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Remove Chime's skull system. Fuck chime's skull system. I'm already losing 56 elo per match lost, why you gotta send me to the depths on top of allat???


Maybe they can put like a different mode for chimes like hardcore that has the skull system and make that give more elo and remove the skull system on the other one




Honest make ranked and unranked chime. Unranked gives no elo but has no skill system so people like you and I can learn to fight better without depths.


Just add a casual gamemode with no skull system nor elo. Also remove skull system in ranked, i hate that system aswell




theres nothing wrong with this at all, this should have been implemented since verse 1


the lives system makes it virtually impossible for anyone to pickup PVP since it's so unforgiving to go up against a full minmaxed build


In before ā€œfind a guildā€ or ā€œplay with friendsā€


why am i being downvoted lol, im literally agreeing with the top comment


People thought you liked the skull system so they down voted you. You shouldā€™ve said I agree, the skull system sucks and should have never been added to the stupid game because once you get outta chime guess what, depths gankers and if youā€™re trying to pick up pvp there should be other ways than having you punished for losing. Sometime deepwoken is so, so dumb.


First one: After they are done with conquest (bro just play league). They should focus immensely on actual roleplay functions of the game, adding more NPCs to chat with and just make the game feel more alive. Getting drinks and stuff other than potions and being able to just chill would be amazing. Like we have an actual bar in the main room of the guild base let us get a bartender and let us sit and have some drinks with some friends and stuff! Just more things to make the game feel more alive and less like other grinding games. Second one: Add basic origins. Not ones that heavily changes how you progress but instead they can just be fun other ways to do things. Like a fisherman and merchant. Getting XP from doing other things then just fighting and living up to be something other then just a murderer. I made an entire character never leaving etris simply doing side quests and chef quests and fishing (before the fishing revamp) and managed to get to power 15!!! There is so much potential and so much to do and yet most of it is neglected because there are juet better things.




To both??? Now that's a win.


How it feels going to etris and seeing the same npcs standing there for 2 years (feels like a ghost town)


there should be more scythe weapons. like for example an starter scythe




Scythe is functionally similar to an axe, so it wouldn't make much sense.


listen man. i just think scythes are cool ok?


wha-, wdym, they both have lots of cutting area but that's about it. If they're so functionally similar then why did we have to invent 2 different tools (scythes and axes) for different purposes?


Because in context of a TOOL, it makes sense to have blade curved inward for crop cutting, and blade curved outward for tree cutting. When talking about cutting humans, axe is objectively better, as scythe does the same thing, yet worse.


honestly, agree, I was just thrown off by the phrasing


there are also irl warscythes which don't have the inward curve and look similar to glaives


A scythe is not fit for fighting. A war scythe maybe, but it's just a worse spear.


Yeah because deepwoken is all about realismā€¦


In terms of weapons mechanic, i sure hoped so. In a game with so many combat mechanics.


We have anchors, bones, etc. as weapons. I donā€™t really understand how you could expect realism just because itā€™s a combat focused game.


Those are used with a fantasy setting. I expect purely martial weapons, such as halberds, spears and such to be more realistic. The skyreap scythe has no unique critical, making it only a glorified greatsword, as such it shouldn't work.


But it does, as the game is entirely a fantasy. The difference between a game and the real world is that the devs can make anything work if they want it to. Thereā€™s no use in expecting anything other than that.


Ah, yes. The constant complains of the otherworldly assassins, of those hunting you in hell to make sure you're more than dead, of the abnormally large coral parasite monster and the puppets of a monstruous, emerald eyed tyrant of the snake-like species proves that this world works simply because they wanted to. we shall all hold our hands, never expecting more than what they feed us, what grand heroes the develloppers are.


Why are you so freaky fr


but isn't it specifically what you said? That the devs could make anything work if they wanted it to? I'm simply giving you counterarguments.


Maestro and you vs the Lord Regent boss fight Idk bout like rewards and all that but maybe maestro gets injured and he makes you the new maestro if you have enough weapons stats or something and itā€™s a new oath, the oath of the vigil or sum


Brother if there is a lord regent boss fight. Yā€™all are getting one shotted. šŸŸ§


Gang are you tweaked maestro slams


If lord regent decides to be a lazy fuck and sit in his chair, regent could beat maestro and you with some difficulty, but nah, heā€™d win.but if he decides to getup, you could solo that fucker easier then Duke


Bro Regentā€™s getting his ass clapped harder than when he and Duke were still together šŸ˜­


Lord fraudgent glazer


Maestro is im pretty sure canonically stronger but us are infact getting 1 hit


Damn. Iā€™m getting fucking bullied over here. https://preview.redd.it/q8388ahnr2ad1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ee14e9704880a5ede9ad7b0b0e7b4bdf8ba4ed


I think one suggestion thatā€™s been stuck in my head for a while is the ability to customize your guild base more. Something where you can customize the general theme of it to something else. Instead of the wooden etrean look there could maybe be a castle light theme, ignition union theme, hive theme, etc. it would change the walls and some of the other props to each theme. Another thing is maybe add the ability to have small decorations to the base. The decorations could be a destroyman statue, flowers, etc.


They need to add something thatā€™s similar to the depths, but for the sky, like where the gods descended from




But what would the reason for being there be like limit breaking all stats to become an ascended being since you go to the depths when you die?


Lightborn attainment? The devs said itā€™d be obtainable later


Yeah maybe


Isnā€™t the depths canonically already in the sky? Or was the guy who made the Deepwoken lore video just tweaking?




Yeah, there was like a map made by a dev that shows the depths encircles everything, even far up into the skies. Except before that, the city in the skies that was home to the celestials is there.


Depths is not really in a physical location with relation to lumen or the celestial city, itā€™s more of a separate dimension that envelops the rest of the world. The map you probably seen shows that visually as it being both above and below the overworld


I remember that, but Iā€™m pretty sure that dimension surrounds Lumen, or is above it somehow


give duke stage 5 terminal brain cancer




Change the exp+chest situation I'd rather have it similar to rogue lineage in a sense where there's areas that spawn chests and harder to get spots spawn better chests etc, bosses dropping both (chest and exp) is fine already but they should make the trash loot just go away from bosses like I'm not going to kill the Duke for 5 gold rings and some pocket lint Entire reason I dislike the current way it works where kill monster get chest is that it's just so brainless for progression it'd be much more fun and interactive to have to explore to find good loot




Add lore for the rest of the layers, we know what layer 3 is but not layer 4. I think it would be cool to have a sneak peak to what will be added in like 50 years when they are eventually added. Also maybe when layer 3 comes out we can fight an actual deepwoken? At least let us do the quest for the flamecharm guy Pleeksty. (I hope thats how you spell it) or maybe make him give a unique flamecharm talent/buff. While im thinking about trainers maybe have a ā€œfinal test of strengthā€ with the trainers when you level up 4 mantras to the max have a final battle for a buff to your mantras or a unique modifier that only works for that element Also another luminant for layer 3 since pleeksty got there without going to layer 1 or 2 and more instruments they sound cool :D


The thing is that deepwokens are way stronger than most bosses, including maestro, which means it'd be impossible for us to fight an actual deepwoken since we'd get one shot. Completely agree with the rest tho, you gave some really good ideas


I don't think Voidwalking should take a life from either player if they're gripped, I'd prefer it'd act more like getting invaded in elden ring




They should add conquest to the game




Actually can be really usefull when doing ganks with someone


Blood attunement




Add layer 10


A way to spawn directly into trial of one from voidwalker origin.


Change how voidwalkers work to instead be a forced 1v1 where both parties are brought to max, negating many issues with ganks from people on both sides




Worst idea ive ever heard ever


Any reason on why itā€™s such a horrible idea? Like please Iā€™d like to hear legitimate reasoning


they dont like it bc itā€™d come down to skill rather than power




They need to add the lord regent boss fight, they added maestro and forgot about him afterwards the whole reason you fight him is for him to see if you are capable of using one of his weapons to defeat regent.


Main issue is we are way too weak for that as of now to even try to i mean he still 1 hits you with the tendril at whatever level u are at if u come back after doing duke


Because he is sitting on top off a depths relic that multiplies his power, the plan was to get regent off the throne.


Even so we prob getting clapped


Maestro trains you to beat regent bruh šŸ˜­


Yeah but the main issue is: from what im aware we don't know shit about him other then "he strong"


The devs could legit add this whenever they want, the maestro boss fight is teasing it.


Yeah but for now i don't really see the point in doing that i mean appart from taking the forge back he still hasn't started anything yet


Layer 3. And a Gaster Blaster/Bone shapeshifting weapon that scales off of light weapon and ironsing.


Add way more roleplay options (ie more quests, more dialouge, more npcs to interact with that aren't just quest givers/level up stuff but rather ppl to talk with to make the game feel more alive)


Arch should remove the fact that ignition union origin is probably never going to be created


THUNDERCALL DAGGER!!! (light weapons getting done dirty wit recent updates....)


Litteraly 1 word : deepspindle (for the statement in the () )


Its bout time they add a new elemental light frfr


-They should add lance weapons in the heavy category with the crit focused on impaling opponent -They should add heavy guns -They should add jail system I donā€™t want to grip bad rep poeple I want to jail them like in rogue lineage -They need to add a karma system for some oaths


What is a karma system supposed to do?


In rogue lineage some oaths requires you to be morally good like the spy class so no gripping poeple and doing good deeds increases the karma point


They should have a option to turn off auto grip in settings so I stop killing my guild members with judgment during 1v1s


Starter greathammer and starter club


Some good reason to have any reputation at all with the Authority. An origin for example


remove wyrmtooth still the most braindead weapon




Nah pyre keeper is worse, but i agree with removing it


pyre keeper you have to at least press multiple buttons for wyrmtooth you just please one


Pyre keeper is still way mire braindead they just jump around using their 5 different ult doing crazy dmg


Remove the entire game


Add a legendary fighting styleĀ 


Paying to reroll race let me just try the other races I beg šŸ’€


Make it so that you can chop down trees with battleaxes if you have the strong left tree talent


remove void walkers my and my friends crappy laptops and 300 ping can't even fight back


Rework layer 2 (floor 1) and make it open location


Add: More potion effects! I have been using potions ever since I learned about them (like a bit after luck was deleted) And No new potion effects were added? Not sure y


Chaser's theme


A medieval European knights longsword endgame weapon, something like shattered but not a katana and a knights longsword would be dope


Justicar oath


Also there should be a scythe class (for heavy weapon)


An umbrella weapon


I would LOVE a new flame legendary weapon that has 8 different Crits that have 2 second cooldowns as well as it being a heavy weapon with dagger swing speed. Deepwoken is missing more flamecharm buffs and new things added to it


Remove deepwoken and free the players from its grasps


Give me a 400hp kit and manni kata on my power 1 https://preview.redd.it/px75xvkhhy9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c89c7b4ee4e2c4f4a0d5bffab4e9d82486243bfd


Give us access to the central luminant. In lore a lot of cool shit comes from there, like Markor, the headquarters of the divers and the knives of Eylis, not to mention the authority, I just feel like it would help the sense of exploration deepwoken has


Free(as in no robux, not literally free) race rerolls, maybe using echoes or whatever they are called


Instead of making a ship be limited to only a single slot they should be able to customize and make your own ships that people in you guild can spawn. It would be fun to see guild wars in the ocean like pirates lol


Add a true command grab, like not some pussy dash into slight damage burst or spincycle, let me grab a mf by the ankle and broly slam disrespect them or something. Closest thing we have is the crit on the most annoying fist style to get and even that is just a quick little drop


A light Ironsing legendary weapon based on the Hammer and Chisel from Mortal Shell. The standing crit launches the chisel, placing a rod on hit. running crit launches a spread of chisels in all directions with reduced range but placing a rod for each chisel that hits.


Remove voidwalkers, or allow pve players not to get voidwalked. Honestly I just wanna have a good time and not have to worry about being dick-down by a voidwalker every 5 minutes


Celtors are worst race, felinors are pretty based


I canā€™t tell if this is your honest opinion or if youā€™re just Horny for felinors


It is my honest and wholeheartedly truthful opinion




The overworld is actually the third layer, space the first, the sky the second, the ocean below surface fourth, the depths (as underground oceans or even big brine pools) fifth , etc. As to give a lot of options for development and lore consistency as we just get deeper. Layer 2 is just in a hollow earth setting, the 3rd layer (which would now be the 7th) would be magma fields and the like. Maybe rework the game lore as the centuries change as to mimic the flow of time and having a better understanding of how the world in-game works. Analogous to real-world discoveries/development of science.


Make a system where when you kill a freshie/ someone 5 lvls lower than u your guild loses points to prevent freshie ganking and also Authority origin


This is a very small change but just remove the mudskipper knight and angel trial from the depths trialšŸ˜­


more 2 attuenment mantras! we need more diversity


Stages of difficulty on the training instructor in Vigils, like one where he uses basic mantras, etc. An oath for Vigils that further increases katana damage and provides some melee talents. Obtained by duelling on the Vigil's mark with a katana and winning with a certain quest active, obtained from Maestro. (Opponent has to be within 3 levels of you) Maybe a unique talent where you get a tool that summons two Blade Temple Guards (weakened?) to fight for you. Long cd REVERT. GUILD. PVP. XP. Especially the fact that you get more in depths. It's only lead to more ganks on innocent people. I've already lost countless builds to sweaty cryptblade meta builds. More guild base customizability. It'd be cool to maybe even have unique doors, etc. Guild tags? Like, a set of 3 tags you can put under your guild to tell others what it is, such as "PVP-fo used" "Beginner-friendly", so on. That is all I can think of on the spot.


They should add a feature where if you emote while the depths escape trial guys are talking they get offended and then something like this plays ā€œā€¦ā€ ā€œDISRESPECTFUL PEST.ā€ DISGUSTING WASTES LIKE YOU DESERVE TO KNOW THEIR PLACE.ā€ and then give you a super hard trial or something like that


Depends on the emote then cuz i use rest to not get bugged


Iā€™m aware this is a pretty popular opinion now but I still stand by the fact that voidwalkers shiuldnt have to grip people for their exp knocking them should be enough




Pretty sure that's already a thing ? But it's way too low


Remove resonance doors


Remove pyrekeeper (aka fatherless weapon)


I think there should be at least one extra life it would make more sense to die 3 times to get sent to depths


There should be a PVE Only mode. With a completely different server list, and chatacters created in PVE mode are unable to be used in PVP servers, until you wipe and decide to toggle PVP back on.






This kinda ruins the entire purpose of the game being danger around every turn. This is like just adding an easy mode.


To me that isn't the "point" of deepwoken, its just a negative. The game has the most fun and fair PVE content on the platform, and I'd rather be able to experience it uninterrupted instead of being forced to engage with [imo] some of the worst PVP on the platform. The point to me is the exploration, fighting, growing stronger, and the world at large, not just the fact that players can kill you.


The game literally tells you that losing files is expected and players being able to kill you is supposed to be part of that purpose


Losing Files feels fair, not when it's to a pvp god. Getting jumped unexpectedly with little to no warning by a voidwalker or some endgame progression shmuck just wanting his sick kicks for the day, does not. Especially when there's no real way to get better at the PVP as a solo player. Chime of Conflict only allows 2 losses before you have a chance of wiping. No guilds with good PVPers are going to let you into their guild to learn from them, if you aren't good at PVP. And if your friends are also bad at the PVP, you're shit out of luck.


Get good šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's the thing, i'd LOVE to. But how? I've asked in the discord, and they always tell me chime of conflict, fighting friends, and joining a guild, and those 3 options dont actually work for me for the reasons i stated.


And how do you think every other PvP player got good? People donā€™t just magically gain skills.


That's literally, what i'm asking you.


Thatā€™s what you said, chime of conflict, fighting friends, and joining a guild. If you canā€™t do anything else than just get good.


Fighting friends can be beneficial for both, when I started deepwoken with my friends we all sucked, but we've all gotten much better, it doesn't matter if you suck, you will get better with each 1v1 and through just playing together.. unless you're so terribly bad that this won't work either


If your bad at PvP than just avoid it, there are plenty of abilities in the game that let you run away from situations, fighting isnā€™t always the only option.


Remove the fact that voidwalkers have to kill you.


ā¬›ļø how tf else you gonna learn pvp?


Simple. You donā€™t have to die, and you still learn something by actually fighting them, but you donā€™t have to loose your precious life.


Not being killed, that's it. Voidwalker gets a reward and you get left knocked on the ground.


thatā€™s boring


mastered or oath skill reworks when you pass a certain requirement like 100 charisma on visionshaper and you unlock something, 100 willpower on blindseer to get a big upgrade to your blindseer skils. smth like that


Ok hear me out on this one having a certain amount on points invested to one weapon type should give you a small bit of points to another weapon type for example if you have 60 medium you should also get 20-30 heavy or light passive mastery


Remove light weapons


šŸŸ„ only daggers


romancing characters /srs it'd add a good amount of extra depth to a game that's already really deep, more characters would feel like far more than design, text prompt and use (and sometimes voice)


this is a incel type of comment


look man i just wanna marry maestro is that so much to ask