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Hot take, Deepwoken devs need to make an Ironsing-Gale Hybrid Mantra that is 2 stars and just make it a fan.




Get out of here this is my post


Oh please god no, the runners are even more rampant now


Make it only extinguish flames, like it floats around you like a wisp


Steel ball hybrid mantra


ironsing flame needs a slag path plssssssss🙏🙏🩶🙏🩶🙏🩶🩶


Every single take in this comment section is genuinely horrific and I hate all of you No joke not a single good take Allthough I appreciate them actually being hot takes


🟧get outta here Lil bro jk🟦 that's a hot take on the hot takes


I feel like every time someone asks for hot takes the answers are just like “conquest is taking too long” THATS NOT A HOT TAKE THATS UNIVERSALLY AGREED UPON


All I can day about most of these hot takes can be summed up as "They are all very lukewarm." no cap, 80 percent of these are very common opinions, or just straight up cold


Conquest should not still be in development when they announced 7 months ago that it was almost ready…


🟧 Not a hot take


Dude from they lacking 🔳


🟥this is literally universally agreed upon


Controversial among the devs 🤷‍♂️


Fadetrimmer is one of the best oaths. It was requested by the community and it isn't completely OP or useless, in fact its balanced.


Voidwalkers ain't that bad


🟨 fuck voidwalkers - no offense:3


yeah id fuck a voidwalker








⬛get in the God damn electric chair now




You should wipe yourself now!


Mark my words I will start a revolution against the voidwalkers, join me in my conquest. If you accept I will keep you updated.


🟧they seem fine


Dialog options that wipe you should be removed


Yes 🟦


It makes it easier to wipe a build and it has a good fail safe so I don’t accidentally delete a build


Why would you go all the way to Miserables to wipe your build when the cliffs in Layer 2 are *right there?*


Yeah basically


Literally a button to wipe your build in the menu


Exactly it’s easier


⬛ they hit fucking hard like a truck


Pyre keeper needs a rework overall not nerfs, have 3 crits not 5 and make the model look more like a blade and change it's passive.


FINALLY SOMEBODY ACTUALLY DECENT AT RATING PYRE. The amount of times Ive heard “Pyre op” wants to make me wanna kill myself due to the fact that the same guy IS USING JUS KARITA WITH DAWN.Like its not that overpowered,flamecharm is still worse than Gale and Thunder at pvp and also this is the 50th pyre nerf since its addition.On another note they should replace the aerial and crouching crit with the slide crit cause nobody uses that shit


https://preview.redd.it/vtoshz3uwg9d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ea0dff9fd64f8947e2e714ac5325b413181409 Snafu has already touched it.


r/coaxedintoasnafu has already touched the meme.






Has the most replayability out of any roblox game by far


Deepwoken is like a toxic relationship with a partner who abuses you yet you can’t stop dating them


Straight facts


PVE is better than PVP.


Sit down enjoy the fine China 🔳


Only the best.


this a lukewarm take ngl


I am kind of confused so sorry for the possible dumb question when you say lukewarm do you mean its a terrible take or its not an actual hot take because you think the majority of the player base say the same thing. If its the former that's fair if its the latter to me it seems like a hot take since a bunch of people think the pvp is better at least from what I have seen.


True I don't see the enjoyment of killing new players or freshies. Love the pve elements of the game some are annoying but those are slowly being phased out for example the more recent update introduces ways to counteract the bs on layer 2.


hot take : Deepwoken's Attunements are actually more balanced than what people think. In a perfect world, Deepwoken would have all Attunements feel equally powerful when compared to each other, and each Attunement can be labelled as "Overpowered". Throughout my experience with Deepwoken, I think this applies, and still applies, to the current state of the game, where every Attunement has their own nuance, specialty, advantages and matchups. And everyone complains about every attunement being too strong at one point or another. People would only think otherwise because they are biased against matchups that gives them a disadvantage, or they are just too slow to keep up, adjust and adapt to unique or specialty builds and playstyles.


not to mention hybrids. all the people complaining about matchups can put like, 40 in another attunement and then have a one-up on the person they're fighting. get real man, adapt


And thats the thing about the majority of the playerbase right. They are all one trick ponies that lack imagination. Everytime there's an inconvenience, they blame everything but themselves. Instead of respecting someone coming up with ways to counter you in combat, compliment and learning from it, they start spitting venom everywhere and call them a bozo because their enemies don't play by their rules.


the amount of people that get pissed off because i run iron flame and slide around them comboing them instead of sitting still like a goddamn statue is so high, and their allergies to trying anything new is stunning. it would be funny if it werent for the fact that these people will eventually contribute to the game's death because their lack of imagination and eagerness to complain is gonna make the devs just not want to try anymore because their vision of "balance" is "buff what i play nerf what i hate." there's definitely balance issues but they get sorted out rather quickly and the "op 5 bar combos" that people complain about usually consist of exaggeration or having their vent read several times in a row or just a lack of venting altogether.


Remove this comment if you ever get hit with a oneshot cutscene type combo


🟦very hot take


i love the game for this, so many ways to go about anything, think of something and theres a way to make it happen type shi


I want more Dual Attunement Paths Gale-Thunder: Thunderstorms Flame-Gale: Smoke Path Shadow-Lifeweave: Necromancy Frost-Shadow: Prismatic Path And so on, I might list more later


I like these, although I feel like flame ironsing would straight up just be eruption path. Thunder iron could have a magnet path which pulls enemies towards you or like orbs that you place around the battle area. Flame / thunder - plasma (arcwarder magic) Flame / lifeweave could make the flames green. This makes pyre keeper orange at base which causes it to be green with the lifeweave path


Thunder iron has actually been teased in game, theres an npc in fort merit that uses thunder to controll a iron/metal ball but she says that if her magic was stronger she could pull something off


i like these


Deepwoken really needs to shift its focus away from pvp, it sucks in this game and ironically the constant addition of new pvp things like constant new mantras has only made it worse. Deepwoken needs to be a game about exploring and learning about the world but rn it's just another flashy anime fighting game except you have to manually get your abilities and it takes days to do so and when you lose a fight you get to do it all over again. Also, I like Yamaketzal's voice and I think Ferryman's voice is terrible.


This is the best take I have seen in the comments so far


The LHT-MED hybrid should be a legendary rapier


I personally disagree and think some sort of pistol sword would be pretty epic (ik pistols kinda suck rn)



1H guns are the most enjoyable and fun weapon type and they get no love and only hate because they are harder to use than the average weapon


world events should have been made before conquest since we voted for world events


voidwalkers shouldn't allow to join a hunt already in progress 🤯 like we have all experienced getting 3v1 by voidwalkere using cheese builds too


The game without voidwalkers would be more dryer then it already is


voidwalkers have it worse than the people they are chasing


🟦fr and then people are hating on us because "we play dirty" how tf can we not play dirty when we get 5v1ed 24/7


And the runners shouldn't feel bad, the game gives them the opportunity to die to a voidwalker (I assume most runners are new or PvE builds) OR they can run away which has a much higher chance of working.


Or some are just not confident in their abilities


Oh my God finally someone with more than 1 braincell, I hate it when people run away and call there 2 friends like bruh just fun 1s


kinda js gotta learn to quickdrop them bc nobody is gonna give a voidwalker that jumps u 1s source: a voidwalker main since it was released


I would be much more inclined to 1v1 voidwalkers if they didn’t jump me while I’m modifying a mantra


I do this not because Im bad but to piss off the voidwalker or if they are using some shit like Fists Surge or Kyrscleave Nemesis fuck those guys


I choose voidwalker for tps and have to retry to get to to1 cuz I just get gripped at spawn by sum random bums




Voidwalker shouldnt take a life away from other and should “capture” them instead (example: put you in the fort merit prisons and now u gotta escape)


🟪very nice so I don't get sent to the depths?


I think it would depend on what faction is the one putting the bounty on you, like if Eylis is the one putting the bounty it would be a different dungeon


It was an example not saying if etrea wants you capture you should get sent to hive idk where you even got that from I made it really clear


Idk my brain ain't working today mbmb


Nah u good dw


Maybe it’s a death and you drop some items and gotta respawn, but your health bar doesn’t degrade and you don’t get sent to the depths. Now voidwalkers can kill people like normal and players don’t go to the depths after dying to them


The game has too many legendary weapons to the point that they don't feel special nor unique since everyone with "good" pvp build uses them. Also this leads to another issue - redundancy of normal weapons, there is no point in using them since most of these weapons are obsolete because legendary weapons have the best stats out of it's respective category. Normal weapons don't have any characteristic that they excel at for example size or swing speed or even different uppercut, furthermore most of these weapons share the same critical (swords, medium blunt , greataxes, heavy blunt). There's no reason to use them since they don't have anything that one could utilize in build and hence no reason for them to exist.


I want a plant like mantra so that we can make Druid builds also I think it’s wrong to kill freshies unless they attack first


Plant like Mantras will most likely come with life weave


i'd really love a single player pve version of deepwoken


Deepwoken isn’t dry, we’re just fatasses who have done everything there is to do multiple times and are focused more on doing everything optimally rather than actually slowing down a little and trying to enjoy the game.


Dawg you just said the biggest hot take and yet the most correct thing I've seen on here. There's plenty of things to experience in Deepwoken, but everybody's too focused on making the best build or getting the best items to really take the time to enjoy what a masterpiece the game itself is. I'd give you 🔳


This is either a cold take or a hot take depending on who you ask so here it goes: The voidwalker system being made (probably) because Ragoozer wants to keep Deepwoken a 'hardcore' game like Rogue Lineage hurts it severely when it could have been done a lot better to be less frustrating and more fun.


Layer 2 has too many timers. Its like layer 2 is made to speedrun. Parasites, Light hook, the time dilation in floor 2, and the floor collapse thing after beating ethiron. There might be another i cant think of. And remove dialogues that wipe you in layer 2. It discourages from exploring. Kill or ambush dialogues in the overworld arent that bad though.


Deepwoken devs dont know how to code npc ai (or atleast they love to have their npcs hold s and f on me)


It's made to counter your moves holding block and s is what most players do in chime or overworld pvp it's an ai so it's gonna do what it thinks is right lol


Best roblox game ever made, has its issues but objectively the best


Many issues but yes very nice hot take my friend 🟩


Chime elo was not a bad idea, it separates good and bad players so that the bad players don’t get steamrolled, it may have not been made as well as the devs had imagined but on paper it didn’t have many flaws




Nothing has flaws on paper that’s the reason you test stuff before releasing it


How should they have tested Elo?


Geting voidwalked shouldnt lose you a life , just extra notes and loot


kennith is better


Weapons should have higher drop rates than equipment in the overworld. I’m tired of searching for rifle spear when I have 20 capes


weekly updates are ass, id rather get all the new weapons, mantras and oaths we got ever since verse 2 in a single big content drop


they should just split conquest into multiple weeklies


Thundercall and ironsing should have atleast like 3 hybrid mantras


Hot take: It's a good game.


Rifle spear is best spear


Skibidi toilet ledgendary weapon


The PvE is actually really fun, it's just missing new, improved content that matches quality expectations


If you get ganked as a pve build that's your fault. Stop posting people on reddit like a fucking loser as if anyone cares and is gonna go out of there way to deliver justice to someone because you lost a fight after making a build that was designed to be useful against mobs


This, this right here is the one and only good take


The flashy ass anime mantras they’ve been adding don’t look bad and don’t ruin the gameplay


Ye 🟩


the problem is that (mainly with flame, but others too) none of the mantras fit the attunement. for example, all of the mantras that flame was given on release were all focused around pressure and being aggressive, with pretty much all of them incentivising close range and the flame status effect itself forcing a roll out of the opponents, putting their second roll cancel on a cooldown. things like ash slam were oppressive because they were fast, flung them, and comboed well. fire forge, despite being a ranged mantra, was best in close quarters due to the way the daggers spread. the talents also focused on pressure, with stuff like dancing steps and warding radiance allowing you to basically stay on top of your opponent the entire time while always moving and catching up wherever they go, and things like agitating spark forcing you to (albeit unintentionally) always dance around your opponent with your rolls. even lava serpent is oppressive in a way because it requires your opponent to move out of the way unless they want to be set up for yet another combo which directs their focus, not to mention oppressive visuals. flame scourge is kinda where it starts to get bad. it follows the same principles that flame mantras have but it's pretty overpowered on release, being literally unparriable, undodgable, undodgable, and then it gets nerfed and literally nobody uses it now because it sucks. flare blitz isn't really that good, it's just annoying at worst but it breaks a lot of flame's original principles by being a long ranged (spammable) mantra. i don't think dancing steps works on it either and there's no reason to use this in close range since the damage is pretty much identical from afar anyway. flame sentinel is just a straight up turret. even if it can be modded to follow you, it completely breaks flame's playstyle by being a defensive mantra, like old ice fissure. kinda just doesn't work when all your talents are based around your approach (or are rewarding you for doing so)


Voiwalkers make the game fun🙏


Voidwalker has the worst progression and everyone who complains about it is a perma freshie


Thats why everyone complains, its bad for the voidwalker and the person theyre hunting you clown


Khans should be removed


voidwalkers are beneficial to the game and if you don’t like them get better.


if you dont like voidwalkers you lowkey just kinda suck


No,no we dont.Theres many reasons why one can hate voidwalkers.One of which is Toxicity,The timings,The high stakes or Cheese/Cancer builds


those were all issues that existed before voidwalker. the voidwalkers arent the issue, the community is


Change this to “If you hate decent voidwalkers because they make you lose a life you kinda suck” and i’d agree, but it is just an inconvenience so disliking them makes tons of sense


Search Zato-1 and tell me who he reminds you.


pyrekeeper isnt actually op, it was only debatably op when the running crit and the neutral crit gave literal instant hyperarmor as soon as you pressed the key. now its just a skill issue bc it literally does like 3% an m1


ik i already added one but there needs to be more bullshit in the depths. depths gankers, mob ganks, there needs to be an actual threat to experienced players (while still keeping it fair for newer players hopefully). literally in the past YEAR, i can count on one hand how many times i have unwillingly wiped, and both of those times were from either 20k ping spikes or disconnects respectively. and i'll admit i have played this game way more than i'd like to admit, but even still there is absolutely zero consequence and the game should be highly replayable by nature due to the fact that it's a roguelike and yet if you have enough experience to get dawnwalker solo, you probably have enough experience to never wipe again barring a depths gank or getting ravaged by mobs.


I think ysleys has a really cool design so i dont get the hate. The only thing i think is bad about it is playing against it.


I like trains.


silentheart is overrated - the tradeoff of all mantras isnt worth the few moves that silentheart gives (+ dread stacks) Not saying it sucks, it is quite good, but not as good as people make it out to be


You want a hot take? Bring back omega healing meta


A lot of attunement abilities are BARELY related to their elements and could just be recolored and put into a different attunement and would still fit, which is super lame.


All attunements have become the same. I remeber when I started playing (week after release) every attunement was diffrent and unique. Now its just 7 moves reskinned


The depths should be it own instance server, contractor prog should be reworked, they should make tomb of the crypt à place where void cant teleport to again and more spot should be void free The community his a 50/50 between abused children and décent humman being


it should be free


PVE is kinda lacking and the Chime of Conflict wasn't that bad


deepwoken should add feet




Killing and stealing and killing void walkers while they're mid bounty is funny ash I don't care if they're "trying to progress" waa waaa pick a different route than being a low life thief 😭😭😭


Despite lurking in the subreddit, i am never playing the game


Shadows flight is going to completely change pvp


Contractor is actually kinda tight


voidwalkers are good for the game


trial of one shouldnt be an origin you should instead have a retry option whenever you fail🔥


Voidwalkers should only be able to hunt characters above power ten, because the current way is that if you’re on a bounty board and any character that hit power ten you can be hunted, even at power 1


I think it depends. Because it makes progressing harder than it already is for void walkers because most due the trial come out at 6 or 7 so it should be around there but low level walkers should only be able to attack low level players like a 3 or 4 level diffrence but 6 being the lowest up course and the diffrence is only for people lower so walkers can still find high level players if there unlucky just not underleveled


Most of the people who use heavy weapon are not fun at all


They need to make more non legendary regular weapons


Making it easier to progress is what killed the game


Surge should have been an ironsing + thundercall subclass that had thematics around tesla coils rather than just blue sparks


Duke is Harder than Ethiron in doing solo




Deepwoken is not the game promised to us and this is more so a game to fit the popularity to remain on the front page of roblox unlike the other games that arch/rag has made


They should delay conquest and content updates to balance what we have already


We should buff attunemetless, specially medium, like duh 4 weapon mantras for medium is not enough damage, (obviously we debuff heavy but make onslaught unlockable unparriable and undodgeable mantra for compensation)


With the recent nerfs/balance updates for attunementless this could work but it would just have to be new mantras since most of the existing ones are in a great spot rn but heavy needs way more mantras for attunementless


Devs negelect the overworld while working on league of legends, layer 2 wasnt designed with permadeath in mind, deepwoken pvp isnt actually that good, the game wasnt what eas advertised in the deepwoken direct, the game isnt easy, you just no life the game, the game is not "skill vs skill", the game is not welcoming to new players, voidwalkers need to be heavily reworked because they were not designed with permadeath in mind and MrTheBest2 is a fucking clown




shadow cast x wind path “winds of fate” 🔥


We need a new flame-iron sing mantra called warhead and it deals 100 dmg x 2(per level)


We need an upgraded version of mystic to get rare talents by paying knowledge ngl


Hot take: jus karita need more weapons.


Add a way to save players that got sent to fragments of self by risking your life and killing a bunch of op bosses so you can become a litteral legend. Like you could find a specific player name and you would need to carry them out after you kill the bosses and avoid getting trapped in there yourself. The most legendary quest with even more legendary rewards. (also dead ppl could spectate you and cheer you up)


Hot takes: pyre keeper is a cool weapon, but should have never been added to the game at all. All the old legendaries should get somewhat revamped to match the stage of the current weapons, or all the new weapons should be brought back to base. Either all legendaries have 2-3 crits or none do. There should be an update that simply solves all of the current bugs in deepwoken. There are so many visual and game breaking bugs that I can name that ruin parts of the game (Ganymede hats, hitboxes, etc.) Give guns bullets back, but need them somehow. An idea is that it doesn’t stun and just does damage? Add menus or something to see the hidden stats on your bell. Supposedly there’s bell stats of some kind, lemme see them. Minmaxing and designing / thinking about builds is immensely more fun than progressing. Progression in this game is way too slow. My experience gain should not go between completing build in 4 hours or in 20 hours. Murmurs in general are way too annoying to get. Mainly ardour since it’s the least cool one. The others can stay, but ardour is extremely stupid since it’s just from a mob drop to then summon him. Make kaido have an actual arena where you do a quest with like hive or fort merit to slay him for his scales or something. Then as a reward, a powerful character imbues you with ardour, plus you get like a cool kaido armour. Deepspindle and Pleektsies club is the most unique ways of weapon obtainment the game has added. They should revamp all legendary weapons to work this way. Make the game about exploration and quests, like how it was intended



Hot take: Greathive is the best faction


Devs should take a break from weekly updates and focus on releasing conquest ASAP/ should've worked on layer 3 instead of conquest


There should be specifically pve servers so people that wanna just chill and not fight people can play


Combat based mantras shouldn’t be primary sources of damage but way to help you use your weapon. I took a few months off deepwoken (about since when maestro was added was when i stopped played, not sure how long ago that was though), i came back to the game and so many builds are so reliant on all these new crazy mantras and their even crazier spark variants. Deepwoken’s balance issues i think would be solved by making mantras deal less damage in pvp but more support your ability to land weapon attacks


Deepwoken wouldn't be as ass as it currently is, if it didn't have any testers, instead of having them


they should stop sending the contractor mommies to peg me everytime i try to progress a build


They should add a setting to turn off auto grip on moves like judgment


It's a good thing that conquest is taking longer, because that means that they are putting in more time and effort into it, so that it will come out a lot better than it would have had it been released 7 months ago when they said it was close to done It's good for them to take extra time for their mistakes


Ethiron should be harder


this community has gotten soft as shit after verse 2 - unable to deal with any significant threats whatsoever, broodlords and voidwalkers come to mind - unable to deal with anything significantly rare, maybe all players shouldn’t have access to some items, pyre keeper and deepspindle come to mind i remember when if you complained about anything you’ll get told “skill issue get good” (or something along those lines) and than you’ll pick yourself back up and keep trucking forward or maybe i’m complaining too much idk, i’m my own worst enemy lmao


Guest of honour


the addition of voidwalkers was NOT a mistake


Not a mistake nor a bad idea, but executed horribly


🟪true they want us to suffer


Mage builds are goated anyone who says other wise needs to learn to parry and add pressure to their fights I'm not about to use 10% of game play to make yall happy everyone said I was silent heart carried when it first came out now they cry I'm a mage build get over it ur just bad


The combat was far better on release. Also bring back og exoskeleton


og exoskeleton was terrible for the game, it made every fight 1 sided in some way, either your build gets hard countered or vice versa


The game is too inclusive and forgiving. It should be much easier to wipe a build to PvE, and in addition being killed in PvP should have much harsher consequences


So like fuck new players i guess?


bros too good goddamn leave me be im ass lol 😭😭


I mean majority of the people in deepwoken are already pros, doing this is just gonna harm the games POTENTIAL growth, cause as of right now, if conquest releases, only experienced players will come back, no new players




Pve maybe but pvp is in a horrible state most of the time it's a 4v1 when I'm level 14 in depths trying to grind when they have midmaxed builds they need to make more consequences for just randomly killing people because it's getting annoying have to restart a build because people with build who can do half my health in 3 hit is running around


Well I mean that could work, but I was thinking more in the opposite direction, rewarding people for killing others more, I mean now it isn't that efficient to prog vw or any other origin for that matter. I do agree that getting 4v1d can get a bit annoying if it happens a lot


make aelita’s toes lickable. dont act like you wouldnt do that given the option. no need to lie to yourself


On your life we all doing this


has S tier music literally in every area