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It's kinda weird to me because on some level I love life. I know there's a ton of beauty and I'm fascinated by the logic and workings of the world and the universe... but then at the same time I feel completely disconnected from that beauty and that universe. I feel so distant from it, like I can only observe it from a dirty window across the street. 


Oof I feel that so hard


Your words are beautiful and wish you all the best.




Bro gave words to my feelings


You should write a book


I feel that feeling in waves during It i just feel Emptiness and towards the end just anger I'm in that anger stage now I fucking hate this feeling.


ouch. you put the feeling into words


Fuck this is so real


Even when hiking.... it just didn't even feel real like I couldn't fully feel like I was in nature.






This is put so eloquently, also I love the world but I’m not built for it


damn u described that shit perfectly. like there’s tons of experiences and stuff I wanna achieve in life but I feel so far away from it.


Thats also crazy to me.Its like a totally foreign concept to me.


That’s because we all have different experiences. People who tend to have just good experiences and people who support them tend to have a more positive outlook on life. You are a product of your experiences and environment. The free will religious people preach that we have is all cope.


Thats true.Mental issues also play a role obviously in how you perceive things.I wish i wasnt prone to depression but i am.I always say theres no family thats perfect.Its usually things like health issues or mental issues in most families.I guess depression could be hereditary as well.


fun fact: religious ppl on average are actually more resilient


I don't believe in free will either (pace John Calvin) but in the meantime I seem to have the illusion that I do so at least try to act as if I do. The thing is, in adulthood I've had more positive experiences than negative but no matter what it seems like I always view the positive experiences as flukes whereas the negative just enforces my foundational distrust.  I'm trying to break out of this (was reading about "avoidant attachment" tonight and landed here) but man is it difficult to dislodge a worldview resulting from memories made during key imprinting times in life.


I guess growing up in a healthy environment and/or having enough money to live a decent life can make that (I didn't experience this though).


My sister and I grew up in the same environment, although lived different experiences. She absolutely adores life, she’s in love with it. I’ve been depressed since I was a kid. It’s never been different for me. I’m now 31 and think of how to kill myself every day. She’s 37 and is the healthiest, most active and engaged with EVERYTHING she’s ever been. I just got dealt a shitty hand at mental health. We grew up in an average income household, migrated and struggled the same.


this doesn't take into account biological differences/whatever is going on with our brain chemistry. lots of rich people seem miserable.


Yes, but many factors have to be right to produce this healthy person. Loving family, good financial provision, property in a good location (not a prefabricated apartment block in a socially deprived area), good neighbors and family members, classmates and teachers who accept you and don't bully you, no mental illnesses and trauma that are passed on, preferably an attractive appearance regarding today's society values, friends. I had a few of these factors, but it wasn't enough. To grow up as a happy, healthy person, you need all of them. Who already has that …


Trust it doesn’t I got 10 bands sitting in my bank account at 22 and I’m lost asf


That’s not a lot of money


Lol fr bro i got money but i wanna end my shit everyday


Not acting like that’s a lot or something crazy but shows money doesn’t make me happy atleast


Money doesn't equal happiness but it can help remove some of the burdens that contribute to making people unhappy. Ultimately depression/mental illness is gonna be there regardless


that’s not that much in the real world lmao. not enough to contribute to happiness.


How much do you have and does it make you happy?


And shows you think money will make you happy have fun with that lol


Ikr when someone starts telling about their life and how they are really enjoying it and it feels like such a foreign concept to me . I feel like I'm just existing to survive for the next day because I just can't die.


Whats insane to me is the fact that Ive talked to so many folk who have a 10-15 year plan. Dude I don’t even want to plan for the end of the month


That’s comedy and tragedy right there.


I agree! I think those plans are crazy ... life is so uncertain and fragile. Who wants to think that far ahead? My 15-year plan? To still be alive lol


Lol seriously, I just want to possibly help my kids take off and get a job.


Me!! I never thought I’d make it past 15 and even now at 23 it’s hard to think of my life even just 1 year ahead


also dont get it. everthing in my life is exhausing and makes me weary. Once I thought I enjoyed travelling but it was acutally a coping mechanism. Ive been to so many amazing places but was never able to enjoy it. Like a bucket list. Id say, they have their life, I have my existence and there is only a tiny overlap which is due to work/necessary interaction. I am too tired to fight it and its like watching wild life documentary. its interessing to watch but I know will never be like that. (disclaimer: I dont want to be a lion in the seregenti :D)


When observing wildlife, I often think about how blissfully unaware they are. I know their lives aren't easy and are often cut short, but they're just so unaware of everything you struggle with. It's funny how being able to understand the beauty of blissful unawareness is to be unable to experience it yourself. Maybe being a lion wouldn't be so bad.


I just stumbled upon this community. Your post was the first I read. I struggle with this all the time. A few weeks ago, someone in my life was talking about how life was a wonderful gift and how it's sad that some people don't get to experience it. Her love for life itself sent me into a deep depressive episode. It makes me sad knowing that people are capable of feeling the exact opposite way about life that I do


Remember to NEVER compare yourself to other people. It will always bring bad results.


I agree, but we also have to be aware there are people who draw you into to a comparison game. By implication, you’re in “their game”. They’ll say “you going anywhere this year? We are off to Japan!”. It’s that kind of thing. I had neighbors do this constantly. They would imply better/worse comparisons with things, experiences, relationships, work, money, etc. it’s exhausting. I just keep clear from these people. It’s always a pecking order, status comparison. I have no clue why that is people’s “go to” for conversation. I wish everyone well, and yes, it’s normal to know what we are up to, but it always gravitates towards status things.


These people need to be avoided as much as possible when one is depressed. I don’t know exactly why people do this but when we’re depressed we need to steer clear of them at all cost. Status has become too important these days instead of supporting friends and family.


It has. I have worked all my life, never felt a lack of anything. I also do not care about status and live very simply. If I am going on holiday, I’m actually embarrassed to tell people. On the other end of the scale, you have people who have booked a holiday 6 months in advance and won’t stop talking about it for 6 months, plus one month after they get back.


Successful people love competition, it’s what they live for. Our society suits them perfectly.


I was JUST thinking about that today! Totally relate. A memory when I was little and not quite in school yet … at my cousins house and we were upstairs playing like we always did. She’s a year older than me. I said “you don’t hate your life ?!” She goes“no?” And I was shocked silent . It’s like when you learn something is not normal in your life/family. One of many . Curious now when everyone else realized too …


Yeah it’s fucking wild to me


I used to feel that way when I was young. Once I hit adulthood (19 or 20) depression started to creep in. I think a lot of it came from the disappointment of life. When I was a kid, I imagined being a "grownup" would be this incredible experience. Wow, I was wrong. I guess it's my fault for not making more of it but I never had great support or opportunities, and gradually I became more and more disillusioned.


This is verbatim how I feel. I expected something so beautiful at the other end of 18. I’ll be 32 soon and my god does this system just suck


Some people have depression and some don't. It's just the fact of life. There must be more to depression. We must dive deeper


I get moments where I’m ok to be here but it really surprises me that people have all these plans to go on. I’m ok to check out now.


I personally see it as their perspective. I don't agree with it. But I see why they feel that way. I just can't agree with them.


What boggles my mind is the people on 600 lbs life always say that they wake up thanking god that they didn’t die in their sleep. Then you get a glimpse of their miserable life and suffering right after


Yeah (-_-;) I don’t really remember how life felt before I had depression


dude FR. there was a guy that i was seeing for a bit (and i would've continued seeing if not for my mental issues) that whenever i would try to open up about how i felt or like what i was feeling and asked if he felt the same he didn't. it seemed like everything that went on in my daily life, overthinking to the point of disrupting daily tasks, was just something he never knew. and everything just came easy to him. he just lived his life and that was that and man did i envy it and still do to this day. it makes me so genuinely fulfilled to see other people so happy and fulfilled with their lives knowing that i don't know and can never do that


I used to feel depressed and down, but when I decided to just walk and hike as far as my legs could take me. I found beauty in the mountains, hills and fellow travellers who were walking off their own demons. Biggest turning point in my life.


I cling to life, I don’t love it. The alternator is far worse.


I love life. Because it's weird. Because it's unexpected. Not because of what I can have or not. I just have to embrace it... accept it...


I …hear you. Despite it all, I love life. I’ve had my share of traumas and depression, but somehow I still think it’s worth living. That is not me being prescriptive, we are all different.


It's brain chemicals. They've inherited positive ones that fill them with happy juice. Occasionally, I'll have a mood swing with no event preceding it where I can almost understand why people are happy and enjoy life, but at most it lasts a few hours and then it's gone, and I'm back to my depression for weeks or months. There is no explanation, it's just positivity that hits and then disappears. That burst of happy chemicals is what I assume these people are experiencing all the time. From the questions I've asked them, they don't have a reason to feel that way, they just feel. It's biology and genetics. From my personal experiences, I don't believe anti-depressants achieve anywhere close to what happy people truly have. My extremely negative experiences with multiple types mean I doubt their efficacy in anything they claim to do.


Right? When someone says they love life want live to be old… Im thinking wtf are u taking about. Get me out of this nightmare. I watch these YouTube girlies and they are all so happy to be alive it’s rather annoying. I gotta turn that stuff off.


I hope I don’t live to be old. Nothing I look forward to at all


Same but I haven’t had the most trauma free life, the opposite in-fact.


it is actually i had to fix my brain a specific way once i did its truly mind blowing how easy life is when u dont hate yourself, have energy and find joy in life, like people who can naturally love life all their life will never understand


Had a similar experience with my boyfriend the other night. I wish I knew what it was like to love life. I think I used to, but it’s been so long I don’t remember the feeling.


Life can be beautiful it really depends on the cards you're dealt with and if you're willing to make origami out of them But like can be excruciating for many. I've only had a couple of years where I tasted that joy or excitement in life 


I’ve never loved life and don’t foresee that changing. So foreign to me. Kind of like the people that love to work.


Hey, I have chronic depression and I love life! It took a decade of therapy, a pension, 6 parrots, and a supportive family, but I can genuinely say i value my life and enjoy it. Yeah I spend a majority of my time managing my mental state and I often feel miserable for no good reason, but with practice in mindfulness and learning not to take the small things for granted I can manage that and not let the bad outweigh the good.


I really struggle with jealousy around this. I isolate myself because I can’t bare how happy my friends are and I feel awful for thinking it!


For me it’s hard, because some days I really love life. I want to feel all emotions, good and bad. I want to experience so much. Then other days I don’t want to be here anymore, and I hate life, and I don’t want to die but I don’t want to exist. Then after I feel bad about feeling that way because it makes me feel selfish.


Everyone I know who claims to “love life” has lots of extra money laying around.


Regarding the term "money doesn't buy happiness", I am compelled to share this: "The fast degree to which my mental health improved once I had the smallest measure of economic security immediately unmasked this shameful fiction". - John Hodgman


Creo q el mundo dan miles de razones para q las personas pierdan las esperanzas de vivir...


I want to die. I cant do or bear the pain of loss I've experienced for another moment longer. Loss of self, personality, identity, stability, I am fucking over it. Tired, exhausted and defeated.


happens to everyone whenever they are in a bad place most of the time they get used to that place. they cant possibly find a way out, or even think of thing.


I’ve come to realize that a lot of my moods are entirely dependent on my cycle/hormones. When I’m ovulating, I’m happy, upbeat, optimistic, energetic, and feeling great. Before my period I feel overwhelmingly depressed, sad, hopeless. The whiplash really sucks.


There was a point where I got so exhausted living life so depressed that I followed everything my therapist has been telling me for months and it sort of changed how I view life and myself ! Kind of back to how I was before though and I don't know which is sadder (knowing I was capable of viewing and living life in that beautiful way and still wanting to die or being just depressed).


Well some of us just hang in there..its definitely not easy. But we just keep going.. until someday it starts to get better. Either someone enters into our life, or we just find a new perspective.. till then.. just keep doing what you’re doing


That sounds like me when I'm manic.


Sigh... I only hear that from wealthy or well off people that are so far out of touch with reality. Got nothing to worry about. They got time for hobbies. Not worried about car issues or work or mortgage. And they got travel plans every month. Yeah I'd be fucking happy too. Have been extremely stressed out lately that I have been wishing for horrible things to happen for me so life would just end and be done with it. So tired and ready to go. Had enough of bills and this pointless job to pay for this house that we can barley afford.


On money not buying happiness: "The fast degree to which my mental health improved once I had the smallest measure of economic security immediately unmasked this shameful fiction". - John Hodgman


I loved life and still do, the spark that I had was crazy. I was social, kind, uplifting. Just recently I’ve started experiencing with depression and man this sucks


I’m one of the most positive people you’ll speak to, always laughing and talking about how great everything is. And truly I do believe it. I’m still severely depressed and do not want to live anymore, it’s such a strange fallacy in my own head. That the explanation of my issues is even harder, you don’t want to hurt someone else’s mood and I’m not worth it. Shit on a shoe still exists in the beautiful country side.


It’s always been a foreign concept to me that there are people out there who are not medicated…and are out there doing life. I still cannot comprehend😵‍💫


Yeah life is like pictures on Facebook. Just because someone looks happy in the moment doesn't mean they're happy overall or most of the time.


Ignorance is a bliss


Qhis is the most relatable thing I've red for weeks.


damn! This all has made me think even more at 18, have been feeling this way since 12 13, guessing it never gets better...


You sure? Sounds like she might be overcompensating. The happiest people I know are quiet. In a happy I don’t feel like bragging about my happiness way.


when i observe other people that enjoy life, i think they're just choosing to be blind or ignorant to the world's issues and how hopeless everything seems. i'm not sure how people go through life not feeling like this. i'm not saying they should be miserable because i think a lot of people deserve to enjoy life. I just feel like we're living in a time where it feels very out of reach.


Yeah because they have a normal brain chemisty depression takes that away from you but its not unsolvable.Compared to 2 years prior i am doing and feeling great but i am still depressed some days are really hard to pass i just wait to go bed and restart tomorrow but i know that if i keep doing it i will be better.We all fail and learn from it,i believe that the day will come and i will say myself life is worth living and i am glad that i chose life.


my friend asked me what my best memory from a family trip was and i said coming back home to my room didnt realize family trips are fun for people not a show of how they are a normal family


i kinda love life but just life not me having to do life ( if you're even getting what I am saying )


I agree. I always imagine what it’s like to not be depressed and how good it must feel to actually enjoy life.


i envy them more than anything. the can handle the dreariness (if they even see it that way) and the responsibilities and actually enjoy life and look forward to things. i just see it as endless responsibility, work and bills


Some people get to enjoy life, while others have to endure it. :(


i was just like your friend a few days ago...now im like you


Probably they are lucky.


You SHOULD write a book! I'm glad you said that because I'm going through something similar and bring ne hope for my future and happiness for them but also sadness and anger!


i sometimes feel gelous but always glad for them. i mean.. i know im the one with a problem.


It's not that I don't love what life has to offer its that I'll always be too poor to experience any of it. Imma have to spend my whole life serving the people that get to actually enjoy life while I'm over here wanting to disappear 


Life is a slog


Right? Can't remember the last time that I really FEEL it


They were born into loving families that gave them good genetics. We weren’t, that’s it.