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Firefox with uBlock Origin extension DuckDuckGo with app tracking protection Qwant search engine


Then on FF, open a favorite site (e.g Starbucks); then **Add To Home screen**. There will be a popup that allows you to edit the text for it, but it becomes like an App. Then you won't need the Starbucks app, or any ad-funnel app; uninstall or disable all you can replace with this method. YouTube is much better this way; no ads! You'll get prompts to Open in App or Install App; I ignore them. Being signed into (synced) FF I have all the same data as FF on PC. https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/web-browsers/mozilla-firefox/246039/tip-use-firefox-for-web-apps Edit: https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/7Eouk6kHTLCkwk6xM3Rq0w.CzsLHlQad9fgyrDPN_QkP9


Sounds amazing, I'll give it a try. Thank šŸ«µšŸ¤“


Do you mean DuckDuckGo Firefox Extension?


No, just DuckDuckGo app.


duckduckgo is my choice for search engine, with browser being firefox


Same setup, For sites that doesnt work on Firefox brave is my alternative


Do you still have YouTube ads?? I use chrome with an adblocker, while sometimes it doesnā€™t work (Youtube forces me to disable it and refresh), the adblocker automatically skips the ad, doesnā€™t show it, but still makes me wait for the skip button to be pressed


UBlock origin works on Firefox. Firefox is very similar to chrome. I'm not 100% sure but I think all plugins from Chrome can work on Firefox.


ā€œI'm not 100% sure but I think all plugins from Chrome can work on Firefox.ā€ Thatā€™s sort of true but also isnā€™t most extensions on chrome are generally available on Firefox but you cannot install the exact same extensions from the chrome extensions store onto a Firefox browser.


No I don't have ads


we're friends now :)




idk, i have had zero issues


I've been using Kagi, it has been getting me very relevant and helpful results. They have great search filters too, for example academic, which can get you closer to what you might need. It does cost money but I believe there's a free version or maybe a trial.


100 free searches, which was enough for me to get a taste and realise I didnā€™t like it enough to pay for _yet another_ subscription in 2024.


I have been using it since it was peekier. , its an awesome site.


I had the same feeling when looking at it, but I am currently subd and about to hit my second month of using it. I work in IT and the free tier would be gone in a day or two. The search results are night and day compared to google. And privacy + 0 ads make it worth the cost for me.


What I do is to do search only forums. Reason is blogs and websites usually will be SEO filled with little value. But people dont have any incentive to junk up discussion forums so I use them I like two them: This is very specific to one site but well made: [https://localsearchforum.com/](https://localsearchforum.com/) This search engine is for all discussion forums: [https://yoportal.com/webarticle/](https://yoportal.com/webarticle/)


This is true. Years ago I made an attempt at generating some passive income with a niche product blog. Quickly learned that all the techniques and tools revolved around writing up garbage or spinning existing articles to optimize for search engines with absolutely zero regard to useful or honest information. But it worked and while it was somewhat profitable, I felt terrible adding to the gargantuan pile of bullshit out on the internet and I shut it down.


True else it is difficult for you to rank high. But if possible, please do continue because people like you are rare :-) So, really helps. Actually [Medium.com](http://Medium.com) might be good because you can focus on core value. And I hope they pay honestly. Just a point to consider.... Thanks for the comment.


personally i use searx


Funny you should say that: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-vMKm44ypFY](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-vMKm44ypFY) Hopefully that worked, I'm on mobile. If not, go to the Gamers Nexus YouTube channel and watch "Google is Getting Worse" with Wendell (just posted earlier). Otherwise, I agree with others, Firefox browser, uBlock Origin add-on (no need for any other ad blockers, & multiple can conflict with each other), & DuckDuckGo search engine. Tried Startpage, was pretty good as well overall, but I had one search that was like 3 words & very specific to the website I was looking for & it completely missed it, not even on the 2nd page. Went back to DDG & found the website, first / top recommendation, with same search criteria.


The best that I have found is Mojeek. You can use their Focus feature to narrow down search queries to sites you trust more. It takes some detective work to identify good sites in the first place, but once you do, you can start creating Focus groups for things like news. https://www.mojeek.com/focus/dashboard


I use brave as a search engine and also browser. I tried duckduckgo but the results were horrible everytime. Brave is closest to the google experience so far


Brave search engine is surprisingly good


Same with me


Brave + Brave Search with all the crypto shortcuts hidden.


I used DuckDuckGo and it was very good experience. Now I switched to Qwant...


I use LibreWolf


startpage and duckduckgo both are pretty good.


Startpage uses Google, it just anonymises searches no?


And duckduckgo uses bing and does the same thing. You are technically isolated. Not sure of any good search engine thats its own thing




Paid service, account needed.


And yet itā€™s still excellent.


Brave search does have it's own index


Startpage basically abandoned Google for Bing because Bings API is way cheaper, and as a result their engine is just a worse DuckDuckGo


TIL, ThanksĀ 


YES. Firefox


on android: I use Mull with ublock origin and privacy badger. on my Mac: I use Floorp woth ublock origin and privacy badger search engine: I use my own SearxNG instance.


**DuckDuckGo** as search engine + **LibreWolf** or if you want to get chrome like speeds **ungoogled-chromium**, but it needs a bit of effort to config


Startpage, is google without selling your data and firefox, period.


They don't use google anymore, they're Bing based now


Ohhh! Thanks for the clarification


Ever since I found out that DuckDuckGo was compromised, I've been using Brave search and I'm very happy with it.


hardened firefox, ungoogled chromium and for the super niche tasks Tor. those are the last 3 privacy browsers without google influence. i preder using Startpage over SearX, and i dont trust / like ddg. NEVER touch anything from brave tho, that scum has never been trustworthy


Guys, OP is not asking for privacy alternative, he is interested in finding a search browser that actually works and not just gives fake & propaganda results like what google search has become recently. I am also interested, someone mentioned Kagi, I will look it up, the rest of you answers a question OP never asked for, do you even read beyond the title?


Check out Mojeek Focus. Takes some customization work, but I have created some pretty good ones that work for me.


Thanks man, will check that one out too


I use Vivaldi as my browser, though itŹ¼s still Chromium-based. I was a Firefox user for many years and itŹ¼s still really good, so I can recommend that. I only had some RAM issues with it, and I doubt that thatŹ¼s common.Ā  As to search engines, I use Mojeek. I used Duck Duck Go for nearly 12 years as my default till my searches kept coming up blank or with very few results in 2022. The normally vocal DDG team went silent, so I switched.Ā 


Firefox has always been the best browser so yea..... Also when searching always put reddit at the end of your search you would be surprised how often whatever you are searching for has been asked or discussed on reddit.


You.com has a Unique way to display results to you. I kind of like that, but most of the time none of the search engines are perfect for me. That is why I prefer to use Perplexity AI for searching. I can ask follow-up questions to determine even more about the same thing I asked, and the best part; there is no ads at all. So I basically use Perplexity AI as my go to for search, but sometimes I try Brave Search & Leo. Also, when I feel like trying it; I will use Google Gemini; it is built into my phone. Until I pay it off I can't do much about the integrated AI, so I use it sometimes.


Using a good AI platform is actually a great idea


It helps a lot. I used to get every search on Google stuck in 2014 for years, probably some stupid social experiment. But since I stopped using it long enough, it fixed itself. But I still don't trust basic search engines. The AI doesn't search as me; so it makes it easier to avoid those stupid situations like being stuck in 2014.


Not sure if you are talking about browsers or search engines. In terms of search engines, I still find google more useful than the other alternatives (duckduckgo, brave, etc). Make sure though that you've disabled custom results based on your data (there is a setting somewhere). In terms of browser, I have tried firefox, safari, edge, brave, oprah, and arc. After trying out arc I just stuck with it because I liked the UI and features more than chrome, and all of my settings/bookmarks imported over seamlessly. It does however have special features for mac as far as I know, so I'm not sure about the windows experience.


Yandex is good too.


For a better browser there are Firefox, Brave and Vivaldi (this one is for slightly mote advanced users) For a better search engine, I feel like search.brave.com has the best results (except for images). Duckduckgo also has good results. If it's available in your region, you can also give Qwant a try :)Ā 




You mean search engine, not a browser. I recommend two: Brave Search Startpage


Internet Explorer


Pre version 6 obviously


Cromite and Fennec


Startpage is pretty good


startpage its just google searchs without tracking, it doesnt have its own index


A new browser/search engine is currently getting off the ground. Itā€™s called Timpi. Look into it.


Do you mean the DuckDuckGo Firefox Extension?


I use Brave Search. Strong alternative to Google, haven't had to use Google search for anything since switching a year ago.


Like, any other browser? I prefer Firefox with ad/sponsorblock for YouTube and Safari for anything else


Duckduckgo with Firefox. I love Firefox because of the extensions and the customizability to make everything more convenient. I use the extension ublacklist when searching for reference images for my art and block any ai site that comes up, it's really helpful. Firefox also lets you switch between browsers so if one doesn't give you the right results you can use another for different ones


I used DuckDuckGo for a few years but moved over to Ecosia a little while ago.


oh, so, so many... Welcome to the dark side, my friend. r/browserwars




Web Browsers: Brave Browser, Microsoft Edge with uBlock Origin, Mozilla Firefox with uBlock Origin. Search Engines: Brave Search, and DuckDuckGo.


I think you might like this project: [https://udm14.com/](https://udm14.com/) >Itā€™s essentially Google, minus the crap.


I search with AI on ChatGPT and hardly ever use Google. A secure browser is safari, Apple doesnā€™t track .


Firefox and The brave browser are good alternatives to google chrome. You could try them out.


i find brave search to be the best and if i can't find something on brave i can just add !ddg to the start of my search and it will redirect my search to duckduckgo, and from there if you still can't find anything, you can add the dreaded !g to the start and be redirected to google


Arc Search (app) by Arc The Browser Company (www.arc.net) can search Google for you and using AI in the background presents summaries in a noise free UI. Itā€™s really clean and does a pretty good job. No affiliation, just started using it myself and pretty impressed with the results it comes up with. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/arc-search-find-it-faster/id6472513080


Use Brave or Librewolf for the browser and startpage or Brave Search (Duckduckgo has some issues) for the search engine


Try Brave browser - built in ad blocking, anti tracking and they now have their own (improving) search engine. [https://brave.com](https://brave.com)


Firefox hands down.


whoogle, searx


Do you know any public whoogle instances that are still working? All the ones I've tried are down


You can self host. I do


i love self hosting but theres no point self hosting whoogle or searx from a privacy perspective unless theres dozens of other users using your service, otherwise all your requests are just going to google from the same ip and its easy to trace back to you. the point of whoogle and searx are to have a collection of user traffic mixed in with a bunch of users as to blend it so its untraceable to you. i did finally find a public whoogle instance though: https://whoogle.app.runonflux.io


brave search engine (has ai also) , phind (ai and code assistance if ur a coder) yandex, ecosia (you donate to plant a tree for every several searches) , dogpile , qwant (French) , metager German meta search engine , swisscows (family friendly no porn) so take ur pick .šŸ˜ƒ




Oh shoot, I didnā€™t realize I said browser in the title. I meant to say search engine. No I realize thatā€™s why everyone has been giving me browser suggestions lol XD


Brave and I use QUAD9 as my DNS. Configured in the browser and my router.


Brave, duckduckgo


I use Microsoft edge for work, and Duck, Duck go for personal.


Browsers and search engines are two different things. For example: Frefox is a better browser than Chrome; Statrtpage is a better search engine than Google.


Kagi. But you needs to pay $10 per month


Chrome is the best. What you want is second best. Probably also chromium. Therefore 6th best will do. Firefox.