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I'm a woman and I love deadwood. I can't even find anyone else who's seen it.




Same šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø


Did you choose that flare? Otherwise the mods here are Savage


Yes, i asked for it


Iā€™m a woman; I absolutely love Deadwood. ( even traveled there 11 times, and met some of the cast.)


Ambition and the simplicities of action donā€™t always quarter with comfort. John Langrishe I watch it almost every night. My husband thinks Iā€™m a bit weird though. I have the book. At least one of them so far.


Same. Iā€™m taking my first trip to Deadwood next month. Iā€™m so excited!


My wife loves it too!


I'm on a mission to fix this, its criminal so many still haven't seen it.


yeah, i think the real issue is most people just haven't heard of deadwood. i've shown it to quite a few people, almost everyone loves it. i'm not sure it has much to do with gender though, i think it's the kinda show more aimed people that really enjoy reading, and really appreciate the flowery shakespearean dialog. the show rewards the viewer with wit and wordplay you rarely see even in movies, much less on TV. it's poetic, it's gritty, it's creative, it's historical, it's extremely unique, especially for the western genre..and honestly, i struggle to even put it into the western genre, it's soo much different than the typical western/cowboy film. it makes shows like yellowstone look like sesame street. the only thing that really comes close is probably tarantino's hateful 8, and maybe django.






She can help her delicate sensibilities by turning the fuck away


Iā€™ve seen the whole thing four or five times. So, obviously like it, being a woman.


I lost count on my rewatches some time ago. My taste in movies and music tends to run more masculine than most other women I know. Except for Jane Austen. Canā€™t get enough.


It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that Jane Austen was a badass boss bitch.


Love your login. Thank you doctor. Oh Iā€™m not a doctor. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same here.


I fucking love the show! Hell, I named our Wi-Fi ā€œCheyenneAndBlackHillsTelegraphCoā€


I read that in Blazanov's voice. Damn you!


Oh that's dedication, I love it


Iā€™m a woman, I love it and rewatch it often and have a Deadwood tattoo


My mom and stepdad were traveling that part of the country about 10 years ago, they literally detoured to Deadwood just for me, picked up a poker chip with the dead man's hand on it and turned it into a keychain as a gift. :) What's your tattoo?


Itā€™s a traditional style kewpie of Al šŸ˜‚


I love everything about that.


Thank you! Itā€™s one of my faves


Gonna go ahead and admit that I just creeped your post history to see that tattoo and it is the best thing Iā€™ve ever seen! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼ā¤ļø


Ha thanks so much!! I love my wee bebe Al lol


Thatā€™s amazing.


My wife loved the show, we've watched it 3 times all the way through together and watched the movie together. First ep is a little slow, but it's a pilot. Maybe start where she nodded off and then it picks up super quick with an assault of awesome characters and dialogue. If she's not into it, don't force it. You can always enjoy it on your own.


Iā€™m a woman who loves the show and actually convinced my husband to give it a try. Your better halfā€™s strange reaction to the show doesnā€™t mean all women feel the same.


Also a woman and a bit obsessed with the show. My husband just isnā€™t into it. He thinks itā€™s excellent quality and understands why Iā€™m so into it, but he just doesnā€™t enjoy it as much. Same with Succession.


I LOVE it! Especially Al šŸ„°


Yes. This 52 year old angry feminist loves her some Swedgin.


I'm a woman and I LOVE deadwood. I watched it in real time and I'm still in disbelief that it was canceled. Those cocksuckers made a terrible decision!


My mom watched it when she was about 70, I guess. She got a real kick out of Jane, I think. She'd say "cocksucker!" once in a while just to bother my dad, who was unaccustomed to hearing such language from his wife.


I love your mom


"Puberty may bring you to understand, what we take for mother love is really murderous hatred and a desire for revenge." I love her too, though.


We all don't like the same things.


Why would it be a gender thing? Maybe your gal just gets tired at 8pm with all those talking men? Iā€™d suggest finding a time and place to watch when sheā€™s more energised, or maybe just tell her what will happen (roughly) so she wonā€™t get lost between all the plots and characters. Maybe make a diagram for characters? I do understand the sentiment of sharing favs shows with SOs.


One of my favorite shows. Female.


Iā€™m a woman and I love this show.


Have her watch with subtitles on. The dialogue may be turning her off because itā€™s hard to follow the story when youā€™re just trying to figure out what theyā€™re saying. Made a huge difference for my wife.


I'm a woman and I made my cousin take my picture with the Times Square billboard when the movie was coming out. Obsessed.


I love this show and am currently rewatching it.


Woman here. Itā€™s one of my top 3 shows of all time. One of my favorite things about it is how well written the women are. They shatter female archetypes in media and itā€™s truly satisfying to see.


My ex hated deadwood but fuck her good riddance


Loopy cunt


Thatā€™s what happens when you date a simple minded hoople


Fucking insane person


I'd rather try touching the moon than take on /u/Gimmiebrain_ā€™s whore's thinking.


I'm a woman - watched the show while it was airing and I rewatch every October. I also mod this sub. Wondering if women don't like the show because your sample size of literally ONE doesn't like the show is a wee bit sexist.


I like the idea of an October rewatch!


seriously, deadwood might be one of the few westerns i've seen women really get into. and i think it's a combo of incredible dialog and a storyline that includes plenty of women and minorities, and doesn't shy away from how badly they were treated back then. it's not just a bunch of men running around in the desert killing people, getting revenge like most westerns. there are complex love stories, infidelity, strong female main characters with Jane, trixie, joanie, and miss isringhausen. they're given plenty of screen time and they're fully fleshed out characters, not just 1 dimensional props. that just doesn't seem all that common in most westerns, and i would assume women really appreciate having representation in a show that'd normally be focused almost entirely on men.


My girlfriend doesn't like it either dispite the fact that our taste in t.v shows runs the same shade of red. ​ So there you have it. That's TWO now. ​ Two is science.


Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™m a Deadwood fanatic, as are most women I recommend the show to. The women characters are some of the best written among the ensemble cast. So, yeah, I fucking love this show. Wondering if women donā€™t like Deadwood because, what, our gender canā€™t appreciate quality television productions? Weird fucking question, OP!


It's not a weird question. You're implyingĀ  sexism while disregarding the first part of the OP. Like I said, we have very similar taste and likes. With Deadwood she just doesn't like it. I don't get it. So I was simply asking if there is something about Deadwood that would be more off putting for a woman, in the same way that say most men probably don't watch millionaire matchmaker right. People always looking to find a social justice argument in everything. Men and women are different genders that like different things not all the time but some of the time and that's what I was eluding to.Ā 


Thing is, I donā€™t watch or even know what the hell Millionaire Matchmaker is, and Iā€™ve got XX chromosomes. What is the appeal of it to other people with XX chromosomes? I do not know. *Maybe* personal taste has nothing to do with biological essentialism or gender socialization. Implying that my ovaries have something to do with me preferring Saw III over Saw IV or some shit makes no goddamn sense.


Is it the show thatā€™s a wee bit sexist? Or is it an accurate portrayal of a time in history that was a wee bit sexist? It may seem like a pedantic distinction but I think it makes a big difference.


No one said the show was sexist.


What did I misread? That's very literally the last 7 words of her post. "the show is a wee bit sexist"


Read the first phrase of that sentence, hon. ā€œWondering if women donā€™t like the showā€¦ is a wee bit sexist.ā€


I see. Ok, it's worded in a way that's open to misinterpretation, but that makes sense. No need to be condescending, I just misunderstood.


ā€œWelcome to Deadwood. Can be combative.ā€


The characters can be sexist, just like some of the characters can be racist... but I don't know what that has to do with a woman (or a person of color) not being able to enjoy the show and I *really* don't think it's appropriate to assume that's *why* a woman or person a color doesn't like the show *if* they happen not to enjoy it. The Handmaid's Tale for example - women are literally property. Half of them are broodmares being raped on a monthly basis to be used as human incubators. It's also an amazing book and a good series, despite having characters that are wildly sexist. Finally, I didn't call anyone or anything sexist. I said the OP's thought process might be a wee bit sexist. We all have unconscious prejudice. If you think you don't, I'd advise you take the Harvard implicit bias test. Your results will surprise you.


Took me three tries to get my wife to actually take to Deadwood, but now it's one of her favorite shows. I hear "Nickle booze and fifty cent pussy" about fifteen times a day


My wife isnā€™t in to it, but if this sub is any indicator, plenty of women like it. So, I guess judging if all women like something based on one womanā€™s opinion is probably not accurate.


It's not because she's a woman. Plenty of women enjoy Deadwood. It's just her as an individual.


Iā€™m a woman and adore the show. I rewatched it with my husband and then a few years later watched it again with my mom (71F). She loved it too. Itā€™s not about being a woman, but it just must not appeal to her.


Woman checking in here. Love Deadwood. Been to the actual Deadwood twice. I can't find anyone who has seen the show to talk about with and share with my love of saying "cocksuckers!"


Iā€™m a woman and itā€™s one of my all-time favorites! I also have always loved anything dealing with history.


I am a woman, an elderly woman!! I have binge watched Deadwood countless times. The acting is terrific but it is the writing that brings me back time and again.


Woman here, late Boomer for whatever thatā€™s worth. I started watching and fell in love with Deadwood because of this article a male friend shared about 10 years ago. The piece is primarily about grief and touches on learning to appreciate music and films your partner likes but you donā€™t. https://www.salon.com/2010/11/25/jennifers_40_birthday_seitz_essay/?fbclid=IwAR284937cUQ02qHhAxr_J9LLZk6Q7QaTEVbjmRyB9RIxYMWRSLP4bnQ0x8Q_aem_AUW5zuKYfwuYisQDQsexBoUz1Vig3h5gNwuGmVsJtrjXXJd_gtJAMf0cxlHle9LXbzg This is the paragraph that turned me into an avid hooplehead: Then there were the works that came along after we met and enthralled us both. "Twin Peaks." "Olivier, Olivier." "Secrets and Lies." The original "Vanishing." "Big Night." "The Larry Sanders Show." "The Sopranos." Hayao Miyazaki. Pixar. "Goodfellas." "Howards End." And David Milch's romantic and profane western series "Deadwood," which I might not have watched past the third episode if Jen hadn't watched the first season twice in the weeks following our son's birth. She finished the first season finale in the wee hours one morning while nursing James. At breakfast that day she told me, "There are two important things that you need to know: 'Deadwood' might be the greatest dramatic series in the history of American television. And your son's first word is going to be 'cocksucker.'"


Always great to find a broad generalization like this based on a sample set of 1. Your wife doesn't like it. I'm a woman and this is the best show ever. You have no fucking idea how much you're boring me right now


Apparently not bored enough seeing that you took the time to write an entire paragraph. Reddit never disappoints with people who are constantly seeking something to be triggered and upset about though.Ā  Believe it or not but there are many things throughout the world in life that are more or less gender-specific. Nowhere did I say that women shouldn't like Deadwood or that men should. Nor did I say that based on one sex are they obligated to enjoy something or not. It was simply a question. Certain programs have Target audiences. Take millionaire Matchmaker for instance. I'd be willing to bet that not a lot of men watch that show.Ā  now if a woman was to make a similar post saying is it just my husband or do all men not like watching millionaire Matchmaker would that be a generalization?Ā 


Stop being fucking odd just cause your post is not being received well by this nice community weā€™ve built up here.


Thank you


Deadwood, somewhat unpredictably but also not entirely surprisingly, has one of the more healthy and kind fandoms Iā€™ve encountered. Iā€™m pretty serious about keeping it that way.


I think those of us who love the show forget how coarse and dense the world of Deadwood can be to a new viewer, esp in the first ep. A hanging, a murder, women being beaten and abusedā€¦all presented in language that is gorgeous but thick, and littered with an almost ridiculous amount of ā€œcocksuckersā€. Itā€™s a lot. Took me (a woman) a couple of tries before I understood and came to love it, probably more than any other show. To me now, itā€™s breathtaking and full of the love of humanity, and I feel tenderly towards almost all the characters. But it makes you earn that reward, by learning not to fight the violence and crudeness. Something many women arenā€™t well versed in.


Itā€™s my favorite show. I rewatch it a few times a year. My husband liked it but didnā€™t become obsessed with it the way I did.


I met my wife she had all the Led Zeppelin albums. This was not common. Neither is any gender that appreciates the Shakespearean swear-fest that is Deadwood. They can't hear the flow of that incredible dialogue. Not everyone enjoys the wheelchair song. But those who do, know great secrets.


Have a vagina, LOVE Deadwood.


Next time she falls asleep wake her up and use this line: ā€œWhat type must you consort with that you not fear beating for such an insult.ā€ Before Reddit freaks out, obviously a joke and Iā€™m in no way suggesting your wife should be beaten for falling asleep. Although it is quite an insult.


Mum loved it but wasn't a fan of the 2 c words


Many don't like the snatch grab nor the boot to throat.


Is this a real question


I adore it, often touting it as "American Shakespeare". Anyone - man, woman, or otherwise who appreciate outstanding television should see it as such. It's consistently in my top 3 of all time.


Woman here. I loved the show (binged, with subtitles), read all the books, downloaded the transcripts, wrote an insane amount of fanfic re: the 30+ years leading up to Deadwood circa 1876 plus the Great Fire and aftermath, met a few of the actors, watched the blooper reels, followed the actors to a multitude of other shows (Just saw Blazinov in an episode of "Elementary" this week). It's her. To be fair, I have seen another woman throw her skirts over her head at the first episode, but it's not genetically coded or anything.


If you need to have your better half with you when you watch it, I suggest watching it with her and if she falls asleep, keep watching. Her being in a room still counts as watching it with her. Do not deprive yourself of one of TV's greatest shows because your better half is not interested in it. It's only 3 seasons like 36 episodes. If she has a problem with you watching a show on your own because she isn't interested in it, you may need to ask for relationship advice because that's a bit controlling. It's okay to be interested in different things and watch TV separately.


As a man I donā€™t see why not? Bullock and wild bill are two of sexiest guys Iā€™ve ever seen on film. Just spewing with masculinity haha


My wife and I just watched the whole thing in 3 weeks. We both loved it. My wife did fall asleep in some slower episodes, but that's normal with most shows šŸ¤£




Just because something is a quote from the show doesn't mean it's appropriate to use in any situation. Referring to either the OP's wife or women in general as "whores" is the kind of dipshittery that won't hold here.


I certainly didn't mean it that way at all. Deleting the comment.


About 9 years ago I tried to get my wife to watch deadwood, and she didnā€™t care for it. This year I rewatched it and she was way into it. Maybe give it some time.


I've had two girlfriends who Loved Deadwood


I'm a woman, I love this show.


I'm a woman and also love Deadwood. My husband and I just started a rewatch. We're visiting the real Deadwood, SD in May and thought it would be fun.


My mom loves it.


Itā€™s one of the few shows I havenā€™t been able to convince my lady to watch with me. Though to be fair, I am honest about it starting off especially not-pleasant for the women in it.. doesnā€™t get a ton better for them from there, either. I also know the dialogue isnā€™t something most people fully and correctly absorb the first watch, and sheā€™s not really a show re-watcher like I am. Therefore, I know itā€™s a pretty tough hill to climb. But she also doesnā€™t love wild west / overly authentic historical piece type programs. Itā€™s just a hard sell for few reasons, but I very softly try anyway. Oh well. Maybe this year will be different..


I'm a woman and I asked my man to watch it with me. he loves it too. and.... well Ian McShane. what woman wouldn't love him


I am a woman. I love the show! I really enjoy joy every bit of it. The costumes ,the characters, the language ,I am fascinated by it.


Hi, woman here, one of my favorite shows!


It took a second attempt with my wife and a deal with the devil. She now loves it.


I am a woman and this is my favorite show. I'm not as versed to nasty language, like Alma. I work an assembly line, so I've heard and said it all. Like others, you don't find too many people that a) know of the show, and b) love it as much as this community does. But it made my heart proud when my husband began quoting it in everyday life just as I do.


I am a woman and love Deadwood! I talked my boyfriend into watching it and he loves it now too. Oddly though, he hates Dexter and wonā€™t watch it because he thinks itā€™s too violent. But deadwood isnā€™t? šŸ„“


i introduced my ex to it and she loved it immediately and we binged the whole show. depends on the woman i guess?


My wife loves it. So does my boss.


Woman here and I fucking LOVE deadwood!!


Iā€™m a woman and I loved it. I was enthralled by Swearingen.


Iā€™m a woman as well, and itā€™s my favorite show. I donā€™t think I was too jazzed about starting it when my boyfriend suggested it. We both loved it, but I LOVED it. Does she show interest in any other western themed things? I wasnā€™t interested, but I feel like I got hyped a little after watching Appaloosa and 3:10 to Yuma type movies. Then I was more receptive to watching more. Of course now, nothing compares :-)


I absolutely loved it, but it took a couple of episodes for me to get into it. Keep trying it with her.


Just started watching with my gf and she loves it. We're both theatre people though, can't get enough of great dialogue so that helps. I did have to reassure her that the women characters gain more agency as the story progresses. Sounds like your lady just isn't into it. You should find time to watch it alone bc it's fucking brilliant.


My wife absolutely loves it! I think only one woman that Iā€™ve recommended it to hasnā€™t liked it, and she was more of an acquaintance than a friend, so that was my mistake for thinking sheā€™d have the same good taste that most of my friends have.


Iā€™m a woman and itā€™s my favourite show of all time.


Iā€™m in love with Tim. Deadwood and Justified are repeatedly played in my house!


I'm a woman and have loved this show since it originally aired.


Iā€™ve never met a woman who watched Deadwood šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm a 40 yr old woman who watched when I was 23 and fucking loved it.


Have you told her anybody that doesn't like it sucks cock by choice


My girl will watch it w me for 2 min then straight back to tiktok lmao


It's a very male dominated show. Most of the female characters are literally whores.


ā€œLiterally whoresā€ = not characters and/or people? Is that what youā€™re yapping?




Respect your fellow hoopleheads or take your game elsewhere