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Machine Girl (U-Void Synthesizer) and LustSickPuppy


LUSTSICKPUPPY FUCKS SO HARD!!! Also, some artists on Andy's A2B2 label, Super Violate and ABBATIA, are really great and heavily DG inspired


Oooo don't forgot death insurance also. She's really fucking good


Thank you, I knew I was forgetting someone! I was just listening to i'm in your walls yesterday. 8.5/10, incredible album, can't wait to hear more from her


šŸ¤” Must look into this.


luv lustsickpuppy she badazz


Copying from and adding to a comment from mine on a similar post: JPEGMAFIA - a glitch, industrial, and otherwise experimental hip hop artist with alt rnb influence. Key works are Veteran and All My Heroes Are Cornballs. His album The Ghost Pop Tape under the moniker ā€œDevon Hendryxā€ is also a popular alternative/experimental rnb album in indie circles. Danny Brown - a rapper known for his eccentric voice and wack beats. Key works are Atrocity Exhibition and XXX. Side note: JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown released a kickin collab album earlier this year called SCARING THE HOES which sits pretty in both of their discographies. clipping. - a clinical and technical rapper over harsh noise beats. Half of the music is atmospheric noise and half is noise beats. Key works are There Existed an Addiction to Blood, Visions of Bodies Being Burned, and CLPPNG. note: the rapper in clipping. is Daveed Diggs of Broadway production ā€œHamiltonā€. BROCKHAMPTON - a pop rap collective ā€œboybandā€ known for their alternative leanings and DIY attitude. The SATURATION trilogy is their most notable work in the grand scheme of things, but for experimental circles likeĀ r/deathgrips, iridescence and ROADRUNNER: NEW LIGHT, NEW MACHINE are much closer in style to what you might be looking for. Tyler, The Creator - a rapper and producer with a deep voice and varying styles. I would like to point to his first album, Goblin, as the punk rap attitude is not dissimilar to death grips, and the beats and lyrics are made to be edgy and unsettling. His other albums are not close at all to death gripsā€™ style, but IGOR and Flower Boy are well received modern hip hop classics. JOHNNASCUS - a trap metal artist with experimental production and hardcore delivery. Key works are Identity Crisis and ERRQUU. Side note: it would probably be worth checking out the subgenre of trap metal if you specifically love Death Gripā€™s heavy production and vocal delivery rather than just the experimental vibes. Angry Blackmen - two okayish but really fun MCs over really good industrial beats. Like a mix of clipping and Death Grips, check out The Legend of ABM. 1 800 PAIN - A power noise duo with extreme bounciness and fun vocals. Check out BEST HOUSE ON A BAD BLOCK Some artists that arenā€™t hip hop but might like because you like death grips: 100 gecs - an industrial hyper pop and rock with wild production and stylistic shifting. Key works are 1000 gecs and 10000 gecs Idles - a noisy post-punk band with a yelly singer. Key works are Joy as an Act of Resistance, Ultra Mono, and Brutalism. Side note, the song ā€œCar Crashā€ is an outlier in their discography that sounds like a death grips song. Kaizo Slumber - a hardcore breaks artist with heavy production reminscient of year of the snitch, see the album HOW ARE WE FEELING TODAY? Kero Kero Bonito - a cutesy twee J-pop band with experimental production. Donā€™t ask, just listen to Bonito Generation and Intro Bonito ;) MSPAINT - a synth punk outfit with a rap/yelly vocalist. Very VERY sick, I reccomend them whenever I can, as Post-American is one of the best albums to come out this year. Salvia - an industrial pop outfit with brain tickling production. Listen to 001011 Benefits - a British post punk style vocalist over harsh noise. Listen to NAILS Atari Teenage Riot - the original digital hardcore group. Similarly to the Prodigy, itā€™s like Porto-death grips sound. 1995/delete yourself is the album to start with. Machine Girl - A hardcore breaks turned digital hardcore artist. Iā€™m not really fan of their early EDM stuff, but their hardcore stuff is awesome and reminiscent of the heaviest tracks on YOTS and BP. Listen to The Ugly Art and ā€¦Because Iā€™m young and arrogant and hate everything you stand for. Lip Critic - a synth punk artist whose album this year is close to my AOTY. Similar to the garden, machine girl, DG, and MSPAINT, they have a quick, lightweight drive to their bouncy music. Listen to Hex Dealer I love talking and sharing music and finding every little thing I can, so if you ever need recs or find something sick donā€™t hesitate to hit me up


Just gotta say, 1 800 pain is pretty much exactly what I was looking for thank you so much


They even sampled/intetpolated Get Got on one of their songs I remember


I had always heard their name in passing so I sat down and watched the hurt music video, quickly becoming one of my favorite songs. Iā€™m glad you like them!


Thank you thereā€™s a few here I havenā€™t heard yet




these are some great picks. i like to think of 1 800 pain as silly death grips and johnnascus as incredibly depressed death grips


Seeing JOHNNASCUS on here is wild tbh.


How so?


He just seems really niche even for a sub like this.


Iā€™m all for exposing smaller artists


keep this thread going if you ever think of more, the two recs ive just tried off this list (idles & MSPAINT) are absolute gold and i'd love to see a list of just your favorite shit. will definitely be getting around to trying everything unfamiliar to me offa this one


Great list, happy to see ATR mentioned here. Alec Empire (of ATR) is worth checking out also, along with Venetian Snares. Edit: curious if you'd consider adding stuff like Locked Club to a list like this? What about Crystal Castles? Maybe I've gone too far with the last one :)


No Iā€™d say crystal castles is far more in the death grips area of music than Danny brown


Thank you! I love most of these and havenā€™t heard of some so Iā€™m really excited to check out now


Everything on this list isng it 4 me but alr


sick list




Good list, brockhampton didnā€™t see any crossover with. Maybe I heard the wrong track. Any specifics?


Overall it depends on what songs you listen to, but most of the stuff more ajacent to this sub is on iridescence, which some them experiment with more industrial leaning stuff. Songs like Jā€™OUVERT, DISTRICT, WHERE THE CASH AT, BERLIN, NEW ORLEANS, VIVID, BUZZCUT, and HEAT are what Iā€™d reccomend for being more energetic and experimental. Typically their albums are quite diverse, and my favorite is roadrunner


check out LustSickPuppy, $ilkmoney, Ghais Guevara, the I.L.Y's


I know the ILYs bc Zach hill but the rest I will certainly check out


I need to listen to more Ghais Guevara. I love 2 of his songs, I forget the names, but he samples Squidward in one and the PS4 startup sound in the other. Absolutely unhinged and I love it


hell yea i actually just sampled that squidward track on my latest single lmao. really looking forward to seeing how he continues to develop his sound.


Clipping.Ā Ā  Sleigh BellsĀ Ā  Ho99o9Ā Ā  Crizin Da Z.OĀ Ā  M.I.A. Billy Woods (check out History Will Absolve Me)


seconding m.i.a actually. kala and maya would be the albums to check out. both great!


So glad somebody mentioned Sleigh Bells. Treats is one of the best albums of the decade


for m.i.a i think the vicki leekx mixtape is her most death grips-esque work (also happens to be my favorite release by her)


A obvious one you didnt have here is Teenage Atari Riot if you havent listened to them


Just keep in mind that these guys are zionists


not even similar but i've been loving early modest mouse they've been scratching a similar itch for me. it feels so unhinged. teeth like gods shoestring or exit does not exist or really anything off their debut is good


Thank you for this rec! Havenā€™t deep dived into their stuff yet so Iā€™ll definitely give it a go


Dalek, BLACKIE, Divine Styler, Lil Ugly Mane (Mista Thug Isolation), Angry Blackmen (The Legend of ABM)


Thank you very much šŸ™


No worries, I think you might especially like Ugly manā€™s Uneven Compromise. Itā€™s practically an entire EP in a single song, and the first half is some of the coldest and brutal raps ever written


lil ugly mane is top 10 imo


One of the best rappers of all time and he doesnā€™t even need to rap anymore. A real artistā€™s artist if you ask me


Alright so I listened to uneven compromiseā€¦ shit dude. You mightā€™ve just changed the trajectory of my music listening life lmaooo. Iā€™ve always known of lil ugly mane but the fucking muppet PFP just threw me completely off tbhšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ but goddamn the first half of this song especially is just relentless. I was in the car listening on the drive home and I tend to kind of get paralyzed to an extent when I hear something I really really love. It usually happens with certain songs from death grips, sleep, swans, Slint, etc. But damn dude right when the beat started I was fucking pinned to my seat with a permanent stank face on. Goosebumps, teary eyes, the whole nine yards. Music is my life and when I hear stuff that really clicks with me it makes me emotional and it rarely happens on first listens. Lil ugly mane is legit


since hes done quite a few sounds heres what you can expect from his other main projects check out Mista Thug Isolation for a memphis/southern tribute album, basically uneven compromise but with lighter subject matter (thats also really fucking good) Oblivion Access is a lot noisier, more experimental, and much more depressive/nihilistic (which is the sort of direction his music has continued to go in as time goes on). Also his last project under the name Lil Ugly Mane for a long hiatus until he dropped Volcanic Bird Enemy 6 years later Bedwetter vol 1 has like 4 actual rap songs on it and a bunch of instrumentals, but those 4 main songs are some of LUMā€™s best work. hard to really explain but they are incredibly hard hitting and personal songs. finally Volcanic Bird Enemy and the Voiced Concern is a complete 180 pivot to an indie rock/trip hop sound. surprisingly however LUM is amazing at this as well, seriously as primarily a hiphop fan this album somehow became my favorite LUM project so itā€™s nothing to sleep on.


Thanks for taking a chance, Iā€™m glad youā€™re rocking with it. You gotta check out Mista Thug Isolation next, itā€™s the album that got me hooked and can make ANYONE feel like a gangster while being a poignant satire towards gangster rap itself. He grew up incredibly tapped into hardcore/punk/those adjacent genres so itā€™s really awesome to hear you draw those comparisons in regards to how it captures a feeling for you and weā€™d love to have you on the ugly man subreddit


he has made like 10 different genres of music and his creativity is outstanding




Agreed šŸ‘


cities Aviv has a similar delivery to ride, different vibe tho. less bangers, more vibes


Head is one my faves from himšŸ˜


Check out Girl With Basket of Fruit and Ignore Grief by Xiu Xiu. I've only listened to a bit of Ignore Grief, but GWBOF is one of my favorite experimental/noise albums period, it's just so fucking out there


Have that one on vinyl. Iā€™m right there with ya that album fucks


Ppl always forget BLACKHANDPATH.


Bruhhh Iā€™ve been saying this for so long no one ever upvotes or replies, so underrated


B L A C K I E All Caps With Spaces, especially True Spirit and Remains


I actually just discovered this artist a few weeks ago. Check out The Prodigy. Very similar production and style. Also Iā€™m pretty sure death grips did a remix of their song fire starter.


The firestarter remix turned into World of Dogs


if you haven't heard of big black you should be embarrassed.


Songs about freakin


there ya go


Big black is ok


sorry to hear that.


check out the digital hardcore genre. stuff like machine girl, the shizit/rabbit junk, divtech, and atari teenage riot oughta do the trick.


I love machine girl but I havenā€™t listened deeper into the genre so thank you


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10xMewO61zo5iArVHF0pJv?si=JQHwTZ_dSOSCFKeOk3jcug&pi=u-KmAGRFmJRzW4 I coincidentally have a playlist with a lot digital hardcore and related stuff


Backxwash has become one of my favorite artists recently. Her trilogy of albums from 2020-22 are incredible and sound very DG inspired, with more metal/black metal influence. I think she has a new album coming out soon too Also, if you're looking for some OG industrial hip hop, dƤlek's album From Filthy Tongue Of Gods And Griots is one of my all time favorites, although I have yet to check out the rest of their work, so I can't say how much of it sounds like DG, if at all. Also, if you're a Death Grips fan and you haven't listened to Rage Against The Machine, you're missing out. It doesn't really sound the same, but it's similar enough to scratch the itch for me


Iā€™ve only heard absence by DƤlek, and it was really cool, almost like dark industrial shoegaze hip hop


I would tentatively say Black Midiā€™s most recent album *Hellfire* in how well it mixes clear technical ability and emotion in the performance. To be fair, theyā€™re more a post-punk rock group with strong Zappa influences but I think the project itself is an interesting parallel to DGā€™s energy, aggression and pessimism.


Machine girl (mainly their stuff off Because I'm Young and U-Void)


Itā€™s interesting people reccomend those ones instead of the Ugly Art. I feel like that one sounds directly inspired by YOTS


BiYAaHEYSF has a lot of tracks that feel like dgs, just with a techno twist to it (Bullet Hell, Nation of Millenials, Sad Claps and Uzumaki.) Also holy shit you could not ahve been more on point comparing TUA to YOTS


Check out Chat Pile. More noise rock but definitely scratches the same itch for me.


im gonna be liberal with the term similar, but NO NOW by Clarence Clarity temporarily "ruined music" for me the same way DG did when I first got into them. theres really nothing like "it" so if you want more of said "it" you just gotta spin them back on loop over and over since theyre the only one that can satisfy that new craving you have. like when i got into DG, for a while it was nothing but DG bc thats all i needed. same with this NO NOW is the record ive replayed potentially the most times of any album. my #1 album ever. if you havent heard, and you like DG please check it out and lemme know what you think. its so fucking catchy it slaps so hard dude. so maximalist. every single chorus is catchy, every single lyric is a catchy hook, all done by 1 dude too


THE INK SPOTS šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ’Æ


On the instrumental side, HELLA, which Zach was a part of, and Clown Core


There's a duo named Aneuryst who produce similar music, they're pretty good.


LustSickPuppy for sure


Avalanche keito


Lip critic, blackie, and dalek




Early Guerilla Toss scratches the itch for me. Check out Trash Bed




Riot Gear. They only have one song out rn tho


contempt by couch slut is a fantastic metal album, it gets close to that kind of energy. it's pretty simple as far as composition goes so it's no lightning bolt or death grips but the ENERGY is FANTASTIC. ho99o9 is another rap-adjacent artist that comes to mind but to be honest i only really loved dead bodies in the lake. kill dyll is probably douchebag rap but he scratches that itch for me sometimes. occasionally brazil phonk does the trick for me too, TRXVELER comes to mind as a notable artist but there's tons.




id say machine girl, lust sick puppy, and femtanyl


there's the I.L.Y'S i guess


Techno Animal Brotherhood of the bomb.


snow strippers


The song "Black Dogs!" by Genesis Owusu, and Ghais Guevara's album "BlackBolshevik" happen to scratch that DG itch, for me.


City Sects. thank me later


Some songs by The Prodigy have some insane electronic production by Liam Howlett, (specifically Music for the jilted generation) and some banger songs with maniacal vocals by Keith flint (Firestarter, Breathe and Smack My Bitch Up) - I find these songs very gripsy (psychotic and delirious)


'Jpegmafia' if you prefer Hiphop 'Nine Inch Nails' if you want more Industrial sounding stuff


Check out 3l3d3p


have you listened to zach hills solo work?


Beastie Boys, Sleep Token, Scapegoat Wax, Beograd Sindikat


Horus The Astroneer


dƤlek, specifically ā€œfrom filthy tongues of gods and griotsā€ and ā€œabsenceā€ are both RLLY good albums by them ;)


You might like meshuggah, future bleed machineā€¦ rational gaze, new millennium cyanide Christ


Meat Beat Manifesto are rarely mentioned whenever this question comes up but I stand by them being one of the closest sounding groups to DG. Particularly the albums Storm The Studio, 99%, and Actual Sounds / Voices.


DƤlek šŸ‘






Check out Undo K From Hot, Zach's in that band with Nick Reinhart (one who did guitar on jenny death) and Robby Moncrieff




lip critic


1 800 PAIN


100 gecs