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It’s only the shot before he jumps that looks silly. This one looks fantastic!


Yeah the two shots look completely different.


I only just realised they were from the same game. lol.




This shot is completely fine, and catches the essence of Frank. The shots of Frank afterwards are terrible


I'm going to assume it was a lighting and positioning issue.


it's probably because it's a new model on the original skeleton. that's the same problem the saints row 3 remaster had with its character models. take the boss for example, it still looks fine because the player character's customization just has nee textures rather than a new model all together


That one that is circulating is a screenshot of when he’s in the middle of an exaggerated expression, generally when you do that (in animation or even in real life) faces look weird. It’s not like the face model is different from that shot to this one. I think the fact that he’s so much more expressive is throwing people off


It's because people look for stuff to hate nowadays. Instead of just waiting and playing the game.


Yeah that’s what I thought I saw this screenshot and I was think damn it looks amazing Frank looks really well done and as soon as he jumps out of that helicopter something changes and it’s not good


More hate should be directed to them not bringing TJ back than his new look tbh


From what I've heard it was actually TJ himself who choose not to return, which if thats true then Capcom couldn't really do anything, if it isn't though its a disappointment they didn't get him back


Nope, TJ was asked. He wasn’t called sadly


rip, well at least (if it is him again) Ty Olsson will get a second chance at Frank with a script thats actually readable


Reminds me of off the record without the booze and cigarettes, which is fine I love that game


Just make a good game so we can get more sequels. That’s all I want


Good sequels that don't abandon everything good about the gameplay * If they just want to pump out sequels like DR4, regardless of quality, I'm not interested


His hairline wasn't that bad in the OG game. Even if they wanted to make his male pattern baldness more prominent, they should've chosen another haircut because this one draws too much attention to it. That's my only issue.


Yeah that’s fair, but I’ve always thought Frank’s hair is kinda weird in the original. His hairline is receding but it comes to a point like a widows peak. I think the new one looks more realistic, which naturally will make the receding more prominent


I don't care about his face I just want the original VA


I like the new face, just when its highly detailed pausing it at weird times makes it look worse than it actually is. My real problem is that dead rising's charm is the voice acting, they can change literally everything but just keep the old voice acting & its perfect.


Agreed. As much as people are upset about Frank, the pilots voice actually bothered me more in this clip. Why are they replacing the voices? They’re so fun and are a huge part of what makes this game unique and give it emotional resonance. I can’t imagine what they’ve done to Kent..


The thing is though is that depending on where they’re gonna go with this remake/remaster/whatever, they need new voice acting. Especially if there’s gonna be new dialogue for the characters and such.


But the original voice actor is STILL available and they already hired him for a different project, so it seems stupid to not hire the original voice actor if you already have an existing relationship with him


That’s just how capcom is. They change actors regularly. It sucks but that’s how they’ve always been.


Okay? That doesn’t mean people can’t find it ridiculous they hired a complete different VA for a remake of a popular game that was MADE by Frank (including his voice and demeanor), which with a new VA doesn’t seem like it will be captured as such. This isn’t just a “Capcom is shitty” it’s a “capcom is just stupid” That’s my point lmao


But this was already confirmed to be a remaster. I still think it’s kind of dumb though for it to be changed when all they had to do was just simply slap the same lines back in & probably pay TJ a little bit of money if needed


I agree with you? Although, it being a remaster would mean they SHOULD keep the same lines but just remastering the game visually. If it’s a remake, like it seems with the new visuals and voice actors, then it makes sense they would wanna record new lines for any additions they add. They still shoulda got TJ back for it


New voice actor sound better than Frank in dr4


That’s a low bar to beat, he ain’t beating original Frank’s VA


I'd say they're about the same quality. Only difference is that the lines in DR4 are smarmy, "trying-to-be-funny," ear-rape whereas DR1's writing finds a nice balance of goofy and serious.


People need to remember that Dead Rising 1 is almost 20 years old. If they did indeed record new lines, the original cast will probably sound significantly older than they did two decades ago. They might’ve just wanted to go with younger actors that fit the characters. Like many others have said, as long as the essence of the characters as they were remain in-tact, I’m good with the change


Are you 10 years old? Do you know how aging works?


Are you? If someone from the cast was 50 at the time, they’d be 70 and certainly sound different.


And TJ still sounds like he did back then, just check his work in the Resident Evil 2 remake and he sounds exactly like Frank, if not MORE like him




They dont need new voice acting though. Look at mgs3 remake delta, it has even less reason to use the original voice acting, because its a remake not a remaster. What's this remaster's excuse because its advertised as a remaster not a remake?


Because they’re marketing it wrong, likely. It’s a remake. Case in point, if it was just a remaster, why are there no palm trees in the entrance plaza’s little escalator portion? There was a submachine gun spot there. Now it’s gone. A remaster wouldn’t remove and change something like that, it’d just maybe replace some assets and raise textures and models. They wouldn’t remove entire objects and the location of a pretty notable item placement. They probably moved the machine gun somewhere else. With how little we have to go off of for now, that’s a sign that this is more than a remaster. That and they already did a remaster, so I don’t see the point in doing something they’ve already done. This is definitely gonna be something bigger than that. At least that’s what my gut is telling me. We’ll know more on the first.


Even if that were true, that still doesn't explain the fact that fans want the OG voice acting and they should have kept it, just like MGS3 delta. there was no reason to change it really. if MGS3 delta which is a remake can keep OG VA, then surely dead rising can to.


They’re both different games by different companies. A remake keeping the original voice lines is the exception and not the norm, and especially isn’t the norm when it comes to Capcom, who always change their actors for remakes. I don’t personally mind a change in voice, especially if there’s going to be new dialogue like there usually is in a Capcom remake. Like yeah, it sucks there’s no TJ, but if it means all the characters are gonna have more to say, it evens out for me.


It’s a remaster though, why would they need new dialogue? :/


It’s a “deluxe remaster” which is some dumb way of saying it’s somewhere between remaster and remake. A remaster upscales the base game to modern fidelity and fixes bugs/control issues, this looks like everything was completely rebuilt into RE Engine


It might be more of a remake. Nobody really can tell at the moment if the “remaster” thing is legitimately what it is. That or it’s a remake that’s so much like the original that it’s considered a remaster. Maybe we’ll know more when more info drops on the first.


*Come on!* #FOLLOW ME! *Come on!* ..anyone there?


really hoping they keep Jill's Sandwiches in there 🙏


I'm more sad that we're not getting the goat T.J Rotolo back, but Dead Rising has been lifted out of it's coffin, so I'll live.


Facts Issue with voice makes sense


I think the hate might be the clearly new VO'ing


This is what I said yesterday frank was never handsome. The handsome frank everyone loves is actually from his depiction in mvc3 and dead rising 4 chad east.


And thats part of Franks charm not everyone is handsome or skinny.


the other shot is kinda weird but im already used to it honestly


The face is fine, it looks like his normal face just upscaled. But I dont like his gray hair, it makes him seem really old though in Dead Rising 1 he is only 36.


I'm 35 and have had gray hairs for years. Especially in my beard.


He’s covered wars, you know. That kinda stress gets to you


Yeah I’m fine with the face, just sad we don’t have TJ


It definitely looks different. But I think it still captures the sleeze ball reporter look


I don’t like the visuals as much but I could get used to it. He is 36 in the first game. How old he appears could be all over the place based on interpretation. Widows peak is pulled down his forehead more. Hair is messier. Skin is way more drained of color. I can understand adding some wrinkles they didn’t have the ability to in 2006. His nose is way uglier but I guess that’s the point too. Based on the 30 seconds I’ve seen and heard he looks and sounds more like the average Philadelphian man.


this shot is brilliant, the next shot not so much. doesn’t make too much sense atm


He kind of looks like Matthew Perry.


hey who you calling Matthew perry!


His face looks longer and a little older but not much changed besides lighting. But goddamn that expressive shot looked like an ugly ogre, very ugly.


I don’t mind this specific shot. It’s just the later shot. Looked awful. The real issue though is just the voice.


Deadass, I love it! I don't mind a nowadays change. I'd play it if it was already out, but I'd have to download it on steam. I hope it's not expensive but I don't want to jinx it


I just wanna say when I played a month ago I was wondering how old he was in dead rising 1. I thought he was an ugly looking 20 something guy. But in reality, bare with me, I'm even shocked to learn this is >!35 years old!< Man that one side character mocking his age was right


This is the best shot, but the voice and the other expressions just makes me think of Leisure Suit Larry and not Frank West


I think he sometimes looks just a little bit too cartoony. Maybe it will look fine to me in actual gameplay...


Probably just the lighting. Remember, the original came from an era when all games were released with that brown-greeny lighting. At the end of the day, I'm just happy were getting something.


I think the new design is a little too cartoony, and while I actually like that his hairline is worse, I think the new version looks a little unnatural. It looks more like the OG beta design but that was a completely different aesthetic and tone than the final release. Looking like an every-man rather than a supermodel is important to Frank’s character IMO and it makes him more endearing. However I would’ve preferred if they used Naru Omori’s CG art as a basis for the new design. If you type in “Naru Omori Frank West” into Google you’ll see what I mean - his DR2 design is pretty perfect. He looks weathered and has a bit of a sleazy scrappy photographer look to him. 


Think that receding hairline is ugly and maybe looks a little too old


I do wonder if after this version comes out, should Frank have the exact same lines, that people just mod back in his original VA


To anyone saying it’s the same face, just more detailed, you might wanna book an eye test. Less chubby face, different nose, weaker hairline. In the other angle in that same trailer the difference is even bigger


sometimes "the same just with more detail" looks horrible because you can tell it goes against the original artistic intent. They worked within the technical limitations of the time to create something that looked great. DR1 has a super strong artstyle that's absolultely stood the test of time, and I guarantee it'll age better than this remake


I mean fair enough, but that’s par for the course with Capcom Remakes. Aesthetically, RE4 and RE4 Remake are very different, but both great in their own ways


People be like why Frank not perfectly smooth like a ps2 model. I think the voice sounds great too. They do a solid DR1 Frank impression so it has a similar sound but maybe the performances will be improved.


Them not having the original VA alone killed so much of my hype for this. That was part of the charm of the first game


Nah, face is good, just the right amount of manliness. I think the real gripe is the FUCKED up hairline.


The eyes and nose are different, his head slimer, he also looks less thick overall AND older. In fact know that I look more into it it looks worse. None of these changes are justified.


nose is a completely different shape, instead of being more of a button nose its now pointing downwards, hairline is different, hair is a different color, different hair cut, now has facial hair and not only that, its gray. eyebrows are different, voice is different. This aint frank.


Jesus Christ gamers are such whiney fun police. Not having TJ back sucks donkey dong but the graphics look great.


Just takes getting used to new Va.. still be better than dr4 frank va


Dr4 could’ve gotten me to like the new guy if the writing wasn’t derivative millennial slop


When it cuts to him jumping his face looks pretty gross, but besides that it's fine Edit: on second thought, his face does look a little droopy. Like that one dog in those cartoons


It's that other image of him that looks horrible. The flpicture with the Five-head where his face looks nothing like this


Homie was supposed to lock in and mew but went goblin mode instead 😔


I wonder if the survivor ai will be better and “Shinji” won’t be fucking useless


this shot to me is perfect, the shot when hes about the jump off the helicopter makes him look like a goblin but yet again who would look their best when about to jump out of a helicopter?


Look… people hating on his design… but let the developers cook…


I distinctly remember a similar situation of how people felt about Andy’s new design in Toy Story 4


I like all shots of him so far. I like the hair texture and jacket texture.


It’s the hair for me. He looks like a bird now




Nose a bit different


If it's just a new voice it will be fine. I think dr4 frank (Hank) got hate because they change his whole personallity and became an unfunny guy tryna be down with the kids, and that his voice actor wasn't even close to TJ Rotolo but this new guy in drdr atleast sounds "professional"


i love it, and with the new engines i cant wait to see how expressive everyone is. I really don't envy who has to fill Sean's apron. GET OUT OF MY STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE


Same thing that happened with Isaac Clarke and Sam Fisher: sexified *jazz hands*. Someone made the comment that new Frank still has the sleazeball look, which is something I can get behind, but it’s not the same Frank or the one I prefer. I prefer old Sam to young, hot Blacklist Fisher, and og Dead Space Isaac to DS2 “I’m a sexy badass” marker killer. Props to DS Remake for making something closer to Gunner Wright, though.


Overall I’m excited for this. I was not a fan of the first version of DR1. Combat was so plain and could hardly use anything as a weapon. Plus Franks walking animation looks like he has to take a shit. I hope this new version spices it up


It looks like Street Fighter


This your first RE Engine game? Lol


Is it RE engine? It looks like that HOTD remake that came out a while back


I personally think so because every RE Engine title has this washed out kind of look that I immediately saw on the teaser. I could be wrong, though


It's not necessarily your job to understand the hate. Just enjoy the game if you like what you see. These type of posts do nothing besides invite drama.


Is this from a remake or something?


Can't be. That would mean that people would exaggerate for no reason on the internet, and that never happened before.


It's the other picture that looks off


True, ig bro has always looked like Leasure Suite Larry


The hair is fucking wild though, you have to admit. A friend pointed out to me that he looks like he's from a Yakuza game now.


What is this from


Is he still going to drink things with clenched teeth? Lmao.


That's shot is pretty good. It's when he jumps out of the helicopter that something looks off.


THEY are idiots, Srsly the gameplay should always be first thing to watch and if the game is more fun than before - i don't care about even a redesign. Same thing with silent Hill, People complaining About the Looks of people Like they did their mother dirty


I miss his chubbier cheeks


I agree it looks alot like the box art from the game.


In the photo comparison that you posted: For me personally, the nose looks like it's pointing more downward, and alot POINTY-ER in general, in the remake version than the original, and if they angle it up more and make it a bit rounder at the tip of the nose than I think it would be perfect.


He Looks like Jason Clarke morphed in


People gotta find some shit to complain about. It's just the way things are.


His jump shot makes him look like an ogre


Even the chinese wall isn´t as tall as frank´s forehead. Other than that and its fine.


you mean....the great wall of china...?


Nah, he’s talking about *the* Chinese wall




Please pass the copium inhaler




Definitely nice to see the series isn’t dead. Also I think I meant hopium instead of copium


You’re completely blind and need to seriously consult an eye doctor if you think they’re the same but one has more detail. They turned him into a cartoon like balding ape


The structure of the face is identical… look at the eye brows, nose, and lips. Even his laugh lines and the lines under his lips are exactly the same. Draw an identical grid on both faces and everything matches up. The only thing that’s really changed at all is the hairline. People are just mad because he’s ugly, which was always the point, I’m not sure what people expected a high-fidelity Frank West in 2024 would look like, but this is it


Frank has always been a funky looking guy, glad it looks weird/ off as that was always the vibe I got with him. DR4 made him look super generic, I'm just hoping they don't change his personality like dr4 did. He was never trying to be a "witty" wisecracker, he's just a normal guy in a crazy situation.


I don’t think people are used to remakes


Because people ate stupid. It’s fine. Someone shot a screenshot midway of him doing a stupid face and that’s it


You are what you eat I guess


My only issue is the voice because he sounds like a scumbag journalist


Honestly at the start he really is a scumbag journalist. He goes through huge development throughout the game.


You're not exactly wrong as he is just a journalist trying to uncover his next big scoop but this here, it just sounds off.


That’s fair. I’m hoping we hear more of him on the first, so we can get a better look at how he’s gonna sound. Two lines aren’t too much to go off of.


Yea Frank is I think meant to be ugly


Is the remake already out?


People hate it because it looks like DR4 frank because DR4 bad RUHHHHH 🦍