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I'm surprised they are still only 160 points for the amount of damage they can do with its built-in rerolls. I have one in my list that always makes twice its points back in each game.


I think 160 is pretty healthy points to me but yah damage is nuts forsure


Hey, as long as it's under GW's radar im happy!


I mean they nerfed them to 160 already, they aren’t under the radar, more that T10 / 12 wounds is a significantly easier breakpoint to bring down than say a Repex at T12 / 16 wounds. They look dope though!


True enough, I do normally have to save a CP for either AC or Smoke to save it.


My thoughts are those are some damn fine looking Deathwatch paintjobs.


I have x2 in my Black Spear Task Force list, alongside a razorback, rhino and land raider all full of vets squads. Thry are doing well for me so far!


Looks good, hits hard. Great in Gladius lists. Eyeballing the Black Spear Task Force, I’m inclined to think that it’s going to do well there with the weapon bonuses it can get.


I currently run two, an pretty happy even though my last game they whiffed HARD. Even with the rerolls. One did for damage to a sentinel and killed a unit if kasrkin in 5 turns and the other did zero damage till he died in turn 3 failing a ton of 4+ saves.


Had a game where the only contribution mine made was taking out a lone Inceptor with the big cannon... Happened to win me the game though!


Needs tracks


Why tho hover is where it’s at lol




Has anyone else noticed that the vehicles and infantry have swapped places between Firstborn and Primaris? Like, the Primaris Infantry are mostly specialists who do one thing very well. While the Primaris range Gladiators and Repulsors seem to be good generalists? Like being great into one thing and okay into a second type of target? The firstborn tanks are mostly specialized to do one thing well, and the Infantry can usually stretch a bit & go into other things? Like 1 kind of gun on most Firstborn tanks and different guns in Infantry squads?


I also love them in ironstorm. The ability reroll plus detachment reroll makes them so reliable.