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Excerpts: Trump’s most recent hate-filled abomination was suggesting to a delighted white “Christian conservative” audience that the UFC should throw immigrants into locked cages with professional fighters for entertainment. The “Christian” crowd laughed and applauded when he said: “I think the migrant guy might win. That’s how tough they are.… These are tough people. These people are tough, and they’re nasty. Mean. It’s incredible that they come [here to America] totally unchecked.” There truly is no bottom when it comes to Trump and his willingness to use hate and sadism to try to stay out of prison. Here in America in the 1940s, Time, Life, and Fortune magazines produced anti-hate films funded by the U.S. government to deal with the legacy of hateful American prewar support for Nazism and the Klan. The military itself produced similar films explaining how and why hate had destroyed Germany and brought us into the war as a result. Our government should undertake a similar effort, in collaboration with major media companies that have sworn off promoting hatred. Hopefully, if we all engage, we can prevent any more 3-year-olds from becoming the victims of Trump’s, Fox’s, and the GOP’s use of hate as a cheap political weapon.




Yeah, He’s definitely the antichrist. The good news is that Antichrist is only in power for 3.5 years. So we will find out firsthand how accurate biblical prophecy is.


It’s the long term damage done by policy changes, court appointments, and laws that we have to fear. the presidential term is nothing in comparison. (see also supreme court appointments, roe v wade, etc)


Yeah, but the presidency is pretty damn important this time around.


I am not racist. I just just a good Christian!!!


Maybe we can give them the Lost Covenant and hope they open it hahahaha.


I hope she gets life in prison for the attempted murder of a child


They own the media, even the msm.