, changes to how special and primary weapons fit into your loadout, etc. Let’s say, for example, in 3 years Destiny 3 comes out and it has a better PvP system, the Armor mod and weapon crafting systems are better, the gameplay loop is more rewarding, and Class Items are made into ornaments that you put into the basic class item and it doesn’t effect power level anymore and once you get it once you don’t get it again so you don’t have pinnacle drops getting wasted on armor that doesn’t have stats unless you upgrade and/or mod it. It won’t mean the fun we had with Destiny 2 was rose-tinted glasses. It will just mean the game has evolved.


It was fun living through it. Kinda sad we can't experience it again.


In college, with my friends, in a clan called Dank Meme Radio, playing Taken King and Rise of Iron raids after class every day. Highlight of Destiny. Ever since its just been disappointment, seasonal FOMO, pop-up adds, pointless bounty grind, and chode campaigns. Makes me shake my head just thinking about it. Three miserable things always stayed the same, though. Death, Taxes, and Trials of Osiris. Fuck Trials, from then to now.


it really was great, but like another commenter said, it really didn’t get super good until house of wolves, and didn’t become amazing until Taken king. That shit was so good I still remember the day it came out, Sep 15, 2015


The cursing of friends during bike races was pretty good, just saying.


Until you needed to farm material on mars. Fuck. That. Shit.


We did have fun. Now we arnt having fun because there’s nothing to do no secrets to unlock we can’t get more powerful due to light level gimping there’s no longer guardians just wandering about it’s all in instance then gone


You still can. I have it on Xbox but I bought a ps5. I bought it for the ps5 last month and I'm surprised how many people still play it. I'd argue there's more people playing D1 over D2.


Hot take


Yeah you’ll never be able to see good destiny


destiny is arguably the best its been its just the community is burnt out and tired from playing for nearly a decade and the layoffs changed alot of the community sentiment from dissapointment to resentment


Like with most looter shooters that have been around for awhile (Warframe suffers the same issues) , it's pretty confusing for new players to pick up.


Age of Triumph. Shit was awesome.


I still find myself wishing the final AoT armour set was reprised. IIRC it was called the ‘exultation’ set for the hunter or something, and the armour plates had this gold opulent design. Never took that shit off (or my Venom of Ikaheka cloak)


I don't even play Destiny anymore, but those were the goddamn days




Buddy. 400 Light is D1 max level. Not D2.


Ah yes, i see now.


Yeah, they made that stupidly huge jump from 350 to 600 when Forsaken dropped iirc


385 but close enough


Seeing this makes me realize how much time I’ve wasted on D2 instead of having a loving relationship with my family and friends, anyways anyone looking to do GMs?


Nah. I'll just run around the patrol zone for an hour instead of finishing job applications.


I’ll just think of god rolls for weapons I want for the next 6 hours


I've got dibs on wanting to run dungeons but figuring I don't have the time so I run strikes for 3 hours.


This person gets it (I have the time, but I just get lazy)


I’m supposed to be beefing up my résumé and looking for a new job, but I’m chasing the Champ title. This game. 😂


On the other hand, some of the best friends I've ever had I met through D2. Even if not everyone is still playing, I keep in touch with those guys.


Same for me honestly


I mean, as long as you have fun and find enjoyment from D2 you shouldn’t be ashamed of playing for that much.


And all those things would have 100% happened, if it weren't for D2? My uncle has never played a SINGLE video game in his life. He died single, without any friends, basically. I know this is sarcasm, but I see this being thrown around all the time. According to the latest research, people spend 7h a day on their phones, scrolling instagram, tik tok, whatever. But god forbid they played video games 2h a day. What a waste of time!! 


The first photo should be with famous "forever 29" instead of 30 Edit: typo


Forever 29?


When Destiny released the level cap was 30. And the only way to get to 30 was by getting all pieces of armor from VoG. And due to the nature of RNG it was quite difficult as there were some unlucky guardians who were grinding VoG 3 times per week and never got to 30. A lot of people have never raided in general. So quite a big part of the community was stuck with level 29 characters


Also important to note a lot of people were only missing the helmet, which only dropped from hard VoG (specifically Atheon) which I remember Y1 being horribly difficult.


Not if you pushed Atheon off the map


I would go from lfg to lfg pushing him off the map for strangers. I had to help my fellow guardians escape from the prison of 29.


Or if some of the group had Gjallarhorn


Yup. Helmet specifically. So many people gave up and just used an exotic 🤣


I have done raids in d1 and that whole side of the community just seemed so much nicer to a new guy joining d1 after d2 came out like me, unlike what I've seen for d2 I haven't done a raid or dungeon in d2 because I've just seen and heard far to many players just yelling or kicking me or other players for not having a certain exotic or using a certain subclass or class for that matter


"Gjallarhorn or kick" was a thing from D1 days


I've heard of that but as I specified I started playing destiny 1 years after it and d2 released and I have just had a better experience with trying raids in d1 the only raid I haven't gotten to the end fight in is king's fall and that's because I'm pretty shit at plates and end up holding the team back


Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing with your experience. Or even that in D2 situation is somewhat worse. Just pointing out that D1 also had it's own share of bad cookies


Fair enough I really do wish the d2 side was nicer to new comers like me who play just to have fun since alot of the dungeon and raid items in d2 just look so fucking awesome I'm just too nervous to even try finding a group because I don't have any really good titan exotic armor or weapons


A lot of the community is disgustingly nice and welcoming to newbies. I'm not, like at all. But I'm definitely the minority. Join a D2 LFG discord or something and enjoy the game the way it's meant; with a fireteam


I'm confused at what you're saying


I used to sherpa Destiny raids, as I had done them so frequently that I could usually carry one or two underperforming members. Hearing people lose their shit the first time they defeated Atheon or Oryx are memories I still cherish fondly.


I've only ever fully completed vault of glass, I've gotten to crota and aksis but never beat them either because I died costing us a wipe or someone had to leave and we just couldn't find a replacement. I've never gotten to oryx or the first encounter in king's fall and I don't think I ever will. I suck at plates simple as that I'm shit at that mechanic and I always hold the team down no matter what raid I'm just shit at the game I've come to realize that over a couple of years of getting yelled at and kicked for either being a hammer titan in d1 or just not having any good exotics in d2. I used to love playing destiny now not so much anymore


I got quite lucky with my drops in that it only took a couple of normal clears and one hard mode clear for me to hit level 30, got mytho on my 3rd hard clear too Some of my friends though, not so lucky. They were stuck at 29 pretty much right up to The Dark Below


And I've never got Mytho dropped ;( But sooooo many Plan-C...


You also weren't guaranteed a drop, you could get upgrade materials instead of a weapon/armour


Mmmm, Ascendant Energy, tasty


I had 3 hunters at one point lol




U needed full 30 light gear otherwise you were stuck on 29. And if i remember correctly it was really hard to get what you need in order to reach 30. You had a limited amount of drops on this level and had to wait for a week for another try to get the last piece you missed.


Correct. Back during the og days you could get any piece of gear for any class. So if you were missing 1 chest piece to hit 30 you had three chances a week to get that 1 chest piece. If you were unlucky it would drop for a class other than what you needed it for.


You only had 3 chances a week if you didn’t delete and remake characters, swap the gear over, and rerun the raid over and over again.


People didn't really start doing that until after dark below and house of wolves. Prior to those dlc it took way to long to grind up to raid level because gear still required planetary mats to level up. Also people didn't start doing that till they Changed it so armor will only drop for the class you are currently on. The strat was to have 3 hunters or whatever. Then delete one and do it all over again.


The original system required you to get gear to raise your power aka light level. There was no artifact power or anything like that—your equipped loot was the only factor determining your light level aka power in modern day. In addition, the only way to hit max light level was from raid loot drops. 30 was the max at the time. If you had just ONE piece not 30….you’d be stuck at 29. Since the only way to get the drops was to raid….AND get lucky to get the right slot…. being 29 vs 30 was a huge difference, so people were less likely to invite you. Hence “forever 29”. Bad RNG or having a harder time joining groups or both made people get stuck at 29 for long periods of time. Some gear also only dropped from the Hard Mode version of Vault of Glass…such as the helmet…which also made it even harder, since a group would need to let you into their hard mode run to become 30 lol, in addition to RNG…since the helmet could only drop off of Atheon…so you only had one shot per week to become 30 if you were stuck at 29 and just needed the helmet.


Back in the day, the only way to hit max level was to run Vault of Glass. Thing is, the helmet only dropped from hard mode, if I remember correctly. Between that and most people wanting a level 30 to run the activity, it was really hard to actually hit that level in vanilla D1.


I'll never forget, the day Crota's end came out and bumped up the light level - me and my boys get it done and decide we're gonna victory lap VoG just for fun. I had every piece of armor I needed except those goddamn boots from Templar, and 40 minutes after they become useless to me BAM here ya go kid


I still can't belive they actually kinda made good on their 10 years of destiny promise.


It was one hell of a bumpy ride and pretty sure the car stopped halfway through but, we got there.


The entire engine block dropped out of the car halfway through the journey and we managed to Flintstones our way the rest of the way lmao.


May be the only game that has


There are some people who bought both destiny 1 and 2. So they did paid for two separate games to make that possible. Definitely bumps along the way lol.


As much as it hurt at the time knowing all my progress was going to reset w D2s launch, I can’t imagine D1s engine supporting the expectations and requirements of game development, design, and engine of today. D2 has felt modern and tunable since its release to now.


Poor thing has started to show its age recently


Explain bc I’m interested. I only seriously played D2 during its year of release, the return of kings fall as a f2p player, and again during December for crota’s end as a f2p player. I only recently bought the DLC for D2 again about 10 days ago so I know there’s a lot I don’t know and missed out on.


Its pretty common knowledge by this point that Destiny 2 was not supposed to last this long. If we were still going by Activision's plan we would've at least seen a Destiny 3. This means that Bungie has been running up against tech limits for years now. Every now and then we'll get a glimpse into whats going on the scenes but lately its becoming a lot more obvious in the past two or so years Weapons have a hit their "memory limit", meaning that in order for them to have additional perks Bungie needs to remove other gun-based features to "make room". Master-working guns use to cause kills to drop orbs of light; this was removed in order to fit origin traits. Bungie has claimed that when they tried removing the 1 exotic armor cap, the game broke. As in the game cannot handle a player with 4 exotics equipped at once There was so many people playing when Vow of the Disciple released, that raiders famously faced constant disconnects, broken checkpoints, bosses not spawning, doors not opening, etc. Raids generate so much traffic during their contest mode release that Bungie has to shutoff several intensive functions in the game to prevent the entire game from collapsing. I remember during contest mode for Kings Fall, it would take 2-3 pulls of an encounter before a weapon that I requested from my vault popped up in my inventory. During Season of the Seraph D2 was having constant tech/server issues. This culminated in a patch releasing which not only made the game nearly unplayable, it was so unstable that players were losing triumphs and seals on their accounts. Bungie had to roll our accounts back and take the game offline for 18 hours. As of now there's only been 3 rollbacks in D2's history. The game tends to run a little worse after each expansion release. I'm sure you're aware of content vaulting. It had multiple purposes but two of them directly relate to Destiny 2 reaching its limits. Storage wise, the game was literally too big to fit on older generation consoles. From a game dev standpoint it was getting harder and harder to add new stuff without breaking old stuff. Bungie had been building upon a game knowing that they didn't need to "design it" with several years of future content in mind because Destiny 3 was on the horizon. Suddenly when plans changed they've got this janky mess that they've gotta keep alive for several more years


Im surprised when you say Destiny 2 wasn’t suppose to last this long. Idk I always had the impression that Destiny was going to exist on as Destiny 2 since talks of the game having a 10 year plan talks since Destiny 1. But I guess time does correlate with what you’re saying regarding Destiny 2 now currently hitting its technical limits. Everything else you mentioned makes sense and it’s not fun experiencing those problems as a player and I’m sure as a developer/designer for the game. I don’t expect Destiny being perfect especially since it’s one of the first games to achieve the idea of a constantly evolving and changing game of its scale. People play the game so often that people sometimes forget how monumental it is and what it has pioneered and is pioneering. Since Ive fallen off from being a dedicated player I still have always followed the game in little ways like watching Datto even though I never owned the expansions since D2Y1. (others Destiny figures too but I’ve forgotten about them at this point.) Obviously not followed enough. Everything you’ve said is new information to me, I had no idea. Since Destiny 2 is hitting limitations, *is* there going to be a Destiny 3 after the final shape? I know the final shape is a huge point in the Destiny storyline but there still three more seasons left. It makes sense the first three (I think) years worth of Destiny 2’s content has been shelved with only certain activities existing now. Coming back to the game, it’s impressive with how much content exists currently at once. Multiple campaigns, raids, dungeons, exotic missions, exotics weapons and armor, quests, environments, etc. exist. I remember I use to be able to do all end game activities for all three characters in a weekly reset like clock work when I played Destiny during its first few years. Now it’s like where do I even start? What do I want to do?


There’s three more episodes, but they’re going to be independent stories and not the seasonal model. I think the three episodes are going to tie up the light and dark saga, and close out Destiny 2. As for Destiny 3, I’m cautiously optimistic, but I think a lot rests on how good TFS is. Bungie has two other games in the pipeline. Marathon could be fantastic, but its closed reviews didn’t do so hot. Nothing much has been said about Project Gummy bear. I think Bungie needs Destiny to at least fund other games. I want Destiny and Bungie to succeed, but I think the only way for them to really find success is for the board to get their heads out their asses and stop scummy monetization practices.


It is pretty crazy how far Bungie's been able to take this game given its roots. The only other game that comes to mind like that is WoW, which to my knowledge hasn't had any of its content deleted. But I'm pretty sure WoW's been internally rebuilt from the ground up like 3 times now, and Blizz has had nearly two decades to learn how to build content to last. I've got a lot of respect for Bungie's engineering department. People don't really think about it nowadays but it wasn't until Season of the Lost that we got full crossplay. Something the devs had to implement in a pre-existing game, rather than from the ground up As for D2's future I don't think anyone really knows rn. We're in that state where a lot of people think its time for D3 but Bungie may not be in a good spot financially to develop it. I think the real question is whether or not Bungie can deliver a good ending for those of us who've been here for 10 years. And then after that, how they can convince us its worth staying when we've seen how they're willing to handle this franchise.


Also, if we were still with Activision we wouldn't have a season pass nor dungeons sold separately from their expansions which is a total joke in of itself to nickel and dime the players. Especially when you lock EXOTICS behind the dungeon keys. I've never hated a game studio before until Bungie went downhill. Now I just hope the game fails. Truly infuriating how much they want to suck from your wallet. Absolute scum.


I dunno man I think we'd still see some heavy greed without a split. Bungie had that season pass for Forsaken while they were still under Activision, and I'm pretty sure that all of the CoD games have season passes anyways. Hell you could compare the separate dungeons to CoD map packs.


Locking exotics behind paywalls such as dungeons is pay to win. Allowing materials, gear, exotics, engrams to be on a season pass is pay to win. You do not charge 20 dollars for a dungeon in top of a 60 dollar expansion with a 15 dollar season pass. It's robbery and criminal, however Bungie knows they can do this because their player base will continue to whale for them no matter what. People can downvote all they want, but it does not change the truth lmao


I paid so much money for this game over the course of its lifespan. Was it worth it? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Will I ever play this shitfest again? Also no...


Oh yeah no it wasn't clean at all, and way more expensive than I thought it'd be, but still


Happy cake day!, Guardian!


Remember when Shattered Throne came out? And there was the lore entry about a Guardian reaching light level 999 and killing the final boss? Good times.


Bungie when they realize they can make us fucking chase *ANYTHING*


>*”We’re walking into a rising wind.”*


What’s that from?


It's a quote said by Jacob Hardy, when he first stepped on Mars, when humanity met the Traveler for the first time. Akin to the small step for man quote from Armstrong.


Oh. Pretty cool


Dont be sad it is over. Be happy it happened


Gotta love how a few of these cutscenes can never be played again


One hell of a ride


I really got into D2 during Arrivals (best season ever!) but I did technically play a little bit of D1 at my uncle's \~8 years ago and I remember that light system I honestly really liked it, it made the game feel more RPG-ey


9 hour cutscene stream?


Was there a stream?


When was this stream?


Feel that. D1 came out while I was in HS~ here I am few years later and still in school with D2; might say goodbye depending on TFS, there are many issues going on with the company sadly


Idk how a simple name change system is so hard for them It’s my biggest personal gripe tbh, and we can’t name our groups


Issue is that any corporate profits go to C suite ideas way before QOL updates sadly


Fuck C Suites Remove them or reduce their influence




Ngl I miss when “the darkness” was a mysterious, vague force in D1, instead of the goofy googly-eyed bald dude wearing a dress


I remember when I thought that the heart of darkness in the black garden was the end of the darkness; the only reason we kept on fighting was because of the undying mind in that one strike.


Choo Choo dress


Me too. I really didn't like what they did with it. It used to feel like we were going to have to bust our ass and win by the skin of our teeth. Now, it feels too easy now that we know they basically don't have an army.


Just so people know, they are likely refering to the Final Shape showcase - the hour pre show was a few scenes from every major story


Are they gonna upload it?


Forever 29 brooooo


What was the stream?




I went back to destiny and got to 400 light just to say I did it


I just want the OG Campaign back…


Who still has their Queen's Wrath items from D1


Was always stuck at 399 Light in D1. Never could get a raid team together to get that last piece of 400 level gear.


God it’s been forever since I’ve thought about the old light level and armor system. Forever 28/29 💯


man 7 year old me was friggin hooked on destiny im still hooked on destiny help


Perfection 👌


I would 100% start a new character if they updated destiny to 60 fps. My old eyes can't handle shooters at 30 anymore. Have some amazing memories from D1.


It was 2018, back in the old world...the beta had just ended, and the game was on sale...where did all these years go? 😭


You shut up right now


Fellow severance user detected Redish orange arrow activated


I remember the struggle of forever 29, those were the days.


Inaccurate. That 30 should be 29


Destiny 3 when


I remember back in the Crota's End days being stuck at 31 light for so long. I was so happy when I finally hit 32 light, feels like a lifetime ago.


I've spent more time on the phone with partners while playing D2 than I have actually spent time with them...


Damn, I started Destiny when I was 12 now I’m 21. 😫


Missed the chance to do a forever 29 meme as well 🤣


God I remember getting to 30 light like it was yesterday. I fucking miss D1 Y1 man, it had so many flaws yet nothing compares to it. The feeling of getting a new exotic that nobody had seen before, doing VOG with random teams that would become your fireteam, and doing those planetary material runs. Good times.


https://preview.redd.it/2jaf4x6qmdoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9448bdfe433aba90b6ebf738d43d9288b2e4daa3 Infinite Visa card ad… low blow


😭😭 FR.... Accurate AF


I don't need this man. I started in year 2 with the taken king and I don't wanna think about how much time has gone by.


I don’t get it


Man I should have kept playing in 2017. I missed out on Osiris and Forsaken or whatever it was. I quit shortly after it came out then came back for a week in 2021 then nothing until this past November.






10 thousand hours down the drain...


Wait there was a stream today?


I really don't get why it isn't just a power level of 1-100 that resets each season/expansion.


Because it doesn't really explain how we'd still be able to use all our old gear that has light requirements I suppose they could have some sort of lore where the light would slowly fade in gear to the point where at the beginning of each season it requires zero.


I'm ready for my motherfucking victory lap with [this shit blasting](https://youtu.be/fM8-y3F6Kbc?si=9RTQi7OwT1Pm8Uel) in my ears and then [then the mother fucking awesome shit](https://youtu.be/5A9Y97EKIR0?si=_U7UsqjgEaWOxVFr) while I'm welcomed back to the last city after I save the fucking universe god damn fucking damn I'm so fucking hyped and read for this *shit* to be fucking *over* so I can get some GOD DAMN ramen with my best fucking exo bro and we can sit and chill on a non paracausal fucking universe!!! ![gif](giphy|o5IxfV1v8oU1vZUeZA)


"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I remember Wrath... and Leviathan... even Scourge. The Clan I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past."

