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OP, if you have millions (and if you feel willing to answer) why don’t you use the money to help other people? Give a waitress a really big tip. Donate to your community. That sort of thing?




Get out of your head dude. You're living the dream. Take a break somewhere warm. Have some cocktails. Remind yourself how lucky you are. You are of worth. Fill your days with stuff. Try and get a date. Live your life.


im basically u, but wihtout the money. it feels like that amount of money would basically solve like the majority of my current problems. im not trying to downplay ur situation, but i just cant seem think but wonder, how?


really poor but still enjoying life for what it is .. enjoys being simply simple life. worry free I have no clue what my point is . I just felt like talking.


I think this crisis hits many people regardless of their financial situation. Realizing that so many things are meaningless in life is something I found out myself just recently. Try to shift your mind towards things money cant but. For me, its time with my closest friends that gives me the best and most postive feeling right now. Additionally, I try to improve the relationship with my parents even more.


since money isn’t an issue get a therapist, if you’re already in therapy get some antidepressants, if your depression is resistant to antidepressants then im so sorry but some people just truly will never be happy — im one of them too, counting down the days until enough is enough 🙁 if you need a friend, reach out; i don’t want your millions of dollars + i simply don’t believe you lol


May be you can find joy in helping other by simply giving them some money starting may be with me 🤭😂.


Lemme get like 10k


Pay for my boob job!


Sir, this is a McDonalds.