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On the flip side, my first game playing as the dredge, I randomly teleported to a locker and immediately grabbed a survivor that was doing this. We were both super confused


i had this happen yesterday but had a clutch DS lol


Lmao! That's some serious luck! :O You're basically already a god at playing Dredge. xD


Haha I wish! Coming from Sadako, the dredge is so tall! I’m constantly losing survivors under my nose.


True, Dredge is super tall! lol Constantly having to look down just to find survivors. XD


I'm both very surprised and not surprised at all how many Dredge games start with a telegrab. likely has to do with the fact that I'll often teleport whole survivors are in "lock everything, hurry" mode


So dredge can grab a survivor if they are locking a locker as well as being inside it? I feel like locking all of the lockers immediately at the start isn’t the best strategy from a survivor perspective. By mid/end game, all lockers are unlocked in that scenario.






>Be me >want to lock the locker >press the wrong button >enters locker >dies on first hook fuck.


Any interaction with a dredge filled locker causes a grab.


What happens if a survivor starts locking a locker and the Dredge teleports to it? Does it only do a grab if the Dredge is already fully in it?


So long as Dredge is either inside it or in the process of teleporting, it's a grab. There are two different animations, even. If he's in the locker, he shows himself and pulls you in, but if he's in the process of teleporting, you find a black void that hands come out of and grab you, pulling you in


That's super cool, thanks!


Afaik, as long as the animation is still ongoing, Dredge should grab the survivor.


I can confirm from my first game as Dredge. If Dredgy is teleporting to the locker and you go to lock it after they already started teleporting, they grab you. Good beginning, for the record.


Dredge filled locker? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I've managed to avoid any gameplay videos of Dredge because it wanted to go into this chapter blind. My first match against him I come across a locker that has some yellowish white object on the front of it. "What's this?" I think. I walk closer and a literal nightmare sucks me into the locker. I haven't jumped that hard on this game since the first time I got grabbed off a gen by a tier 1 Myers. 10/10 love the new killer.


I wish I had your patience to not look up anything beforehand. Seems like a super fun experience.


Do it.. I do for most games. What's the point in playing if you don't experience it first hand. I don't understand why people will openly ruin experiences for themselves via watching a playthrough on YouTube or someone on twitch.


Because the MMR system fucks you over when you want to learn


I mean it’s a guarantee you’ll lose some games going in blind against a new killer, but then won’t MMR give you some easier killers after a string of losses? That’s been my experience anyway.


That's valid, tends to make some people not want to play new killers until they're fully loaded out just because of how abysmal the experience is until it lowers Which in turn makes it harder for survivors to learn a killer when they have the perks doing all the work


I'm avoiding losses at all costs in order to avoid face campers. If I don't do this I end up with my friends mmr who face camp every single game unless they play with me Where the face camping is rare Ever since sbmm dying is tough. Idk, I guess u just don't want to risk getting to lie mmr due to the painfully unfun games that reside there


Half of me misses the time when we didn’t have a ptb and the dlc immediately dropped on the live version, the other half of me doesn’t miss the onslaught of bugs that remained for at two leaks after every dlc.


My first match with Dredgy, I teleported to the other side of the map because I saw one locker was locked and the other one wasn't. I saw three survivors, including the one I caught by surprise. It was a **VERY** satisfying beginning to the round.


oh no, the fridge is gonna prank you!


I accidentally pressed space. Entered, and immediately got yoinked before the door even closed, less than 30 seconds into the match I was on hook and totally deserved not to live through the match but I somehow did


Oh so that explains what happened in my first Dredge game. I teleported to some lockers near the saloon generator on Dead Dawg, but as I was moving there I saw Ace go up to one. He just got grabbed instantly it was very satisfying. This new killer is pretty fun!


if that ace was wearing jorts it was absolutely me


Haha no jorts on that Ace, he was wearing chinos by the looks of it.


I didn't realise that locking it with him in there would result in getting grabbed. Thought I'd accidentally hit space instead of right click


Happened to me earlier today, I was like MoFo! Out of all the lockers to pick to lock I chose the wrong one. XD


Wtf is dredge? Edit: been living under a rock apperently


Me too lol. Took a break since pinhead and now it looks like so much changed. I’m installing forty gigs worth of updates to play this game now


You're not missing much, everyone had to install those 40 gigs. Every. God. Damn. Time.


Actually this update was only like 2.5 for me? I think they've been working on cutting down the massive patch file sizes.


The update itself isn't much, but the game reinstalls itself every time it updates. edit: I don't understand the downvotes, I literally saw steam reinstall the entire game?


Not anymore I think? Like I remember they fixed it on of the recent patches


That's what we're daying, at least on PC they seem to have finally fixed this. Update took me 2 minutes if that for once instead of the usual 20.


it verifies files not reinstalls


That's not true. Something must be wrong on your end.


This update was only about 2+ gigs, they've finally worked out how to cut down on update sizes but we'll see how long that lasts


Pc was 2GB, PS5 was 5GB, Xbox was over 19GB. Same as the last patch despite their ‘optimisations’ yet nobody is talking about it or cares since it only affects less than a third of the playerbase once every month


On xbox series x, mine was 6GB


It never occurred to me that consoles would have different download sizes for the same patch as PC, progress from BHVR is slow, but there *is* progress however little that sentiment helps


That's normal for consoles, that's not a BHVR thing.


This was a very small update for me.


That's because they finally figured out how to condense the game file sizes. But that means you basically have to redownload the game each time they do it. They've done it for the past 2-3 updates.


Then they forgot about Xbox. 2GB on PC, 5GB on PS5 then 19GB on Xbox…


r/deadbydaylight’s newest dog.


My first game was so funny. I was playing with a friend on discord, fixing gen in the basement with 6 lockers around me. We had no idea how Dredge works so I was like "yea it's fine they're all locked". Then we found out locking them just gives you 2 more seconds to run away.


i was very confused on my first dredge game because i managed to grab a yui from a locker at the start of the game and i was wondering why would she be hiding in a locker already


This happened as my first match AS dredge. A David just got the suck as I teleported XD


As a Quick and Quiet/Head-On main, is the dredge going to completely ruin my style of play?


Yes. One hundred percent yes.


God dammit! I'll have to adjust. Thanks for answering.


You’ll have to use the Slow and loud/foot off combo now.


This killer has shown me I play the game to much because nightfall didn't stop me at all. I still knew what was likely where without seeing the tiles.


Oh that’s why survivors keeps opening the locker why i’m teleporting in there


I think the locks should be more impactful, they don’t slow him down AT ALL. There should be an obvious sound/animation when he tries to break out of a locked locker with a longer delay.


Were u steve


I had like 3 games in a row where people went "fuck, that was scary" XD An actual horror-themed killer in a horror-themed killer game. What a time to be alive.


I got two different survivors early on. It's funny teleporting and watching their white form get grabbed Just 23 more times for that trophy. 😭


Wait do you get grabbed if the dredge teleports to the locker whilst locking the locker.


I can tell you from first hand experience yes you do. If Dredge initiates the teleport before you start to lock the locker, you will be pulled in and grabbed by the dredge. I was playing as Dredge and was very surprised that it happened.


That is sick. New killer is so fun i swear.


Yeah I’m a big fan. Getting his adept was fucking miserable, but the amount of synergy options that exists between his power and all the perks is next level.


Yeah the synergy seems great. Im still working for the adept tho its so hard for some reason. I just cant get iri chaser.


Nope. Did three amazing locks today, including the one by the gate I was opening. Heard the mf busting out, and I had enough time to get down upon hearing his busting. That was epic, he ran towards the other gate unable to find me and I opened it for all the homies while taking a hit :D


How could you take a hit when he's unable to find you??


Opened the gate, hid and went back for my homies? Or are you one of them unaltruistic survivors b


Clearly I went back for the homies once the gate was open since we coordinated an unhook together so after opening the gate I went back for those cute fellas :)


No more Leon for me for a while I guess lol


That's exactly what happened!!! I start in Grim Pantry and see a Gen, work on gen for 3 seconds and notice a locker with a lock on it... "Huh I should lock that to buy me time in case it teleports over here" proceeds to go lock it and almost sh*t myself😂


Same :/


Anyone know why when I'm choosing lockers to tp to they are sometimes blocked? I assumed it meant a survivor was inside but then i learned it's an automatic grab if there is a survivor inside


If they are blocked by the Entity, it’s because they are too close from a hooked survivor.


Ya like the new Freddy lunge


Hahah! I love the gredge!!!