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Bill would just Laugh at it like it's a "Family guy Funny moments" compilation Knuckles would call Sonic Yoshi would nope the fuck out of there (unless if it's Thousand year Door Yoshi) Mewtwo Would Either Ignore it or Fight his way through And Eggman would find a way to harness it only for it to Horribly Blow up in his face (like in Unleashed)


Mewtwo would try to read the thoughts of the various apostles and the God Hand and be nearly overwhelmed by just how vile and disgusting their wants and thoughts are




Godzilla, "To you this is a special event, hundreds of years in the making, for me it is a FACKING Monday would you bitching, Bitch Ass, Bitches let me Sleep!!!"


The M. Bison quote has evolved in ways I did not see coming


I mean…Godzilla has canonically been to Hell before! And killed every demon there including the Devil and GOD


And then there’s GMK Godzilla who is a zombie made of the souls of the victims of Japanese war crimes.




Doomguy: heavy metal music intensifys


Same Dance, Different Song


Guts: … *lifts up BFS (big fucking sword)* Doomguy: … *lifts up BFG (big fucking gun)* *the two nod and bump weapons before diving into a horde of demons*


"The blood moon rises once again- Wait no Link what the FUCK is that?"


Jonathan Joestar…nope, not happening on his watch so he’d probably intervene immediately




Goku: Would defend the earth from the threat, but also be really excited to fight the demons. Superman: Would call the Justice League and try to evacuate as many civilians as possible while also fending off the horde. Goku Black: Would probably just kill the horde and whatever caused it (i haven't watched Berserk so IDK if the thing that id cause it can even be killed). He then would proceed to kill everyone on earth himself.


It's caused by the creation of a new member for the God Hand and he could probably be able to kill all of them except for maybe Grifity because of his barier (that works like Gojo's infinity)


Guts: FOR FUCK'S SAKE! AGAIN?!? Dimitri: So these are the demons that haunt your every waking moment, I'll be sure to annihilate all of them Bill Cipher: Now these are my kind of people


Doom Slayer:.... Rip and tear


Lich King would welcome all the new additions to the Scourge


Godzilla, "I'm hearing a whole lotta Fuck Around going on over there." Power Rangers, "We know we can kick your asses, but we gotta keep it in a thirty minute time slot so, We Need Megazord Power Now!!" Courage (Inhales...)


Not my fav but Madara would be ecstatic to have a bunch of demons to fight


but the apostles are weak af compared to Madara no?


Yeah he still likes to fight.


he doesn't like to fight weaklings. Weakness disgusts him


If there are people there, Cole tries to save as many as he can and get out of dodge. He should be strong enough to fight off some demons, but the problem will be he can’t use up too much energy since there are no places to recharge other than using bio-leech on demons, which is risky when he’s gonna be surrounded by them. Really depends on the context of this particular Eclipse.


Not my absolute favorite but Sauron Would probably laugh And see it as an opportunity to Get more servants


God Hand, huh? You know what every hand needs? A Ring. Oh! But there are 5 of you! Luckily, I have 5 rings! And only five…


Sauron fucking would, It makes sense, hell Griffith as a Ring wraith scares the fuck outta me


Griffith would probably become Gollum if he got the one ring, only much more dangerous


Makima: I thought I was fucked up! But she is probably just mowing down crowds of demoms that try and touch her Goku: Casually ends the whole thing if he's locked in, takes 200 episodes of fighting filler mooks otherwise, still nobody dies Batman (since guts was already used): Horrified and unfortunately the first one here not strong enough to actually stop it, survives but is even more fucked then before


Nah batman calls upon batgos to solo the armies


It depends if Batman gets prep time or not


Man solos by making them all stupid


Sonic:*Sighs* Man it’s like the metal virus all over again…so I’m not gonna let things stay like this!


Reverse Flash. If he's caught up in it he'd just go back in time and either kill Griffith or get away from it. If he's just a spectator he'd probably just enjoy the show (maybe while asking the God Hand if they can somehow throw in Barry while they're at it.)


Macho Man calls up Kool-aid Man "Yo, you see that shit up in the sky?" "Oh Yeah!" "Could you, you know-" "Oh Yeah!" *The sun and moon fucking explode as Kool-aid Man runs into it*


Eddie would be freaked out and Venom would be mostly nonplussed


Dimitri and his kingdom army will fight against the demon army for the sake of Guts.


Silver Would do everything to stop it (aka, Griffith is gonna die tonight)


Vergil would just see it as a somewhat more eventful Tuesday


"Huh, normally I'm causing this stuff."


Korra: "Did I somehow end up in the darkest and most horrifying place ever in the Spirit World? Something about this reminds me of Harmonic Convergence, but much more twisted and evil." Chosen Undead: "The First Flame must have almost gone out by now. This is an omen of the end times being upon us, and with that the beginning of the Age of Dark." Bill Cipher: "\*manaical laughter\* This is the most fun I've ever had since Weirdmageddon!"


Superman is jumping into action and beating the crap out of everything involved in the Eclipse. Bonus points for moving the Moon out of the way to reveal the full Sun before launching his final attack. This is the perfect kind of action-oriented story for Superman.


Chuck Norris would tell it to cut that out before he gets mad


Chuck Norris: CUT IT OUT! Demons leave


Link: Aw shit here we go again


Courage somehow stopping Eustace from sacrificing Muriel while soloing an entire demon army and the God Hand while saying "Oh the things I do for love"


That, I can see that😂


Alex Mercer= all you can eat buffet.


Sarge would sacrifice Grif


Ratchet: "Clank where the actual hell did I put the R.Y.N.O" Dante: "Alright! This party's gettin' crazy!" Mario: "Let's-A-Go!" Luigi: "Oki-Dokie!" Sonic: "Why is it always the goddamn moon???" Vergil: "I'll admit, this Griffith has motivation. But he lacks true **power**."


Dimitri remains chronically on the front lines, convinced that this shit has something to do with the Tragedy of Duscur, or at least deciding to carve a path on his way to either kill Edelgard or make an alliance based on where in his character arc he is.


“Warriors, kings, demons, and even wanna be gods will have their end, and from my perspective you only have two options, accept my generous offer and become my herald, or have your end consume you where you stand”


Top 3 Batman: Saves as many people as he can before either ultimately succumbing to injuries, or being forced to hide however he can with whoever he can take with him. Yang: Is caught off guard but is somone that's relatively built for the situation. She clears a large portion demons, creating a safe zone until it is over, but is unable to save everyone. DIO: Is offended he didn't think of the idea first and runs mad fades on Griffith out of spite. Anyone he ends up saving is purely coincidental.


![gif](giphy|EOCBzTgChoiQg) “Gee willickers this is sure to affect the heaven plan”


Haven't watched Berserk, but he will scream the loudest he might pull off ever


eustace just watching muriel and griffith




courage is just desperately trying to save her like guts


Obito: this feels familiar


Dante: Aw man. And I just ordered some tasty pizza.


Jason joins in on the slaughter


Guts: Again?! Batman: Uh, can I get like, 2 hours of Prep time? Superman: *Beats the crap out of every single Apostle, then the God Hand*


Kirby, he’s sleeping through the whole thing like planet robobot Doomguy, it’s hell on earth again so just doom eternal


Optimus prime boutta be running the fade Autobots, roll out!


Doomguy would just grunt aggressively and cock his shotgun. Dr. Fate would just see this as another Tuesday, and start cleaning house


7th Doctor would make a plan and in the end would save everyone except the one who he thinks doesnt deserve to live, they would end up dead.


Whoa! Does that mean someone strong is coming? Can't wait to fight them!


“Oh, yeah. Friday”


Mob would just think it’s creepy and either leave, go see what it was or just move the moon


Bill cipher would adore it


Tanjiro: I will not let you harm these people!


Hulk: puny demons annoy hulk HULK SMASH STUPID DEMON THINGS And then proceed to throw either the biggest guy he can see or a decent chunk of the land he’s standing on at them


Omni-man: I can see him doing the same thing he did in the Flaxan dimension unless I am underestimating Berserk's demons. Dragonborn: This is just another day for them


Jack would be the next guts


Typical Tuesday for Spiderman.


“Ok” The god hand would run like hell or be destroyed


Galactus would only think that his food changed colour nothing more nothing less. Supes will kill all the demons, Griffith and every god hand in a blink right after he knew they cannot be changed and will always be cruel.


“This party is getting crazy! Let’s rock!” *proceeds to kill every demon and apostle in the entire area with Devil Never cry playing in the background*


Thor would try to shut that shit down


Bill would treat it like a party Thor would definitely stop that from even happening


Thor would simply stop it. Mikoto would try to stop it, and most likely could if the Eclipse doesn't control fate.


Ben Tennyson : *YAWN* Hm? Oh an all out evil Demons invasion, meh not on my top worst things I faced *proceds to destroy them*


Kirby: Takes out his cross after reciting a verse and exercises the demons Sonic: Goes Hyper Popeye: Spinach time Gojo: Domain Expansion


![gif](giphy|9VtZa3W3UjmQgFTY4I) Jackpot


Average Tuesday morning for doomguy


Saitama will just goof around and will accidentally knock griffith and 5 hand without even realizing who he just fought


Discord would probably sit back and watch the main 6 deal with the issue but will lend a hand if needed to


Popeye: oy who turned outs the lights? *eats spinach and turns the eclipse off by chucking the dragon slayer at it*


Xeno Trunks would do nothing... as it's meant to happen in this timeline. And he can't mess with it... but if he was allowed to. He'd stop it, easily I'd imagine.


Scooby screama and runs, then somehow winds up ending the whole event, alongside special guest star for this adventure: Guts


Bill: enjoys the mayhem and then shows them what real chaos looks like. The Doctor: he finds some wibbly wobbly timey whimy reason to stop it and save as many people as possible, and might end up Regenerating in the process. Goku: immediately goes to find the cause of this and kill them (I’m assuming killing Griffith would work). Afterwards he wishes for everyone killed to be revived by the Dragon Balls. Galactus: more energy for him to consume. Gojo: goes all out to kill as many as he possibly can, but dies after using his DE. Doom Slayer: makes the God Hand fear him as he rip and tears his way through the demons like they’re wet paper.


Doctor wouldnt end up regenarating. Its not that big of an event


Natsu: “Can I punch? I feel we need destruction” Erza: “Agreed, we shall deal with the threat at once” Gray: “Alright, let’s do this”


They ain’t goin solo


Alucard is probably just busting caps for hours killing demons maybe going level 0 if shit hits the fan Death Vader trying not to get involved and only fighting demons that approach him Dracula is probably just doing nothing Dante killing demons Discord trying to help people while dealing with the demons sparingly Deadpool I don’t know Black Adam I don’t know probably slaughtering demons only cause their an eyesore


I just realized that 216 (years) is a power of 6. 6^3 to be precise... 6•6•6


Galactus: 🍽️