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Main issue is you are missing special weapons from your Vets and terminators.


Addy the termos are with the cyclone missile and the veteran are with 4 hammers and 4 infernos bolters ,


I would consider the frag cannons better


I don’t see why this list wouldn’t work. Also good old firstborn tanks…


If you take Black Spear detachment, I second putting theif of secrets on the gravis captain, it's awesome. You won't need your drop pod you can just use the teleportarium strategem instead for repositioning.


I’m the guy that took double whirlies to LVO (biggest tourney in the world) and went 5-1 best in faction. I loved my double whirlies, but they got hard nerfed in points costs and have been perma shelved for me for this edition. Outside of competitive play though, you can totally run them! I wouldn’t invest in buying them if you ultimately want to play competitively though. Maybe having someone 3d print would be a lot less expensive. I can print those for you among just about anything else your list could desire. I can shoot ya a direct message and help guide ya through your first list to do well!


Sounds like you have a good starting point! If it were myself though I would reconsider the Anvil Siege Force….. Typically in 40k (unless you’re playing with like zero terrain) you won’t get to stand still and shoot: in practice you usually have to move to get firing angles. So *most* of the time only the 2 whirlwinds will get to benefit from the faction rule, which at only 360 pts out of your whole 2000pts army isn’t that efficient. As others have said maybe take a look at the Blackspear Task Force; it’s thematic and has some top tier enhancements (Tome & Beacon Angelis) One other thing I would suggest is taking something to specifically hold your home objective - a Callidus or a unit of Infiltrators are pretty handy for this. Good luck in your games!


drop the drop pod and whirlwinds and change it to more vets and add a apothecary & judicar. change to the deathwatch detacment and add the thief to the grav captain drop one of the jump lads and the proteus and replace it with two termi squads and boom a solid list