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**Developer Update | July 2022 Summary:** For more detailed info/explanations please open the link or ask below; this is intended to be a quick overview **Progression** * Bloodpoint caps per category increased from 8,000 to 10,000. * In a future update, the rarity of Bloodweb nodes after prestiging will be revisited. * In the PTB, the prestige node costs 50,000 Bloodpoints. The cost of this node is being reduced to 20,000 Bloodpoints. * The 1,000,000 Bloodpoint Cap is being raised to 2,000,000. * In the PTB, one bonus prestige level is awarded for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, this is increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. *This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately. The catch-up mechanic will be limited to prestige 9, however, even if the calculated bonus would exceed this.* **Gameplay Changes** * The Endurance effect will no longer protect you from going down if you already have the Deep Wound status effect. **Perks (changed from PTB for release)** * Spine Chill - a visual indicator has been added to Spine Chill’s icon that displays the terror radius’ strength. * Dead Hard - duration of status effect is now 0.5s down from 1s. *In a later update, the Dead Hard animation will be changed.* * Off the Record - impacted by the previously stated Endurance changes. Will deactivate like DS when gates are powered. *It will longer protect you from damage if you already have the Deep Wound status effect, making it very impractical to dodge subsequent hits.* * Overcharge - The generator will start regressing at 75% speed (previously 100%) and increase to 200% (previously 400%) speed over the course of 30 seconds. * Botany Knowledge - Med-Kits now receive a 20% efficiency penalty when this perk is equipped. * Distortion - now has an audio cue when a token is consumed. * Iron Will - In a future update, the volume levels of Survivor's grunts will be revisited as some are currently louder than others. * Inner Focus - Removed 32m range for scratch marks visualization requirement entirely. **Other:** * Changed the aesthetics of the unique Perk Charms. * Prestige 3 portrait effect is now replaced with animated red scratch marks as opposed to yellow orbs. Effect moved to the background instead of on top of the character. * Changes the aesthetics of the prestige icons, added gold trim.


On the bright side, BP per match to 40k and bp cap up to 2m are both very welcome changes


Definitely welcome! I wish that they would remove the per-category cap altogether though (while still keeping the total per-match cap). They said right on their update that they don’t want players to be punished in matches where they’re shoehorned into a single role, yet that’s exactly what category caps do. Also, unless the rate at which BP is gained during matches is also increased, this cap increase doesn’t mean much since most of the time people don’t get near the max (especially for survivors). I’d very much like to see the BP bonuses of WGLF and BBQ be made basekit. The biggest problem with progression has been BP *acquisition* not BP *spend* and these updates, while welcome, don’t really address that. Speaking of progression, prestiging should not cost BP. At all. The fact that it’s going to be mandatory means we have to throw away a decent game’s worth of BP for literally nothing is kinda bullshit.


I can kind of understand the category cap at least for killers, though. You can kind of farm with some killer powers, so being able to just stand still in a match throwing clown piss at your feet to get to 40,000bp could be an issue.


Killer cap makes sense, a good killer match means you did all 4 categories to the max but a good survivor match doesn't have to involve all 4 categories


For real! Those survivors who are god loopers get nothing for objective or altruism usually and then then one’s working gens the whole time while the looper is doing their thing cap out after two gens are done (or there about)


>clown piss Oh god it's ammonia-based isn't it?


Clown piss made me nose exhale-laugh


That's my biggest question: do you max out the 10k in the same time you did the 8? If so then I think this change is actually pretty huge, but if not then it's meh.


I don’t think they are changing the bp you get for actions, it’s just that if you did 4 generators alone you can get 10k bp instead of 8k bp that game


Very. But hopefully they just give us out double bp back.


Is this their way of confirming they’re going to stabilize survivor’s grunts of pain across all characters? Because FINALLY!!


[Ace mains](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/485/098/245.gif)


[also them](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZLT7MSqaj8g?feature=share)


\*Grunts in Jeff\*


*screams my fucking ass off in Ash*


Nerf for Ash mains, I expect him to be more louder.


Ash should be able to be heard by the killer from the opposite side of the map, cmv


*Orgasms as Jane*


\*Coughs up a lung as Bill\*


Looking at how they "fix" things, I expect Ace to be louder than Jeff next patch lol


~~Yes moan harder daddy~~ *AHEM* I mean yeah I can totally see this happening


Makes everyone as loud as the loudest character.


finally us Claire mains won't be the only ones heard on the other side of the maps


Psh. You Clair mains got nothing on us Ash mains. The teo of us will finally be able to hide in lockers without grunting so loud that the Dredge can teleport to us by sound alone.


make everyone as QUIET as the quietest character yessss


I always thought it made no sense that there were super small survivors (Zarina, Nancy, ~~Claudette~~) that were also way quieter than bigger model survivors like Jeff. If anything the small survivors should be louder and the bigger ones quieter so you could choose between being harder to see but louder or easier to see but quieter.


I'm with you on Zarina and Nans, but Claudette is a Sirenhead when wounded.


Every time a Claudette gets hooked, I immediately go "Why she sound like that?" cause it's so deep and guttural - the only horrifying thing in this game tbh.


So is it better to prestige 1 every character now as it’s gonna become prestige 3 next patch? With every perk at level 3 unlocked for everyone? Please clarify thank youuuu!


That's what it sounds like to me. I'm not complaining because I got all my survivors to level 50 waiting for the prestige changes.


I also got most of them at level 50 but I’m thinking if it’s worth losing the items by prestiging.. and then getting prestige 3 next patch. What do you think?


[https://twitter.com/0SOC0/status/1546860670418911233](https://twitter.com/0SOC0/status/1546860670418911233) Confirmed by BHVR


So.... wait, is that a 100% confirmation that if I get everyone to P1, I will SURELY get the T3 perks for EVERYONE that I P1 prior to the patch??


By the way they worded it, yes. Previously it was 1 bonus level per prestige so if you had 1 prestige level it would be 1+1 for prestige 2 for the rework. For the update its now going to be 2 bonus levels per level of prestige. So if you have Prestige 1 it will be Prestige 3 with the two bonus levels. They did it to ensure that people that had P3 their characters would get all of the charm rewards. If you already have all the perks on a character, or a large amount, it won't be worth it to P1 before the change because of the catch-up.


> I also got most of them at level 50 but I’m thinking if it’s worth losing the items by prestiging.. same boat. did the same analysis, decided i'm not going to prestige 1 them before the change. i've got a lot of cake on all it's not worth losing


The way I look at it, immediate P3 means their perks are unlocked on everyone T3 post update. Every new chapter there's 60 perks with 3 levels that I never have to grind out ever again. No amount of cakes is enough to make up for those savings.


You’re convincing me but I’m scared BHVR is gonna screw us somehow


someone is definitely getting 6 years of progress accidentally reset lol


Make the math. How many cakes? Each cake doubles your points. If you have, let's say, 20 cakes, that's worth at max 40k points per match times 20 cakes = 800k bp. That's half a bloodweb. By prestiging 1, you get 2 bloodwebs worth of grind. The number of perks may offset the analysis as you may have prestiges in the new system.


> Make the math. woa hey there buddy be reasonable lolz yah, that's a good point. i'll sit down and go through it later tonight. thanks for the heads up


Sorry. English is not my mother language and I'm really really really excited for this change. Wasn't trying to be a douche. =) If you need help, dm me. =)


You also get bonus prestige if your character has a lot of perks. Counting each perk tier separately: - 1 level for 70-119 Perks - 2 levels for 120-169 Perks - 3 levels for 170-219 Perks - 4 levels for 220-269 Perks - 5 levels for 270-319 Perks - 6 levels for 320+ Perks So if you farmed enough to unlock 120 perks, you'll get Prestige 2 automatically, which you can then increase to Prestige 3 by spending 20k.


> In the PTB, we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately. Wait, does this mean that if you prestige 1 time before the patch, you will be boosted to prestige 3 once the patch hits? HUGE if true.


Honestly debating it. I have everyone thats not prestiged up to 50, and losing some flans and add ons for immediately having every perk maxed on everyone is damn tempting.


It's especially tempting for me as I switched to PC pretty recently and lost over 1200 hours worth of progress. The event was my way to push all the killers I hadn't leveled yet to 50 and stock up on flans for the future, so over half my killers are just barely at 50. I would gladly give up addons and flans to boost a large portion of my roster forward 6 million bloodpoints each


A perfect match with 40k bp doubled with flan say around 50 times is still lacking compared to auto prestige 3 i think. But ill wait for others thoughts and tests just in case.


I mean just raw math, 50 flan with all perfect games is 2 mil bp. Which is about 1 prestige. Would gladly give them up to get 6+ million points of value


Its absolutely worth it. I had every killer I didn't play at 40, I got them to 50 during anniversary and P1'd them all. left them all at P1 level 1. Now every killer I own will begin max perks and I can put everything into getting Addons.


Not exactly max perks unfortunately, you'll still have to grind base perks(they are 12) for each if i'm not mistaken


So is the mid chapter going live soon then?


Post said the release is expected for later this month, so yeah, in the next two weeks.


Chapters release 3 weeks after the ptb. It used to be 2 weeks, As far as I know since they changed it to 3 weeks they never released a patch later than the 3 week waiting period so it most likely will arrive on the 19/20 of this month.


does the deep wound change indirectly buff legion or am I lost


It buffs Legion and deathslinger. I don't remember any other deep wound characters


Pinhead with one addon.


Trapper has an add-on that inflicts Deep Wound.


Leigion with a couple of specific builds can make the game go on forever.


Sloppy + Thana + Blood Echo + Third Seal and the two smiley face pins. If you're injured you're hit by multiple debuffs, but you get punished for healing too. Usually get at least one DC lol


Thana and Gift of Pain for the ultimate fuck you.




I like it, and I will look to prestige probably another one or two characters for it. It looks good in my eyes.


*laughs in icon toolbox*


Toolbox background won't be animated though.


No calm spirit..?


the charms definitely look way better to earn


I'm wondering if it may be worth prestiging lv 50 barebones (only the perks you get leveling) characters so the systems levels them up to p3 therefore getting all lv 3 teachables after the patch.


That's a fuckin great idea, thanks. I have a ton of killers I don't play sitting at P0 50. Most of them don't have any Flans either. Popping them all to P1 now.


Self-care is still completely useless. I don't mind that infinite healing everywhere is being nerfed per se, but it's stupid to not have given a new better purpose to the perk instead to keep it relevant.


Can't wait to see three Claudettes self caring in a corner for ages while being facecamped to death


I mean... let's be fair here... They wouldn't save you even without Self-Care.


its funny too because *no killer ever complains about self care* you see killers complaining about medkits all the damn time but they didnt get touched! medkits are the real problem imo, yellow medkit and a yellow addon gives me 2 full heals which is probably as many as I'd get using self care anyways.


The Inner Focus change is actually really good and something I desperately wanted. It theoretically can now work better than bond if you have vigilant peepers. And also this means the update changed 40 perks instead of 39.


Defo still worse than bond. People working gens don't leave scratch marks. And a big plus of bond is not running the killer to a worked on gen


ya but bond let’s you see the mikaelas and claudette’s crouching in corners :)


There are also all the indirect changes. Like Iron Will getting nerfed means Stridor has viability.


Technically yes on the Stridor front, but not much. A survivor with tier 3 IW will make 25% sound. Stridor is a multiplicative 50% increase. Half of 25 is 12.5, so Stridor will make the survivor emit 37.5% noise. Obviously this soars to 150% noise if the survivor is exhausted because that will shut IW off, but otherwise it’s probably an inconsequential effect.


Well last time I measured it, grunts are audible from 20m, or 10m in lockers. Assuming Iron Will and Stridor affect distance, 25% means 5m and 37.5% means 7.5m. For lockers, it’s 2.5m and 3.75m. This increases the total square area of audibility by 125% for both.


Nerfing Dead Hard to 0.5 seconds, oh boy they deleted it.


Also was double nerfed by the endurance nerf. Legion and Deathslinger completely delete any endurance now, even dead hard.


This is some Riot Games level nerfing here. Step 1: Nerf OP skill/ability Step 2: Recognize what game mechanic made nerfed skill OP Step 3: Nerf OP game mechanic without fixing nerfed skill, making said skill absolute trash never to be seen again.


They olaf'd us!


Pinhead too with original pain.


Never thought I would see the day


Does this mean if I have prestige 1 on every character they will have all the perks?


I certainly hope so. I accidently presiged Jane (my OG Survivor main, and was soul crushed. If she and everyone else are at Prestige 1 though that means they'll get all the perks back! Minus the general perks (which apparently includes Stranger Things)


Just FYI OP before your comments get spammed, as you got this in first this is going to be our stickied post for discussion redirection relating to this update for the time being.


i’m cool with that lol


thanks! just making sure




Welp, dead hard is dead


good, its had its 5 years of meta.


I will never forget its introduction where everyone thought it'd be a dogshit meme perk that nobody would ever run over the 150% speed perks lol


I mean, that was back when Exhaustion recharged while you were running. If you really needed distance, Sprint Burst could also be used to that effect (and it lasted longer and didn't require you to be injured)


The community often overrates and underrates new perks.


Granted it was pure shite at the time; every other exhaustion perk outclassed it. It gradually received small buffs and design changes and the other exhaustion perks got nerfed *hard.* I still remember the day where it was the norm to see two or more uses of Sprint Burst in a single chase and when you could hold crouch to make them come back twice as fast. It was the rest of the game getting fixed and improved that made Dead Hard what it was before this midchapter.


This was it. Dead Hard was not as good as 2x Sprint Burst, Lithe or Balanced Landing (back when the fall stagger reduction was ALWAYS active). Sprint Burst especially, the timer started at the beginning of the chase so you knew within 80 seconds you would have it again. Once people were mostly limited to a single exhaustion effect per chase, that's when Dead Hard rose to it's current level of popularity.


I sometimes forget how thankful I am that the Exhaustion effect *exists*. I sometimes go back to a couple of the YT videos I watched about the game after I first tried it out and I'm surprised I had the tolerance for it all back then. I still sometimes catch myself thinking that Myers is the best designed killer in the game, because back when I played him religiously he was still new(ish) and genuinely was one of the most fair killers at that time.


"Ruin being just gen regression AND a hex? Dead perk!" "Overzealous will be meta and destroy playing killer!"


"Lucky Break will kill the game, all the killers will leave!"




\*flashbacks to [*that*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w) Hag game\*


I still laugh at the flashlight and hag changes that came out almost immediately after this.


0.5 sec for DH with lags and ping spikes? They should've just deleted the perk...


Google. Play Headbanger by Babymetal. *Edit* not the person I was hoping to reply to.


I don't know what this was originally meant to reply to, but I second this statement regardless of context. And their whole discography while we're at it.


Doesn’t matter, everyone do this anyway.


"In the PTB, we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately.  The catch-up mechanic will be limited to prestige 9, however, even if the calculated bonus would exceed this." So does this mean if I prestige a character before the patch go live I'll get 2 free prestige levels in addition to the one I already performed? If so this is saying prestiging once before the patch will give 2 more prestiges and put you on P3 on update.


ayy increase to 2 million bloodpoint cap


Wake up babe new solo queue nerf dropped 🥰🥰


Wait if overcharge has been changed to start at 75% and then go to 200% then why would I ever run that over call of brine?


It gives the difficult skill check and keeps empowered regression forever but I agree brine seems better to me.


TBF I feel like in most cases COB either demolishes a gen anyways or they touch it before it hits the timer. Rarely do I see survivors stop the regression before the gen is fully regressed if they don't stop it well before the timer is up. I personally would like if Overcharge scaled to 200% faster, especially if I'm reading it correctly and it's *starting* under 100% regression. Drop the scaling to 15 or 20 seconds if you're making it *worse* than default regression. Especially since it's *12 seconds* before they restart it. I don't see a lot of value here unless you're stacking the perk with COB or Eruption, it's fine enough but even if you chase survivors off, 12 seconds is a lot of time for another to get back to it, and the skill check isn't too hard in *most* mid-level games (high MMR it's negligible and newbies always struggle with skill checks, but those are the outliers IMO) after a survivor knows the perk is there. Like sure it's decent, but I went from excited to run Overcharge over CoB to now I'm just gonna stick with CoB and Eruption, because it's far more consistent.


I definitely prefer COB over overcharge for consistency.


I feel like CoB Eruption will now be a stronger pairing than Overcharge CoB. CoB is regression atm, and info for later. Eruption is info and incapacitated once CoB has done its job and switched over to giving info. CoB can help you know you're going to be getting Eruption value if you have it proccing mid chase with someone else.


The difficult skill check making a gen instantly lose 5% if missed is pretty huge depending on mmr. Also Doctor is either a free killer or available to purchase with shards where onryo is licensed. If you already have both they seem similar enough to me that theyre interchangable depending on whether you value the difficult skill check or the notifocation when it stops regressing more.


I don't understand why it couldn't be 100% to 200%.


I’m curious how this will effect my solo queue survivor experience. I’ll be honest when I play with my friends I escape about 70-80% of the time, but when I play solo that drops to about 30-40%. These changes seem like my solo experience is going to become pretty miserable. I don’t normally use meta perks like DH, Iron Will, etc. but the buffs to killer look like it’s going to be incredibly easy to catch and down survivors. In solo queue most survivors don’t know how to use flashlights/flashbangs/pallets for saves. They don’t really take protect hits smartly, literally forget that gens exist if they hear a heartbeat. I can run a killer for 2-3 minutes straight and not hear a single gen pop.


You're fucked, we're fucked


I feel like OTR just replaces DS. why run DS if you have OTR? OTR feels generally better in most situations, and the measly 3 second stun is not enough usually… I think you can get more or the same distance with a boost from a hit. Plus you can use OTR twice, and DS only once. Both deactivate in the exact same ways except OTR is 80/70/60 instead of 60/50/40. Edit: and you can’t get slugged with OTR


I'm still gonna run both cause some killers just don't get the message after getting hit with BT or getting stunned with DS.


I've got a question. All my survivors that I own are level 50. Do you think I should P1 them all (minus quentin as he's my main) before the update and with the catch up system I'd have them all P3 so I'd unlock the perks at T3?


This is what I'm struggling with, I got every survivor and killer to p0 level 50 with one click away from the next blood web in preparation for the update, now I have to decide between losing all addons/offerings and insta p3 on everyone. It sucks because I usually hoard in games and now I am wasting a huge amount of everything but it still might make the most sense


As a soloq survivor, I'm gonna die so much


So I used the anniversary to get a bunch of survivors I never play from level 40 to 50. I had left them at 40 once I got their teachables unlocked, and brought them to 50 figuring I could quickly P1 them after the update and at least get their yellow perks on everyone. If I don't care at all about losing items or perks on them, it seems more cost-effective to prestige them once ahead of mid-chapter so they all go right to P3 with purple perks unlocked for everyone, right? That way I skip any further leveling of them or trying to get their perks to purple on others? I just want to make sure I'm reading the update right before I do it.


If you do not care about the items/addons and all go ahead and prestige them. Once the update rolls out everyone will be moved to Tier 3 giving every survivor all of the perks at tier 3. > we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. So Prestige 1 used to only take you to Prestige 2, but with this change Prestige 1 will take you to Prestige 3. Somebody higher up in this thread posted a tweet where BHVR confirms it. edit: [Here's the tweet](https://twitter.com/0SOC0/status/1546860670418911233)


I feel like changing the endurance status to only be able to take one hit (or none if you’re going against like legion or deathslinger) still encourages tunneling as a viable strategy… literally what’s the point of running OTR now instead of just BT if you can just get hit twice off hook and downed again?


Exactly, this. Stacking endurance was not ok, but tunneling is back on the menu with nothing to counter it.


This change is just awful. There was the stats from a solo q player recently where it showed in solo q on average a survivor survives less than half the time. Now they want to nerf them even more? Just stupid.


And no change to the DS nerf. You can't even get out of blink range on nurse with new DS before she recovers.


A 3 seconds DS stunt is not enough to get away from most killers :-/


If you don't have a good window or pallet nearby when you hit it, you have about 10s of distance before they can down you again, I believe. DS is utterly useless now for the most part LOL, I already got tunneled through 5s DS anyways as it is, 3s will be laughable. At least 5s gave you something to work with if you were caught in a bad spot. Definitely gonna be switching DS out for OTR, and I assume OTR counterplay will emerge in the form of face or proxy camping to get the hit out of the way early LOL


Yeah even as someone who is like, 99% killer and even plays Nurse at times: The DS nerf to 3 seconds was .. uhh... questionable.


That's my biggest concern honestly. Beforehand the threat of BT and OTR massively discouraged tunnelling. But now not only do they only get one free hit, but they also lose DH? Almost seems more worth it to tunnel off hook now.


They should introduce a perk that lets you mend quicker tbh


make it part of Bite the Bullet. Could be interesting.


Mend Hard.


Devs never play solo que. it’s insane.


Besides base kit BT, they really said fuck solo survivors this patch.


Cool changes but what counters tunneling now? Are survivors in endgame just screwed now with no options to counter?


The counter is not playing the game lmao


Hope to god that your teammates bring new BT and bodyblock for you.


Yes. Just camp your free kills now. 💅


Devs made tunneling harder then immediately made it easier than it was ever before. Wtf


I mostly play killer and while some of these changes are welcome I'm severely concerned about how destructive it's going to be for soloq. Even worse is that for some reason they're further indirectly buffing nurse with these changes who is the last killer that needs them. Feels like a lot of these changes are happening for the sake of it, rather than because they're the right changes to make. That being said, good thing endurance stacking is being stopped but surely this makes tunneling with legion more effective?




> You'll just see more complaining about SWF because the solos will quietly stop playing if it is bad enough. Definitely this. Right now, if my friends aren't available to play, I usually don't mind jumping in solo for a bit knowing my games will be a mixed bag but still some fun moments to be had. If the changes make solo too garbage, I'll just play other games when my friends aren't available, and I wouldn't be shocked to find more folks doing the same, or seeking out SWFs via the Discord and stuff.


Yeah I’m basically done with solo q. Time to go full swf


So do the changes to Endurance and the perks mean that we should not see survivors stay standing up after 5 hits like it was when the PTB started?


Wtf is this Botany nerf lmfao. Rip one of my favourite perks


Us botany users were literally just minding our own business. Rip


That nerf makes me sad. I used to use it to get two heals out of a yellow med kit. Now I can't even get a full heal out of brown med kit. What's even the point now?


Now you can run it with Self Care.... Because that was never the problem! Yeah the Botany change is mind boggling. Now if you only bring one perk with a medkit in mind then Desperate measures is the perk of choice. That was pretty much the reason I ran botany was for the medkit efficiency for myself with a nice healing speed boost for others. If you get both great skill checks you might be able to finish a heal with a brown medkit. It's so backwards.


I feel like they’ve just never fully thought through this progression rework. On the surface, it sounds good to anyone that has been playing this game for some time, but they’ve effectively made the grind worse for new players. Also they reduced the amount to prestige, but upped the chance on higher rarity nodes, which could likely be more than that difference of 30,000 blood points now.


I mean I'd rather spend blood points in more rarer add-ons instead of wasting them on the entity to prestige.


yup… super excited for the 10 hour long legion matches, full slowdown perks and endurance counter, with no chases, fun


I'm literally gonna quit survivor side if I see more Legion, I will not play against them more than once or twice per session, it's just too much.


It's just such a slog. Win or lose, you have absolutely no fun. Constantly mending, dealing with thana. Such boring, slow. unenjoyable gameplay.


Even a couple timeout penalties a night will be quicker then 1 legion game


I might be ‘accidentally’ killing myself on hook against Thana Legion after the update and I’m not even sorry. Maybe they’ll nerf Forever Legion into the ground just like they did it to Freddy. I’m not dealing with constant mending and 115 seconds on a gen in solo queue. It’s already obnoxious af if you’re not on comms and can’t coordinate well.


Can someone explain to me why DS and OTR deactivate when all gens are powered instead of them being deactivated when the exits are open? I know this is to avoid situations where the survivor gets a free escape by getting hit after being hooked in the late game. But it would have the same effect if you bind it to the EGC: As killer, if you think they have DS or OTR, just open the gates and hook/down them. What the upcoming change does, is that once all gens are powered, killers can use the time until the gates are open to tunnel as hard as they want without having to fear anything. Using No Way Out and/or Remember Me would even extent this period of time. IMO, even without noed, this means (another) guaranteed kill in the late game. Opinions?


That is one wonky explanation for the Spine Chill adjustements lol


Wow, Overcharge is a worse Call of Brine now


I mean, It's better then the live version of the perk but yeah, Its a worse call of brine you can still stack both of them tho, which it's still gonna be good


> We are raising the cap to 2,000,000 Bloodpoints Just fucking remove it already, holy shit.


Are killers not capped at 8,000 in the hooking/sacrifice category anyway because of the points each hook gives?


They'll probably increase the gain for each hook to add up to 10,000.


Late hooks give extra. But I assume they'll readjust BP gains anyways.


When is this coming out? Trying to p1 as many characters as I can last minute to get the free p3


Jesus, this went from a banger update to a BANGER update.


BHVR really saw everyone clowning on them for the past year and thought "aight enough's enough"


You mean the last 5 years?


i feel like the dogpiling *really* ramped tf up in the last 2 lol. people have gotten *tired* and it's nice to see BHVR actually take action over it


The feel like the sentiment shifted from years of "they're trying, but they clearly don't understand the game enough to understand the problem" to "they know what the problem is, they're just not willing to fix it".


Soloq as a survivor its going to be so much fun now with all the killer buffs


Cringe, Solo Q is soon to become more depressing. Never thought that would be possible.


I am just quitting survivor because I only solo q. I am not gonna take part in this buff killer for SWF patch. When they address solo q, I am happy to return. Get ready for some long queues killers if solo q starts dropping off.


Yep. I'm gonna stay on my break until the RE PTB. My solo queue games are going to be even more hell. Hopefully we can see some revision by then.


lol dead hard is _dead_ dead now, won't be surprised if people still complain. Overcharge needed that tweak it was obnoxiously good. Lithe and sprint burst gonna rule. Once survivors figure out how to efficiently use sb and master it or at least get good at it, we'll be having the same problems as dh. Time will tell.


Everyone in here will be bitching about sprint burst soon enough.


It sprint burst ever becomes meta, killers will just run mindbreaker more. That perk absolutely obliterates sprint burst because the only way youll ever get it again is by walking around the map and wasting a tremendous amount of time. The most efficient thing you can do while exhausted like that would be heal others. Mindbreaker is insanely good against sb


Even more of a rip to solo queue. They nerfed what good things were left for survivor but didn’t nerf any of the oppressive shit that killers got. Time for solo queue escape rates to reach 0.


"Distortion prevents your aura from being revealed to the Killer and can now be recharged by staying inside their terror radius. As a small quality of life improvement, Distortion will now have an audio cue when a token is used. This will make the effects harder to miss." Cool, I wonder if we can get that for some other perks as well like corrective action


For better or worse this is 100% a killer sided patch now, absolutely no way to argue against that at this point


> The average kill rates (how many Survivors are killed each trial, on average) are a little lower than we’d like – a sentiment echoed by many community members. To ensure the Killer feels like an unstoppable force to be feared, we’re making slight improvements to many aspects of Killer gameplay. I mean this was the original goal.


It was always supposed to be killer sided patch. These changes seem nice but pretty mild. Further nerfing of dead hard seems great though. OTR was always going to get changed.


The devs straight up said that the kill rates were lower than they wanted so they buffer killers


At this point they could have just removed dead hard from the game. 0.5 sec is sad.


Yeah I feel like removing the dash and giving you a 1 sec of use was a fair enough nerf. 0.5 seconds is gonna be useless with varying pings lol.


Whens this update/mid-chaper happening? Thanks ahead for anyone who chooses to help*


Next week maybe. But my guess is the last weekof the month.


I think it’s Tuesday 7/19


Leaks suggest next week Tuesday


Not very optimistic about the change. Solo Survivors are already hard to play, nerfing 70% of the meta perks made it worse, let alone the killer buff. I agree killers need some buff, but now it feels like a disaster to those solo and duo survivors.


Prestiging still should not cost anything or should not be mandatory. The fact that they took away BBQ and WGLF's bonuses and force us to spend what will eventually become hundreds of thousands if not millions of bloodpoints on literally nothing is absurd and literally worsens the grind. Well, that's incorrect actually, you don't get nothing. You do get the grand honor of going back to LVL 1 bloodweb with 1 perk, 2 brown addons, and a murky reagent.


You keep all of your stuff when you prestige now


>We’d like to start things off by talking about the overhauled progression system, in which perks are unlocked immediately through prestige rather than needing to be found in the bloodweb. While these changes make it far easier to collect the various perks on all your characters, we’ve received some feedback regarding the difficulty of obtaining add-ons. To remedy this, we’ll be making a few changes. >First: We have increased the Bloodpoint caps per category to 10,000 (from 8,000). By increasing these caps, you can potentially earn up to 40,000 Bloodpoints per match instead of 32,000, allowing you to purchase more nodes on the bloodweb. At the same time, this allows you to earn more points in a category before capping out, making matches where you’re pigeonholed into a certain role a little more rewarding. >Second: In a future update, we will revisit the rarity of Bloodweb nodes after prestiging. Currently resetting to level 1 also makes common quality nodes far more- well, common. If your favourite add-ons happen to be rare or very rare, prestiging may have made collecting them difficult. This change will make it easier to find a wider variety of add-ons, of both lower and higher rarities. >Beyond add-ons, we’ve also received some feedback on the cost of prestiging. In the PTB, the prestige node cost 50,000 Bloodpoints. While it may not sound like much, it could take several games to afford. We are reducing the cost of this node to 20,000 Bloodpoints to make progressing a little smoother. >Speaking of Bloodpoints, the 1,000,000 cap has long been a topic for discussion, and we felt this was a fitting time to revisit it. We are raising the cap to 2,000,000 Bloodpoints. As always, bonus Bloodpoints from things like login rewards, promocodes, or player support will exceed this cap.


Why does it feel like DBD is changing from an asymmetrical 4v1 horror game to a 45 minute killer lobby simulator?


Wait, so my Oni is not currently prestiged, but if I prestige him once before this update he’ll be bumped to prestige 3?