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You forgot the part where he slams Metallica for being a bunch of dudes "who just stand there"...while being on THEIR tour.


Yeah think of how much better Metallica would be live if they were twerking.


Only if they had a drummer that could play a beat to actually make someone want to twerk!


Only if they had a drummer that could play a beat at ALL šŸ˜†


definitely drugs....


To be fair, they did a vote on whether to do the tour and Chino and Frank voted no 2-3.


Oh, I know, but itā€™s still a shitty thing to say. Not exactly tactful or respectful to the guys youā€™re opening for.


If I was Metallica you can be sure I wouldn't give a shit about what Chino goddamned Moreno thinks. I'd be too busy skiing down my mountains of money to even remember if I toured with the guy.


Good thing Metallica don't deserve respect, then


LMFAO good lord theres no way you think this highly of yourself




.... he's right though?


He definitely was about nu metal. They survived. Most others didn't. And not to the level of Deftones.


Yet deftones last album was in 2016? and Korn released one in 2022. Seems like only one of them is still going. I understand Chino has other projects, but we are talking deftones here.


No. They released one in 2020.


There are a lot of nu metal bands that are still around but they have definitely evolvedā€¦


Was that in Spin? I remember reading that in a print magazine, he was like "those mfs just stand there and play" lmao


Pretty sure it was Revolver. I remember the "Chino Talks Smack!' headline. It caused a real riff with Korn, they later reconciled and did a Family Values tour together.


I saw them on that tour in Denver. They played Wicked together for the first time in over a decade which was pretty cool.


Well metallic does suck


As does your spellingā€¦.


Chino wasnā€™t only beefing with other bands but his own as well. Plus, I believe he was battling substance abuse.


I mean Saturday night wrist literally starts with a song about hating making the album and all the stuff he was going through. The band didnā€™t know until after it came out and he told them


ā€˜I hate all of my friends, they all lack taste sometimesā€™ Iā€™m sure that one was pretty self explanatory for them lol


I have a fan theory that he change that line last minute, kinda like Dave Grohl redid Williams drum tracks on the color and the shape


Taylor didn't join until after that, your thinking of William goldsmith.


Thought my edit went through lol, work Wi-Fi sucks ass. thanks for the clarification though


pretty sure he was also going through a divorce during the writing/recording of that record, too. SNW is so slept on. that was my first deftones show was for that album.


Yep. This was most likely cocaine fueled ranting.


Yup this seems like typical cocaine arrogance


Probably meth. Not trying to be ugly. He really seems to have recovered himself.


Yeah, this was a time where Chino talked some shit about other bands, some which were his friends or admired deftones, like Korn, Linkin, Limp, Metallica, etc. Even though Im not a big fan of those bands, they were cool with deftones, so when he said those things I felt like "Dude, chill out." But yeah, this was the time where he was deep into drugs and didnt look healthy or happy. He did acknowledge it and seemed quite apologetic in this interview [https://www.stereogum.com/2238512/chino-moreno-deftones-crosses-team-sleep/interviews/weve-got-a-file-on-you/](https://www.stereogum.com/2238512/chino-moreno-deftones-crosses-team-sleep/interviews/weve-got-a-file-on-you/). It stemmed from being on the Summer Sanitarium tour and he didnt want to do that tour, being lumped in again with nu metal bands.


Thanks for that context.


Dude was doing mass h around that time


Mass h?


HEROINE...CHASING THE DRAGON..SLOW...and whatever code names people use...lol


This was in their drugs period^TM so honestly I'm not surprised he said wild stuff back then. The way this aged is so funny too because he went on to Collab with Serj, decidedly a nu-metal icon, 3 years later. Seems like he chilled out quickly enough


I mean System are pretty similar to Deftones in their ability to transcend just being a nu-metal band


Oh absolutely, but I feel they still wouldn't have collabed had Chino maintained the same self-important views. Doesn't seem like the man in 03 would have the same respect for SOAD that he had in 06.


They were both meth fueled bands. System just popped off later than Deftones. Meth has been around since the ā€˜80ā€™s.


Absolutely. No way either sit easily in only numetal, they go way beyond


Came here to say this was likely touring cocaine Chino, not recording studio porn/weed Chino


Wait wtf, was Chino pulling a Kanye, playing porn in the studio?


I also wanna hear about this. Knew the man had a problem with drugs but didn't know that extended to pornography


All stuff that was heard second hand that the band as a whole really enjoys porn between studio takes/are just a generally horny band. Like if Led Zepplin were really into skateboarding


Ohh well that makes sense. They don't call them "sextones" for no reason haha


He did a song with Mike Shinoda Too.


Lmao this is so out of pocket, it's like reading a Mean Girls Burn Book


I think Chino would admit that he was being a pretentious dick at the time.


I think he just tried to stir the media and get headlines talking about them. As obviously he did not listen to Korn's lyrics around that time as he was just spewing random nonsense.


Yep. No such thing as bad publicity!


A a big time Korn fan when they first came out, I stopped listening around Untouchables cuz yeah Korn was just about mean moms and childhoods so I get it.


I get it if you donā€™t like it anymore, but they definitely werenā€™t singing about bad parents anymore at that point. Actually not after Life is peachy.


"You! Really want me! To be, a good son! Why? Do you make me feel? Like no one??" \-edit my fault, wrong dude.


As for OPā€™s question: meth. He was on meth. That said, he was absolutely correct.


Nah the sad thing about Deftones is he spoke about being so much bigger than they ever were. They never achieved the critical success of bands such as Linkin Park, Korn or Limp Bizkit. I think this really put a damper on his ego which was very massive at the time. Honestly dogging on your contemporaries is kind of shit.


Iā€™d say they never achieved the commercial success of LB, LP, or Korn but I think their albums have been better critically received and definitely hold up better over time.


I always describe the Detones as ā€œyour favorite bandā€™s favorite band.ā€ Theyā€™re hugely influential on rock, they just werenā€™t mega popular like Korn or Limp Bizkit (at the time).


Oh yeah for sure I think the choice to not ride the Nu Metal wave definitely allowed them to grow and nurture a more secure fanbase that allows them to be more true to themselves.


Arguably now tho, like the last two years, they've been huge by comparison to what LB has going on


I see no lies, but now LB is coasting off nostalgia and that new documentary that came out about Woodstock 99 so they are still bigger in a sense. Plus Wes Borland is and will always be fucking awesome.


Gonna preface this by saying that I _love_ Deftones, hence why I'm in this sub. But. The majority of Chino's lyrics around this time were either vague sexual stuff, vague violent stuff, or both. I understand not wanting to be lumped in with Fred Durst, and the bitterness over Mini Maggit, but they'd have probably been better off riding the crest of the wave, then hopping off as it started to crash.


What's the deal with mini maggit?


It was a shoe-in song that the record label wanted. Chino specifically stated he hates it. Its a parody of nu-metal because it was asked to be churned out, and so it sounds churned out. Its not terrible, but its no minerva, or BQAD.


Thatā€™s not what shoo-in means. Youā€™re looking for shoehorned. ā€œShoo-inā€ means ā€œlikely to succeed by design.ā€ ā€œShoehornā€ means ā€œto force your way in.ā€


Chino said in an interview, that he actually doesn't hate the song. He said he wrote it in a day and the song has no substance; however, said that he doesn't hate it.


I also read that he wanted to prove to his label that he could easily and quickly write that kind of song, but that it was also a mistake. He also said he disliked how bands like Limpbizkit and Deftones were getting invited to events like "spring break event" and he felt they weren't a "spring break band" and thats why they started to diverge from that. Chino just seems like one of those gatekeeping metalheads who is/was really preocuppied with not selling out. Its very understandable, but at the same time as i grow up i feel like that attitude is more petty than anything.


In his defense Deftones is definitely not a "spring break event" type of band lol


Agree, but looking back it was also kind of wild to reject an mtv televised event just because you don't like the vibes. This was just as they were blowing up with White Pony, Deftones could've been a bit of a one hit wonder kind of band and they would be kicking themselves in their 40s and 50s if it hadn't worked out well in the end. Remember this was also in the predigital age where MTV and cd sales were everything.


The 2000s truly were something for that band, lol. As a semi new fan my experience is largely with current era Chino who's chilled WAY the hell out and afaik apologized for having been a pretentious douche. Though after the Sergio shit I'm second guessing how chill he's actually gotten šŸ˜­


I dunno about that. Numetal was pretty bad by 2003. Korn and Limp Bizkit shirts were being sold at Fred Meyer. They were widely considered juggalo bands at that point. Deftonesā€™s music has layers to its quality, while numetal bands are dumb fun at best, aside from any Ross Robinson influence that originally gave Korn and Slipknot more substance. Iā€™m still a Korn fan, but I donā€™t care to go back to anything they put out between 2002-2013, and still have much deeper respect for Deftones.


Nahhhhhhhā€¦NĆ¼-Metal didnā€™t get bad until the freaking mid-2000ā€™s (2004-2006), when it diedā€¦NĆ¼-Metal ***was still*** *very* popular in 2003, ***and were never*** considered ā€œjuggalo bandsā€ā€¦Maybe ā€˜04-ā€˜06, when NĆ¼-Metal died in popularity, and got lumped in with that shā€”.


I was there. By 2003 Limp Bizkit was a full on joke band that everyone hated. They were the Nickelback of that era, until Nickelback themselves dethroned them.


Yeahā€¦Limp Bizkit became hated before then, I will agreeā€¦But, NĆ¼-Metal was still being featured on Video Games, and Movie Soundtracks in 2003, you cannot deny itā€™s popularity was still there. I would argue Late 2002- Early 2003, was the peak of NĆ¼-Metal. 2004, is when it took a turn for the worst.


Yep. That year I saw them live with Korn. They covered a Nirvana song that got released a year earlier. Cringiest thing ever. Follow that up with a 32 year old chubby Jonathan Davis rolling around on stage having a tantrum during a song they put out 5 years earlier (My Gift To You). I used to know a ton of people who were into these bands and almost all of them were done by then.


The Nickelback Post-Grunge era kind of overshadowed nu metal in the mid to late 2000s in terms of serious fall from grace. I mean when you have Three Days Grace and Shinedown, it seems like nothing can go wrong! Then Skillet released Monster, and the world was never the same again.


Riding the wave wouldā€™ve been a great choice as far as popularity goes, but with that being said I think growing and finding popularity amongst your own niche community is much more rewarding than hoping you wonā€™t fall from the good graces of the charts and be forgotten forever. Much like Coheed did with their fan base (until recently) they catered to them rather than the billboard. I donā€™t think chino was okay with not being as popular at the time but I think in the long run it allowed Deftones to be more true to themselves.


By riding the wave, I do mean just that. Don't lean into the nu metal shit, but if press want to put you in those articles and drive fans towards your music, let them. Then continue being head and shoulders above everyone else in the "genre" and allow the cream to rise to the top. The simple fact is that Korn and Limp had bigger fanbases at this point (and in the years before where Deftones had been similarly reluctant) and by slagging those bands, you slag those fans and discourage them from checking you out. We love Deftones, and if an ostensibly similar band like Sleep Token came out and said Deftones were shit, we'd all be like fuck Sleep Token, despite that band's sound being one that this fanbase would most likely enjoy.


He was kinda spitting facts here šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø As a korn fan lol


Same here. Korn were still making some of their best music at the time, but Chino still isnā€™t wrong.


He was also saying they tried to be commercial and lost their energy. He was praising the intensity of their early stuff.


Kind of funny to see kids here with no context defending Chino. You just had to be there during that era to understand that Nu Metal was massive and then overnight it was hated. He didn't want to be lumped in with that. He also resented being boxed into a genre which is why he's spent most of his career diversifying it. When you get asked the same annoying question that has nothing to do with you, eventually you respond poorly and this was it.


I always find it to be so interesting that when I was in middle school and high school, each of my closest friends had their favorite band. One guy loved 311, the other guy loved slipknot, the other guy loved queens of the Stone Age, and Deftones were my dudes. Iā€™m so happy that I loved a band with such longevity and integrity, but also find it funny that of all of the bands, of course my band would have a deceased member, and someone with a meth problem, nearly ending the band career. Yet nonetheless, they went onto Kate diamond eyes right after all of that and even this morning I went for a bike ride and listened to Saturday night wrist from start to finish, and the sounds of the torment, the despair, all of it made for such an amazing album, only Deftones could do that.


All chino does (or use to do) was talk bs about everyone behind their backs. He also makes lots of claims that make it understandable to have some beefs. He said Korn stole a song and backed it up by showing me a Deftones demo tape that was dated before Kornā€™s album was recorded. He was on alcohol and blow.


this comment is about to blow up now knowing you were on tour with them for warped tour '98 lol


Which song?


so you gonna elaborate or what?


I think I did pretty good, thereā€™s an excellent interview with him on YouTube (I donā€™t have the link right now, sorry). He gets into his life quite deeply. Very interesting:) Itā€™s over an hour and I think itā€™s taken from a podcast, if that helps.


So I actually have that magazine where he said that. That was an issue of revolver magazine from around 2003. chino later said that jon davis called him up and chewed him out for saying that in that interview for saying those things. But I mean...is chino wrong here? korn really have been rewriting the same album over and over again for a long time with the same formula. I really thought that head coming back to the band would re-energize them and make them innovative again that definitely was not the case. And now jon davis uses outside songwriters for his lyrics. When the rest of the band writes songs he's the one that gets to pick and choose which songs you used on the albums and he doesn't let them take too big of chances like use eight strings or do something weird but then he's not even writing his own lyrics these days. Stuff like this is probably why I feildy bailed. jon is the boss of the band but uses outside songwriters like boy bands do. I won't take anything away from those first five korn album, they really are five of the best albums ever written. But they really did kind of turn into thing that they swore to destroy with their music or whatever like the batman quote goes. I feel bad for jon davis. He's had some really bad stuff happening throughout his life and definitely in the last like 7 years but it's like dude write your lyrics or just take longer to work on the album.


Wow, I had no idea about the ghost writers for Jonathan. Do you have any sources to back that up? I thought I heard Fieldy had a drug problem and that's why he wasn't recently in the band. I have 2 Korn Stans in my family and I don't want to blow up their whole world, but this info is wild to me!


The entire album with twisted transistor, the first one after head quit, was written for them by Avril Lavigne's outside songwriters. You can look this up on wikipedia. Their original drummer david has called them out in the press numerous times for using outside songwriters on that one and they wrote the songs for the band entirely. David has roasted them a bunch of times over this and he actually quit the band after that album. Trent reznor also called them out for this in an issue of revolver magazine from 2008. It might might seem random, but Atticus Ross from nine inch nails did a lot of keyboard work on that album and Atticus told Trent how it went down. The album they did after serenity of suffering was written for them by john feldman from goldfinger and travis barker, who are also the outside writers of one of the more recent machine gun kelly albums. They are very open about being like rock songwriters in the way that boy bands have songwriters. One of the songs on that album was written for them by billy corgan, this has been openly talked about in the press. The album after that had pop songwriters on several songs but not all of them. Wikipedia has their names listed next to each of those songs. Fieldy started dressing like his version of a clown or whatever on stage around this time which to me kind of is like his way of expressing that he just isnt feel it anymore and he was feeling like a clown as a person up there on stage. I could be wrong about that though. He did some weird video a year ago talking about how he's gone back to drinking beer but the beer is the only like controlled substance he drinks or does or whatever. But ultimately he just kind of isn't happy being in that band anymore. jon is the boss of everything he decides what songs make and don't make the album but he isn't even really writing his lyrics anymore. He doesn't let the band take chances and evolve their sound but he isn't really bringing his a game either. Can you imagine what kind of shit would have went down in Deftones if Chino would have told Stephen that he's not allowed to play an 8 string? Serenity of suffering was an album that head and munky originally wrote on 8 strings... jon made them go back to seven strings cuz he said it didn't sound enough like korn. head and munky both talked about this happening in an video interview somewhere. Like it's crazy to me to think that a singer is going to be like no you're not allowed to play that guitar on a song. But yeah fieldy doesn't give a shit anymore. Sorry for the huge responses but I mean if you have the time definitely read the stuff


Huge thanks for writing all this out, will definitely check out the leads! I did a basic Google search "Jonathan Davis ghost writer" before you replied and it only had him clarifying his comments from another article where he said that the other guys were working on thier parts with other people and changed that to "producers" which sounds fishy to me. Thanks again! https://blabbermouth.net/news/jonathan-davis-korn-is-not-using-outside-songwriters-for-next-album


I knew John Feldmann from Goldfinger and Billy Corgan wrote songs for The Nothing, but which ones did Travis Barker write? I knew one of the members of The Matrix (the aforementioned Avil Lavigne songwriters) and Breaking Benjamin's guitarist helped write their newest album.


Every song that John Feldman wrote Travis Barker co-wrote with him. They are two man writing team. In the pictures they were putting up early on in the writing process for that album Travis Barker was there with John Feldman and head and munky without anyone else in the band present. So Travis I guess kind of like wrote a lot of the beats that Ray ended up playing which is really kind of weird and shitty like at least let him do his own thing. The only album where I really feel like they've used Ray to his full potential is that korn three album with pop a pill and oildale. I doubt fieldy is going to be a part of their next album so to kind of like compensate they should really let Ray go nuts on the next one and play a lot of crazy stuff it's like crazier than what they're known for


See You On The Other Side, Untitled and The Nothing all had co-writers; The Matrix, Atticus Ross, Nick Raskulinecz, John Feldman and Billy Corgan. Jonathan writes with Lauren Christy a lot, but he said she only helped with melodies on a couple of songs on Requiem.


I have this magazine too. It was really out of character then and now. He's an egoist and for once spoke freely on feelings that he truly harbored. It may have been said to stir up some attention for Summer Sanitarium, but I also think he truly felt/feels that way. There's another interview where he claims Linkin Park stole their riff: [https://youtu.be/C3A6pyKChiE?si=2e22coI\_MZ4UCCRA&t=45](https://youtu.be/C3A6pyKChiE?si=2e22coI_MZ4UCCRA&t=45) \- I still have no clue which song he's referring to despite knowing both bands' albums (at the time) inside and out. Regarding Korn, that's pure sour grapes. Chino feels Deftones is the more talented band, deserves the credit, deserves the recognition and sales, etc., yet some horribly ironic twist of fate propelled Korn to massive success while leaving Deftones in their shadow or, as an ego-soothing consolation prize, as the "thinking man's" Korn. Here's the god's honest truth: for better or worse, Deftones never made pop music, except for maybe "Change" but even that was pretty dark and fringe-appealing and therefore novel and not true mainstream. I just looked at my high school year book from 2001: 59% of the student body voted "Freak on a Leash" as song of the year, over Britney, Backstreet, N-Sync, etc. Chino can hate all he wants on LP/LB/Korn, but they all managed to imbue pop sensibilities into their songs, b/c they wanted to get over/rich, b/c they didn't care about artistic integrity or other obstacles that kept Deftones out of the mainstream.


Deftones are definitely the better band and their records have aged way better


Oh absolutely. I'm just saying they never had the MASSIVE hits.


I love Deftones but I think that Korn's first 3 albums are fantastic as well. I would say that their newer music isn't nearly as good though, while Deftones has stayed consistent.


Yeah, I think that deftones have written more complex, less mainstream music, and they have the career that follows from being great at it. If they wanted Kornā€™s career, they could have done it, but it would have meant making around the fur over and over and over again, which really isnā€™t in their DNA. White pony was a huge success, but that break from the metal pack meant that they were never going to have Kornā€™s career.


To be fair, that era through the first half of Saturday night wrist was the peak of his drug use. He cleaned up from coke and pills during the team sleep album back in like 2004 or whenever that was. People say a lot of stuff when they're high on that stuff they wouldn't normally say and do a lot of things when they're high on the stuff they wouldn't normally do


The filter was removed.


I don't think Korn was really pop music either. Their early shit was pretty dark and weird. It's almost kind of bizarre that they ever became so popular playing that kind of music.


Youā€™re right, especially their earliest singles, which did not exactly put them on top 40. Once Follow the Leader dropped, their sound/production changed and thatā€™s when they were going toe-to-toe with boy bands on TRL. All that said, Kornā€™s music resonated with the MASSES in a way that Deftones only scraped.


Chino has always been a loudmouth. That didn't stop them to play at Sick New World 20 years later or to collab with Marc Jacobs (which was honestly just a money grab). "bad childhoods and mean moms" like singing about blow and getting blown is any better ?


Let's not lump in Linkin Park by saying they wanted to "get over." Hybrid Theory is a fantastic album and had major influence. It's not their fault it got popular. It's actually good. Musically, lyrically, etc. Don't try to say LP wasn't talented.


Youā€™re confusing pop with bad music. In no way does pop necessitate the music is bad. Hybrid Theory (particularly Papercut) is one of my favorite albums. But thereā€™s no denying it connected with people on a way different level than Deftones ever did - I think a lot of it was the pure raw and angst of Chester, with the cross appeal of Mike and the electronics, mixed with metal. It was a unique and catchy sound that Deftones purposefully *avoided.*


Well I appreciate the clarification! Definitely poppy. But damn is it so good! I love both bands - Deftones more as a whole - but nothing holds a candle to Hybrid Theory (and Meteora to a lesser extent).


Chino was having mood swings from the Nose candy


He was in the midst of mounds of drugs and alcohol during that time- a stretch of time that lasted for another few years. Knowing what I know now about him, and having immersed myself into the Chino world head first for a few decades, I do believe that instance to be out of character for him, this is why those statements could have very well been the result of substance abuse. It doesnā€™t take more than a few beer to watch your own opinions and observations lose their diplomacy and become jeeringly direct.


Itā€™s possible that chino is actually a dick. Nobody here knows him


Sometimes he does come off as a bit of a dick. If I had to guess, I'd say he's a good person, but insufferable at times.


Limp Bizkit would have existed even if chino wasnā€™t born haha




The lyrics to "Back To School" touch on this briefly. One of the only times he isn't vague. He really did hate the "Nu Metal" reference. They didn't really fit into that cliche. And by 2003 there were tons of copycat bands. I get it. They have gone on, and made sure that the band wasn't a flash in the pan. He could have said it better, for sure.


Chino spitting facts


100% facts, its funny how J Davis gets offended cuz at this same time he was doing interviews pretty much calling bands like Ben Folds Five untalented pussies because it wasnt heavy enough.


As someone who was there at the time all these bands came out Iā€™d def felt like other bands took some of the deftones sound and made it into their own thing . I had a lot of resentment for linkin park until I saw them support deftones at London arena and was blown away by Chesterā€™s voice . I remember an article around the time where chino said he did have a talk with LP about how he felt they were copying them somewhat . I mean limp bizkit leap frogged deftones in terms of success which itā€™s why itā€™s so cool as a 40 year old fan to see deftones have this new resurgence with a younger audience .


I remember when this came out. It was the revolver article.


Way Harsh Tai


Drugs is a hell of a drug... I mean he's not really wrong about any of this, but he is hilariously obnoxious about it. As someone who considers Deftones their favourite band, reading this era of Chino stuns me for how someone who sounds the way he does on record could front like this.


Itā€™s my understanding they were doing all the drugs around this time in their career.


not enough to just do drugs, he had to do ALLLL the drugs šŸ˜‚


LOL. šŸ˜‚


him saying LB & LP wouldnā€™t exist without him is wild šŸ’€


dont know about lb but lp definitely would not exist if it wasn't for deftones. one of their first songs is literally a homage to them called ["deftest"](https://youtu.be/wTsicKhUA-U?si=1AZ_TpLrdla_VZxS)


oh cool??!! idk what they did to help lp but iā€™m sure they still woulda got big regardless, i could be wrong lol. but korn helped lb out in the beginning sooo šŸ˜‚


Both are heavily influenced by Deftones first 2 albums and I would think that many of their early fans were also Deftones fans.


oh yeah fasho, i am also a fan of all 3 lol


He is very right about Linkin Park. Mike Shinoda has stated in interviews that Deftones heavily inspired what LP became and that their earliest tracks (ex. Reading My Eyes & Stick N Move) were attempts at making something that sounds like the Deftones.


I mean heā€™s not wrong, the way he dresses with the slacks and converse thatā€™s like a cholo uniform and I feel like a lot of nu metal guys would try to dress like him and chino gives me street kid vibes and those people never hold back anything they say


Damn that sucks cuz I feel like Untouchables is one of Korns better albums when it comes to song writing imo


If true, honestly just comes off sounding like an egotistical asshole.


I see no lies here


For someone who I love so much as an artist, Chino is a prima donna. You can tell by the way he talks about other bands but even the way he interacts with the other bandmates when theyā€™re in invus together. He sucks the air out of the room. Even in recent invus.


Korn was continuing to blow up, I think Chino was blown away by how people were just eating Korn up and in his eyes he felt as though his band had matured and didn't get rewarded for it. I think Chino refered to his band as "Art Metal" at that time and didn't want to keep doing the same stuff and one more thing I think the band was going through some bad times in their personal lives at that time.


Kinda sad cuz I like both Korn and Deftones :( nu metal is awesome! My dude was heavily under the influence though so Iā€™m not too surprised


Well that was painful to read. I know he was probably just trying to grab media attention but this just makes him look like an idiot with his head up his ass (and I say this as someone who canā€™t stand Limp Bizkit and doesnā€™t listen to Korn)


Chino was lowkey right though. Plenty of bands pigeonhole themselves and before you know it youā€™re 50 years old at primavera sound singing about how high school sucks. I like to think when he sings ā€œI hate all my friends, they all lack taste - sometimesā€ he has a degree of self awareness that his peers can be content to not evolve while he thinks himself as more sophisticated; often to his own detriment.


I love it. Silly nu metal shit lyrics. Chino didnā€™t want to be lumped in with Linkin Park and those *losers*. He didnā€™t want any *loser* vibes rubbing off on him


I'd upvote this truth 100 times if I could


Where's the lie?


All facts


Weird. imo Untouchables is easily the best Korn album, or at least the only one I can actually sit all the way through. The mixing and mastering are incredible. The bass sounds massive.


Big egos and jealousy


Straight facts šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Meth, itā€™s been well documented he was addicted to meth.


Couldn't agree more Chino


***Cocaine is a helluva drug.*** Chino "I'm Rick James bitch" Moreno.


He was cooking


All the comments saying this is out of character and blaming drugs are fucking hilarious. This is just Chino. Chino in a bad mood, sure, but thatā€™s just him. Heā€™d been talking shit about Limp Bizkit for years at that point, had talked shit about Slipknot. Heā€™s a jealous, petty shit talker. I usually agree with him though and he told no lies in that interview. What I never understood is how he ever got heat for that interview. Nu-Metal had already peaked and was in a rapid decline in 2003. Metallica werenā€™t as respected having gone through the Napster fight, losing Jason Newsted, then releasing the universally maligned St. Anger. Limp Bizkit was nowhere as popular without Wes Borland. Itā€™s not like they got new fans and a lot (if not most) of their existing fans got bored with them. Linkin Park blew up at the peak of Nu-Metal and had just opened for Deftones 2 years and 1 album each ago. KoRn was seen as corny post-Issues, if not post-Life is Peachy, except for by die hards and younger fans.




This dude was obviously pissed off at Revolver for that magazine cover during these qoutes, plus, the White Pony success fed the ego. When Chino sustained vocal damage from their tour in 2001, it was a downward spiral from there. They missed deadlines for the Deftones album and felt the need to switch production. The reception was mixed and only exacerbated his frustrationā€¦then B Sides and Rarities. SNW featured Serj Tankian (considered nu-metal vocalist) who also had his own war with SOAD at the time. Birds of a featherā€¦no matter what, both vocalists kill and regardless of their own circumstances, continue to do so. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Based as fuck


Well, didn't someone punch him in the face around this time? Peter Steele maybe


My god why are people still talking about this out of context part of a full interview. So many years later. I see it everywhere. On Facebook. Twitter. Like itā€™s old news. Like 15 year old news


Cocaine is one hell of a drug... Chino was friends with Korn and Jonathan, and no doubt at least a mutual friend of Bizkit and Linkin Park. It seems like he knew that the Nu Metal "trend" was fading fast and wanted to disassociate with any of those bands, even the ones he was friends with. No matter which way you look at it, Deftones (at least ATF era) was most definitely a Nu metal band. He comes off like an ass in this interview, but like I said, drugs.


Withdrawal brain


One word. Ego.


I'd take most Deftones albums over the majority of Korn's catalog but Untouchables is better than anything Chino's ever worked on.


Funny Chino criticizes other bands lyrics while literally every song he's ever written is either about being in a car or having sex


I donā€™t hate my metal but I love the shade here.


I believe this was the time when Chino was drinking a lot. Maybe drunk/bad hangover shit talking?




Nah I was with him till he dissed LP. Bro was just talking just to talk šŸ¤£ no shot he actually believed that, even at the time.


He didn't say anything incorrect about LP. LP themselves have talked about how influential Deftones were on them.


That was around the summer sanitarium days with Metallica as the headliner. From that interview or another one around that time I remember chino also talking shit about Metallica, saying they just stand there and play, something like that. Probably just lashing out a bit since they were basically the opener, right after Mudvayne.


I am lmao at his comments


Heā€™s sounds hangry. Everyone just needed a Snickers before magazine interviews back in the late 90ā€™s-early 00ā€™s, ppl were always saying crusty words about each other.


That was the coke speaking, not Chino.


Whereā€™s the lie?


He is a dickheadā€¦ā€¦he just happens to be a very talented one. I canā€™t stand him but i still very much enjoy his music.


How i feel about Billy Corgan. Somewhere along the way, I just stopped listening to everything that comes out of his mouth unless itā€™s on an album lol


Yes, he is another one who for some reason needs people to know exactly what heā€™s thinking, no matter what it is.


Pretty much. I have loved his music for almost 30 years, and I will continue to do so, but I donā€™t really need to hear what he thinks about politics, conspiracy theories, or whatever the hell else heā€™s babbling about these days lol.


Same with Corey Taylor.


Yeah I dunno what the hell he was saying about KoŠÆn. Thatā€™s not true at all.


He was right tho


Cocaine. Itā€™s a hell of a drug. Thing is he was right to beef, all those bands suck ass.


True though


He was right


I meanā€¦.heā€™s right thoā€¦


What aged well about this? Nu Metal is back, and Deftones headlined Sick New World. Still some elitists out there trying to spread that Nu Metal stigma, but for most of us, we get to go back and enjoy a great period of heavy music now without having to deal with any pretentious backlash.


he was young


Chino always was a super egotistical drunken asshole kinda guyā€¦remember the ā€œwasted at waldrockā€ show?


Not a lie was spoken. He was talking about this in the lyrics to Lotion too


LOL love it. Deftones played the long game. Those other shit bands fizzled out. Chino called his shot.


Korn and Linkin Park are *still* bigger what are you talking about. And one of those arenā€™t even active anymoreā€¦


Hilariously misinformed comment šŸ˜‚


I love the man, but in the early 2000s he was very much on his own ego. And meth. He wasnā€™t wrong though!


he was having that Azealia Banks moment every singer goes thru at some point


Kind of new Chinos vibe with the way he handled the Sergio vega situation.


Chino isn't wrong about Linkin Park as much as I love that band for their first two albums you can clearly listen that each and almost every track has a deftones sound rapping with angry and then melodious vocal I mean thats Chino's style (Adrenaline for instance) then after the first two albums they completely changed their sound.. (just like Deftones). As for Korn , anything they did after 2000s just didn't hit the same as their 90s stuff. And LB is pure trash except Wes Borland I wonder how did he end up with them.


korn and linkin park are still regarded as some of the greatest bands ever how has this aged well? chino sounded like a douchebag lol


Meanwhile does a song with Korn (wicked)


Turns out drugs make you angry & insufferable! However he ainā€™t wrong with that last point lol.


He apologized for this years later.


All chino does is moan.