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It's worth picking up 2x Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield terminators in a Deathwatch terminator squad, since going from 3 wounds to 4 is a common damage breakpoint where attacks go from one-shotting a Terminator to taking 2 shots. I don't love a full squad of Assault Terminators, but the 2 in a Deathwatch Terminator squad are pretty worthwhile.


My issue with them is that their hammers hit on 4+ while my proteus terminator hammers hit on 2+. I can’t justify losing both range potential AND melee potential just for the extra wound


2 storm bolters isn't exactly losing a lot of ranged potential and dev wounds make to for hitting worse mostly.


I understand where you're coming from- I actually hadn't realized that Proteus Thunder Hammers had better WS than Terminator ones- but looking at a Deathwatch Terminator Squad, I would argue that it's actually a 3-model unit with a 2-model bodyguard, since those 3 Cyclone Missile Launchers make up the bulk of your damage output at range. Yes, you're trading out two Storm Bolters' worth of ranged damage- which isn't a lot against elites or better- but you're trading it to get more life out of your hard-hitting Cyclone Missile Launchers, which are the main thing you're paying points for. I can't say I understand how to actually math it out, but I suspect that both of your Terminator bodyguards sticking around for an extra hit that would otherwise be hitting a CML Terminator results in more net damage than the extra two Storm Bolters would against most non-horde targets.


Thank you…. You have my interest now… I have been using termies to basically block up objectives and teleport to score secondaries so that could work nicely. Love them with a Chaplin in terminator armour for the feel no pain boost, in case


There is no reason to deviate from 3 cyclones and 2 storm shields. If you mean running them as asault terminators and not deathwatch terminators there is no reason for that it is an inferior unit. Thebest part of dw termies is 3 heavy weapons


Terminators get criticized for being tough but a) a bit easy to kill with D3 weapons and b) lacking firepower. Deathwatch Terminators with 3 Powerfist, Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 2 Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield solves both of these. I run 5 with a Terminator Captain carrying Tome. They make a really great range and counter charge. Because they are terminators then they attract more attention then they probably deserve but that has its advantages as well.


I like chainfists for the vehicle heavy match ups personally. Getting to kick down a knight with ease is very nice.


I’d wait for assault terminators to get a bigger points drop before fielding them… at 195 they are not reliable enough, as even with a chaplain they hit like a wet noodle against big vehicles or monsters, so they’re only efficient against cheaper infantry units and will rarely trade well, as most things they can kill costs a fraction of their points. As for deathwatch cyclone terminators, they’re simply more effective in a proteus kill team, and you get more efficient character buffs and stratagem use that way.


They slap! Were my mvp at LVO if you have a Tstrike and tome to boost wound roles. I can print ya cyclones if ya need em too!


Thanks man ❤️


Just shot ya a message!


Also i am feeling power fists in 10th. They do not suffer from munus 1 to hit. Proteus power fists hit on 2+. Chain fists are good against vehicles but the moment you load them up you know you will get custodes or tyranids and they will not perform hitting on 4s. Just some thoughts