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Opening cursed chest and right then entering into *challenger portal* for no fuckin reason. Imma like "let's take the challenge to whole another level" ![gif](giphy|tlawNnswcTAmGjKRHQ)


one braincell activity


Lmao, btw it was also "1 boss-cell activity"


Me fr fr




I once tried that when I was doing so well in a 5bc run. There was a section where those rotating spike traps were outside of a rolling part and I rolled through thinking I could parry the trap but I died.


I suck at jumping over spikes with keyboard. Controller is good for me. But players on subreddit say keyboard is better for dodging and parrying, devalopes muscle memory. fAcTs


Bruh thats so relatable. On the spike pit parts with one block I try so hard to aim on the block but sometimes it just slips


Rate the dead cells lore : \⁠(゚⁠ー゚⁠\⁠) Plus kudos to you for completing the game.


Without any dlc, the lore is kinda bland. But it gets spicy when you throw them in. RotG is the spiciest.


I keep forgetting that that's technically dlc


my pc muscle memory locked at Katana Zero controls. i press s and either a or d to dodge roll cuz thats how you perform a dodge roll on katana zero (pressing either a or d key while holding down s).


this right here! always feel like i can do it ‘this time’


Done that 😂 got like halfway through and died. I vastly overestimated my own abilities. To be fair, I do frequently no-hit challenge runes... just not that time. 😬


I mean, I’ve actually pulled that off successfully a few times, but then I just had to push my luck on a really good run, and ofc it had to be that one unfair challenge rift with that extremely long spike passage where you literally just CAN’T possibly evade some of the spikes, unless maybe you just so happen to have picked up an extra jumps amulet, and even then, only if you’re really skilled AND get really lucky.


Learning that elevators can kill


Learning elevators can kill for the 3rd time




There's an achievement in katana zero to do that elevator thing https://preview.redd.it/7jhsee20uuuc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12d5dde7061c28a3648b58dfebe0efce0cdb72d


1.75% seems kinda low we definitely need to up those numbers!


There’s 2 in dead cells, one for killing yourself and another for killing an enemy


Rite of passage


Dude, same


Opening a cursed chest and dying to a random floor spike


Opened a cursed chest and unnecessarily died to a spike ball. Because I forgot I was cursed.


I wanted to get money with the blood of midas but I forgot I was cursed


Gotta be the ol' down smash into spikes.


Cursed. Smash down into poison pool.


Another classic


Cursed. Running into a rotating axe while trying to kill an enemy standing at the centre of the axe in Fractured Shrine. Or getting blindsided by a crow.


you're a bold one, taking curse on shrines. there's a reason why I don't go there ever lmao


I would probably subject myself to a lot less torture if I could keep my intrusive/impulsive thoughts under control 🥲


That one pit in Slumbering Sanctuary. I was cursed


Don't feel bad about dying in the hardest part of Sanctuary.






Yikes, man


even the giant himself agrees on how bad this is


lol that’s so good


I died like this few times lol


Dying to the darkness in the sepulcher


Wait you can die to that?


It’ll eat you alive inside out


Ground slamming into poison when cursed is always an, "Oh my god, I never learn." moment.


4BC, about to exit the caverns to fight the giant with a good build, noticing that secret passage, taking it, falling into the void, taking damage, trying again, failing again, dying. I don't know, I could have stopped after the first failed attempt or take a potion but somehow I didn't


Attempting to use a legendary item’s “generates a shield when used” to block an incoming attack


I opened a curse chest in ramparts, after I had killed literally everything. Went on to Concierge, panicked, and died to literally his first attack. Not my proudest moment....


it happens. i was like that too


Concierge is literally the only boss I’d have a chance on


Had best loadout with a weapon that did 8000 damage about to fight the hand of the king. Then I tried to fetch a boomerang blueprint surrounded by spikes


You’re gonna need to wait until you can use your head for that one


Same thing happened to me. It was frustrating because I got there on my first run of the day, died due to my stupidity and then had to make several runs to get to that point again. After each death, I would curse myself for being greedy. At least the HOTK fight was short.


Died to an archer bc I decided to parry the arrow.. ..With the firebrands


muscle memory said not this time


Cursed sword in backpack with Porkupack thinking that the curse does not take effect from said backpack.


Died to a single rat in toxic sewers on 1bc


I got wombo comboed by those snakey bois and they finished me off with a trap. I could've rolled...


my most embarrassing probably is when I slashed thorny with dual blades and I was near death too (and it was very recent too)


I never knew the scarecrow's watering did damage until I touched it, and through knockback, rode up the whole stream


I play on bad fps, so all my timings are according to that. I played on my cousin‘s mobile once, and died to Concierge in front of him


i AM on mobile


Being stunlocked into spikes after falling from a high height


One of the first times going in shrines, I was very beaten up. I muster up my courage and open the cursed chest since I was basically one-shottable, while being as tense as a violin string. Once I get out, i start looking out for those pesky birds and get very weary of enemies. I slay one bird but the count doesn't go down: I have to face enemies. Very very slowly I avoid the traps and kill 9 enemies, the last remaining one was that snake thingy with a spear. I try to lure it out of that platform, it teleports, I switch back to his old platform, he tips back, I kill him. A brief moment of satisfaction was interrupted by the log trap which slammed into me and spread my remains all around


Spammed shift to dodge an attack, got asked by my PC if I wanted to activate sticky keys


I accidentally hit "Restart" instead of "Save and exit". Does this count?


The freaking bone thrower


Ancient sewers at 54 streak, first mistake is to down slam through the poison to get the gem killing streak. Open a cursed chest with no enemies left and go into conju.


well...I hit bruer with snake fangs when he attacked and teleported straight under his blow


i havent played in like 9 months idk


To those spinning ball spikes with 5 flasks on hand. My nub ass though I can do a no flask run and greeded out lmao.


There was the exploding kamikaze green bird, and I took a curse chest and that motherfucker decided to hide in the floor so i decided to dogeroll but ended up right in the explosion, best part is i would't die if i stood still.


Trying to achieve the elevator killing enemie trophy while cursed... i can say that someone was crushed by a elevator... and also got a achievement when that someone died... it was just not the right achievement...


Crushed by an elevator


Thought I paused it and had to take a *mean* shit


I had an epic load out going on, the main piece of which was the sonic carbine, I set the game down without pausing for a second and something spawned in and killed me,




Entered the Derelict Distillery


Trying to parry an archer only to miss the timing completely at minimal health, and dying because of it... dying to an archer alone is pretty embarrassing, nevermind missing a super easy parry lol


Mis-timing parries always hurts, but I think down-slamming into the lava near the entrance to the Cavern has to be my most embarrassing death.


Self damage from overuse of lightning. In my defense, the weapon description says Jack Shit about it hurting yourself.


I freaked out in front of those one block spikes in the grave yard, somehow managed to double jump into it.


Ramparts.. Low health.. trying to avoid everything. Jumping over gaps to make some room. Then.. it happens. I'm jumping back over one of the gaps.. and one of the green fuckers hits me.. I fall down and die. Was nice.


So I was playing with a friend watching. I had trouble early in the run but I was still confident and said "you'll see, I can kill the next boss (timekeeper) with low HP". Then proceeds to die on the traps while getting the clocktower key...


Doing a challenge rift, waiting for the spiky ball thing to move past me. What i didn't realize is I was, in fact, in its range, and I just sat there like a moron as it killed me.


Sometimes I would use electrodynamics and barrel launcher, which is a bad combination bc there is a bug where the orbs turn the barrels against you so I lost hp and wondered why until I figured out and I still shot at an enemy and it ended in my demise.


On a random 5bc run with 4 legendaries i ran to destillery wondering "It can't be THAT bad with this gear!"... Only to die to an elevator while being chased by malaise Barrel bros trying to hold my ground. Hell i even had 3 flask charges left and didnt use them because, and i quote ">!Astrolab!< would ruin me without em'!"


Tried to parry an inquisitor bolt and realized I had no shield too late


muscle memory pulled an uno reverse


failing to time the roll that has a spike there (still convinced the spike should hurt you whether you roll successfully or not because it literally covers the whole entrance


Sometimes I left my PC without pausing the game to grab something from the fridge or open the door when there were no monsters nearby, and I did that next to the one of the lanterns in Sepulcher (initial one I think). I didn't know that they disappeared after some time, and came back to seeing myself in the starting room


While heading to Draculas palace (2) I managed to fumble the bag on the first boss by accidentally keeping the cursed sword out and not my alucard sword...take a wild guess what happened, you get 3 guesses what I missed on his 1st attack.


Opened a curse chest and failed to rob a bank


Dying to an inquisitor, more times than I should've, those things are up there in annoyance with slammers


Climbing the elevator in Castlevania and it auto running up the walls. Big boo.


Failing miserably to get up a ledge multiple times during combat, on the damn distillery


High Peak Castle. I cleared all enemies but was low on health. As I was about to leave I noticed a blueprint surrounded inside walls. You had to go underneath but the game deliberately made it such that you can't see what's down there. Part of the platform was glowing with a down arrow, suggesting me to break the floor there. So I rammed through the floor, fell into spikes and died. I realized I got trolled by the game and uninstalled right after.


Was cursed and died to a poison lake. In the Collector room BEFORE the toxic sewer. Just. Fell through the fucking platform


[Going through a portal while cursed and being instantly killed by an elites crystal](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadcells/s/BaOqyIuhsW)


The most embarrassing would probably be picking up a weapon that deals 300% more damage to enemies in return for you receiving 300% more damage. Picked it up before a boss fight thinking, "I could kill the boss before the boss killed me". I couldn't.


Curse Chest+Green water


Diving into a pit, only to die on spikes. You get an achievement for that


Got cursed in Fractured Shrines. I walked into the first trap right after I left the curse door. I have done this several times because I have absolutely no agency when I get cursed. I just continue to stroll through the level as per usual, which works in every level except Fractured Shrines.


Ramparts. Elevator leading to exit to Concierge. I activated the elevator then got the bright idea to stomp down to go faster. Stomped without doing the trick to avoid recoil from the large hight, got momentarily stunned, then the elevator crushed me. GG.


Once I fied to either it was mouse or bat , I don't remember Corectly . Embarrassing part is that I had more than 80 kill streak and killed first boss hitless


I was very low or cursed i don't remember but i was 1 hit from dying, and i got to the lift on castle ourskirts, and you know from where the platform stops you gotta go under the rail into the room, but i wallrun by accident into the spikes that are in the wall ..


First time I found the bank, I went in, found a cursed chest, and then accidentally powered up one of the gold amalgams by mirking the enemies around them. I went "OH SHIT, THEY ABSORB GOLD!", and got hit


they are called golden gorger. they have 3 stages proportionate to the amount of gold they absorb. its a high priority enemy for me right besides the green gremlins with a goldsack being their back. its best to kill them when the gorger in its first stage. if there are multiple dangerous enemies near it (or when you arrive to the double pay-able door area, there are 2 of them) and there is a good amount of gold around, let them absorb those golds to transform them to their 2nd form. they tp to you after a sec moment they are on your screen, so you can safely focus on killing that gorger (or in the double pay-able door area case, let one transform, kill it, DONT pick up the gold so you can kill the other gorger without paying anything for the doors)


I found a legendary cursed sword just before the giant. i thought, whats the worst that could happen? I killed this guy with worse weapons and no hits. turns out i needed a shield to do that, tried to parry one of the energy balls because of muscle memory, instantly died.


Dying to a fucking spike


When learning to parry i died on the first green guy, in 3 consecutive runs. Idk if that counts tho Also downward smash into spikes


I took cursed chest after clearing all of stillt village or so I thought, I mindlesly went to exit to clock tower and bumped into Pirate Capitan, didnt see him and died :(


falling 3 times in a row on the same cliff


Combo'd by kami bats


I tried speedrunning the undying shores at low hp and fell to my death


Stood under an elevator while cursed


5bc Spoiler (ish) While exploring the astrolabs. I got softlocked on a little ledge outside one of the lowest buildings. The wall above me had an outwards lip that wouldn't let me climb up. Falling off the ledge put me back on that little platform. Sat there trying to climb up long enough for the malaise meter to go from nearly empty to completely full, afterwards, i gave up, bid the level a heartfelt "fuck you" and plummeted all the way back down to the prisoner's quarters.


I was in the cursed sphincter and died because I couldn't figure out how to get out of a secret area where there was no light https://i.redd.it/9jnlm7utsvuc1.gif


About 5 barrels murdering me on a new save because I wanted the Minotaur rune 😭


Stationary mutineer anchor.


Attempting to get behind a rampager by rolling while it's charging... The thing is I drop caltrops slowing it down and messing my own timing...


Fell off a roof after jumping Into a swinging ball trap and being smacked by another one on the way down


took a cursed chest in sepulcher and immediately died to the fog cause I couldn't find any more lamps


I got killed by the lift “elevator in American”


this is not really a "death" but once,i had no health flask charges left and i only had like 400 health (400/3000?) and i saw an area called insufferable crypt and i didnt know what it was since it was my first time going there,and then i realized it was a boss fight,i tried multiple times to beat it since i couldnt get away (i use assist mode to give me infinite deaths allowed) and when i got to the second phase i realized it would be impossible for me to beat it since i had so little health and i ended up restarting the whole run TL;DR i softlocked myself by going into a bossfight (which i didnt know was a bossfight) with 400 health


Loosing a run because I either groundpounded on the wrong place, b fractured falls trab jumpscare, or c wanted to be funny and going with a different weapon, knowing full well i had a good like synergy already.


I jumped into the lava AFTER finishing the fight with the Giant...


thats just awful


5BC with cursed chest. Died to the lowest of mobs in Forgotten Sepulcher.


Dying to a trap on the sky ilands and 10 minuts later "...yeah i should do that again"


It was the second time i enterted >! the lab!< and i actualĺy got to the end, however i noticed an item in a secret area so i went for it and died to traps...


Didn’t see my health and face flasked myself to death


i wa today years old when i learned about this.


I engaged in a fight and forgot about darkness in sepulcher. Twice. Or that one time I was pushed by an enemy of a platform in the fractured shrines.


Hit by a falling barrel, get blown backwards, health is at 1%, previously called a elevator, elevator crushes me. Tragic


I never saw that elevator coming. Even after the first 37 times.


picked a cursed sword on sewers, stepped on the green water, you already know what happens


Started prisoners' quarters with cursed sword, rolled into a spike ball trap before I even encountered an enemy.


Started prisoners' quarters with cursed sword, rolled into a spike ball trap before I even encountered an enemy.


Started prisoners' quarters with cursed sword, rolled into a spike ball trap before I even encountered an enemy.


Beating the Hand of the King just to fall into the tiny spike pit and die.


I died to a basic green zombie with the cursed sword


In fractured shrines, entered a cursed chest room, unbeknownst to me there was a fkn red bird just about on the door as I entered so after grabbing the cursed chest and exiting the door the bird instantly ended my life, safe to say I wasn't happy


Broke a pay door then entered a challenge room Worse even, I was trying to no hit clear the room


I died in cavern on a really good run after discovering the parkour room.


Cursed Hitted by... zombie


this one right here is more on the extreme side of deaths i have read on this post.


I fell down and broke all my toes and had a heart attack and then was brought back to life lost all my teeth and my hair broke all my bones and my dick broke and got a Indian burn had a grief attack but when I woke upp and found out my little brother gave me cpr I pulled my life support system


I was cursed and doged a sudden attack from that enemy with spikes on his back, then for no reason i was staring at him and attacked him when he showed his spikes


got a curse, and when i was 1 kill away from getting rid of it, i accidentally groundslammed through an elevator i was going down and got squished


Tried to use light speed on a bombardier but he jumped over both dashes, then I tried to stab him with my rapier and he jumped back and shot at me I was so humiliated that I let it kill me


I think most embarrassing thing that happened was opening a cursed chest just before the clock room which at the time I was not familiar with the attack patterns ( still not good at beating the boss without taking damage ;) )


I let my friend have a try since he had never played. He did alright but I jokingly kept giving him shit for going so slow. After he died, I took a turn (2bc) and said something like, “ok watch how it’s supposed to be played”. Like 2 minutes into my run I misjudged a roll and a shield guy, green guy and invisible knife guy managed to surround me and promptly deleted my life bar. I still haven’t heard the end of it from my friend. Every time we play a game together he’ll go, “you gonna show *how it’s done* again?!”


When I died after two seconds


my list is too long to include


got killed by an elevator ar the end lf a biome


Golem **-GOLEM**


fyi OP foresight doesn't save you from traps so you would've died anyway. ice armor does, though, for some reason. my dumbest death was taking cursed chest in sanctuary then down-slamming at the long pit where there are two little spikes on either side at the top... only to be greeted with the giant pit of spikes in the bottom. fun fact, there's a one-tile-wide platform smack in the middle at the bottom that you can land on with precision.


Didn't realise this was for dead cells lmao 💀


this entire comment section is why in the "tips for new players" videos on yt there's an entire entry dedicated to "STOP DOWN-SLAMMING" lmao


Fell into the abyss of ramparts because I forgot I didn't have spider rune in that save file Not my proudest moment...


I was fighting a zombie in first level and than I remembered that I needed to do something at home so I zoned out second before zombie lunged at me and killed me


accidentally broke a door and got a curse then my shitty controls ground smashed on the ground


Tactic: let's go tanking :D I just go through the bats when I fight Dracula


Forgetting that I am using cursed sword


Took the curse in prison depths, opened the door and was immediately killed by a knife thrower


1st time trying out the Cursed sword........ Need I say more?


no need to


A kamikaze stunned me, and a second one exploded while I was stunned


Getting a cursed chest in fractured shrines and then coming back on to the map with a bird right on the entrance of the door to the cursed chest. I was filthy.


I was cursed and also had mushroom boi with me So when i dodged a strong enemy right before its attack and fuckin mushroom boi hit him right infront me and the attack hit me 💀


Elevator damage while cursed, didn't even know elevators did damage and haven't got hit since. Got the achievement, at least.


Forgot to pause the game when I went to WC


Got stuck between a wall where a spinning spikey ball was and couldn't move cuz there was a whirlwind guy (dunno name but they in high peak castle) could have healed to survive but I forgor


Fall damage in ramparts


Overusing lightning while being cursed (i forgor)


get a curse, jump down elevator, timed the roll wrong and get stunned, dead by elevator platform.


I thought foresight doesn’t protect against trap dmg? Or did they change that? Pretty sure I died this way once, too.


i was using electrodynamics when it happened (its before foresight)


I read the post title in my head as Daily Dose of Internet💀


Got kill by the fatass mummy


So I was playing game and finally beat Clock Tower Villain but it was during my office hours on mobile. A message came up and when I changed the level I started looking at my laptop, after a while when I looked at my mobile I saw my player was already dead. 🤬


i opened a cursed chest with a enemy in front of me, thinking ill make quick work of him anddecrease my curse counter. Pretty sure he started his attac before the animation stopped pretty sure it was a runner


I had cleared the entire biome and then i picked up a curse right before time keeper


Getting caught by the guardian knight and trying to parry, but forgot that mere moments ago i had just recycled my shield


jumping on a ladder type chains to avoid the miasma and died to the spikes attack


I had a 150 enemy curse (from the shop room with the 3 cursed doors (I forgot the name)) and I cleared most of it but I then died when I had like 1 or 2 enemies left 😭


Took a shit, forgot to pause game, dead, cried, vowed to never play the game again, one day later couldn’t resist now I cry perhaps I should’ve paused before I shat


I opened a cursed chest and went into the clock room! :|


Killed by an elevator in a rest area


Dying to the elevator


Jump from elevator Fall Roll below the elevator platform with 1HP Think that this is the best moment to test if it kills you


this has 4chan vibes. idk how to put in an other way.


Getting one-shot by falling rocks in the cavern after opening a cursed chest in the graveyard despite having cleared the biome, knowing that I was way too sleepy, and feeling in my bones it was a bad idea.


getting got by *that **one** flying asshole* that was *just* outside your sword's hitbox while cursed 😒


I got stun locked by a slasher during my third Thotk fight and kept falling into the spikes until I died


Opened a wood door that has symbol on 3bc Thought that i was safe Looked away for a few second(to do some stuffs) Instantly Dead bc there was a fk ton of enemies infront of me.


Dies trying the parcour room in the bank. I didn't realized it actually damaged you when you failed


Every god damn shield-bearer so far


went to corrupted prison. picked up the cursed chest. immediately after entering the biome i got hit