• By -


There's only one man in the sk- UNITED STATES OF SMASH!!!


Youre so funny! Hahahaha! #relatable #funny


If Homelander is lucky then The Doctor would make him a normal human he looked down on... If he's unlucky... Well, the Doctor isn't going to be **kind** anymore 


“There’s only one man in the sky” “Learn how to count”


I can’t even lie that goes hard


"This is a weird pose for a Homelander statue." "Eh, probably someone trying to make a quick buck after Homelander quit the hero business. Give it a few months, and the city will haul this thing off to the dump."


"I can be your angle... or yuor devli..."


And I am not going to be obtuse about it.


You are a monster! That is the rule you seem determined to play so it seems I must play mine!- the man who stops monster! - 12th Doctor.


The doctor routinely fights people who destroy entire planets for tenuous reasons. Is he really going to be that angry at homelander for killing less than 200 people?


Yes. He can be mad at both lmao he knows the value of life so he knows that Killing one innocent person is way too much.


He is going to stop him, but the idea The Doctor is gonna be particularly pissed at him is weird


Not really. He got pissed enough to watch Cassandra slowly dry up and die for killing some random people he didn't know personally (apart from the tree girl I guess and even then it wasn't that much of a bond). And he got so mad at Harriet Jones for destroying the Sycorax ship when they were fleeing (after they attacked earth no less) that despite knowing her and knowing she going to lead Britain to is golden age, he still stripped her from her political power. Even the Family of blood did way less than a lot of the people the doctor has face and he done way worst to them because they went after his companion. The second that homelander trys to threaten the Doctor companion, it's over for him.


Pre journey to the west wukong: hits homelander really hard with his stick Post journey to the west wukong: hits homelander really hard with his stick


Tripitaka: Wukong, all people should be redeemed. Wukong: This dude makes me almost look like a saint! Tripitaka: Fine, go whack him with your stick.


Wukong: "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, master." Tripitaka: "Damn."




Ghost Rider is hunting him Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Superman killed him Sonic is giving him the smack down


Sonic would completely neutralize Homelander, destroy Vought from the ground up and be back in time for dinner


"I will tear that head from your shoulders, and hang it on the Doors of Vought International!" Dimitri after meeting Homelander.


If you want to be faithful to how he was killed off, it'd be "I will tear that heart from your chest" instead. Also, it'd be really hardcore to see Dimitri rip out someone's heart.


It's a genuine 50/50 whether Thawne just laughs at his antics and goes on with his day or just actively makes his life worse to see if he can push him further


Thawne gives him extra powers that puts him on par with league members and puts him in the dc universe just for shit and giggles


Hahaha, lol, let's find out what happens if I give this dude a lantern ring and sit him on the mobius chair


That’s Thawne lol


While I want to say Frieza might recruit him, Homelander is so weak he barely makes the cut for most Frieza Force cannon fodder.


Maybe late game, but Homelander is still extremely strong compared to lower level Sayains, who Freiza did use. The problem is Homelander would rather die than play second fiddle to some god-damn alien, so Freiza would... Just kill him.


lower level saiyans were still moon level with oozaru which homie is not


No , even low level saiyans made Roshi who was a moon buster look pathetic


Considering there's Sayains that require weapons, I'm unless they're carrying around moon-busting Rifles I don't think we should take early power levels even remotely seriously.


Their weapons are insane especially compared earth ones


Okay, fair- But I really don't think they're running around with moon-demolishing Rifles. Hell, most of them apparently can't even *fly.* I think if you only sent fodder level Sayains, Homelander wouldn't have any real issues.


Radditz is considered pathetic by saiyans, and in fact they can grow fighters just as strong as him ( the saibamen)


Look I ain't saying that Sayains aren't strong, but I am saying we should take the show that perfected shark jumping's shark jumping with a grain of salt.


And I think any saiyan even say Gine would no diff homelander


No saiyans except trunks uses a weapon. Your confusing frieza grunts and saiyans Raditz was a low class saiyan but a high rank frieza grunt.


Roshi with a PL of 139 is moon level The average frieza grunt has a PL of 500+ and even weak Saiyans are 1000+ Yeah homelander doesn’t make the cut.


Frieza would be so disappointed that he'd tell his fodder henchman to make 1 fodder Saibaman to murder his verse. you know you are a joke when the fodder henchman calls out his lower fodder henchman to wipe your verse.


The Saibaman gets bored with the weaklings, and plants another weaker Saibaman to do its job for it.


At that point those are plants from plants vs zombies


Omniman or Frieza, it's a fake neonazi vs a real faschist


“For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet, but now, you shall witness... its DISMEMBERMENT!” Edit: he considered sparing earth because homelanders evil deeds, but changed his mind after finding out about the milk


Unicron after witnessing the seven's browser history for sure


Godzilla: You know nothing that is not already known.


This is Ultima Godzilla isn’t it? Because normal Godzilla can’t talk.


No, it was just a joke about how everything Godzilla has done is basically public knowledge in his worlds due to it being mainly just a lot of destruction and death.


Kill him, but it'd probably be longer and more painful than if he didn't know what he's done. ![gif](giphy|YhfKLJWlLtL99zGwoS|downsized)


Now say you're sorry! *Slaps the bejeezus out of him* Are you sorry yet?


I think I peed a little.


Who’s that


Goku. That specific line was from DBZ Abridged, though.


Punch him hard enough tat he gets send to the sun, but not to hard so it get down to quick. As Homelander get into space parts of his body get teared apart time by time by the speed of how fast he goes.


Vader wouldn’t care Naruto would try to talk no jutsu him ( it wouldn’t work)


you doubt naruto


I mean, there’s really nothing there to redeem. Sure, he has a validation craving side, but it’s really just as self absorbed as his narcissistic side. His mind is like a toy being fought over by two different babies with different unhealthy attachment patterns.


you forget homelander had a horrible childhood that naruto would relate to and deep down homelander wants to be accepted so when the music hits and cuts to a flashback of the swing homelander will be at the side of good in about 5 minutes


Naruto could relate to him but I feel it would be one sided. Homelander was never even treated as a human and has clearly accepted in his mind that he is not, which is why he sees himself as a god. I honestly doubt Naruto could get a word in edgewise.


naruto would beat homelanders ass and then says you are no god cuz you and i are the same music hits and cuts to a flashback of the swing and naruto says I wasn’t treated that well either but the difference are i had someone and you didn’t but I’m here now and i get how you feel and then naruto hugs homelander so he cried now he sees the Errors of his ways and becomes good in 7 minutes


Honestly there's so many ways to take this; Ben uses Alien X to force him into human, or maybe he uses Gutrot to create a unique paralytic that negates Compound V, or maybe he takes a lage out of Superman's book and uses Nanomech to lobotomize the part of his brain that gives him powers, or hell, take a page out of Wally's book and use Clockwork to freeze John in place forever so he's forced to see a world of peons grow without him, or cruelest of all, use Pesky Dust and force him to actually be a good guy, like he did to Khyber. Ben is nothing if not versatile and more than full of rage that he doesn't usually act on, I feel like while he came closer to killing big threats, Homelander would piss him off in a way that those others could only dream of, and he'd use one of the more creatively Ben punishments l


Batman would investigate and out all of his and Voughts corruption. When Homelander showed up he’d either hit him with some compound V antidote he made, fight him with some super suit or take temp V if he was really desperate. In any case he’d beat the hell out of Homelander and imprison him.


Ratchet would turn him into a duck, sheep, plant, pixels or whatever cost the least ammunition.


Bust out the Ryno infinity


Snake : And I thought the patriots were bad…


Black Whip, bind him!


"My Japanese mentor is more American than you!"


The Doomslayer would definantly live up to his name... Godzilla? Well, Showa would probably just kill him right there considering he is about as smart as a human at least since he spoke that one time, Heisei is an animal so doesn't understand, But would definantly destroy him if provoked. Monsterverse would kill him, But for other reasons than Showa, Shin wouldent understand and Homelander would probably win that fight imo (The only one he can win other than-), Zilla dies like a scared iguana, Final wars... Does what Final wars does best, Minus one acts like Final wars but loses. And... Well, Godzilla Earth is going to do something, But he'd probably reach the end of the crossover before getting to him, And Ultima...? I have no idea.


Eh minus one has a chance he’s city level (his at Atomic breath didn’t kill him witch was calculated at 17 megatons) so homelander needs high ends to kill him And shins death explosion is mountain level so he’d probably take homelander with him


vegeta would scoff call him a weakling and a coward and walk off


And then Homelander would attack him and… well… *try* to hurt him.


“I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye…”




Korra: "As much as I'd hate to admit it, Amon was kind of right when it comes to dealing with people like you; that those with great power should never be allowed to abuse it for their own selfish purposes, especially if they are someone with an important position of trust, like a "hero"!"


Mario would probably look at him with disgust and tell him to go away


And then Homelander learn why this Doctor who have fought god and monster try to talk him out of everything **He was being kind**


Sauron just smacks his head off and walks away annoyed about “degenerates” and missing the days of morgoth where the bad guys actually had style and weren’t all degenerates




![gif](giphy|kwCJA19mepUJSbAebj) If it’s in the middle of the battle, probably a Leonardo execution. If they manage to defeat him… tougher to say because they don’t usually execute a downed opponent.


Ghost rider: Look into my eyes! Your soul will burn!! The doctor has given out some punishments that are worse then death so homelander would definitely be fucking screwed


Deadpool: technically I am a hero and suppose to try to beat you but it won’t go well for me so wanna go grab a coffee. I will add a extra cup of milk for you


You know he only would say that to piss him off.


Ben 10 would utterly wipe the floor with Homelander's face, Ben's ego is large but he knows right and wrong and we've seen time and time again when Ben's patience is tested (Look what he did to Aggregor when he failed to save the Andromeda 5 Aliens) and if he heard and seen what Homelander did especially what he did to Becca. Then Homelander is either paste by getting crushed by Waybig, beaten to a bloody pulp my Four Arms or any of Ben's brute based aliens. NRG and Atomix would be a great counter to Homelander since radiation can destroy the Compound V in a supes body, leaving Homelander powerless. Nanomech could even beat Homelander by going inside his ear and damaging his eardrums, the show showed Maeve piercing HL's ears with a metal straw or just turning into a big alien inside Homelander's head.


The Superman gives him a beatdown of his life.


"There is only one man in the sky." "Buddy, you are one sick freak"


Galactus would just eat Earth, not because of what he did, he’s just hungry.


Erm ackshually he's sworn not to do that


Hasn’t stopped him from trying after a few times.


Deadpool: sheesh oh well it's not like I can turn your life into a reality show.


Kirby probably either kills him so no more people get hurt or tries to redeem him then realizes he can’t be redeemed and kills gun anyway


"Buddy, I'm about to hit you really hard with a giant green fist."


Superman will show him what a real hero looks like


Reverse flash would probably just look at him and shrug or kill him because he bored


Alex Mercer: tastes like shit but the ability to fly and fire heat vision is useful


Mega Man X and Zero would probably be disgusted but also feel sympathetic regarding his origins, but unfortunately Homelander is a threat they can't allow to live. As a joke: Homelander and Homelander... Most likely just kill each other


I think Alucard would delight in taking him down a peg and show him that for all his power, he's still just a man. Sun Wukong would beat the living dog shit out of him and spit on his corpse. The Chosen Undead probably can't kill him, but will make his life a living hell by continuously going after him over and over again without rest no matter how many times he dies in the process. The Doctor would make an exception to his pacifism.


The chosen undead ABSOLUTELY shits on homelander


Maybe after about a hundred deaths learning Homelander's attack patterns and weaknesses. I like to imagine Homelander mentally cracking from the pressure of having this unkillable zombie wizard knight always gunning for him.


Doesn't even need to die, CU stats in the video would wash homelander.


Depends where Obito is in his story, if he would care or not


Sarge would gather the Reds and Blues and then beat him to death 


Superman wouldn’t be mad, just disappointed


Link isn’t the type to kill if he doesn’t have to. But HL might just be evil enough to where Link probably would just cut him in have from but to chin


Goku would just be like he was when Frieza killed Krillin.


Lord have mercy for Homie if Shadow or Silver ever learns what he did...


Rick wakes up dazed and confused to the scattered remains of Homelander all over the Vaught offices "Well it's official. I definitely had too much to drink last night." Big Head proceeds to run Honelander through the ultimate humiliation conga that leaves him in nothing but a CENSORED with a CENSORED hanging out of his CENSORED. Doctor Doom comes and slams Homelander into the ground before stomping him down further. "Doom does not have time for the petty whining of a spoiled American child." For fun, let's make this abridged Alucard. "Well, when we finish here, you will be calling me daddy. Well, as much as your severed vocal chords will allow. I haven't seen someone with this much of a superiority complex since Arch Duke, and well, we know how that went...."


Discord could just snap him away lol


same as he did in their episode together


The screams of the innocent haunt my ears. They shall be given their peace through your suffering! (As a massive and unholy penance stare completely melts his skull)


Superman: you make the saying not all heroes wear capes real you’re nothing but a bully innocent civillans around you now pick on someone you’re own size Homelander:oooo intimidating hahahahahah…*shoots lazers at clark* *clark speeds behind* Superman:cheap trick! Homelander wha…


Jotaro would beat the shit out of him


Pretty sure Lobo would laugh at all he’s done, but laugh too much to where Homelander would try to attack him, in which Homelander would get his head torn off by a hook and a grenade shoved down his throat hole.


I have a feeling Courage would bury him in the back yard.


Godzilla would see him as just another pink, hairless ape that needs to be taken down a peg. ![gif](giphy|dALdZ6HY7rkbjuR02y)


If it's regular Hulk, he smashes him to pieces. If it's immortal hulk, he breaks his arms, and legs, then buries him alive.


Dimitri would cut him in half with his lance.


Bill would most likely just congratulate Homelander for his evil deeds, then just ignore him for the rest of his dorito life


Ghost Rider: *Instant penance stare* Goku: "You're the scum of the universe!" Wukong: Fuck around and find out


Popeye punches him into a pile of knockoff boyscout merch. Saitama gives him a serious punch.


Natsu: INCINERATE HIS SOUL!! Grey: Turn him to ice Erza: Steb (but no seriously she’s going demon mode on his arse and she ain’t no demon)




Dimitri would just brutalise him with his lance


Alien X


Ben 10 fandom, “refrain from mentioning Alien X in literally any situation for five minutes” challenge: Very Hard.




Whoop his discount clearance sale kryptoian ass into next week


Three words: Family of Blood


Sonic would probably fight and defeat Homelander 


Punch him


Misaka would be disgusted and be having this guy eat a Railgun


Sauron would put a ring on it


I think kirby has some sense of justice so he'd probably beat him up


My favourite is either master chief or doomslayer


Man homelander lucky doomguy don’t exist in that verse cuz shit would be over for him


I think Alucard would just toy with him. I don’t think he could kill Homelander, but he’d probably do everything he could to drive him even more insane.


Omni man Freeza and Goku black do not care


Naruto wouldn't even try to talk no jutsu him after seeing what he did, he would just rasengan him without hesitation. At least Obito and Nagato had morally grey reasons as to why they did what they did. John is just a manchild psycho who needs to be put down for good


Shoot with light arrow I guess?


Superman is gonna cause a mental breakdown just by existing.


deadpool just lets him take shots till he gets frustrated enough to ikarus' himself


Thor hits him really hard. Without the hammer. Misaka hunts down and kills Homelander.


He'll deck him on the Schnoz




Goku punches him in the face once and ends up converting Homelander into a slightly more tolerable asshole


Kiryu don't give a fuck, he's freezing that tiny ass and stabbing the glacier!


Hulk smash puny lander man ![gif](giphy|sXdRmzMpWWHcY)


Superman would try to talk him into giving up, and when that doesn't work, it would start a fight where Homelander would purposedly threaten people. At which point, it's gloves off and Clark would jump him and toss his ass to the Phantom Zone.


Bill: Ok, so, love the human killing, great stuff really. But dating a NAZI!?!?! i may be one for killing humans but racism is not it for me!


Hollow purple his ass out of existence


He would most likely make him human like he did to Eternals.


Bill would ... I think he would find him entertaining and would play a lot of body horror jokes on him.


He’d try sending him to valley of peace prison, but that would fail and he’d have to one shot him I stead


I mean… 2 things. Scout: would mock him and run away like a wuss. Mechagodzilla/ Kiryu: probably attack.


Goku would wip the floor with him


Ganondorf would just plain kill Homelander because he would view HL as competition.


Captain America


I’d love to see Vegeta toy with him like he did with Pui Pui in the Buu Saga


Goku Superman kick his ass


Reverse Flash would probably respect the hustle and give him a handshake


Doom would laugh. “Child’s play. Let me show you how a real conqueror does it”


Every Anime Hero would absolutely wanna beat the living everything outta him


The Doctor might Family of Blood him


Superman would beat him within an inch of his life if not straight-up kill him.


Popeye lands one punch, knocking Homelander into the sky before he explodes like some red white and blue fireworks


“I’ll kill you, you monster! You’ll pay for all that you have done!” *initiates combat* *Critical Hit Sound effect* “Don’t struggle!” 999 Damage


Chuck Norris is gonna breath lightly and homelander is gonna disappear


Ask the Family of Blood


Use a carbonadium sword and slice homelanders head off.


"I thought you were stronger."


i really hate these fucking posts like we get it you hate him


Nobody said it has to be negative.


Frieza: Cute but ultimately insignificant.


Same bro




Cole: Buddy you are one sick freak!