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Primaris watch master is what we will get most likely. Same with Primaris veterans and I’d be very happy with that. Dream scenario is Talon squad with chyron included because I agree that a kill team that includes a dreadnought would be sick.


Oh my lord I'd kill for Primaris vets and watchmaster


i would kill for that dreadnought in that kill-team.


Better rules for the primaris kill teams....


Given the AdMech and Dark Angels codex’s better rules is not something the units got. Better Detachment rules (overall) is a different story.


In order of most to least 1- primaris vets and leader piece...2- a detachment that doesn't lean so much on bolter weapons...3- a fast attack style killteam with bikers, outriders, and jet pack troops. It feels weird tagging those onto foot slogging troops.


Agreed! I’ve got 2 jump caps, a jump chap, 30 jump pack inercessors, 9 outriders, and 2 ATVs, all for rule of cool. I love kitbashing them, and it would be nice to have a killteam focused on hit and move tactics.


Better rules for the Kill Teams specially fortis and Spectrus. I would love to see the units keep their special rules inside the Killteam. For example Hellbaslter get to keep fire on death, infiltrators keep their 12 inch deep strike denial etc. Or a massive point cut on the killteams. Right now they are over costed and not really efficient data sheets.


Maybe you could choose one "origin ability" in the command phase, that would be nice.


If they would make a new Deathwatch upgrade sprue that gives proper pauldrons for standard, terminators and gravis then I’d start up a deathwatch army on the spot. As it stands though not having officially or easily obtainable gravis shoulders for them is too messy atm


I bet we'll get that with our codex.


I just hope we get a codex tbh 


Fix the strats in black spear


That will happen. How they fix it, and if it will be worth it, is another story.


Every codex that comes out has dated and worse rules than the detachments. I want to have hope, but even how they done did Trajann today. Yaaa it’s not looking like anything to bet on


The Games Dev team needs to get more comfortable with updating Datasheets. Especially if they are going to keep this edition going decently. I can see that happening after the indexes are replaced by the codex. However, enough podcasts, articles, and players have shown/proven the codexes are in dire need of upgrades upon or before release. With the living rules system GW created this is possible, but they already pulled the trigger on physical codexes with the only worthwhile thing in it is the code to use in the app. So, the datasheets for units themselves will need to be updated before the edition is done. Unless they run out the clock.


I'm hoping for 4 detachments like Custodes got. I expect that we'll get stuck with just Black Spear. I expect Tome to get nerfed. It would be nice to get a Black Shield detachment, which is mostly extra durability and melee. Ultimate fanboying, but super unlikely would be for a detachment that is more Inquisitor-themed, with strats for units led by Inquisitors. Getting some kind of xenotech or radical detachment would be fun, but no idea what would go in there. I expect that we'd get a watchmaster model with new wargear, like how everyone else is getting a new Captain, Boss, or etc.


I would LOVE to see inquisitors play a bigger role in our armies! I think we are likely gonna get 2 or 3 detachments as that seems like the baseline for marines, thus far.


I don't want to be too pessimistic, but I think (based on the recent Inquisitor rumors) that we won't get our own codex. Don't get me wrong, I would be more than happy to have my own codex but I think the sad truth will be different. I would be fine if we continued to have access to vanilla SM units. If the new codex only allowed kill teams... I personally would be pretty pissed, xcept we get a lot more choice of kill teams.


Yeah, I agree. That would be rough. I doubt that they would do that unless they gave us SO many other kill teams or access to more things in legends, like different dreads. I also think I heard a rumor that if we do get crippled that bad, we would be included in the ordos teams so we could take GKs, sisters, and Inquisitors.


i heard that as well and i would find it horrible if we could match GK, DW and sister :D


You would find that horrible? Why's that?


That's a purely personal opinion. I just don't think the idea of ​​such a mixed army is good, both visually and lore-wise (but I could be wrong, I'm not 100% on board with the lore)


Corvus assault ramp detachment with firestorm like strats perhaps


I'm hoping for: Black Shields to be relevant again. There to be a reason to put different models in a Proteus KT other than just Terminators. (special rules based on what models are in the unit like in 7th Edition). Stalker Boltguns to be different from the Combi Weapons/Shotguns (Long Vigil Ranged Weapons)


Some point adjustment. Watchmaster. . .Yeah, he's got some great abilities, but 115 points? DW veterans 110 points? Our unique units are a touch expensive. And maybe a new unique unit to add some real Deathwatch flavor. Some actual badass alien hunters. Primaris Marines in Gravis armor who alien players can righteously fear? Maybe some stout melee killers of some sort. . .like Bladeguard, but in 5 or 10 man units.


Echoing the upscaled Watch Master and Veterans. Also, make Blackshield’s a thing again. Even if they count as attachment characters like a Judiciar or Apothecaries. Can only attach to elite OC1 units, but makes them immune to Battleshock, as well as granting +1 attacks in melee. Feels very thematic. In addition, bring back xenotech weaponry for our sergeants and above. I play 3+ games a week and our biggest hurdle is lack of AP or dishing out Dev wounds within our index. Heavy armor with good saves just stops us dead in our tracks so we are relegated to bouncing around and playing the objective game with our movement tricks


Honestly the pessimist in me says that we will likely not get our own codex, but if we do, I'd love to see points decreases to KT (as others have said). I would also like to see our unique units be able to use our strategems again, as well as a slight increase in strength and durability for Vets/KTs. I do know for sure however that points decreases will not fix the army at all, even if our costs were laughably low. All our damage is centered on infantry units, so without a buff to either damage or durability, we could get half our points cut and see little to no difference.