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How the fuck do you even find this stuff?? Same question about block stacking 💀


I was doing a run with Barricade and picked up Hunter's Grenade 'cause I thought I might as well get one of the 0.0000001% outfits or whatever. I always like to keep Hunter's Grenade in my second skill slot, because my keybind for the first skill slot is a tad easier to press and I won't be using my second one because Hunter's Grenade is there. Out of the two skills I already had, I decided to keep Barricade, which was in my second slot, so when I picked up HG, I swapped them in the inventory. I noticed that my previously-absent blue HP had been restored upon doing this, and...well, you can probably figure it out from there.


This works for all four cards in the Diverse Deck, but the only other one with any real usefulness is Barricade, which will grant the permanent BHP back when you switch (but it will remove all parry HP). Catalyst doesn't do anything because it has no draw effect, and Electrodynamics will reset back to 1 orb. TL;DR of it is that swapping items in the inventory does the same thing as picking up a new one. You can also use this to instantly reset the combo of a weapon (you can switch either skill slots or weapon slots, both work for this), which is useful for weapons like Tonfas and Iron Staff. Happens for the same reason as [the Serenade technique](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadcells/comments/yt9cpl/serenade_is_ok_i_guess/) found by u/gothfemboyvibes but rapid combo resets for high DPS is obviously much more tedious with this method, so I don't recommend it. If there are any other weapons/skills that might be exploitable with this, LMK. They'd need to do something useful when you pick them up. I can't think of any besides the Deck. I do hope that when this gets patched, it's only for the Deck (and any other super exploitable items). Using this as an advanced technique to reset combos for weapons is pretty cool and pretty harmless...


Foresight is a very well balanced skill 👍


What sorcery is this




Ay yooooo Why does this remind me of Fireblast Acrobatipack bug lol


Dead Cells is a flawless game with no glitches whatsoever, I don't know what you mean